Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 26 The bloody disaster comes true

When Feng Wenbo saw Yang Hui'e carrying a vegetable basket and was about to go out, he suddenly remembered what Xia Yunjie had said. He couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He hurriedly put down what he was doing and called Yang Hui'e and said, "Hui'e, I'm going to buy vegetables today. You just stay at home."

"Isn't it just right for me to go shopping for groceries when I have nothing to do? Why do you suddenly ask me to stay at home?" Yang Hui'e looked at Feng Wenbo in confusion and asked.

"Uncle Master said you shouldn't go out today, for fear of a bloody disaster!" Feng Wenbo has been an old couple for many years, and there is no need to lie to Yang Hui'e. He told the truth when he heard what was said, but when he said this, he remembered that Yang Hui'e did not believe this, but he was confident after all. A bit weak.

"Uncle Master? I said, Old Feng, you are also a university professor and a celebrity in the field of Chinese medicine. Can you please stop being so confused? How old is that Xia Yunjie? How old are you? Uncle Master, you keep saying, even if you don't do it for me, You have to think about your son. He is the municipal party committee secretary of Jiangzhou City. If people know that his father calls a young boy uncle, what do you think others will think of him? Why shouldn't he go out? In such a bloody disaster, this But only feudal and superstitious people talk about it. How can you, a university professor, believe in these nonsense? Besides, these words come from a young boy? What do you want me to say about you?" Yang Hui'e originally told Feng Wenbox I don’t mind Feng Shui or anything else. If he likes to put up ghost symbols, let him put them up. After all, personal beliefs must be respected. But today Feng Wenbo recognized a young boy as his uncle, and what's even more exaggerated is that because of his words, he told her to stay at home and not go out. In this way, the two of them were an old couple. After many years and deep feelings, Yang Hui'e couldn't help but get angry at Feng Wenbo, and then went out in a hurry with a vegetable basket.

Looking at Yang Hui'e's back as she walked out angrily, Feng Wenbo opened his mouth and wanted to call her out, but in the end he swallowed it back. He thought, forget it, fortune telling is a mysterious and profound technique. Even his master said that he It was just the first glimpse of the threshold, and my father didn't even scratch the surface. Uncle Master is still young and has only learned a little bit about it at most. Just listen to what he said before. Why did he suddenly become serious with Hui'e again? When Hui'e comes back safely, won't she look down on her uncle again and think that he is pretending to be a ghost and engaging in superstition? I, I am really old and confused!

Feng Wenbo thought to himself and couldn't help but slap his forehead in frustration.

But just as he slapped his forehead with his hand, he heard a familiar "Oops" coming from outside the wall, followed by the sound of a bicycle or a moped overturning and hitting the ground.

Feng Wenbo's heart skipped a beat. Without thinking, he dropped the watering ladle in his hand and ran out as soon as he was old enough.

As soon as she ran out of the door, she saw Yang Hui'e slumped on the ground more than ten meters away from the house, with her hands on the ground. The place where her left hand rested on the ground was full of bright red blood, which was very dazzling in the sunset. In front of her was an overturned bicycle, and a young man who looked like a student was standing there in a daze, saying "I'm sorry" constantly.

When Feng Wenbo saw the bright red blood all over the floor, the first thing he thought of was the bloody disaster that his junior uncle had mentioned. However, he never expected that it would be effective so quickly, and it would happen as soon as his wife went out.

However, at this time, he was not allowed to think about the bloody disaster, nor was he allowed to regret not persuading Yang Hui'e. He rushed forward, squatted down and said, "Hui'e, how are you, are you okay?"

"It should be fine, it's just that the palm was punctured by the glass." Yang Hui'e said with a frown.

Feng Wenbo then discovered that there happened to be a small piece of glass where Yang Hui'e's left hand was resting on the ground. Her hand was broken, so it bled a lot. It looked very scary. She felt relieved and hurriedly reached out to help Yang Hui'e. Said: "Fortunately, I was only cut by the glass..."

"Bah!" Before Feng Wenbo finished speaking, Yang Hui'e, who was trying to stand up with Feng Wenbo's strength, took a sharp breath of cold air, her face suddenly turned pale, and cold sweat rolled down her forehead like beans.

Feng Wenbo is an old Chinese medicine doctor. When he saw it, his expression suddenly changed: "What's wrong Hui'e? Did you hurt a bone?"

"My left buttock hurts." Yang Hui'e gritted her teeth and said with a very painful expression.

Feng Wenbo's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he hurriedly said: "Lie down and don't move. I'll call an ambulance."

"Old, teacher, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it. Does this, does this matter?" The student was already frightened when he saw Yang Hui'e bleeding, and now he was even more frightened when Feng Wenbo said that she had injured her bones. His face turned blue.

"I've fallen like this. Do you think it's okay or not? How do you ride a bike?" As the saying goes, "It takes a hundred days to break your muscles and bones." Especially for the elderly, because of their poor recovery, it is very likely that they will really hurt their muscles and bones. The rest of his life will be spent in a wheelchair or even in bed. Feng Wenbo is an old Chinese medicine doctor, so he naturally understands this truth, so when he saw that Yang Hui'e might have injured his ischium, his eyes suddenly turned red. Seeing the student asking questions, he couldn't help but take out the phone and scolded angrily.

"I, I..." the student stuttered immediately.

"Okay, okay, Lao Feng, don't scare the child, he didn't mean it. This classmate, it has nothing to do with you here. You can go. Be careful next time you ride, don't go so fast." Yang Hui'e did the same. The old professor, who was always kind to his students, couldn't bear it when he saw Feng Wenbo angrily scolding the students, making them turn green with fright. He hurriedly endured the pain and glared at Feng Wenbo, and then said kindly to the students.

"No, no, I'll stay." Although the student was frightened, he was still a student who had the courage to take responsibility and said hurriedly after hearing this.

"Silly boy, it's useless for you to stay. Well, do you know this old man? He is Professor Feng, the old dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in our school. As long as he is here, I will be fine." Yang Hui'e endured the pain and deliberately said casually.

Feng Wenbo was by no means less famous than the president of Jiangzhou University. When this student heard that the silver-haired old man in front of him was the famous Professor Feng, he couldn't help but look at him with some fear.

At this time, Feng Wenbo had already made the emergency call and saw the student looking at him in fear. Although he felt sorry for his wife's injury, he could no longer get angry at the student. He glared at him angrily and said, "Okay, next time I ride Please pay attention to the car, Teacher Yang will be fine."

"I will, I will, thank you Professor Feng, thank you Professor Yang." Seeing Feng Wenbo say this, the student finally breathed a sigh of relief. After thanking him repeatedly, he got on the bike and rode away without a trace.

Seeing this, Yang Hui'e shook her head and said, "This child!"

"I'm still in the mood to care about others. I just told you not to go out and you refused to listen. How about now?" Feng Wenbo couldn't help but feel distressed and annoyed when he saw this.

Hearing Feng Wenbo's words, Yang Hui'e suddenly remembered the bloody disaster he mentioned before. She couldn't help but suddenly froze, and she forgot about the pain for a while.

There was an ambulance at Jiangzhou University's medical office. Within two minutes of Feng Wenbo's call, the ambulance arrived, and then it roared all the way to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University is a hospital founded by Jiangzhou University. It is the largest clinical teaching base of Jiangzhou University School of Medicine and the best hospital in Jiangzhou City. Its medical department is renowned both inside and outside the province. Before retiring, Feng Wenbo not only served as the dean of the school's School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also served as the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital. Although he has retired now, he is still an old expert in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital and arranges expert clinics every week.

"Old Feng, do you think what happened today was a coincidence? Did Xia Yunjie really see it early?" Lying in the ambulance, Yang Hui'e was still thinking about the bloody disaster, and even ignored her body. of pain.

In fact, if Xia Yunjie had figured it out early, for Yang Hui'e, it would have overturned the worldview she had adhered to for decades, and it would have had a huge impact on her thinking.

At this time, Feng Wenbo had also recovered from the initial anxiety and worry. When he saw Yang Hui'e asking questions, he grabbed her hand and patted her face with a guilty expression: "It's all my fault that I judge people by their appearance and have doubts about my uncle's ability. , otherwise you would be fine."

The implication is clear, this is not a coincidence!

Yang Hui'e's heart beat suddenly when she heard this. She grabbed Feng Wenbo's hand and still couldn't accept the fact. She said, "How is this possible? Wouldn't it be terrible if a person's ability reaches this level?"

"Don't think so much now. I will tell you slowly when you are healed." Feng Wenbo glanced at the medical staff accompanying him in the ambulance, patted the back of Yang Hui'e's hand again and said, but he also felt secretly in his heart. He was shocked by Xia Yunjie's terrifying divination and prediction skills.

You must know that his father was also considered the proud disciple of his master Wu Ze at that time, but every time he talked about the art of divination, he would shake his head and sigh, saying that his qualifications were dull, but he had not even touched the door of divination. Unexpectedly, Xia Yunjie was so young, and when they met for the first time today, he actually concluded that Yang Hui'e was in a bloody disaster today. What a powerful divination skill this was. Even Feng Wenbo secretly doubted whether his master's divination skill was so powerful back then. Otherwise, he Why didn't you see that a few days after he left, Japanese soldiers would come to Fengjia Village to raid the village?

Yang Hui'e didn't know that her husband was actually shocked to death at this time. After hearing this, she knew that he didn't want to say these things in front of the medical staff, so she stopped asking about it, but she still couldn't help but think about it in her mind. .

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