Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 230: Take action (the order of the previous chapters is wrong)

Although the New Year is approaching, the talent market is still busy and crowded. But a large part of them are college students who will graduate next year.

As the employment situation for college students becomes increasingly tense, they all have a sense of crisis. Taking advantage of the fact that they have less studies in their senior year, they go to the job market first to see if there are any suitable positions, so that they can prepare in advance.

There are very few technical secondary school students like Xia Yunjie who are reluctant to resign before the end of the year and then go out to look for jobs.

The most jobs in the talent market are marketers and insurance salesmen. Other jobs have more or less requirements for majors, academic qualifications and work experience. This makes professionals with low academic qualifications and little work experience appear more professional. Xia Yunjie, who was "awesome" but not practical in reality and was anxious to find a job, was very depressed.

Fortunately, when Xia Yunjie was looking around the talent market, he saw a recruitment message that made his eyes light up. The recruiting unit is Weida Company, and the position being recruited is the company's full-time security guard.

There are quite a few people being recruited, six. The most important thing is that the recruitment conditions are very simple. They only need to be between 18 and 38 years old, over 1.68 meters tall, with a junior high school education or above, good health, no tattoos, cigarette scars or bad habits, and law-abiding character. Honest, no criminal record.

Xia Yunjie met all these conditions.

The salary is not bad, one thousand yuan for the internship period, two months of internship, one thousand three yuan after two months, free working meals, and social insurance such as medical care, work injury, accident, etc. Of course, these insurances are of no use to Xia Yunjie. But no matter what, this job was okay in 2003.

So Xia Yunjie, who was eager to find a job to support himself, submitted a resume without any hesitation. Unfortunately, perhaps because the requirements for this job are low and most people meet them, more people submit application letters. When Xia Yunjie submitted his resume, there were already several application letters on the recruitment table. This made Xia Yunjie sigh with emotion. The competition for security positions is also very fierce these days.

When Xia Yunjie submitted this application letter and wanted to explore the job market, his cell phone rang.

I took it out and saw that it was a call from the flight attendant Sisi I just met last night. Sisi's surname is Dong. When they parted last night, Dong Sisi specifically asked for Xia Yunjie's phone number and also left him her own phone number.

But Xia Yunjie didn't expect Dong Sisi to call so soon.

"Hello, Sisi, this is Xia Yunjie." After picking up the phone, Xia Yunjie took the initiative to say hello.

"Master Xia, where are you now?" Dong Sisi on the other end of the phone sounded anxious and excited.

"Is there anything going on in the talent market?" Xia Yunjie replied.

"Master Xia, you are so noble and forgetful. Have you forgotten what you promised me last night?" Dong Sisi on the other end of the phone pouted and said with dissatisfaction.

"Oh, you were talking about your uncle's factory. How could I have forgotten my promise? Didn't you ask me to go today?" Xia Yunjie said, slightly startled.

"Today, my uncle is going to invite that expert to come over and see how Feng Shui is done. It's up to you, Master Xia, to help expose his deceptive tricks." Seeing that Xia Yunjie had not forgotten it, Dong Sisi turned to anger. said happily.

"First of all, let me make it clear that I haven't been to the scene and haven't met this person, so I can't say that he is definitely a liar." Even though most of these experts are basically cheating, Xia Yunjie himself is An expert who knows the yin and yang, ghosts, and Feng Shui will naturally not label all the experts who understand Feng Shui as liars.

"Okay, we are all friends, don't be so mysterious and serious. Anyway, you must help me expose that person's trick later. Oh, by the way, did you say you are in the talent market now? Just wait, I will It's nearby, I'll drive to pick you up, don't go away." Dong Sisi didn't care whether Xia Yunjie agreed or not, so she hung up the phone.

Xia Yunjie held the phone and could only shake his head helplessly, then left the talent market and stood at the gate waiting for Dong Sisi.

Soon Dong Sisi appeared in front of Xia Yunjie in a bright yellow Chery QQ.

"Get in the car" Dong Sisi rolled down the window and said to Xia Yunjie.

"I'm coming here on a bicycle. Is your uncle's factory near or far away? If it's close, I'll ride there." Xia Yunjie said.

"The factory is in the western suburbs, a little way off. Don't worry, no one can steal a broken bicycle. Even if someone steals it, as long as you behave a little better today, my uncle will give you a red envelope and it will be enough for you to buy ten bicycles. Lovely one." Dong Sisi smoothed her hair in the wind and said carelessly.

Of course Xia Yunjie wouldn't worry about his bike being stolen. Not to mention his extraordinary abilities, but with his current connections in the black and white circles of Jiangzhou City, whoever steals his bike will be in trouble.

Of course, Xia Yunjie wouldn't say this. Seeing Dong Sisi say this, he could only smile and get into the passenger seat.

"By the way, Master Xia, aren't you riding a bicycle to the job market to find a job?" Dong Sisi asked curiously while driving the car after Xia Yunjie settled down.

"Yeah." Xia Yunjie nodded noncommittally.

"No, you actually came to the job market on a bicycle to find a job." Seeing that she was right, Dong Sisi couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"What? Isn't it possible?" Xia Yunjie asked.

"What do you think? Have you ever seen a master riding a bicycle to the job market to look for a job? Besides, didn't that strong guy admire you so much last night? You just need to strike while the iron is hot and shake your hands a little, and he won't obediently Giving you money? Why are you looking for a job?" Dong Sisi said disapprovingly.

Although Dong Sisi said it very tactfully and did not mention cheating or cheating, the meaning of the words was exactly this. Xia Yunjie just rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Have you ever heard of a saying that says you do what you don't want others to do? Don't do it to others? Since you specifically asked me for help and didn't want your uncle to be deceived, how could you defraud me of Xiaoqiang's money? "

"Haha, you spilled the beans and made it mysterious, but in the end you are still being mysterious, right?" Dong Sisi, however, didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, she pointed at Xia Yunjie and smiled proudly.

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you clearly." Seeing Dong Sisi say this, Xia Yunjie couldn't explain it for a while. He agreed that her lie was definitely wrong, but if he said it wasn't a lie, he couldn't provide any evidence. Unless he was willing to show off his skills, Yu Jian didn't bother to argue with her.

Dong Sisi didn't believe in things like exorcism, feng shui and fortune telling. Seeing Xia Yunjie's poor words, she decided that these things were all just to fool people. She laughed proudly, then showed a hint of admiration and said: "But To be honest, I still admire you. At such a young age, you can actually fool a billionaire into looking like that. How awesome is that?"

Speaking, Dong Sisi gave Xia Yunjie a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Xia Yunjie turned to look at the scenery outside the window and ignored Dong Sisi.

Seeing that Xia Yunjie ignored him, Dong Sisi knew that he didn't want others to regard him as a magician or a liar, so she smiled and said: "Master Xia, are you angry? Don't be angry, although I know that your profession is basically It's a lie, but I know you are a good person. Otherwise, you didn't kill that strong man last night? Otherwise, I wouldn't ask you to come forward, right? However, I always feel that you don't do this. It is really a waste of talents to go to the talent market to find a job in one industry.”

"Let's not talk about this, can we change the subject?" Xia Yunjie lost his temper after being nagged by Dong Sisi, and said helplessly.

"Okay, let's talk about you and Shen Liti? What stage of development are you at now? Have you ever kissed? Have you ever slept with each other?" Dong Sisi said with a beaming expression.

"Let's talk about your uncle," Xia Yunjie said hurriedly when his head nearly exploded.

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