Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1835 Insight into the conspiracy

"Junior brother, don't be anxious. Senior sister will go and intercede with the empress." Seeing Empress Jiuyou Suyin leave in anger, the eight people in Chunci were also uneasy. Seeing Xia Li kneeling stubbornly on the ground, they felt very sorry in their hearts. Unable to bear it, he hurriedly comforted her with kind words.

"Don't you understand my mother's temper? This trip has already affected eight senior sisters. I feel very sorry. Please don't intercede on my behalf again, otherwise you will be punished." Xia Li said with a bitter smile.

"For the sake of junior brother, I will punish you." Xia Ying, who has an upright personality, said.

"Don't talk nonsense! Your Majesty never gets angry for no reason. This should be because there is something wrong with your junior brother." Chun Ci has always been steady, but when he saw Xia Ying's passionate words, his face darkened and he said.

Chun Ci is the head of the eight people and has always had prestige. When she said this, the other seven people fell silent immediately, with thoughtful and solemn expressions on their faces.

"Junior brother, can you tell me everything from beginning to end?" After a long silence, Chun Ci asked.

Xia Li felt aggrieved and didn't want to say more about the matter, but seeing that his senior sister cared about him, he had no choice but to think about it and tell the story in detail from beginning to end.

Xia Liben was also a smart person, but he was the son of Empress Jiuyou Suyin. He had been doted on by eight senior sisters since he was a child, and he had mastered the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques at a young age, so he was inevitably a little arrogant. Even though he was an Immortal Lord, he still couldn't forget the son of Empress Jiuyou Suyin in his heart, so when Sun Sheng reprimanded the soldiers guarding the mountain, he didn't feel much wrong at the time. But now that he was talking about it in detail and reliving the scene at that time, he could faintly feel something was wrong.

"Fortunately, the empress discovered it early, otherwise we would have been used as guns!" Chun Ci and others are ancient golden immortals who have lived for countless years. After listening to Xia Li's words, they immediately understood that there was something wrong with Sun Sheng.

"Senior sisters, what do you mean, is there something wrong with Sun Sheng?" Xia Li's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of shock and anger.

Because of his background, although he was a bit arrogant in his behavior, he was extremely affectionate and never treated his subordinates badly. Therefore, although he always felt a little wrong in his heart, he did not think about it in that regard.

"Junior brother, no matter whether the Immortal King of Jukuzhou is in vain or not, the position of the Immortal King is so noble. He is a high-ranking official in the Heavenly Court. If it weren't for the evil in Sun Sheng's heart, you didn't say anything. He is just an Immortal General. How dare you act so arrogantly at the gate of his mountain? Besides, you already warned the people accompanying you on the way! And judging from his behavior, he seems to be very loyal to you, lifting you up and speaking for you at every turn. But have you ever thought about it, after going through the mountain? After the incident at the door, there is no doubt that Xia Yunjie's strength is not in vain. If he is really loyal to you, can he encourage you to become his enemy for the sake of a little humiliation for himself, knowing that the Immortal King is so powerful? Didn't he put you in danger? Your Majesty is right, this person should be punished!" Chun Ci said with a cold expression.

"Then Sun Sheng deserves to be punished, but Xia Yunjie is curious as to why he is so kind to his junior brother?" Xia Ying had a flash of murderous intent in her eyes, and then she said with doubt on her face.

"Is he nice to me?" The look of shock and anger on Xia Li's face turned into surprise.

"Junior brother, don't forget, only a few people know your identity. In Xia Yunjie's eyes, you are just an immortal king, not the son of Empress Jiuyou Suyin. From this perspective, you are at the gate of his mountain. You made trouble and arrested his people, but he didn't do anything harsh to you. Even judging from the words he sent you before leaving, it was obvious that he had an insight into Sun Sheng's intentions, but he didn't order anyone to kill him in front of you. But just cutting off his limbs is enough to give you face!" Although Xia Ying has an upright character, it does not mean that she has no scheming.

"Yeah, I'm surprised by this. It's said that Xia Yunjie has always been an extremely ruthless and decisive fighter. Before he became famous, he killed Jin Zha and Ao Zhen without any mercy. But junior brother, you are unscathed!" Qiu! Ran also said with a trace of doubt on his face.

"No wonder my mother said that Sun Sheng should be punished and my boss should be punished. It turns out that I have never forgotten my identity as the son of Empress Jiuyou Suyin!" I didn’t understand what the problem was, and I couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

After saying that, Xia Li stood up, bowed his hands to the eight senior sisters, and then left Jiuyou Palace.

After leaving Jiuyou Palace, I saw my mother standing alone on the top of Jiuyou Mountain. There was a hint of loneliness in her graceful back. I couldn't help but tremble slightly in my heart. I hurriedly flew to the top of Jiuyou Mountain and knelt in front of Jiuyou Suyin. The empress stepped forward and said, "The child is unfilial and has made his mother angry and worried."

"Do you know why I named you Xia Li?" Empress Jiuyou Suyin did not look back.

"The child knows that the mother hopes that the child can be a man who is upright and upright." Xia Li replied.

"What does it mean to be upright? It's not about being arrogant or standing up to the heaven and earth. It's not about killing a river of blood or being upright about the earth. It's about drawing a sword to help when the road is uneven and knowing that you're outmatched. It's about never leaving your wretched wife, even if you have glory. Wealth and honor come with the temptation of peerless beauty, but for a promise, no matter how small the hope is, no matter how great the difficulties and dangers are, never give up..." Empress Jiuyou Suyin said sentence by sentence, each sentence was full of meaning. It reminded her of that person, and it stabbed her heart like a knife.

Tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Because she was talking about the man who made her unforgettable!

She knew that he was an upright man, she knew that she loved him deeply, and she knew that what he did was right, but she just couldn't face the fact that he had so many women, and she couldn't accept sharing with so many women. Her man.

Because she is Empress Jiuyou Suyin!

"Mom, you are crying! Is the upright person you are talking about my father?" Xia Li suddenly saw tears falling, his heart shook violently, and he asked with a trembling voice.

"Go ahead. Since you have decided to serve as an official in Heaven, you should abide by Heaven's regulations." Empress Jiuyou Suyin did not answer Xia Li.

"Where is he?" Xia Li asked with a trembling voice and red eyes.

"One day, when you grow into a truly upright man, you will always know where he is." Empress Jiuyou Suyin said.

"Why can't you tell me now? Why doesn't he come to us?" Xia Li's voice was trembling and hoarse.

"Because the time has not come yet. When the time comes, you will know it without me telling you." Empress Jiuyou Suyin said, tears falling quietly again.

When Xia Li saw his mother crying again, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He bowed to her three times and said, "My child knows what to do and will never let his mother down."

"Go." Empress Jiuyou Suyin slowly turned around, took a deep look at Xia Li, and then nodded.


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