Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 19 Jiangzhou University

As soon as he stepped into the university gate, Xia Yunjie felt a cool and fresh air blowing into his face. The entire campus seemed to be isolated from the bustling and busy world outside. The interior is densely shaded and full of lush trees and grass. Modern but not high buildings are scattered among the trees. They are nothing like the skyscrapers outside. People can't help but feel an indescribable sense of oppression when walking underneath.

Perhaps because of the summer vacation, there were not many people on the huge campus and it was very quiet. Occasionally, a few youthful laughter and birdsong echoed over the campus, which actually brought Xia Yunjie a sense of spiritual peace.

Xia Yunjie walked quietly on campus alone, breathing the fresh air on campus and slowly feeling the unique atmosphere of the university campus.

The scenery of Jiangzhou University is very beautiful. Not only are there dense trees everywhere, there is also a lake in the middle of the campus.

There are shady willow trees and luxuriant green grass beside the lake. The water on the lake is shining, and three or two small canoes are floating in the lake. From time to time, the sound of paddling and bursts of youthful laughter can be heard from the boat, which makes people can't help but sing a song: "Let's Swing the Oars".

Xia Yunjie walked on the tree-lined path by the lake, looking at the youthful figures, and remembered that his childhood and youth were spent in cultivation. Now he has entered the society early and started to work and earn money, working hard for life, and suddenly felt a little I envy their carefree life now, squandering their youth so unscrupulously.

However, this envy was only momentary. Xia Yunjie knew very well that if he had to start his life over again, he would still choose the path of a wizard.

Who doesn’t want to have superpowers? Who doesn’t want to have their destiny in their own hands?

However, it would be very satisfying if he could study in college for a few years, or find a job or something. Feeling the beautiful environment and atmosphere on campus, which was like being isolated from the world, Xia Yunjie secretly sighed.

He found that he already liked the college campus.

However, for Xia Yunjie, studying in college or finding a job is obviously just an unrealistic fantasy, so after strolling around the lake, Xia Yunjie left leisurely and prepared to go home.

Just a short distance away from the lake, a rapid and sharp cry suddenly came from the other side of the lake: "Help! Help! The boat has capsized!"

When Xia Yunjie heard this, he immediately turned around without even thinking, and in broad daylight, his body flew straight to the lake like a ghost. Fortunately, there was no one on campus, and even if there were, everyone's attention was now focused on the lake. No one noticed Xia Yunjie's shocking figure, otherwise they would have thought there was a ghost in broad daylight.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Yunjie ran to the lake. I saw a wooden boat in the middle of the lake that had overturned and was floating in the lake. Not far from the canoe, there were several pairs of arms flapping randomly in the water. During the flapping process, their heads came out of the water from time to time, but they soon sank. At this time, a boy who was rowing next to him had already jumped into the water first and swam desperately towards the person who fell into the water nearest him. Then he quickly grabbed her hand, but the girl who fell into the water was obviously completely confused. As soon as the boy grabbed her arm, she seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw in despair, and hugged him desperately. live. The boy obviously had no experience in rescuing people. He was hugged to death by the girl who fell into the water. He suddenly panicked and followed the girl into the water.

When the people on the shore and on the boat saw this, they all screamed in fright. The people who had arrived and had taken off their clothes and prepared to go into the water to save people saw this scene, and their faces suddenly turned pale, and they hesitated whether to jump into the water. Save people.

At this moment, there was a pop and Xia Yunjie jumped into the water.

Xia Yu, the son of Gun, was a great shaman who controlled water in ancient times. He was born with the power to control water. Xia Yunjie has had the ability to control water since he awakened Xia Yu's bloodline when he was nine years old.

As soon as he jumped into the water, Xia Yunjie felt an indescribable sense of intimacy. All the water elements in the lake jumped for joy, as if welcoming the arrival of the king. Through the water elements in the lake, Xia Yunjie instantly took in all the scenes in the lake in his mind. .

There were five people who fell into the water, all of them girls. If you include the boy who failed to save but was pulled into the water, there were six people in total. The number of people allowed in the boat was no more than four. It was probably due to overloading and the fact that the girls loved to play and played too much. The boat accidentally lost balance and overturned.

However, Xia Yunjie had no time to think about the reason at this time. After understanding the situation, he immediately swam towards the two people who hugged each other tightly and were about to sink to the bottom of the lake.

"Look, look! That man swims so fast!" When Xia Yunjie swam quickly toward the lake, someone on the shore spotted him. Seeing him moving as fast as a fish in the water, they couldn't help but scream.

Before the man's cry could stop, Xia Yunjie had already swam to the place where the accident occurred and plunged into the water.

Seeing Xia Yunjie plunge into the water, the lake suddenly became quiet, everyone's hearts were in their throats, and time seemed to suddenly become very long. In fact, in just a few breaths, one head emerged from the lake, and then two more heads emerged. However, the two heads were held tightly by a hand.

"Wow, it's out! It's amazing!" When Xia Yunjie held a person's chin with one hand and swam towards the shore again at the speed of a fish, everyone on the shore exclaimed and cheered.

The lake is actually not big, and Xia Yunjie swims extremely fast. Amidst the cheers of people, he has already brought the two of them to the shore. There are already people on the shore who are busy pulling them up, and this Shi Xia Yunjie had already turned around and swam towards the place of the accident again.

Seeing that Xia Yunjie was so agile in the water and easily rescued the two of them with one move, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The people who were still debating whether to go into the water to save people were even more relieved.

Xia Yunjie quickly swam to the scene of the accident and then plunged into the water again. Under the water, the four people were still struggling desperately, showing that they would be fine for a while.

Under the water, Xia Yunjie didn't have so many worries. As soon as his hands stirred at the bottom of the lake, two water chains like horses were shot towards the two of them, and then they were pulled back into Xia Yunjie's hands.

Xia Yunjie followed suit, holding one person's chin with one hand, and then dug into the lake again. While doing so, he looked back at the two people who were still struggling in the lake, and secretly said with shame: "I'm sorry, you two, there are so many people here. , I am not good at performing witchcraft, and I need you to suffer a little more."

Feeling secretly ashamed in his heart, Xia Yunjie took the two of them out of the water again. Seeing this, the people on the shore burst into cheers again.

People on the shore helped pull the two people up, and Xia Yunjie set out to rescue people again.

Although Xia Yunjie was already very fast, the two girls who were rescued in the end still drank a lot of water. When he was pulled ashore, his belly was bulging, his face was pale, his lips were blue, and his eyes were closed. Fortunately, his pulse was still there, so his life was not in danger.

"Give them artificial respiration quickly!" someone shouted hurriedly when they saw the two girls who were finally rescued had their eyes closed and were unconscious.

Although the two girls were pale and had blue lips, they still looked pretty. As soon as the boys heard that they were going to give the beauty artificial respiration, they immediately became excited. A bolder boy had already stepped forward and volunteered. Said: "I'll come, I'll come."

"Why are you here? Have you ever learned how to give artificial respiration?" Seeing the boy volunteering, a dinosaur-level obese girl immediately pulled him away, patted her fat chest and said to Xia Yunjie: "I'll do it! "

As he spoke, his fat body was about to pounce on one of the girls, and everyone looked away as they couldn't bear to see it. This beautiful girl is about to be raped by a fat girl!

"There is no need for artificial respiration in their situation." Xia Yunjie hurriedly stopped the obese girl and said.

When he was stopped, Xia Yunjie was muttering in his heart, why were the same two women entangled together? When he thought of Sister Hong and Sister Yan, he would feel a thrill, and when he saw the fat girl in front of him pounce on the girl lying on the ground , when you raise your lips high, you feel like your whole body is hairy and you want to vomit?

"Isn't it? This classmate, ah, turns out to be a hero! This hero, rescuing people is like putting out fire. They can hardly breathe. If they don't save them, they will be in trouble. Don't worry, I am a nursing student in a medical school. In this regard I understand." Seeing a boy stopping her, the fat girl raised her eyebrows and was about to get angry, but when she looked up and saw the heroic rescuer just now, her expression changed immediately and when she said the last sentence , and even winked at Xia Yunjie.

Xia Yunjie suddenly got goosebumps all over his body and said hurriedly: "This classmate, I also know a little bit about first aid. Please let me try it first."

Because of Xia Yunjie's almost weird performance just now, everyone had an inexplicable confidence in him, as if nothing could defeat him, and Fat Girl was no exception. So when Xia Yunjie said this, Fat Girl had no choice but to step away and said: "Then come on."

Seeing the fat girl step away, Xia Yunjie smiled at her, then grabbed one of the girls' feet with both hands, lifted her up, put his knees on her stomach, and then slapped her Abdominal and dorsal.

While Xia Yunjie was flapping, the crowd suddenly started to stir, and someone shouted: "Get out of the way quickly, Professor Feng is here, we can be saved this time."

Amidst the shouting, an old professor with silver hair, rosy face and sharp eyes walked out of the crowd. He saw Xia Yunjie grabbing the feet of a drowning person and patting her back. Just as he was about to step forward, he suddenly His whole body was shaken, and his eyes were fixed on Xia Yunjie's hand.

Professor Feng is Feng Wenbo, the old dean of the medical school and a leading figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. Fat Girl obviously knew him too. Seeing the old dean arriving, she hurriedly shouted to Xia Yunjie: "Hey, hero, Professor Feng is here, please invite him..."

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