Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 24: Fear of bloody disaster

Feng Wenbo nodded and said: "That's it, and my uncle not only knows medical skills but also witchcraft and magic skills better than me..."

"Old Feng, stop it! Stop it! I respect your beliefs, and I don't object to you pasting talismans on the door beam, but this matter is just like Xiaoxia said, so don't involve me." Like many people, the wizard In Yang Hui'e's mind, she was a great master who played tricks on people. She was worse than a fortune teller who set up a stall on the street to tell fortunes. At least he was still studying the Book of Changes and it was considered a science. And this kind of thinking has long been ingrained in Yang Hui'e's heart. Although she and Feng Wenbo have a deep love and have gone through many years of ups and downs, she still wants a dignified university professor to follow her husband and call him a "little magic stick". , but she could never open this mouth. At most, she would not care about Feng Wenbo's old fool.

When Yang Hui'e said this, Feng Wenbo became a little embarrassed. You must know that the young man in front of you is not just a master uncle, but also the contemporary head of the Wuxian Sect. Even if his father is still alive, he is respected by him. What's more, he is also a disciple of Wu Xianmen. Although times are different now, the oath Feng Wenbo made when he entered the school is still fresh in his mind.

Xia Yunjie saw that Feng Wenbo's face was not good-looking and the atmosphere was a bit tense. He couldn't help but feel more and more uncomfortable. He said hurriedly: "This is good, this is good, otherwise it would be awkward for others to hear and see. By the way, it's not early, Wenbo , Professor Yang, I will take my leave now."

When Feng Wenbo saw that Xia Yunjie was leaving, he didn't care about getting angry with Yang Hui'e, and said hurriedly: "Uncle Master is already here at noon, why don't we leave after eating?"

"No, I have an appointment at noon and I have other things to do." Xia Yunjie lied with a slight blush.

Sandwiched between a pair of old people, Yang Hui'e clearly regarded him as a magician, Xia Yunjie felt really uncomfortable.

"Then I'll give it to you." When Feng Wenbo saw Xia Yunjie say this, it was hard to persuade him to stay.

Yang Hui'e was a little unhappy when she saw Feng Wenbo. After all, they were an old couple with deep feelings, so she finally chose to accommodate herself and politely walked Xia Yunjie to the door with Feng Wenbo. But Feng Wenbo insisted on sending Xia Yunjie to the school, which made Yang Hui'e dumbfounded. Wasn't he just a junior uncle who had never even seen his father? As for being like his own uncle? What made Yang Hui'e laugh and cry the most, and even made her a little depressed, was that Xia Yunjie, the "uncle master" who appeared out of nowhere, looked at her deeply before leaving, and frowned slightly inadvertently, as if he was looking at her. She was very dissatisfied, but she couldn't say anything.

"Uncle, Hui'e was born in a family of intellectuals, and the education she received since childhood was also..." Feng Wenbo explained and apologized with an embarrassed look on his face as he walked on the tree-lined avenue of the campus.

"Haha, now that science and medicine are advanced, many people have been cheating under the banner of witchcraft since ancient times. Professor Yang has this idea, but it is human nature. Besides, I am still young, and you are a senior at the university. Professor, on the contrary, I have become your elder, and I would not be able to understand and accept it for a while." Xia Yunjie interrupted with a smile and waved his hand.

Feng Wenbo saw that although Xia Yunjie was young, he was broad-minded and considerate. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully: "Thank you, uncle."

"You're too polite. But times are different now. I think it's better not to mention your identity as a disciple of the Wu Sect to others, so as not to cause confusion among others," Xia Yunjie said.

Although Xia Yunjie said this politely and casually, as the leader of Wu Xian Clan, this instruction naturally became an order. When Feng Wenbo heard this, he immediately looked solemn and said: "I understand, Uncle Master."

Xia Yunjie smiled when he saw this, and the two of them continued walking to the school gate.

On the way, Feng Wenbo asked Xia Yunjie's contact information again. Xia Yunjie did not hide it from him and told him that if he had any doubts about his medical skills, he could call him. The implication was that if it was not for this matter, he should not disturb him easily.

Feng Wenbo originally wanted to know where Xia Yunjie was employed, but now that he saw him saying this, he swallowed his words. However, in Feng Wenbo's view, since Xia Yunjie is the contemporary head of the Wuxian Sect, even though he is still young, he can still be regarded as a strange person in the world. At least his medical attainments must be high, and his life must be pretty good. But he would never have thought that his uncle was just a bartender now.

The two of them were talking all the way, and from time to time someone would greet Feng Wenbo angrily. At the same time, they would inevitably look at Xia Yunjie curiously, and soon the two of them walked to the school gate.

Feng Wenbo also specially hailed a taxi for Xia Yunjie. Although Xia Yunjie felt sorry for the money, he could not refuse. As he got in the car, he said to Feng Wenbo: "Professor Yang should not go out today, for fear of a bloody disaster. You It’s best to give her some advice.”

It turned out that when Yang Hui'e sent Xia Yunjie out just now, Xia Yunjie suddenly felt the light of blood looming above her forehead on both sides of the Migration Palace. There will be a bloody disaster in 1989. Although it will not be life-threatening, it will still have to suffer. However, Yang Hui'e regards him as a magic stick, but Xia Yunjie is hesitant to remind her, and then he can't help but frown slightly. It's ridiculous that Yang Hui'e thought that Xia Yunjie was showing off to her uncle and was dissatisfied with her.

Now that he was about to leave in the car, Xia Yunjie thought that Yang Hui'e was Feng Wenbo's wife after all, and thought it would be better to remind them. As for whether they believed it or not, that was their business. A special reminder before getting on the bus.

Feng Wenbo was slightly startled when he heard this, then nodded hurriedly and said: "Thank you, uncle, I will persuade her."

But when he said this, Feng Wenbo didn't really pay attention to it. This is not to blame Feng Wenbo. After all, the art of divination and prediction is mysterious and mysterious. If it has not really happened, it will be difficult for people to believe it. Feng Wenbo seemed to know the magic of witchcraft, so he nodded and said thank you without hesitation. He was half-convinced. If it had been anyone else, he would have scolded Xia Yunjie for being a cunt. Of course, the main reason is that Xia Yunjie is too young. If it were Feng Wenbo's master Wu Ze who said this, Feng Wenbo would not dare not take it seriously.

Anyway, Yang Hui'e's life was not in danger. Since he had been reminded, Xia Yunjie stopped nagging, closed the car door, and casually told the driver to go to Deya Community.

The driver said okay, then started the car and drove towards Deya Community. While driving, he looked at Xia Yunjie curiously through the endoscope. After a while, he finally couldn't help but said: "Young man, you are really awesome. It looks good to university professors, they are high-level intellectuals who only believe in science!"

"Haha, I also believe in science. In fact, real physiognomy is also a science. It is a science that studies the complex and subtle relationship between the human body and heaven and earth." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"Oh, this idea is quite novel. Please explain it to me." The driver suddenly became interested after hearing this.

Maybe it was because he suddenly met his classmate today and he was in a good mood, or maybe it was because he and this driver were just passers-by in life, so there was no harm in talking. Xia Yunjie actually smiled and explained to him after hearing this: "There is a The word is "Heaven and Man are one", which means that man and nature are one, which means that man and nature are born from the same source and are also part of nature. Since man is also a part of nature, man and man In addition, man and nature must be related to each other and influence each other, so a truly powerful physiognomist can deduce some clues from the changes in the yin, yang and five elements of the human body as well as the changes in the natural atmosphere around it. Just like a car driving Come on, even if you don't use your eyes, you can still know that a car is coming from the changes in airflow caused by the car, the changes in sound waves, etc., and you can even know whether it is going fast or slow, because the car and the world are one. Of course, the changes in the breath of the human body and the relationship with the heaven and earth are much more complicated than this, and those who are not real fortune tellers cannot feel it."

"Hey, young man, what you said makes a lot of sense. Why don't you show me a picture and give it a try." The driver smiled after hearing this.

Xia Yunjie smiled when he heard this, then looked at the driver intently and said, "If I'm not wrong, you're going to make a little fortune later."

"Haha, you young man, you really have some talent for being a magician. Just now you told the old professor that there would be some kind of bloody disaster, and now you said that I was going to lose money. It seems that this is the routine of fortune tellers on the street, so that it is easier to do. Got the money." The driver actually asked casually, but naturally he didn't take it seriously and laughed.

Of course, Xia Yunjie was not as knowledgeable as the driver. He smiled when he heard the words, then simply turned his head to admire the scenery of the street and ignored the driver again.

The driver asked a few more questions casually. When Xia Yunjie didn't answer, he felt bored. He turned on the radio and listened to the sound of traffic while driving. When I was approaching an intersection, I didn't know if I was distracted for a moment or something, and I forgot to change lanes in advance. I waited until I passed the dotted line before I remembered to turn, so I hurriedly changed lanes.

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