Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,678 Promoted to Imperial Order

"Haha, it doesn't matter. If the Xihe Sect really wants to come and ask for punishment, they are asking for trouble." Xia Yunjie said with an indifferent expression.

Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun looked at each other, then nodded insincerely and said: "That's right, that's right."

Although Xia Yunjie was powerful, in their eyes he was still inferior to the Xihe Ancestor who had been a powerful figure in Shiqu County for millions of years. If he really provoked the Xihe Ancestor to take action personally, he would probably not be able to escape the fate of being suppressed and killed. Moreover, the Xihe Sect is a major sect in Shiqu County, with many masters under its sect, but Xia Yunjie's foundation is still very shallow after all, and the most powerful people under his sect are basically Deng Ling and others, which is much worse than the Xihe Sect.

Xia Yunjie could see that Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shunyan didn't mean it, but he didn't point it out. He smiled and changed the subject: "I heard that the two adults came back with a great deal this time."

"Yes, I was just about to ask Mr. Xia to decide on the distribution." Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun suddenly became energetic when Xia Yunjie mentioned the harvest.

The territory controlled by each of these three major forces is actually not inferior to that of Wenqiao Mansion Heavenly Court, especially the territory controlled by Broken Soul Valley is comparable to Wenqiao Mansion, and the amount of wealth they have accumulated is naturally huge. Although Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun knew that the big head would definitely not be their turn, even if they took the small head, the amount was extremely astonishing.

"Haha, what you two adults said is wrong. You are the commanders, so naturally it is up to you to decide the allocation." Xia Yunjie said with a smile,

"Your Excellency has the greatest credit for this trip, so naturally you should be the one to decide the distribution." Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun's hearts skipped a beat when they heard this, but they immediately gave way.

"You two adults don't have to give in. You are the superiors. You should make the decision. The subordinates have no objection at all." Xia Yunjie said.

Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun looked at Xia Yunjie intently for a while. Seeing that he did not mean to be polite, they felt moved in their hearts. They cupped their hands and said, "If we are respectful, we might as well obey orders. But Mr. Xia, don't worry, regarding Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang, we I will definitely report it to the master, and I will not let Mr. Xia carry it alone."

"Haha, you two adults are interested, but the Xihe Sect is really not a problem." Xia Yunjie laughed, and then stood up and left the lobby, leaving Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun to discuss the harvest counting and distribution.

A few days later, Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun jointly visited Xia Yunjie at the commander's residence on East Road and presented the distribution list to Xia Yunjie for review.

Xia Yunjie saw that almost 90% of the harvest from this trip was attributed to himself, while Wei Haichuan and others only took 10%. This 10% also included the property to be transported to the county government.

Xia Yunjie smiled, picked up the pen and drew about 50%, then said, "Everyone worked hard this time, and some soldiers even lost their lives. How come I have so much to myself?"

As the saying goes, birds die for food and people die for wealth. Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun were shocked when they saw that Xia Yunjie had harvested so much without blinking an eyelid.

"Master Xia, this..."

"That's it!" Xia Yunjie said involuntarily.

So the harvest was determined like this, and many casualties and soldiers received a lot of pensions because of Xia Yunjie's harvest. Later, I don't know who leaked the news, saying that it was all because Xia Yunjie gave up more than half of his deserved harvest, which made Xia Yunjie, the east route commander and general judge, more and more famous in Wenqiao Mansion.

A few days later, transfer orders and appointments came from the county government.

The transfer order was directed at Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun, who were transferred to serve in the county government. The appointments were for Xia Yunjie and Wei Chong, appointing one of them as the magistrate of Wenqiao Mansion and the other as the military commander of Wenqiao Mansion.

This time, Xia Yunjie took the greatest credit for putting down the rebellion and regaining the territory of the three major forces. Wei Chong opened Sidu County and defended the city with Wei Haichuan and others. Later, he participated in quelling the rebellion and regaining the territory of the three major forces. He also contributed a lot. big.

As soon as Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun received the transfer orders, they got up and left Wenqiao Mansion that day.

Xia Yunjie personally escorted them out of the city gate and gave each of them a generous gift. He naturally knew that this time he and Wei Chong became governors and commanders respectively. It was due to their own contributions. A large part of it was also because Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun themselves and their masters had done a lot of work. reason.

Of course, their sect also did this to show their goodwill towards Xia Yunjie and establish a friendly relationship with him. After all, Xia Yunjie's strength was so great that it would be a good thing to win him over.

However, no matter what the purpose was, Xia Yunjie still accepted this feeling. His wings are not yet full, and what he wants is to climb up to a high position step by step and establish his own power without showing off. What Wei Haichuan and the others did was exactly what Xia Yunjie wanted.

After sending Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun away, the next day, Xia Yunjie sat high up in the lobby of the government office for the first time, with civil and military officials from Wenqiao Mansion sitting in two rows below. Starting from Wei Chong on the right, the old men who followed Xia Yunjie in the past, as well as the two brothers Chi Lietian and Chi Liedi, among these people except Wei Chong who is now in the position of commander, Zhou Liang is currently the magistrate of Baishi County. In addition, the rest of the people, including the two brothers of the Chi family, have no official positions in heaven. Sliding down the left side are the various commanders and magistrates, as well as the immortal officials in charge of the officials, households, rituals, soldiers, punishments, and work in the government office. The commander of the Western Route Army, who had contradicted Xia Yunjie in Sidu County a few days ago, was also present, but at this time he was indescribably frightened and did not even dare to take a breath.

The people in the left column are all old people in Wenqiao Mansion, but to Xia Yunjie, they are all newcomers.

"Zhou Liang." Xia Yunjie slowly glanced down and said.

"My subordinates are here!" Zhou Liang came out and knelt down on one knee.

"You are temporarily assigned to the position of commander of the Central Route Army. After I report to Lord Xianjun, I will grant you the actual position and official seal." Xia Yunjie's majestic voice sounded in the lobby.

The Central Route Army was originally the elite of the Fifth Route Army in Wenqiao Prefecture, but it turned out that Zuo Shun himself was directly responsible for it. However, this time the county government only appointed Wei Chong as its commander, so the commander of the Central Army was vacant. Tong San is someone else.

"Thank you, sir!" Zhou Liang thanked Xia Yunjie and stood up to return to his seat.

"Chi Lie Tian! Chi Lie Di!" Xia Yunjie said again.

"My subordinates are here!" Chi Lietian and Chi Liedi came out together.

"Chilie Tian is temporarily responsible for the post of commander of the East Road, and Chi Lie is temporarily responsible for the post of commander of the East Road. After I report to the Immortal Lord, I will grant you the actual duties and official seals." Xia Yunjie's majestic voice sounded again. .

Now that he himself has taken the position of the imperial magistrate, the official positions of East Road Commander and East Road Judge are now vacant.

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