Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 39 My dad is Luo Zhigang

Just as the old police officer and others were trembling in their hearts, wondering whether Qin Lan was here for Xia Yunjie, Wu Yuqi and the others saw hope in Qin Lan, and hurriedly stood up and said: "Director Qin, Xia Yunjie is really innocent. Yes, he is a good person. He saw us being bullied and then he took action to beat these people. Please help him."

Qin Lan knows better than anyone here whether Xia Yunjie is a good person, otherwise as a municipal bureau leader, she would not go to the district bureau in the middle of the night.

"Don't worry, the people's police will handle the case impartially." Qin Lan comforted Wu Yuqi and the others with a gentle expression, and then turned to the old police officer and others. As soon as she turned around, her face suddenly turned cold again.

"Are you mute? Where can I ask?" Qin Lan's cold voice sounded again like ice slag falling to the ground.

"Here, in the interrogation room!" the old police officer said hurriedly.

"Hmph!" Qin Lan snorted coldly when he heard this, turned around and walked towards the interrogation room. As the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Qin Lan is very aware that the police officers below who handle cases and interrogations have some disgraceful methods.

When Wu Yuqi and the others saw Qin Lan turning around and walking out, they hurriedly got up and followed her. On the one hand, they were afraid that the police would continue to question them if they stayed here, so it was safer to follow the female chief. On the other hand, they were also worried about Xia Yunjie. The posture when Li Genyu, Luo Dawei and others left just now was very fierce, as if they wanted to beat Xia Yunjie's muscles and skin him.

"Hey, you guys..." the policeman who was taking the confession shouted hurriedly when he saw Wu Yuqi and the others getting up and walking out. Now the fool also knows that the current situation is not good, and these three women must be "conquered" first to prevent them from "talking nonsense."

"Ask them to follow me." But before the policeman could say anything else, Qin Lan interrupted coldly without looking back.

The leaders of the city bureau had already spoken, but those little policemen dared not say a word, so they had no choice but to watch Wu Yuqi and the others leave behind Qin Lan. The veteran police officer was experienced and tactful. He knew that if the matter was not handled well tonight, trouble would occur in the branch. Watching Qin Lan leave, he hurriedly found Director Luo's phone number and called him.

According to the normal position, the chief director of the district public security bureau is only a cadre at the department level. However, under normal circumstances, the director of the district public security bureau is a member of the standing committee of the district party committee, so he is usually a high-ranking cadre at the deputy division level. As for the other deputy directors of the branch, except for the executive deputy director, who is generally a section-level cadre, the rest are basically deputy section-level cadres.

Qin Lan is the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Even if he is not the executive deputy director, he is still a serious deputy division level cadre. It can be said that in the entire Yunlong District Public Security Bureau, only Director Luo is qualified to come to the rescue. The other deputy directors are not qualified, and this matter also involves his precious son.

Not to mention that the veteran police officer called Director Luo in the middle of the night, and Qin Lanhan walked all the way to the interrogation room with a face on his face.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the interrogation room, Qin Lan heard Li Genyu's shouting. Even though she was the deputy director of the municipal bureau, a beautiful and sexy woman with a cool temperament, she couldn't help but lift her foot and kick her hard. He kicked towards the door, his pretty face was so dark that it was almost dripping with water.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the door was kicked open hard.

As soon as the door was kicked open, Qin Lan saw at a glance that Li Genyu was pointing a gun at Xia Yunjie, who was being restrained in a chair, with a ferocious look on his face. His eyes could not help but gleam with coldness, and he shouted sternly: "Li Genyu, what are you doing?"

As for the four second-generation ancestors lying around underground, Qin Lan had no intention of paying attention at this time. All her attention and anger were focused on Li Genyu, who was holding a pistol. Wu Yuqi and the three people following her were also focused on the gun in Li Genyu's hand. They couldn't help feeling cold all over their bodies, and then they wanted to cry bitterly.

That's a gun! In this life, they had only seen scenes of people pointing guns at people on TV and movies, but today they saw a real scene, but it was a policeman pointing a gun at their colleagues.

A colleague who was arrested trying to save them!

"Who the hell is here...Ah, Qin, Director Qin!" Li Genyu was furious at this moment. He heard someone kicking in the door and yelling at him. Without thinking, he turned around and started to curse, But halfway through the curse, I suddenly realized that the person who kicked in the door was Deputy Director Qin Lan of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. I couldn't help but be frightened, and my face changed drastically, and cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

"Director Qin? Do you still have me, Director Qin, in your eyes? Do you still have Wang Fa? Tell me, what are you doing now? What are you holding in your hand?" Qin Lan has been a policeman for many years. Although he knows that the police force is huge, It is inevitable that there will be a few scoundrels, but today is the first time that I saw a police officer pointing a gun at a citizen whose hands and feet were bound. Moreover, this citizen was a brave citizen and was her benefactor, Qin Lan. , even though Qin Lan repeatedly warned herself to pay attention to her image and control her emotions, she still couldn't help but roared at Li Genyu.

Xia Yunjie sat on a special chair for interrogation and was dumbfounded as he watched Qin Lan roaring at Li Genyu, her plump breasts rising and falling violently under his shirt, as if they were about to pop out at any time.

Director Qin? God, the person I took home that night was actually the director of the Public Security Bureau? And I actually saw all of her body! This is so fucking incredible. However, although her angry look is very fierce, it is really beautiful!

"This, this is a gun. I'm sorry, Director Qin, please listen to my explanation. It's my fault. I couldn't control my emotions. This guy is really hateful. He didn't show integrity in the interrogation room and dared to resist the law... ." At this time, Li Genyu didn't know that Qin Lan was here for Xia Yunjie. He thought that he was unlucky and happened to be bumped into by Director Qin who was inspecting the work. He hurriedly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, put away his gun and explained in a low voice.

After Li Genyu explained, Qin Lan began to look around. It's okay not to look at it, but Qin Lan was shocked even though he was well-informed.

She thought that in this situation, the shy and kind-hearted boy would definitely suffer a lot, would turn pale with fright, and would lose half of his life. But when she looked at Xia Yunjie, she was so surprised that her eyes almost dropped. I saw the kind-hearted boy Xia Yunjie, who was a little shy, sitting calmly on the interrogation chair, looking at her curiously, with a smile on his lips.

If this had already surprised Qin Lan so much that her eyes almost popped out, when she discovered that Xia Yunjie was surrounded by four young men dressed in avant-garde clothes, all of whom were either holding their arms and covering their stomachs, or holding their thighs. Hey, hey, hey, even when one of his jaws was bloody and bloody, Qin Lan was completely petrified.

Of course she could tell from her experience that Xia Yunjie brought these four people down, and there was even wet blood on the legs of the chair he was sitting on.

How can this be? A man was sitting on the interrogation chair, his hands and feet were all bound, and he was able to knock down four young men, no, it should be five! Qin Lan had already discovered that Luo Dawei also had a bloody chin, a bruised face and a swollen nose, and a bump on his head. He was much more miserable than the four young people on the ground.

When Qin Lan was completely stunned, she also walked into the interrogation room, and Wu Yuqi and the other three were also stunned with tears in their eyes.

Of course they recognize Luo Dawei and others, but how is this possible? Didn't Luo Dawei still hold the baton before leaving? Didn't he arrogantly say that he wanted to torture Xia Yunjie to death? How come in the end, Xia Yunjie is sitting on the chair fine, but they are all miserable and miserable?

However, Qin Lan is very human after all. He quickly suppressed the shock in his heart and focused his cold eyes on Li Genyu who was still explaining endlessly. He interrupted in a cold voice: "Can't control your emotions? Very good! Captain Li , Could you please tell me why these people are in the interrogation room? And what’s with the batons wrapped in towels on the ground? Don’t tell, it’s because you didn’t control your emotions, so you called these people Come to help with the trial? Help with beating people with batons? Or do you think I look stupid? Is it easy to fool me?"

Qin Lan's pressing questions made Li Genyu break into cold sweat on his forehead and his lips trembled. However, he didn't know how to explain the situation at the scene for a long time. What made him feel most useless was that even if there was such a big commotion and trouble, Xia Yunjie was still sitting on the chair intact, as if they were just clowns brought up for him to play with.

"Director Qin, you are just a wage earner from a few bars, don't be so serious!" Luo Dawei saw that Li Genyu was being forced to tremble by a female director. Like his grandson, although he was a little scared, he still interjected disapprovingly. road.

The Public Security Bureau has always been a powerful and powerful department in the political department. Luo Dawei's father, Luo Zhigang, is the director of the Public Security Bureau and a member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee of Yunlong District. He has been in the officialdom of Yunlong District for many years and has always been a powerful figure because of his intricate connections. Luo Dawei is the only son of the third generation of the Luo family. He has always been very favored. With his father's power, he has always been arrogant and lawless in Yunlong District. Although he had heard of Qin Lan's name, he thought that she was just a deputy-level cadre like his father. Although she was not easy to mess with, she did not need to be scared like a grandson like Li Genyu.

"Shut up! To put it lightly, there are only a few wage earners, so who do you think you are? Is there any place for you to interrupt here?" Qin Lan immediately darkened her face and shouted angrily after hearing this.

"My father is Luo Zhigang." Luo Dawei has never been scolded so shamelessly by a woman in his entire life. Although he already felt that Qin Lan, the deputy director, was not easy to mess with, he still puffed up his chest and said unconvinced.

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