Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,680 The undercurrent of evil

The next day, Xia Yunjie received many resignation letters from the former immortal officials of Wenqiao Mansion.

All this was expected by Xia Yunjie. These immortal officials were mixed, and they were used to staying in a corner, not wanting to make progress, and losing their enterprising spirit. Even if he showed his methods in the previous war and made bold words in the lobby, they still I don't have the guts and courage to follow him and give him a try. It's not a bad thing for his subordinates to resign and leave. You must know that in the future, Xia Yunjie will face very powerful enemies. If he does not even have this courage and courage, how can Xia Yunjie devote his efforts to cultivating them in the future? How can we entrust them with important tasks? How can you trust them?

But what surprised Xia Yunjie was that the commander of the West Route Army, Lu Meng, who had been suppressed by Deng Ling in Sidu County, actually chose to stay.

Life is really interesting! Sitting in the lobby again, looking down to the left, only Lu Meng, the commander of the West Route Army, was standing there alone. All the others were missing. Xia Yunjie couldn't help but feel quite emotional.

"Lu Meng, why did you choose to stay?" Xia Yunjie sighed in his heart, looking at Lu Meng and couldn't help but ask with a hint of curiosity.

"Returning to your lord, the first time your lord took down Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang with his mere position as the magistrate of Qianxi County, the official did not take your lord seriously, thinking that he was arrogant and ignorant, but it turned out that the lord was wrong. Secondly. This time, when your Excellency said in Sidu County that his disciples could defeat the enemy, Xianguan once again thought that Your Excellency was arrogant, but it turned out that Xianguan was once again proven wrong. I didn’t want to make the mistake a third time! I didn’t believe that Your Excellency was Meng Lang is an arrogant person." Lu Meng came out of the queue and replied.

"You will find that this time you finally made the right choice!" Xia Yunjie smiled upon hearing this, waved Lu Meng to retreat, and then called Deng Ling and others up one by one.

Deng Ling was appointed as the commander of the middle route, Wu Tong as the commander of the west route, Zhu Gang and Yin Tumu as the commander and commander of the south route army respectively, Shi Yunpeng and Ji Geng as the commander and commander of the north route army respectively.

As for the Immortal Officials of the six branches of government, household, ritual, military, punishment, and work who resigned and left, Xia Yunjie drafted personnel from among the disciples who stayed behind at Yun Heng Mountain, and ordered his own soldiers to go to Yun Heng Mountain with his handwriting to transfer them.

As a result, in addition to Lu Meng, the commander of the West Route Army, and the two brothers Chilietian and Chiliedi, the important positions in Wenqiao Mansion were all occupied by the disciples recruited by Xia Yunjie in Qianxi County.

Of course, the positions of commander and general judge still need to be appointed and approved by the county government.

However, since the county government appointed him as the governor and placed his disciple Wei Chong in the position of commander, it means that the county government basically handed over Wenqiao Mansion to Xia Yunjie to take charge. Since those people took the initiative to resign , and Deng Ling and others have made meritorious service in the previous wars, so there is basically no reason why they should not pass if they take over the county government.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the county government to issue the appointment letters to Deng Ling and others, but there was no movement from the Xihe Sect. I don't know if it was because of the messages from Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shunshimen. , or because Wang Yiqing and Jia Kuiliang were just small figures in the Xihe Sect after all, and they could not attract the attention of the Xihe Sect's senior leaders to personally intervene for their death.

Before Xia Yunjie came down with the appointment letter for Deng Ling and others from the county government, he sent people according to the original plan to circulate the notice along the four routes of southeast, northwest and northwest, restricting all parties to declare their submission to the jurisdiction of heaven within two years. Contribute a certain percentage of your income each year. Of course, Xia Yunjie also made people declare the responsibilities and obligations of the Wenqiao Mansion Heavenly Court, including guarding one's territory and not allowing invasion by external forces, protecting the private property of all forces, protecting everyone's personal safety, etc.

After this news was released, ordinary people and small forces from all sides supported it very much, because they are all weak people. In this world of the jungle, they are usually oppressed by big forces from all sides, whether it is property or property. Life safety is not guaranteed. If Wenqiao Mansion can live up to their propaganda, it will be great news for these vulnerable groups.

However, the power of the Tianting government has been weak in Wenqiao Mansion for a long time. Even since Tianting established Jinyang City in Wenqiao Mansion, Jinyang City has been captured many times. Although the situation was later reversed this time due to the appearance of Xia Yunjie, the common people's view of the power of the Heavenly Court's government was deeply ingrained and could not be reversed in an instant.

Therefore, after this news was released, although the common people and weak forces outside the sphere of influence of the Wenqiao government supported this policy, no small sect or small force took the initiative to surrender. Because there are larger forces ruling over them, their surrender to the government is tantamount to betraying them. Between the government and the forces above them, they chose to wait and see.

As for the big forces, they naturally sneered at the announcement issued by Xia Yunjie, the new government official, and even secretly formed an alliance. Two years later, if the government official dared to suppress him by force, they would join forces and overthrow him directly. Dismount and capture Jinyang City.

Although the three major forces such as Broken Soul Valley were wiped out and the Agni Fire Cult surrendered, these major forces in Wenqiao Mansion were inevitably a little shocked, but they did not think that the government army led by the newly appointed Wenqiao Mansion Commander could unite with so many forces. To compete with powerful forces together.

Time passed quietly, and a year and a half passed. No force from any party took the initiative to come to Fucheng to express their surrender. Lord Fulu seemed to be just talking. More than a year passed, and no action was taken. We have only tightened standardized management within our jurisdiction, and any violations of law, bullying, or violations of laws and regulations will be dealt with strictly.

As a result, the area currently under the control of the Wenqiao Mansion has become more upright. The common people all praise Xia Yunjie as a good official, and even some people from other places have quietly moved to the area controlled by the government. Of course, those big families in the area who are accustomed to being strong will not be happy. However, Xia Yunjie is famous and has strong men such as Wei Chong under his command. Although those big families and big sects are dissatisfied, they dare not They resisted, but secretly they had already communicated with some external forces. If the imperial magistrate really wanted to forcibly subdue all the forces in the future, they would join forces with the external forces, cooperate internally and externally, and overthrow Xia Yunjie.

So for more than a year after Xia Yunjie took office, the entire Wenqiao Mansion seemed calm on the surface, everyone was living in peace and order, but in fact there was an undercurrent of danger. However, Xia Yunjie seemed to be completely unaware of it. He basically left all the matters in the mansion to Wei Chong and others to take care of. He basically meditated and practiced every day and almost didn't care about the affairs in the mansion.

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