Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 36 Qin Lan’s phone call

"Why do you want me to marry that bastard? Why can't you all stand up straight like men? Why do you put your hopes in me, a woman? Is official position really that important? Is my lifelong happiness Isn’t it nothing in your eyes?” At 2:30 in the morning, the car was speeding on the empty road, and Qin Lan was crying and screaming hysterically in the car.

At this moment, Qin Lan seemed to want to vent out all the grievances she had suffered in Yanjing in the past two days, but no matter how she cried or became hysterical, it still could not change the reality that she was a child of the Qin family. The unprecedented crisis faced by the family still weighed heavily on her shoulders like a mountain, leaving her breathless.

The car unknowingly drove to Nanshan Road. When passing the bluenight bar, Qin Lan suddenly thought of Xia Yunjie for some reason. That big boy who was a little shy and kind-hearted, the big boy who first saw her body.

When Qin Lan suddenly thought of Xia Yunjie, she had a strong desire to see him again. Perhaps it was because she was not used to owing favors to others. Not only did she owe Xia Yunjie for his kindness in taking her in to protect her from being tainted by others, she also owed him a hundred dollars and a T-shirt. She was originally going to return the money and T-shirts to Xia Yunjie that day, but a phone call from Yanjing called her in urgently, so she could not return the money and clothes to him in time. Or maybe she is eager to find someone to accompany her at this time. Xia Yunjie has no intersection with her life. He is still a shy and simple boy. Although they have only met once, if Qin Lan wants to find someone to accompany her quietly or When she confided her inner grievances, Xia Yunjie seemed to be the only one she could think of in Jiangzhou City, and he was the only suitable candidate.

Wiping the tears on her face, Qin Lan took out her mobile phone and called up Xia Yunjie's number, then dialed it.

Although Xia Yunjie was taken into the police car, his cell phone was not confiscated. The sudden ringing of his cell phone broke the depression in the police car. The panicked Wu Yuqi and the three of them subconsciously looked up at Xia Yunjie. At this moment, they realized that Xia Yunjie's expression was still so calm, as if he didn't even know that he was sitting in a police car.

Alas, although Ajie is very good at fighting, he is still a rookie in school and does not know the complexity of society! Wu Yuqi and the others watched Xia Yunjie take out his mobile phone, and they all sighed secretly and shook their heads.

"Sister Lan?" Xia Yunjie saw that the call was from Qin Lan, and his heart skipped a beat inexplicably. The stunning and sexy picture popped up in his mind reflexively, with towering mountain peaks, white and tender mystery, and two plump, snow-white breasts. Thighs, and that beautiful face with sharp edges.

"It's me. I'm off work now, right?" When Qin Lan heard "Sister Lan" on the phone, her heart skipped a beat inexplicably. A blush flashed across her pretty face, and she seemed to be filled with worries because of this voice. "Sister Lan" and diverted her attention.

"It's time to get off work." Xia Yunjie replied.

"Are you home? Haven't you slept yet?" Qin Lan continued to ask.

"Not yet, is there anything?" Xia Yunjie asked.

"Well, I had an emergency two days ago and I couldn't return the money and clothes to you in time. Since you haven't slept yet, I'll send them to you now." Qin Lan said after hearing this, but when she said this, her pretty face changed again A flash of crimson flew by, but she remembered that night when she slept naked in his living room, and was nakedly looked at by him the next day.

Xia Yunjie couldn't help being startled when he heard this. He really never thought that Qin Lan would choose this time to pay him back his money and clothes. It was already past two o'clock in the morning!

What a special woman. Xia Yunjie secretly shook his head in amusement. He would not be too pretentious to think that Qin Lan's payment of money and clothes at this time had other implications.

Of course, even if Qin Lan really had other hints in it, and even Xia Yunjie did have a lust for Qin Fangze, it was obviously inappropriate today because he was sitting in a police car.

"Sister Lan, there's no need to be in such a hurry. It's inconvenient for me now. How about another day?" Xia Yunjie looked at the cold iron railings imprisoning him, then looked at the arrogant guys outside, and said helplessly.

Although Xia Yunjie's words were true, Qin Lan felt a little embarrassed and annoyed, as if she had ulterior motives in choosing this time. Of course, what concerned her most was Xia Yunjie's rejection.

She is a real beauty! Even if she had ulterior motives, as a man, shouldn't Xia Yunjie be happier and want more?

"Okay, I'll contact you tomorrow." The impulse to see Xia Yunjie suddenly came to him on a whim, but suddenly disappeared without a trace. Qin Lan returned to his usual coldness in the blink of an eye, and said in a very calm tone.

After saying that, Qin Lan was about to hang up the phone, but just as she was about to hang up, she suddenly heard a majestic voice: "Get off the car, everyone get off the car!"

Qin Lan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. Only then did she realize that in addition to the majestic voice on the phone, there was also the sound of police sirens. Because she was preoccupied just now, her attention was mainly on Xia Yunjie, and she ignored this background sound for a while.

"Xiaoxia, where are you now? Why did I hear the sound of a police car?" Qin Lan asked immediately. How could she not understand at this time that she had misunderstood Xia Yunjie? It was really inconvenient for him today.

"Ahem, it's okay. I need to cooperate with the police on a small matter, that's it, we'll contact you tomorrow." Xia Yunjie didn't want Qin Lan to know too much, so he said something in a hurry and hung up the phone.

It's just that Qin Lan is the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Since she knows that Xia Yunjie is now with the police, how can she just ignore it? Seeing that Xia Yunjie hung up on her, she dialed the phone again without thinking.

At this time, Xia Yunjie and Wu Yuqi had already gotten out of the police car and were following the police to the Longyun District Public Security Bureau building. When they saw Qin Lan calling again, they had no choice but to answer the phone.

Xia Yunjie had just picked up the phone when Qin Lan's unmistakable voice came from the phone: "Tell me, which street police station are you at now?"

"It's not the police station, it's the Yunlong District Public Security Bureau. But I'm doing good things out of a sense of justice, so you don't have to worry about me." Xia Yunjie saw that Qin Lan insisted on asking for details, so he had no choice but to explain.

Xia Yunjie said that he acted bravely, but Qin Lan didn't doubt it at all. Wasn't he the one who rescued her that night because of his bravery? But the tone of the policeman when he asked them to get out of the car still made Qin Lan a little worried. Hearing this, he turned the car and drove to the Yunlong District Public Security Bureau and said, "That's good. Then you can cooperate with the police in handling the case."

After saying that, Qin Lan hung up the phone, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the Yunlong District Public Security Bureau.

Jiangzhou City has five districts and six counties under its jurisdiction. The area from Nanshan Road to Deya Community is under the jurisdiction of Yunlong District. The Yunlong District Public Security Bureau is located on Donghe Road not far from Nanshan Road.

Xia Yunjie breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Qin Lan finally stopped worrying about this matter, but he didn't know that Qin Lan had already driven towards the Yunlong District Public Security Bureau.

When Xia Yunjie put away his cell phone and walked up the stairs to the public security building, Luo Dawei and others also limped up.

"Boy, just wait and cry!" Luo Dawei caught up with Xia Yunjie, grinning his mouth that was a little swollen after being stepped on by Xia Yunjie, and said proudly.

"Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by his own death. I don't know who will cry then!" Xia Yunjie said with a cold smile.

"It seems that your Chinese language skills are pretty good! But do you think this is a TV series and not a novel? Bah! I'm telling you, you're just a fucking bar worker, and you're worthy of telling me that no one is doing justice. Kill yourself! I can play with you however I want." Luo Dawei saw that Xia Yunjie dared to be so "arrogant" when he was on his own territory, and he couldn't help but pointed at him and cursed in anger.

Although as a wizard with the blood of the Witch King, Xia Yunjie has the natural preference of the Witch clan to directly ravage the enemy's body with powerful fists, but he finally understood that this was the Public Security Bureau, and he was not so angry that he kicked Luo Dawei hard. He flicked his finger towards Luo Dawei's leg, and said mockingly: "Don't just play, be careful of the steps."

"Fuck you..." Luo Dawei almost jumped up in anger when he saw that Xia Yunjie not only didn't show any fear, but instead made fun of him. But before he could jump up, he suddenly felt numbness in his feet. He couldn't stand firmly and rolled down the steps.

Wu Yuqi and the other three followed Xia Yunjie. They saw Luo Dawei threatening Xia Yunjie again and again, but the police were completely indifferent. They were frightened to death, but suddenly they saw Luo Dawei rolling down the steps, and they all stared wide-eyed. He opened his eyes and stared at Xia Yunjie's back with incredible eyes.

No, this guy's crow's mouth is too effective! It seems that just yesterday he said he blew out a tire on Zhang Xiaojun’s car!

While Wu Yuqi and the others were staring at Xia Yunjie's back with wide eyes, the police and the gangsters following behind had already helped Luo Dawei up.

Although the steps were not high, Luo Dawei had been repaired by Xia Yunjie just now, and now that he fell again, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and several bags were smashed on his head. His image was as miserable as it could be.

"Tsk, tsk, if you do unrighteousness, you will be killed. The ancients will never deceive me!" At this moment, Xia Yunjie was still shaking his head and showing off his ancient prose.

The clumsy writing and sour tone made him feel more uncomfortable than killing Luo Dawei. He was so angry that he broke away from everyone's support, grabbed the baton from a policeman, and rushed towards Xia Yunjie with the baton in hand.

"Slow down, be careful of bumping on the steps." When Xia Yunjie saw this, not only did he not panic at all, but he reminded him kindly.

As soon as Xia Yunjie finished speaking, Luo Dawei's foot "accidentally" hit the step, and then rolled down the step again.

"Phew!" Wu Yuqi and the other three, who had been frightened to death just now, finally couldn't help laughing when they saw that Xia Yunjie's crow's mouth was effective again.

But after laughing, I felt more and more worried.

When the people fight against the officials, how can they defeat the officials? Not to mention that they are just workers from other places! Besides, when things got to this point, how could Luo Dawei and the police be willing to let it go?

Sure enough, just when Wu Yuqi and others stopped smiling, Li Genyu, the deputy captain of the security brigade, was already waving his baton and scolding Xia Yunjie: "Why are you making noise? Why are you laughing? Do you know where this place is?"

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