Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 1873 Amazing Strength

"Haha, that's a good thing to say!" Xia Yunjie laughed, and the Hell Blood Knife came out across the air, drawing a line of strong blood in the air, and faced Vajra Xin face to face.

"Kill!" Pengmeng did not take action immediately, but raised his hand with a cold face and pointed in the direction of the Jukuzhou Immortal King's army, and a cold word came out of his mouth.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Peng Meng pointed his hand, and in a moment, the overwhelming army flew through the sky in black, bringing with it a billowing evil spirit, and headed towards the army of the Immortal King of Jukuzhou like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

"Kill!" The Saint of Yaochi looked at the enemy troops who were coming like a mountain and a tsunami with cold eyes, and a cold word came out of her sexy lips.

"Kill!" Ao Li Fangtian pointed his halberd at the enemy and led the West Sea Dragon Palace army to kill the enemy.

"Kill!" Xia Li directly transformed and shook his body. Not only did he perform the magic of heaven and earth, but he also transformed into three heads and six arms. The six arms hold the Silver Dragon Spear, Tianluo Umbrella, Qiankun Seal, Tai'a Sword, Bagua Yunguang Pagoda and Bagua Dragon Beard Pagoda respectively.

The first three magic weapons are the Jiuyou Palace magic weapons given by Empress Jiuyou Suyin, and the last three are the mountain-holding magic weapons given by Xia Yunjie that originally belonged to Empress Shiji. Each of these six magic weapons is an acquired treasure of the Immortal family, and is extremely powerful. In addition, Xia Li performed the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills and was not afraid of life and death.

He rushed forward with six magic weapons, and it was as if he was killing the Buddha when he stood in the way of the Buddha, and the immortal when he was standing in the way of the immortal. He was caught off guard, and he killed several powerful golden immortals in one fell swoop.

The four ancient turtle prime ministers have received many elixirs and innate peach fruits from Xia Yunjie over the years, and they have barely become the top golden immortals. The four of them joined forces to kill them, which also caused a bloody storm.

In addition to the four ancient turtle prime ministers who are top golden immortals, Xia Yunjie's three Pihan brothers and Shui Haoze are also top golden immortals. Shui Haoze's son Shui Chuanliu was also a powerful Golden Immortal. Because he followed Xia Yunjie wholeheartedly, Xia Yunjie treated him badly. He gave him innate flat peach fruits and elixirs one by one, and also specially gave many personal guidance. Now he has half a bird. Stepping into the threshold of the top golden immortal, the Yaochi Saint, because of the guidance of the Queen Mother, cultivates the way of killing, and what she holds in her hand is the harvesting tiger claw. Although her Taoism is still far behind that of the top golden immortal, in terms of The combat effectiveness is already on par with the top golden immortals.

\u003c/p楸Calculating this way, Xia Yunjie actually has almost nine and a half top golden immortals. \u003c\u003e

This number is absolutely shocking to all the forces in Jukuzhou! You must know that every top golden immortal is a person who is qualified to dominate a party and become famous in the immortal world. But Xia Yunjie, the Immortal King of Jukuzhou who had been in office for only three hundred years, had unknowingly gathered and cultivated so many top golden immortals. No one would have dared to believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

"Hey! King Xia Xian already has such a powerful strength! What a pity, what a pity!" Everyone took a sharp breath of air and marveled at this, but soon shook their heads with regret.

Because Xia Yunjie had to face the combined army of Arrow Mountain, Xuejia Mountain, and Wulong Mountain. Although the latter two only sent a small number of people, the strength of their combined army was still terrifying to the extreme. At least they have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, but the number of top golden immortals is almost the same. Fengmeng and others probably didn't expect this, so they didn't gather all the top golden immortals under their account.

"Good guy, when did Xia Yunjie have such a strong strength? If he is allowed to develop for a while, I am afraid that there will be no place for me, the Lion and Camel King, to gain a foothold in Jukuzhou." The Lion and Camel King looked at Xia Yunjie's group. Like wolves and tigers, the warriors rushed towards the Arrow Mountain army, instantly killing the enemy and causing them to fall on their backs. Their blood flowed into rivers. Even though they were at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, they blocked the charge from the Arrow Mountain side, forming a brief stalemate. Afraid.

Although he was afraid of Xia Yunjie before, he never thought that he would be able to conquer his own Shituo Mountain. Only now did we know that under Xia Yunjie's command, there were eight or nine generals who could fight with him.

Of course, the top golden immortals also have differences in strength. Among the top golden immortals under Xia Yunjie, only Shui Haoze, the old top golden immortal, can barely compete with the lion and camel king. The others, like the four prime ministers and the three brothers Pihan, are all inferior to the lions. The Camel King is at least one step ahead. But the strength has reached that level. Once three or five people besiege the Lion and Camel King, the Lion and Camel King will definitely only lose. And Xia Yunjie has such a golden immortal, nine and a half. How can this make the Lion and Camel King not feel overwhelmed? Afraid.

The same was true for the Dragon Demon King and the Yu Tao King. At this moment, they were secretly glad that they had Da Qu to fight. Otherwise, once Xia Yunjie is allowed to fully develop and he holds the banner of heavenly orthodoxy, then they may really have no choice but to surrender or "move far away".

"I didn't expect Xia Yunjie to have gathered and cultivated such a powerful army in such a short period of time. The Western Sect may be bleeding heavily this time!" Another place high in the sky, above an auspicious cloud, a man with a long beard fluttering, The man with his hair tied high in a bun and wearing a gray robe showed a look of surprise and gloating on his face.

This man is none other than Dao Xing Tianzun, one of the twelve ancient golden immortals of Chanjiao. His cave is located in Jinting Mountain in Jukuzhou. Today's battle is related to the pattern of Jukuzhou and involves the battle between the Taiyi Golden Immortals. Naturally, he wants to come and see the battle in person.

Originally, he was not optimistic about Xia Yunjie at all, but now he couldn't help but be shocked when he saw that Xia Yunjie's army was so fierce and even equaled the Arrow Mountain army in a short period of time.

However, their attention was instantly attracted by the battle between Xia Yunjie and Vinayaka.

"Qiang!" There was a loud noise.

Like two planets colliding and exploding, sparks shoot out and illuminate the sky.

Xia Yunjie's Hell Blood Knife and Vinayaka's Vajra Conviction were not fancy at all, and they had a head-on confrontation.

Xia Yunjie's slender body slid back a few steps in the air and then stabilized, and the same was true for Vinayaka.

With this attack, the two of them were evenly matched, regardless of their superiority or inferiority!

But Vinayaka's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes showed an extremely solemn look. You must know that he is Taiyi Golden Immortal, while Xia Yunjie is just Golden Immortal. You must know that on the West Sea, Xia Yunjie only managed to outwit him at the beginning, and then he was barely on par with him in a head-on confrontation. Later, in every head-on confrontation, Xia Yunjie was at a disadvantage, just like Xiao Qiang, Very resistant to beating.

But in just one or two hundred years, Xia Yunjie was able to equal him in a head-on fight!

This means that if Xia Yunjie still maintains his resilience, even if Pinayaka really wants to fight him, it is very likely that he, Pinayaka, will lose.

ps: Introducing a new book "The Supreme God" by the author's friend Karma, which is first released on Chuangshi Chinese website. It is a fantasy book. Book friends who like this kind of books can read it. If you think it is well written, please support it.

Because many readers have been urging for updates in the past two days, I will try to update as many chapters as possible today, probably around three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

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