Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,687 Immortal Lord Luo Tan

"What? In the battle of Husha City, the government army was victorious. With this battle, Xia Yunjie took all the territory of Wenqiao Mansion into his hands?" Shiqu County, or the residence of Wen Jianwei, the official minister, was full of shock and excitement. The voice of disbelief rang in the study.

"Yes, uncle. The disciple received the order from the uncle and left the mountain gate with his uncle and others. Just halfway through the walk, news came from Wenqiao Mansion, saying that the army of the government had a great victory. Wenqiao Mansion All the forces bowed their heads, and Master Xingjian, the master of the Seven Star Sword Sect, was executed on the spot because he refused to surrender!" Wei Haichuan bowed and replied, with the same expression of shock in his eyes.

He knew that Xia Yunjie was very powerful and that he was no match for him, but he never expected that Xia Yunjie was so powerful.

"I didn't expect this person to be so powerful. It's a pity. If I had known that he was so powerful, you should have continued to stay in Wenqiao Mansion!" Wen Jianwei exclaimed.

"Yes, but this Xia Yunjie seems to be a person who values ​​friendship. Now that we have made good friends with him, our friendship has fallen." Wei Haichuan said.

"Wenqiao Mansion is just a lower-class mansion. In terms of resources and territory, it can only be ranked at the bottom of the eight hundred mansions in Shiqu County. The proportion of land actually controlled by Heavenly Court in Wenqiao Mansion is very small, so it has never been able to get into the eyes of the county king, Immortal Lord Luo Tan. Even Even the position of the governor and commander, the uncle reported it, and the prince nodded and decided without any consideration. But now that the entire Wenqiao Mansion is in the hands of Xia Yunjie, the weight of Wenqiao Mansion among the eight hundred mansions I'm afraid it will become extraordinary soon, at least he will be ranked in the middle position, and the county king will definitely look at Xia Yunjie differently. You must continue to have good relations with this person." Wen Jianwei nodded.

"Disciple understands." Wei Haichuan replied respectfully.

At the same time, in a magnificent and magnificent palace, a man wearing a purple gold crown with tied hair, a thin face, but a huge frame, and a faintly majestic body was looking at a memorial.

"Haha! This Xia Yunjie is quite a figure. In just two years, he actually pacified the entire Wenqiao Mansion on behalf of this Immortal Lord. Come here, pass on this Immortal Lord's decree and enjoy ten pots of Heavenly Court Immortal Brew ordered by Wenqiao Mansion. , 100 pieces of high-level immortal stones, promoted to a fifth-grade palace order..." The man wearing a purple gold crown with a bun on his head laughed and closed the memorial, and said with a happy face.

This person is none other than the prince in charge of Shiqu County, Immortal Lord Tianting Luo Tan.

At the county level, only the immortal officials who are truly ranked in the Heavenly Court Immortal Class have the title of Heavenly Court and are qualified to go to Lingxiao Palace to submit memorials to the Jade Emperor. For example, Luo Tan, the king of Shiqu County, has the title of Immortal Lord.

"Immortal Lord, although it is a good thing that Wenqiao Mansion ordered Xia Yunjie to pacify Wenqiao Mansion, this move also offended many forces with backgrounds. It is said that one of them is a branch of the Balingba family. Your Excellency is so powerful. Will giving a special reward cause dissatisfaction among those forces? On the contrary, it is not beautiful?" A close minister of Immortal Lord Luo Tan stepped forward and cautiously reminded.

"It doesn't matter, their people are useless, but who can they blame? And the Balingba family is just a family established by a descendant of the Bashe ancestor of the Bashe Mountain, and it is not the Bashe ancestor himself, and this Immortal Lord Why are you afraid?" Immortal Lord Luo Tan waved his hands and said with an indifferent expression.

The confidants were just reminding him. In fact, they didn’t really think there was any big problem with Immortal Luo Tan’s generous reward. After all, in order to avoid causing a major war, all the major forces have a well-understood tacit understanding of the competition between them. Generally, it is conducted through the people below and the affiliated forces below. Generally, they will not take action. , unless their bottom line is touched, or there are huge interests that they have to fight for.

Xia Yunjie seemed to have indirectly offended many big forces, but those big forces would not intervene easily, otherwise it would be breaking the rules, but Immortal Lord Luo Tan would not sit idly by.

The twists and turns are actually the same as the battles between secular countries in our reality today. Big countries will not start war lightly, and usually compete with the small countries below.

Therefore, when the close ministers saw that Immortal Luo Tan had made up his mind, they did not dare to persuade him any more. After receiving the decree, he sent an immortal official to Wenqiao Mansion with rewards to reward Xia Yunjie and all the soldiers of Wenqiao Mansion.

Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun also went to Wenqiao Mansion to congratulate Xia Yunjie on the occasion of the immortal official's departure.

Xia Yunjie was a nostalgic person, so he naturally warmly entertained Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun in person. He did not neglect Yan Haichuan and Zuo Shun just because he was now famous and had a fifth-grade government order.

Also entertaining Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun were Wei Chong, Zhou Liang, the Chi family brothers and others. Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun had not seen each other for more than two years. Wei Chong and others had all broken through to become Xuanqi stage Xuanxian. The Chi family brothers were so advanced that even they could not see through them. They were obviously far away. After defeating them, the two of them couldn't help but be secretly shocked, and they really began to regret not staying in Wenqiao Mansion.

In fact, Wei Haichuan and Zuo Shun were more regretful, because they knew in their hearts that it was not convenient for them to stay in that situation.

In fact, those who really regretted it, even to the point of losing their bowels, were the various commanders, generals, and six-room immortal officials who had chosen to resign. Originally, they had the opportunity to become Xuanxian like Lu Meng, and to become important people in charge of a territory much larger than the original mansion, but unfortunately they gave up on their own.

Of course, there is no regret medicine in the world. Those people also came to visit Wei Chong and Lu Meng afterwards, hoping to ask Wei Chong and Lu Meng to come forward and help them to return to Wenqiao Mansion Office, but Xia Yunjie no longer accepted it.

It is easy to share wealth and honor, but it is easy to share hardships. They chose to leave when they thought it was a time of trouble, and now they want to come back after seeing how rich they are. How can such people be worthy of Xia Yunjie's reuse?

Soon, one year has passed since Xia Yunjie pacified Wenqiao Mansion.

The battle in Husa City gradually faded away from being a hot topic after dinner, and not many people talked about it anymore. People talk more about the changes in Wenqiao Mansion, the laws and regulations of Wenqiao Mansion, and the low-key and mysterious governor.

Now the Wenqiao government regards the private property, personal freedom and life of the people of Wenqiao as sacred and inviolable. Even if you are a Xuanxian, if you dare to rob or kill for no reason, or force a monk who is not even an immortal, once you are found out, you will be sentenced by the Wenqiao government.

There once was a Xuanxian who took a fancy to a beautiful female monk in the late Juxia period and snatched her away to use as a training cauldron. Such a thing was not a thing before. You must know that the late cultivators of Juxia are just ants in the eyes of Xuanxian and even some heavenly beings. They can be killed if they want and trampled on if they want. It doesn't matter at all. Xuan Xian naturally thinks so too. In fact, many people think so too.

This matter was reported to the county magistrate by the husband of the female monk. The county magistrate did not dare to take action because the other party was a Xuanxian. Of course, he did not have any old ideas in his heart. He thought that a Xuanxian snatching a female monk in the late Juxia period was not a big deal. Nothing. As a result, this matter reached the ears of Lord Fu Ling for unknown reasons.

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