Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1,708 The Death of Ancestor Xihe

\u003c/p "Haha, with such little ability, you actually dare to rob my Wenqiao Mansion mines, kill the people of our Wenqiao Mansion, and attack our Wenqiao Mansion city!" Ao Li knocked back the ancestor of Xihe with a halberd, although he was also secretly shocked. His magic power was strong, but he was not given any buffering time. He stabbed the Xihe Ancestor straight in the chest with a "whoosh" sound from the Zhenhai Black Halberd in his hand. \u003c\u003e

When the ancestor of Xihe saw Ao Li coming to kill him, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly stepped aside, not even daring to raise his triangular fork to block the Zhenhai Black Halberd.

There was nothing he could do, his arms were still numb from the blow just now.

Seeing Ancestor Xihe duck to the side, Ao Li sneered at the corner of his mouth. He flipped the Zhenhai Black Halberd in his hand, and then swung it horizontally. The Zhenhai Black Halberd changed from stabbing to cutting horizontally, and the sharp half-moon edge blocked the waist of Old Ancestor Xihe. Cut away.

Seeing this, Patriarch Xihe had no choice but to raise his triangular fork to block the Zhenhai Black Halberd.

"Dang!" A deafening sound of gold and iron mingled again. The ancestor of Xihe and his triangular fork were cut across by the Zhenhai Black Halberd, and they retreated continuously. The triangular fork firmly resisted the Zhenhai Black Halberd, preventing it from cutting through. .

"Hmph!" Ao Li sneered again, pulled his arm back suddenly, and changed the Zhenhai Black Halberd's crosscut into a hook.

With this hook, Patriarch Xihe stumbled forward suddenly, almost losing his grip on the triangular fork.

Taking advantage of this time, Ao Li moved the Zhenhai Black Halberd and then suddenly raised it, using the sharp half-moon edge to slash down on the head of the Xihe Ancestor who had not been able to steady his steps.

I felt the sharp half-moon-shaped blade above my head falling, and an extremely cold and heavy force pressed down from top to bottom. This force was like an iceberg that had not melted for hundreds of millions of years. It had already pressed down before it fell. Ancestor De Xihe's body froze, his blood energy and magic power stagnant.

This stagnation only frightened Patriarch Xihe to the point where his liver and gallbladder almost split, and his soul went out of control.

This is life-threatening!

"Don't hurt the ancestor!" At this moment, an elder arrived, it was the bald elder.

The bald elder was holding a green dragon sword. When he saw the Zhenhai Black Halberd falling towards the ancestor of Xihe, he hurriedly moved the blue dragon sword horizontally to block the Zhenhai Black Halberd from falling.

Ao Li's eyes suddenly shrank, Zhenhai Xuanjing remained unchanged.

"Dang!" With a sound, the Zhenhai Black Halberd fell and hit the Qinglong Broadsword heavily.

"Ah!" The bald elder screamed, and the Azure Dragon Sword flew away immediately. His hands were full of blood, and he couldn't hold on to the force of the blow and fell straight down.

A cold light fell from above, and the bald elder who fell straight down was split in half from head to toe. Blood rained down, and the smell of blood filled the air.

The world is dead silent!

A halberd killed the Xuan Ying stage Xuan Immortal!

Everyone looked at the scene in disbelief, and only then did they realize how terrifying the power of the halberd that Ao Li had just hit the ancestor of Xihe was. No wonder even the ancestor of Xihe had to retreat in succession. Before, they thought that Xihe The ancestor has a false reputation.

Now I know that it’s not that the ancestor of Xihe has a false reputation, but that the power of Wenqiao Mansion’s subordinates who don’t know where they came from is really terrifying!

"Where to escape!" A sharp shout broke the dead silence, and a tall figure holding a halberd turned into a rainbow and shot towards the Xihe River with the halberd.

And in front of this rainbow, a huge carp covered in golden light jumped into the rushing West River with a "Boom!" and swam rapidly to the west.

The West River leads directly to the West Sea!

"Look, the ancestor of Xihe actually escaped!"

The people watching the battle were stunned. The soldiers of the Xihe faction who had already rushed out of the city and were about to abandon the defense of the city and fight face-to-face with the Wenqiao Mansion army were also stunned!

Ancestor Xihe actually escaped!

"What a pity! If Yuan Tuo hadn't blocked the blow for Patriarch Xihe, Patriarch Xihe might have ended up here. Now that he has escaped into Xihe, with his water nature, Ao Li can no longer do anything to him." Wei Haichuan's master shook his head with regret.

The rest of the people watching the battle also thought so.

But Xue Yuanpeng, who had seen Ao Li's watery nature, had a very subtle bitter smile on his lips. He knew that if the ancestor of Xihe did not run away, but gathered his troops to fight Ao Li to the death, there might be some hope of escape. But now, he It was he who cut off his own way of life.

Because of his escape, the tens of millions of believers became completely useless and could no longer help him.

When everyone was shocked, Ao Li also entered the Xihe River with his halberd.

At this time, the ancestor of Xihe had already shown his body as a carp. With a shake of his tail, he had already swam along the river in the direction of the West Sea like electricity. The speed was amazing. Not only that, when escaping along the current, the ancestor of Xihe did not forget to set off huge waves of thousands of feet, sweeping behind him one after another.

"Ancestor Xihe is indeed quite capable in the water."

"It seems that Ao Li can't kill him!"


Just when people were marveling, thinking that the ancestor of Xihe would definitely be able to escape, they saw that Ao Li's speed in escaping in the water was even faster than that of the ancestor of Xihe. Not only that, as soon as he entered the Xihe, The huge waves of thousands of feet set off by the ancestor of Xihe calmed down immediately.

"This person is also a master of water escape. It seems that the ancestor of Xihe is in danger!" People exclaimed again.

However, the ancestor of Xihe had more magical power than Ao Li after all. In addition, Ao Li did not show his true identity and chased him for a long distance. The distance between the two was shortened to a limit after all.

"Do you still want to escape?" Seeing that he couldn't catch up with the ancestor of Xihe in a short time, Ao Li was too lazy to waste time with him, and stirred the Sea-Suppressing Black Halberd into the water.

"Ka ka ka!" The rushing water of the West River suddenly stopped and turned into a glacier.

"This..." Everyone's eyes widened.

Ancestor Xihe's eyes showed a look of extreme fear. He could escape quickly in the water, but he could not in the ice.

It was too early, but it was too early. Just when the eyes of the ancestor of Xihe showed a look of horror, Ao Li had already crossed the glacier with his halberd, and was behind the ancestor of Xihe in the blink of an eye.

"No!" Ancestor Xihe felt the sharp murderous aura coming from behind, and screamed unwillingly. He turned the triangular fork back, trying to hold the Zhenhai Black Halberd.

But the Zhenhai Black Halberd was already as heavy as a giant mountain, and now one of them was rushing to respond, and the other was poised to stab, so how could the triangular fork stop the Zhenhai Black Halberd.

"Dang!" With a loud noise, the triangular fork was knocked away by the Zhenhai Black Halberd, and the Zhenhai Black Halberd stabbed the ancestor of Xihe on the back without losing its force.

"Ah!" Ancestor Xihe screamed, and the Zhenhai Black Halberd passed through his body.

The world is dead silent!

The ancestor of Xihe, who was so powerful in Xiyuan Mansion and even the entire Shiqu County, was killed with a halberd by a general under the command of an inferior manor!

Many people couldn't believe what they were seeing, but the fact was so vividly placed in front of them that they couldn't help but not believe it.

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