Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 29 Being a teacher or a doctor is...

"Sister Yan, I have something urgent to deal with at the moment. I may have to go to work a little later." The call was quickly connected and Xia Yunjie said simply and clearly.

"It's urgent, what's your excuse? Have you hooked up with a beautiful girl?" came the charming voice of Yanjie on the phone.

Listening to Sister Yan's voice, Xia Yunjie subconsciously thought of Sister Yan's sexy big butt wrapped in a short skirt. This is a woman whose ass will be deeply remembered by men when they see her, but she is nothing more than a lily.

"It's really urgent!" Xia Yunjie quickly shook off the sexy picture in his mind and said seriously.

"Gee, I'm kidding you because you're in a hurry! But try to get there before eight o'clock. Bar business is good in summer, so manpower will be a little tight." Sister Yan felt Xia Yunjie's serious tone and couldn't help but giggle.

"Thank you, Sister Yan. I will definitely rush there before eight o'clock." After saying this, Xia Yunjie hung up the phone.

But when Xia Yunjie hung up the phone, he found that the two men sitting in the front row couldn't help showing extremely complicated expressions on their faces.

The driver Qian Youtu couldn't figure it out. A young man like Xia Yunjie who even Mr. Feng had to pick up and drop off in person. I'm afraid no company in the entire Jiangzhou City could afford or accommodate such a great man. Unexpectedly, this young man had to work the night shift, and when he was a little late, he even called to ask for leave. Is there such an awesome company in Jiangzhou City?

Feng Wenbo also couldn't figure it out. In his opinion, with his uncle's ability, even if people are prejudiced against young people, as long as his uncle is really willing to take action, he shouldn't end up working the night shift! Of course, he is more curious about where Uncle Master works now? What occupation do you have?

However, it was difficult for Feng Wenbo to ask this, at least not in front of the driver.

Xia Yunjie naturally didn't care about the complicated expressions of Feng Wenbo and Qian Youtu, and he didn't need to explain to them. After hanging up the phone, he sat alone in the back seat with his eyes closed and meditative.

Just now he drew three talismans in a row. Although it was nothing for a wizard of his level, it was still a labor-intensive thing.

Xia Yunjie's behavior seemed almost rude to Qian Youtu, but it also made him even more shocked and almost frightened. He was walking on thin ice while driving.

Nearly half an hour later, the car stopped steadily at the entrance of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University. Qian Youtu got out of the car almost subconsciously, and then respectfully opened the door for Xia Yunjie, as if he was his boss, the Jiangzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary.

"Uncle, I'm really sorry, because Hui'e's matter has delayed your work." On the way to the ward, Feng Wenbo said with shame.

"The injury cannot be delayed, but the work can be slowed down." Xia Yunjie waved his hand.

"Thank you, uncle. It's all my fault. Uncle, you have obviously..." Feng Wenbo felt even more ashamed when he saw Xia Yunjie say this.

"Let it go." Xia Yunjie smiled and said without mind at all.

Yang Hui'e is a university professor, and he is a young man, and what he said is such a ridiculous thing. It is normal for Xia Yunjie that Yang Hui'e did not listen to his reminder. On the contrary, if Yang Hui'e really behaved because of her words Staying at home and not going out is not normal.

"It's uncle." Feng Wenbo nodded, burying his gratitude and shame deep in his heart.

While talking, the two entered the elevator.

"Uncle, can you tell me what profession you are engaged in now?" It was rare that there was no one else in the elevator. Feng Wenbo hesitated for a while and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Today's employers place more emphasis on diplomas. I only graduated from a technical secondary school, so it was difficult to find a suitable job after graduation. I am currently working as a waiter in a bar, but the salary is not bad." Xia Yunjie replied calmly, He didn't deliberately hide it from Feng Wenbo. In fact, he felt there was no need to hide it from him.

Feng Wenbo opened his mouth when he heard this, and looked at Xia Yunjie speechless for a long time. He never dreamed that the head of the Wu Xian Sect would be reduced to working as a waiter in a bar, and the reason Xia Yunjie gave him made him feel even more ridiculous. A talent like Uncle Shi would actually be working as a waiter in a bar because of his diploma. can not find a job!

"Actually, our school and hospital need teachers and doctors with excellent medical skills like you, uncle. If you don't mind, uncle, why don't you become a teacher in our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine or come to the First Affiliated Hospital to be a doctor?" After a while, Feng Wenbo cautiously suggested.

With his status, it is not difficult to arrange for someone to work as a teacher in a school or a doctor in a hospital, let alone someone with excellent medical skills like Xia Yunjie. Of course, if Xia Yunjie is willing to teach at Jiangzhou University or work as a doctor in a hospital, it will definitely bring the level of Chinese medicine at Jiangzhou University to a higher level. As for Feng Wenbo himself, of course he will also have more opportunities to learn from Xia Yunjie.

Feng Wenbo's words made Xia Yunjie a little moved. After going to Jiangzhou University yesterday, he found that he liked the atmosphere of the university. It would be great if he could be a teacher in a medical school there, and it would be convenient for studying. As for doctors, they are not bad. Saving lives and healing the wounded is a good deed and should be able to cultivate people's hearts. It’s just that in ancient times, there was no distinction between witchcraft and medicine. Witchcraft was both medicine and medicine was also witchcraft, and medical skills were also classified as witchcraft. So Xia Yunjie could go to school to be a Chinese medicine teacher, or he could go to a hospital to be a Chinese medicine doctor, but because of his master's instructions, he couldn't make money with his medical skills. In other words, he can only work as a voluntary teacher or doctor for free, at least for the past three years, and his top priority is to work to earn money to support himself.

"Being a teacher or a doctor would be nice, but I still have to work to make money." Xia Yunjie said with some ambivalence.

"Ahem, uncle, the salaries of teachers and doctors are pretty good. They should be much higher than the income in bars." Feng Wenbo was stunned for a while after hearing Xia Yunjie's words before he said cautiously.

Of course, if Xia Yunjie was not his master uncle, a strange person with extraordinary skills, and his words and deeds could not be measured according to ordinary people's thinking, I am afraid that Feng Wenbo would not explain carefully but would scold him for having a brain problem.

Can the income of a bar waiter be comparable to that of university teachers and doctors? Not to mention social status!

"I know this, but I don't plan to use my medical skills to make money for the time being, so I'm afraid I don't have time to be a full-time teacher or doctor. If I can spare a day and a half during the day every week, that's fine." Xia Yunjie knew that Feng Wenbo had misunderstood him , smiled and explained simply.

After hearing this, Feng Wenbo suddenly understood why Xia Yunjie's words just now were so "brainless" and why his uncle's clothes were so simple. It turned out that he wanted to make money and live as an ordinary person. However, from Xia Yunjie's tone, Feng Wenbo could tell that Xia Yunjie was interested in becoming a university teacher or doctor. After hearing this, he thought for a while and said, "Actually, if you are interested, uncle, you can come to the school as a visiting professor." Or go to the hospital and be a visiting doctor, or both.”

"Is this okay?" Xia Yunjie was stunned for a moment.

"Of course you can. In fact, it's easier for me to do it this way. Although Chinese medicine has a saying that it is passed down from family to family, so there are no hard and fast requirements for academic qualifications like other subjects. But generally speaking, if you want to go to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine to become a formal Teachers or going to the First Hospital to be a formal doctor, even if I come forward, the procedures are still very cumbersome. But for guest professors, etc., it is much simpler. There are no hard and fast regulations in this regard, and each school generally sets its own rules. For example, some schools require the other party to have a professorial title. Without a professorial title, you cannot apply as a visiting professor. Some schools do not have such regulations, so some schools can independently hire officials, entrepreneurs, inventors and even celebrities as their visiting professors. But medicine is different from other disciplines after all. If my uncle wants to practice medicine formally, I am afraid he must have a Chinese medicine practitioner qualification certificate. I wonder if my uncle has this qualification?" Feng Wenbo explained.

"I don't have a qualification certificate. Do I need to take the exam? If I need to take the exam, forget it." Xia Yunjie said.

Although Xia Yunjie can put down his dignity when looking for a job, that's because he is just an ordinary wage earner when he is looking for a job. But when it comes to medical skills, he is no longer a wage earner, but a wizard. A wizard has the dignity of a wizard, and Xia Yunjie is still the current head of the Wuxian Sect. Maybe he would consider asking him to test others, but asking a half-match to test his medical skills is something Xia Yunjie cannot accept.

"No, no need." Feng Wenbo asked casually and waved his hands hurriedly after hearing this.

After all, Feng Wenbo is also one of the leading figures in the field of Chinese medicine. Now that he knows that Xia Yunjie is his uncle, how can he let his uncle take the Chinese medicine examination like a newly graduated apprentice? This is not self-defeating. Face? Even Deputy Director Zhang of the Personnel and Education Department of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who is responsible for the specific work and actual work of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Qualification Examination, is his student. In other words, if the leader in charge of the examination is really serious, he would have to call Xia Yunjie uncle or uncle, and ask him to test whether Xia Yunjie is qualified to practice medicine. Is it appropriate?

"If you don't need it, then you can do it for me, both as a teacher and a doctor. Anyway, for now, I still have time during the day." Xia Yunjie thought for a while and said.

Hearing that his uncle was willing to come to the school to be a teacher and doctor, Feng Wenbo couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Thank you, uncle, I will tell the school leaders about it later."

"It's not a hurry. It's not too late for you to work on this matter after Professor Yang recovers from his injury. Of course, if it's troublesome, don't do it. I don't care anyway." Xia Yunjie waved his hand.

"No trouble, no trouble. Uncle Master, you are willing to come to Jiangzhou University. That is our school's blessing. We can't even ask for it." Feng Wenbo said hurriedly.

While talking, the two of them had already exited the elevator and walked to the door of the ward.

In the ward, Feng Zhengcheng was already waiting impatiently. Just now, the leaders and orthopedic experts in the hospital heard that Secretary Feng came to the ward to visit his mother, and they came one after another. After arriving, it was natural to greet Yang Hui'e and report her mother's current condition to Secretary Feng.

Feng Wenbo just said a few words, very simply. Feng Zhengcheng didn't have a specific idea of ​​his mother's injury. He only knew that it was serious and required surgery. Now after listening to the analysis of the hospital leaders and orthopedic experts, I know that my mother's injury is more serious than imagined. Even if she undergoes surgery, the prognosis is not necessarily optimistic. At least at my mother's age, life and movement in the next year and a half will definitely be extremely inconvenient.

While he was in a hurry, he finally saw his father walking in with a young man. Feng Zhengcheng hurriedly greeted him, then looked behind his father and asked puzzledly: "Dad, where is my uncle?"

As for Xia Yunjie, he simply ignored him!

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