"The Renjia Villa Hotel in Qingshan Lake is operating well, but it has been short of funds and has been slow to expand. I am more optimistic about this hotel. The owner of the hotel, Ren Yongqiang, is my friend. Why don't you just invest in this hotel? It just happens that the bar It can be regarded as a catering and entertainment industry, so you should be familiar with investing in hotels." Xia Yunjie thought about it for a while and felt that Bald Qiang's place was indeed more suitable, so he suggested it.

"We have also heard about Qingshan Lake Renjia Villa Hotel. We heard that the Ming Dynasty palace dishes cooked by their boss are excellent, but you have to rely on luck to eat them. Xiaoyan and I have talked about trying it several times, but until now We haven't gone yet." Shao Lihong said with her beautiful eyes slightly shining when she heard this.

"That's convenient. This weekend I will take you to taste the authentic Ming Dynasty palace dishes, and by the way, I will also talk to Xiaoqiang about investment cooperation." Xia Yunjie saw that Shao Lihong and Zhu Xiaoyan also knew about the Qingshan Lake Renjia Villa Hotel, so he felt relieved. Got some words.

Because he had to go to work in the afternoon, Xia Yunjie did not dare to stay in bed for a long time. After chatting for a while, he hurriedly got up and took a shower under the service of two beautiful ladies, Shao Lihong and Zhu Xiaoyan, and then rode to work.

On the way to work, Xia Yunjie called Chiba Yoshiko and asked her to prepare 300 million yuan in the next two days.

Chiba Yoshiko is a traditional Japanese woman. Now that she has surrendered to Xia Yunjie, she has defined the meaning of her life as her master. When she heard that Xia Yunjie asked her to prepare 300 million yuan, she immediately agreed happily and excitedly. .

Since she had not seen her master Xia Yunjie since last year, and had no news from him, Chiba Yoshiko was really afraid that her master would forget her!

From the phone, Xia Yunjie could hear Chiba Yoshiko's suppressed excitement. He couldn't help but think of her noble and dignified temperament, especially fair skin, and plump figure. He thought to himself that Japanese women are really weird. When he first conquered her, she was not I was happy, but after I was conquered, I was so determined.

"What? You want to fully acquire Wei Da Company?" Su Weixin, chairman of Wei Sheng Group, lives in Hetang Yuese Community, Haizhou City, the provincial capital. Su Weixin heard that his daughter wanted to acquire Wei Da's subsidiary company under the group company's name, so he read the operation Company, he picked up the tea that he put to his lips without drinking it and put it back on the coffee table, looking at Su Zhiyan in surprise.

"Yes, I want to fully acquire Weida Company." Su Zhiyan replied calmly.

"No!" Su Weixin patted the coffee table and stood up, pacing back and forth in the living room.

He knew that his daughter's personality was up to him, and it was easy for him to get stuck when he was sure of things.

"Why not? As long as you can help me acquire Weida Company with funds, I can figure out a way to handle the rest of the operations myself, including the funds to invest in the Algeria project." Su Zhiyan said without giving in.

"After all, you still don't give up on the Algerian project. Zhiyan, although your project looks really good, projects in Africa are greatly affected by local policies. If the project is half invested, people will react. water, or a civil war breaks out, what will you do? Who are you going to find to invest the rest of the funds? Even if you find it, the Algea project is the bulk of the funds, can you guarantee that you will have absolute control? If not, What's the difference between the current situation and dad's situation?" Su Weixin paused upon hearing this, looked at his daughter and analyzed.

"There are always risks in doing business, and dad, I guarantee you that this project will definitely make a profit, and no matter what happens in Algeria, it will never affect us. As for who to invest in, you don't have to worry about it, that person is me A best friend is not short of money, nor does he care about money, nor does he care about holding shares. He is willing to invest only because of the help between friends." Su Zhiyan said.

"There are people like this among your friends!" Su Weixin was even more surprised when he heard this than when he heard his daughter said that he wanted to acquire Weida Company wholly, because the investment in the Ajia project alone involves at least 200 million yuan, so Even a group company chairman like him wouldn't dare to spend a huge amount of money just to help his friends. Otherwise, why would he argue with his daughter? The acquisition of Weida Company was only a little over 100 million. But he also knew that his daughter was different from his son. She had always been steady and calm, and she would definitely not joke with him about this kind of thing.

"Boy or girl, how old are you?" Su Zhiyan's mother Lin Shanmei is not interested in acquisitions or investments, and she has no say, but she is concerned about her daughter's lifelong events.

"Mom!" Su Zhiyan saw her mother immediately thinking of this matter. Even though she was always capable and calm, she couldn't help but blush and stamp her feet, showing a hint of girlishness.

"What am I? You're not young anymore. I said yes to Zhang Lei's child, but you said no. Since you said no, you have to bring a better one to show your parents." Lin Shanmei glared.

"Your mother is right, Zhiyan. If the other person's conditions are better than Zhang Lei's, I will not object to your relationship." It was rare to see his daughter show off her girlish attitude, so Su Weixin couldn't help but join in.

"Dad, I'm talking to you about the acquisition of Weida Company now." Seeing that her father was also gossiping, Su Zhiyan couldn't help but stamp her feet anxiously.

"I am talking to you about the acquisition of Weida Company right now. If the other party is really qualified to be my son-in-law, I will definitely support the acquisition." Su Weixin said calmly while touching his chin.

"I'm really convinced by you. Anyway, I won't reveal any information about him to you. Well, if Ajia's project fails, I will follow your arrangement and marry Zhang Lei, so that you will always be satisfied. Are you done?" Seeing that her father was still making innuendoes about Xia Yunjie's identity, Su Zhiyan gritted her teeth and said helplessly. Anyway, Ajia's project is guaranteed to make a profit, and the possibility of marrying Zhang Lei is zero.

"Seriously?" Su Weixin's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this and asked.

He knew his daughter's surname. Now that he was sure of this matter, I'm afraid if he didn't help her, she would continue to attract other people to invest, and she might even open a company by herself to continue this project. In this case, it is better to take a step back. It is best to make a profit, but if you lose, your daughter's life-long affairs will be settled. Of course, Su Weixin can't afford to lose one or two hundred million.

"A gentleman's words are swift and his horse is whipped!" Su Zhiyan said with a serious face.

"Okay. In the past two days, you have drafted an acquisition plan for me to review first. If it is feasible, I will try my best to help you persuade other shareholders to sell Weida Company to you, and I will also help you raise funds." Su Weixin is still very straightforward in doing things. Yes, he said immediately after hearing this.

"I've drafted it, please take a look." Su Zhiyan said, taking out a stack of documents from her bag and handing them to Su Weixin.

"You, you!" Su Weixin was slightly startled when he saw that his daughter had already prepared the acquisition plan documents, and then shook his head helplessly...

The news that Su Zhiyan wanted to fully acquire Weida Company spread throughout the entire VIA Group and throughout Weida Company as if it had wings the next day.

"Hey, Yunjie, I heard that Mr. Su is going to acquire Weida Company and increase investment in the Algeria project. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?" In the office of the human resources department, when nothing happened at noon, Shuai asked Really ask Xia Yunjie.

"It should be fine. In the past, Weida Company was just a subsidiary of Weisheng Group. No matter how it developed, it could not escape the control of the headquarters, and we could not escape the fate of the employees of the subsidiary. Now that Weida Company has learned to read, in the future Weida Company When it comes to development, we are all veterans." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"That's true, but it's easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Weida Company has lost the support of VIA Group. If the investment fails, we may lose our jobs." Luo Qiuping is a married person who pursues stability. She was worried after hearing this. said.

"Haha, no, Mr. Su and I have been to Agia. I think the investment projects there will make a lot of money, and our wages and bonuses will definitely increase by then." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"Come on, how can you understand such a thing!" Luo Qiuping and others said disapprovingly. How could they have known that Xia Yunjie was about to become their big boss, and that the great local king, high priest and even the future president of Ajia were all his blind admirers. It would be difficult for Ajia's projects not to make money.

"Dad, why did you agree to Su Zhiyan's acquisition plan of Weida Company?" Zhang Lei asked his father Zhang Guohai with a dissatisfied look on his face in the vice chairman's office at the Haizhou Weisheng Group headquarters. The proud and disdainful look Su Zhiyan gave him at the end of the board meeting made him angry just thinking about it.

"Why don't you agree? The acquisition of Weida Company alone, including Su Weixin's own shares, will cost 140 million. If you add in the investment project in Algeria that she will soon launch, the amount will reach 340 million. 10,000. Do you think Su Weixin can handle such a huge sum of money given his current tight financial situation? I heard that in order to raise the funds to acquire Wei Da Company, Su Weixin mortgaged several of his private properties to Bank. Haha, what do you think it will be like when the acquisition is completed and we start implementing the plan?" Zhang Guohai said with a sinister smile.

"You mean everything over there is almost ready?" Zhang Lei couldn't help but said with surprise when he heard this.

"Haha, then Su Zhiyan will find that even if she buys Weida Company, her old man will not have any follow-up capital injection. The Ajia project will never be launched. Not only that, I'm afraid it won't be long before she has 140 million The Weida Company that was acquired will have to be sold off in a big sale!" Zhang Guohai did not answer his son's question, but laughed proudly.

The sunlight passed through the glass window and fell on his face, which was particularly ferocious!

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