Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 168 Is it a buddy or a third party?

"Brother Jie, who is Secretary Zhao in their mouth? Could it be Zhao Xingjun, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee?" After leaving the traffic police brigade, Zhu Xiaoyan couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

After coming out of the traffic police brigade, Xia Yunjie returned to his normal state of mind. When Zhu Xiaoyan asked about it, he nodded rather embarrassedly and said "Yeah".

"Wow, it's really him. This is so awesome." Seeing that it was indeed the No. 1 chief of Jiangnan Province, Zhu Xiaoyan couldn't help but widen her eyes, and Shao Lihong couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Although she knew that Xia Yunjie had a very deep background, she couldn't help but feel shocked that Xia Yunjie could call the provincial party secretary who was in charge of tens of millions of people with just one phone call.

Seeing Zhu Xiaoyan staring at him in surprise with wide eyes, Xia Yunjie became more and more embarrassed and said, "Actually, it's nothing."

"You just pretend that this is nothing? I don't care, I will hang out with you from now on. You have promised me before that you will be my flower protector. No, you will be the flower protector of me and Sister Hong." Zhu Xiaoyan saw that Xia Yunjie had returned to his original simple and honest appearance, and she seemed to have suddenly returned to the bold and aggressive wine manager she was before, holding Xia Yunjie's arm in a "domineering" manner.

Xia Yunjie saw Zhu Xiaoyan holding his arm affectionately in front of Shao Lihong, and the plump breasts pressed tightly on his arms without any hesitation. They were plump and elastic, and he couldn't help feeling guilty and hurriedly wanted to take his hands out.

"What? Are you afraid that Sister Hong will be jealous?" Zhu Xiaoyan saw Xia Yunjie blushing and hurriedly trying to take out her hand, and rolled her eyes at him charmingly.

"Ahem!" Xia Yunjie couldn't help but cough in embarrassment when he saw Zhu Xiaoyan became bold and direct again, and revealed his thoughts with one word.

Seeing Xia Yunjie covering her mouth in embarrassment while coughing, Zhu Xiaoyan felt that the Xia Yunjie at this time was more exciting and rarer than the previous Xia Yunjie. She couldn't help but stand on tiptoes and put her mouth to Xia Yunjie's ear to blow hot air. Said: "Hehe, don't worry. Let me tell you a little secret. In fact, Sister Hong also likes you very much."

After saying that, Zhu Xiaoyan, who was in a state of emotion, couldn't help but stretched out her sweet tongue and licked Xia Yunjie's earlobe provocatively, then withdrew with a slight blush.

Xia Yunjie's body stiffened uncontrollably, and his heart beat uncontrollably. He couldn't tell whether it was because of Zhu Xiaoyan's provocative lick, her words, or both.

Although Zhu Xiaoyan spoke close to Xia Yunjie's ear, Shao Lihong did not hear clearly what she said, but with a woman's intuition and her special relationship with Zhu Xiaoyan, Shao Lihong roughly guessed what Zhu Xiaoyan said, her pretty face was fair His face turned red all of a sudden, but Jade Arm suddenly took Xia Yunjie's arm as boldly as Zhu Xiaoyan.

As a wine proprietress, she has long been used to seeing things between men and women. Since Zhu Xiaoyan has spoken out, and since Zhu Xiaoyan has unknowingly fallen in love with Xia Yunjie as Zhu Xiaoyan said, Shao Lihong does not lack courage and courage. . Besides, after today, who knows when I will have the opportunity to hold the arm of this amazing man again?

Suddenly, the other arm was wrapped around Shao Lihong again, and the soft and full feeling coming from the left and right made Xia Yunjie, a little virgin, feel his blood flow faster, and at the same time, his heart became filled with anxiety and weakness.

These are two lilies. What does it mean to be caught in the middle? The two's buddies or the two's third party?

If they are buddies, it is obviously a blasphemy for them to touch their bodies; if it is a third party who intervenes, it is obviously a shameful act, so in the end Xia Yunjie pulled out his arm and said: "Sister Hong , Sister Yan, I have to catch a flight, so go ahead and call me if you have anything."

When Zhu Xiaoyan and Shao Lihong saw that Xia Yunjie was leaving, they couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment, but they didn't force him to stay. They nodded "Yes" and said, "Then be careful on the road."

"The same goes for you, drive slowly back to Jiangzhou." Xia Yunjie nodded and got into the Daben.

After getting into the Mercedes-Benz and driving a long way, Xia Yunjie turned around inadvertently and found that Zhu Xiaoyan and Shao Lihong were still standing on the side of the road arm in arm, staring in his direction.

There was a constant flow of cars and people on the road, but the two women standing hand in hand on the side of the road gave Xia Yunjie the illusion of being alone, making him feel reluctant and cherished.

But in the end, Zhu Xiaoyan and Shao Lihong disappeared from his sight, and the car left the city and sped towards the airport.

At the West Park Public Security Bureau, this traffic accident was handled without any suspense according to the words Xia Yunjie dropped before leaving. Yang Xiaofei cried and begged Zhang Lei for help, but Zhang Lei, a young man who was also a mud Buddha, could not save himself when crossing the bridge. His old man called him directly back to the office, but he could not care about her.

After personally seeing off Secretary Chen Youliang and District Party Committee Secretary Lu Fang, and personally handling the traffic accident, Director Ye Zhongyuan hurriedly called Lu Tong as soon as he returned to the office.

Lu Tongxian was still in Dongtong City at this time and did not know that the traffic accident involved the son of the secretary of the Haizhou Municipal and Legal Committee, nor did he know that this small traffic accident later alerted the provincial party committee secretary. When he saw Ye COSCO called and thought the matter was settled. He called specifically to inform him, so as soon as he answered the phone he said loudly: "Director Ye, my friend's matter has been settled. I'm sorry to trouble you this time. Go back to Haizhou." I will treat you to a nice drink."

"Lu Chu, you are not a friend enough. This friend of yours has such a big background. Why didn't you warn him in advance? I almost neglected him." Ye Zhongyuan complained.

"Is it a big deal?" Lu Tong was slightly startled, then nodded and said, "It's a bit big."

"It's just a bit big. I mean, Lu Chu, you are too humble. For your friend, Secretary Zhao has spoken out and specially sent Secretary Chen to deal with it," Ye Zhongyuan said.

"Which Secretary Zhao? Which Secretary Chen?" Lu Tong heard this first and his mind didn't turn around for a while.

"No, could it be that you don't know about Lu Chu?" Ye Zhongyuan couldn't help but said in surprise.

"What do you know or don't you know? I only know about Teacher Xia and Ye Hong from Jiangzhou City. Are you talking about Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee and his secret?" Lu Tongxian still couldn't wrap his mind around it at first, but As he was talking, he suddenly realized something and couldn't help but blurted out in surprise.

"It seems that you really don't know about Secretary Zhao Xingjun and Secretary Chen Youliang. You don't know that this traffic accident also involves..." Ye Zhongyuan saw that Lu Tong really didn't know, so he told him the matter in a rough and simple way. Once again, I was extremely envious and jealous that Lu Tong had such good luck and got to know such a big shot.

What Ye Zhongyuan said made Lu Tong's mouth feel dry and his heart was beating wildly.

A friend of Secretary Zhao, the number one person in Jiangnan Province, is extremely lucky. No wonder Ye Hongbo and Liu Jiahui are so polite and respectful to him.

After talking to Ye Zhongyuan, Lu Tong finally suppressed his excitement, and then took out his mobile phone to call Xia Yunjie.

Since he knew that the other party was so awesome, as an old man in the officialdom, Lu Tongxian certainly knew how to take any opportunity to connect with the other party. Reporting the results of this traffic accident is an opportunity.

Unfortunately, when Lu Tong called Xia Yunjie first, Xia Yunjie was already on the plane and his phone was turned off.

Of course, Shen Ziliang booked first class for Xia Yunjie and Xiao Lian. The seats were comfortable and spacious, not as cramped and cramped as economy class. Of course, the price was also high. First class on domestic flights was generally about half more expensive than economy class, and there was no discount. Under normal circumstances, whether abroad or domestic, half of the people who fly first class are rich or powerful people.

Like Xia Yunjie and Xiaolian, it is probably unique that one is unemployed and the other is a prostitute who sells jokes and sells meat to fly first class. In fact, Xia Yunjie and Xiaolian were both on a plane together. Therefore, both of them were in a somewhat complicated mood, especially Xiaolian who was more nervous than curious. When the plane took off, she held the armrests tightly with both hands, her fingers trembled, and her face turned pale.

"Relax, it's okay. It's my first time to fly." Xia Yunjie saw Xiaolian's lips turned white from nervousness, smiled and reached out to pat the back of her hand, comforting her.

Xiaolian's eyes widened when she heard this, and her shocked expression was the same as hearing the captain suddenly issue a danger warning for the aircraft. You know, in Xiaolian's mind, Shen Ziliang is Brother Jie's younger brother. The director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau wants to call him teacher. Not only that, he is also a teacher with miraculous medical skills. How can such a person be the first in airplanes? What about the first ride? In Xiaolian's opinion, his taking a plane should be as normal as her taking a bus.

"Don't believe it, it's my first time to fly. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen." Seeing Xiaolian staring at him with her eyes widened, Xia Yunjie smiled and reassured her again.

"Hey, little brother, you are not trying to comfort your girlfriend. You will only make her more nervous. You should say, it's okay. I often fly. Airplanes are currently the safest means of transportation in the world. The accident rate is About one in a million, nothing will happen." Sitting across the aisle was an ordinary-looking man in his mid-twenties, who saw Xia Yunjie comforting Xiaolian by saying that it was his first time to fly. Seeing the way Xiaolian's eyes widened again, he thought she was getting more nervous, so he couldn't help but shake his head and said to Xia Yunjie.

Of course the man didn't know that Xia Yunjie was a man who could fly. Once the plane crashes, others may not be able to fly to the sky or the ground, and they will die, but he can fly freely with Xiaolian.

Of course Xiaolian didn't know this either. However, although she was really nervous, when she saw that the man opposite her misunderstood that she was Xia Yunjie's girlfriend, and even self-righteously taught Xia Yunjie, she was even more nervous than flying on a plane, and said hurriedly: "Hey, don't mess up... "

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