The Feng Gaofeng mentioned by Xia Yunjie was Professor Feng's father and one of Wu Ze's disciples. Wu Ze had five disciples in his life. Among them, Xia Yunjie was the most talented and was also his last disciple. He received all Wu Ze's true teachings, but the other four disciples all taught in different categories. Feng Gaofeng was Wu Ze's third disciple. He mainly studied Wu Sect medical skills. Of course, he was also slightly involved in other Wu Sect magics, but he was not proficient in them.

However, Feng Gaofeng died long ago during the war. At that time, he was just a charlatan. In addition to leaving deep sorrow in the hearts of the Feng family and Professor Feng, who was still young at the time, his death was also a great success in that era. Nothing is left. Now, decades have passed, and only Professor Feng and a few relatives still remember this name.

Professor Feng never expected that after so many years, this name that had been deeply buried in his memory would suddenly be mentioned by a young man whom he didn't know. Hearing this, he couldn't help being shocked and blurted out: "That's my father." , how do you know his name?"

Seeing that Professor Feng was indeed Senior Brother Feng's son, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but feel a little excited and asked again, "Where is Senior Brother Feng now?"

"Senior Brother Feng?" Professor Feng couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard this. It has been almost sixty years since his father died, so why did a junior brother who was only twenty years old at most suddenly appear? Could it be that the Feng Gaofeng he was talking about just had the same name?

Xia Yunjie actually knew that if Senior Brother Feng Gaofeng was still alive and was already ninety-six years old, even if he mainly practiced witchcraft medicine, his cultivation would not be much worse, so there would be no need to post a sticker on the door beam. So a worn-out house-holding talisman to hold the house? Most of them have been dead for many years, and they haven't even had time to pass on their skills to Professor Feng. They just have a glimmer of hope in their hearts, so they ask this question. Now seeing this, he couldn't help but secretly sighed and said, "If I remember correctly, Senior Brother Feng would be ninety-six years old this year if he were still alive."

Professor Feng usually wouldn't calculate how old his deceased father was when he had nothing to do. Now after hearing what Xia Yunjie said, he calculated secretly in his mind and found out that he was indeed ninety-six years old. He couldn't help but stare at Xia Yunjie like a monster. Now he was certainly convinced that the senior brother Xia Yunjie mentioned was his father, but how could his father, who had been dead for nearly sixty years, have such a young junior brother?

"I wonder if Senior Brother Feng has ever mentioned someone to you? His surname is Wu, and his single name is Ze." Xia Yunjie saw Professor Feng staring at him with straight eyes, knowing that he was confused, so he asked.

"Master?" Professor Feng couldn't help but trembled when he heard this and blurted out.

Speaking of which, Professor Feng met Wu Ze once when he was young. When Wu Ze saw him, he touched his head and told his father that he was a good boy. From that day on, Professor Feng worshiped Wu Xian, the founder of the Wu Sect, and Wu Ze. Then Feng Gaofeng began to teach him the Wu Sect medical skills, as well as some basic breathing and health-preserving techniques, and he became a witch. Xianmen.

It's just that it was a time of war and chaos, and there was no fixed place to live. A few days after meeting Wu Ze, their village was purged by Japanese Japs. Feng Gaofeng used witchcraft to kill some Japs, took his family and some villagers to escape from the village where his ancestors had lived for generations, and began to wander around. Fortunately, Feng Gaofeng learned a lot of witchcraft medical skills. He walked around the streets and worked as a healer. Occasionally, he would encounter evil spirits, and he would also help the dancing master. It was no problem to make some money to support his family. Professor Feng's medical skills were mostly I learned it at that time, but I temporarily lost contact with Wu Ze. Less than a year later, Feng Gaofeng met the little devil again. Although the witchcraft techniques were mysterious, Feng Gaofeng's ability at the time was ultimately no match for bullets, and he was unfortunately hit and killed by bullets. After that, Professor Feng and his mother depended on each other, completely losing contact with Wu Ze, and the Feng family's witchcraft was also lost.

Fortunately, during that year, Professor Feng had been traveling around with his father, helping people treat illnesses and injuries, and he had learned a thing or two about his father's medical skills. After his father passed away, Professor Feng relied on that foundation and the memory of his father practicing medicine, and then learned and integrated other schools of Chinese medicine. He also achieved medical skills and became a well-known veteran Chinese medicine practitioner in the field of Chinese medicine.

"Could it be that Master, the old man, is still alive?" After the shock, Professor Feng couldn't help but said excitedly.

"Master, he passed away last year." Xia Yunjie felt a little lower when Professor Feng asked about his master.

Although Professor Feng also believed that the possibility of his master still being alive was very small, when he heard that he had just passed away last year, he couldn't help being shocked and deeply saddened at the same time.

In ancient times, there was no distinction between witchcraft and medicine. Doctors were shamans, so there was a saying that "medicine originated from witchcraft." Witches are magical powers that can communicate with people. They can arrange troops in formations, call for wind and rain, move mountains and seas. At a small level, they can seek good luck and avoid evil, exorcise demons and suppress ghosts, and relieve illnesses. Medicine is the art of understanding people, and it talks about the technology of treating people. It studies the physiological structure of the human body, pathological changes, drug knowledge, usage rules, etc. It can be said that medicine is a branch of witchcraft, and other branches such as the Book of Changes, Yin-Yang Bagua and Kanyu Fengshui are also considered branches of witchcraft.

It's just that the history of witchcraft is too long and has declined for a long time. Gradually, no one pays attention to and studies the glory that once belonged to witchcraft. When talking about witches, many people will first think of feudal superstitious people and things such as dancing gods in the countryside, witches pretending to be gods and ghosts, but they don't know that many things in China are derived from witches.

However, Professor Feng is well aware of the magic of witchcraft, at least in terms of medical skills. Back then, he only learned one-tenth or two-tenths of his father's medical skills, and he achieved what he has achieved today. Although his subsequent efforts during this period were indispensable, Professor Feng knew very well that all of this was based on that tenth. On the basis of one or two. Even sometimes, when he recalled his father's medical practice, he still found it very magical and incredible. Just like once, there was a patient who was about to die and no medicine was helpful. But later, his father only recited some spells to him and put a talisman of unknown herbal medicine on his back. Funny, that man's illness was cured later. Professor Feng didn't understand it at the time, but he later learned that it was the "Zhuyou Branch" among the thirteen branches of disease that were said to treat diseases in ancient times.

Zhu Youke is a medical science that uses charms to treat diseases, some of which are supplemented by Chinese herbal medicine. It's a pity that what is spread among the people nowadays is all feudal superstition and deception. Over time, Zhu Youke has become a feudal superstition and crooked way in people's eyes. However, Professor Feng, who had witnessed it with his own eyes, knew that the real Zhu Youke had a miraculous medical skill that could really bring people back to life. Unfortunately, his father died early, and this miraculous witchcraft medical skill and many other medical skills were lost.

Professor Feng felt deep regret every time he thought about this. Now when he heard the news about his master, he remembered that his master was his father's master and his medical skills were even more superb. He couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that his master was still alive. In the human world, I will have the opportunity to learn from him many lost witchcraft medical skills, including the magical Zhu Youke. These are the treasures of Chinese medicine!

It's a pity that this last glimmer of hope was shattered. It was only one year away, but he missed his master and many magical witchcraft medical skills. How could Professor Feng not feel extremely sad about this?

"People are subject to birth, old age, sickness and death. Master, he was alive for 124 years and passed away without illness or disease. He was very peaceful. Professor Feng does not need to be sad." Xia Yunjie saw that Professor Feng was very old and heard the news of Wu Ze's death. His expression was very sad, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, so he had to put away his emotions and spoke to comfort him.

When Xia Yunjie opened his mouth, Professor Feng suddenly remembered that although the Xiao Xia in front of him was young, he was a close disciple of his master. In terms of seniority, he was actually his master uncle. He couldn't help being shocked, and he hurriedly bent down to give Xia Yunjie something. salute.

Fortunately, Xia Yunjie had quick eyesight and quick hands. When he saw this, he hurriedly supported Professor Feng and said, "Professor Feng can't do it, he can't do it."

Xia Yunjie's arms were strong, and Professor Feng bent down when he was holding him up. Hearing this, he smiled helplessly and said: "Uncle, please don't call me Professor Feng anymore. Just call me Wenbo. When I was young, I also spoke to my ancestors." Master bowed his head and swore an oath. Once you enter my Wuxian sect, you will be a member of the Wuxian sect for the rest of your life. Most of my current medical skills are also from my sect. You are an elder, but I cannot bear to be called you. .”

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