Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 49 I just like men like Brother Jie...

The wine was refreshing cold beer, the food was good, and the air conditioner in the private room was fully turned on. Xia Yunjie had a full meal and was very comfortable.

After dinner, A Biao drove Xia Yunjie to Deya Community with Bald Qiang accompanying him.

Before getting off the car, Xia Yunjie patted Bald Qiang on the shoulder and said, "I like to be quiet. If it's not a big deal, don't come to me or call me. Don't talk to me about anything about me either." Others mentioned it. As for your career, as long as it’s not illegal, just go for it!”

After saying that, Xia Yunjie got out of the car, waved his hand gracefully, and left without looking back.

Xia Yunjie walked away so casually, but little did he know that the last words he said were just a bold move to the already courageous bald man. After that, he was so bold that with 20 million yuan and a bank loan, he directly purchased an unfinished holiday village covering an area of ​​​​100 acres in the Qingshan Lake area in the eastern suburbs of Jiangzhou City and opened Renjia Hotel. At that time, the housing prices in Jiangzhou City had not really started to rise. Who would have expected that in the second half of the year, they would skyrocket. In particular, the price of land soared like crazy, and even the land in the suburbs also skyrocketed. The land that Bald Qiang bought was surrounded by mountains and rivers. Coupled with the government's plan to develop the eastern suburbs, the land suddenly became a hot spot for real estate development. So before the hotel even opened, Bald Qiang had already become a billionaire. Rich man.

However, this is something to be said later, and something Xia Yunjie did not expect. He will mention it later. Let's say that after Xia Yunjie returned to the room after having a full meal, he first took a nap and then started reading English again. In a blink of an eye, it was time to go to work in the evening.

When Xia Yunjie arrived at the bar, it was still early. People in the bar were still chatting around the bar as usual, and Zhang Xiaojun, the "rich, handsome" man in the bar, was still the center of the chat.

The ridicule or humorous words that come out of his mouth always cause bursts of laughter among the employees, which makes Zhang Xiaojun's heart always filled with a sense of pride that he hopes to shine and stand out from the crowd. However, Zhang Xiaojun did not notice that the receptionist Liu Ke, who had always admired him in the past, was wearing a miniskirt with her two white thighs exposed. She stood at the door early and dutifully, waiting for the guests to arrive. Wu Yuqi and Xu Jia acted a little absent-minded, and their beautiful eyes glanced at the door from time to time.

Of course, even if Zhang Xiaojun noticed it, he would never have imagined that in just one night, he, the "tall, rich and handsome", had become "lower" in the hearts of Wu Yuqi and Xia Yunjie, and he looked down upon him. Xia Yunjie has now become a "Prince Charming" one level higher than "Tall, Rich and Handsome" in the hearts of the three of them.

When Xia Yunjie walked to the door, he didn't know what kind of joke Zhang Xiaojun told, which made the employees, especially the girls, giggle. When Zhang Xiaojun saw the girls laughing so hard and their plump breasts waving in front of his eyes, he felt particularly proud and accomplished.

"Brother Jie, you're here." Just when everyone was laughing and Zhang Xiaojun was proud, the sweet and sweet voice of the receptionist Liu Kete sounded at the door.

The welcome lady is the face of a bar. Although Liu Ke can't be said to be very beautiful, she is definitely tall and has beautiful legs that are long, straight and sexy. She is just like those in five-star hotels who stand at the door wearing cheongsam and wearing high forks. The tall reception girl is definitely worthy of comparison.

"Brother Jie?" The laughter stopped suddenly, and the proud look on Zhang Xiaojun's face suddenly froze. Everyone stared at Xia Yunjie and Liu Ke in disbelief.

None of them would be surprised if Liu Ke greeted Zhang Xiaojun with this attitude. After all, Zhang Xiaojun is one of the pillars of the bar. He is handsome and has a high income. It is natural for ordinary employees to call him brother. Just like the famous actors in the troupe, their status is always higher than that of ordinary characters in the troupe. But who is Xia Yunjie? He was just a young man who had only been in the bar for a few days, and he was just a waiter. Calling him Ajie was enough to give him face. If he wanted to put on airs, just call him Xiaoxia. But Liu Ke actually called him Brother Jie today, and his voice was sweet and soft, and the smile on his face was charming, as if he was really a big brother with a good background.

"Brother Jie, you're here!" Just when everyone was in a daze and couldn't believe it, two more pleasant surprise sounds sounded. However, when Wu Yuqi and Xu Jia saw Xia Yunjie coming, they already twisted their waists and rushed towards him.

"Brother Jie, you are riding here on a hot day. You must be too hot. Here, iced black tea!" Not only that, Wu Yuqi even specially prepared a bottle of iced black tea for Xia Yunjie early to quench her thirst. She unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to him. Xia Yunjie, and Xu Jia, as if by magic, took out a tissue and wiped Xia Yunjie's sweat with tenderness and concern.

The attentiveness of Liu Ke and the other two people not only made the employees in the bar look stupid, but even Xia Yunjie, the person involved, was flattered and stunned. He never expected that just because of what happened last night, Liu Ke and the others would be so enthusiastic about him, the smell of perfume that penetrated his nose from time to time, and the waves swaying under his eyes, especially the inadvertent touching on the shoulders. The plump and soft piece he saw made Xia Yunjie's heart beat faster.

On the other hand, Liu Ke and the others thought it was nothing. They were originally engaged in the service industry, and they usually behaved openly and boldly. They always greeted customers with smiles and enthusiasm, and Xia Yunjie was the "beauty-saving hero" of the three of them. , without him last night, I don’t know what would have happened. Naturally, I was more enthusiastic and attentive to him, and it was naturally okay to be a little intimate with him. Moreover, this enthusiasm and hospitality come from the heart, which is completely different from the perfunctory and hypocritical manner when facing guests.

"Thank you, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself." After a while, Xia Yunjie came back to his senses and hurriedly took the iced black tea with one hand and the tissue in Xu Jia's hand with the other.

When he took it, he didn't know whether Wu Yuqi and Xu Jia did it intentionally or unintentionally. Their beautiful hands touched him lightly, and their fingers lightly scratched his palm. It tickled and made people's hearts beat.

He took the iced black tea, took two sips, and casually wiped his forehead with a tissue. Xia Yunjie couldn't stand the attentiveness of Wu Yuqi and the others and the monster-like looks from everyone, so he ran to the locker room as if running away.

As soon as Xia Yunjie left, the bar exploded.

"Hey, Liu Ke, Yu Qi, Xu Jia, why are the three of you suddenly so nice to Ajie today? Isn't it a collective heat? Are you all attracted to Ajie?" Someone asked.

"Yes, can't you?" Wu Yuqi raised her chin and said disapprovingly.

"Come on, Yu Qi, if you say you have a crush on Brother Jun, I still believe it, but if you say Ajie, do you think we will believe it?" Someone immediately didn't believe it.

This person's words brought a gleam of sunshine to Zhang Xiaojun's gloomy face.

"Tch, although Brother Jun is handsome, he's not my type. I just like men like Brother Jie, right?" Wu Yuqi said disapprovingly again.

"That's right, everyone has their own preferences for radishes and vegetables. We still think Brother Jie is the most handsome and cool, don't we?" Liu Ke and Xu Jia echoed.

Zhang Xiaojun's face suddenly turned gloomier and uglier than before, while the others looked at the three of them speechlessly.

Okay, these three girls took the wrong medicine today!

Xia Yunjie heard the commotion outside in the locker room. He was originally worried that Wu Yuqi and the others would reveal everything about last night because of their lack of communication. Now, seeing Wu Yuqi and the others explain in arrogant words that they like men like themselves, He didn't want to reveal anything, so he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he also secretly didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Well, last night I was still a young boy who was regarded as a young boy who had just left school, but now he has become the most handsome and coolest man among the three of them!

After changing his clothes and lingering in the dressing room for a while, Xia Yunjie went out.

However, Xia Yunjie had just gone out. Cheng Ping, who had been waiting outside the door, blocked him at the door without any explanation. She stared at him closely with a pair of beautiful eyes and said in a low voice: "Tell me the truth, what are you doing to Yu Qi?" What did he do? Why did the three of them suddenly become so enthusiastic about you tonight?"

"As a wage earner like me who just graduated from a technical secondary school, what can I do?" Xia Yunjie asked.

"You won't tell me, right?" Cheng Ping was slightly startled. Thinking about it, what could Xia Yunjie do to the three of them with his identity? It just means that the three of them suddenly felt that Xia Yunjie was handsome and cool for no reason, but she didn't believe it. After being slightly startled, she immediately took a step closer with her chest puffed out in protest.

However, during this push, Cheng Ping forgot that there was no way to retreat behind Xia Yunjie, and the two soft lumps on her chest suddenly pressed against his chest gently.

Cheng Ping's pretty face blushed slightly, and she stepped back pretending to be casual, but her beautiful eyes stared even more fiercely.

"Actually, it's nothing. When I was riding home last night, I saw a few hooligans trying to tease them, so I helped them loosen their bras, so..." Cheng Ping even used a breast implant in order to ask this question. , Xia Yunjie dared to pretend to be confused, so he had to reveal the truth half-truth.

"Are you bragging? There are no wounds on your skin and tender flesh. How many hooligans are there?" Cheng Ping looked at Xia Yunjie up and down in disbelief.

Strange to say, although Xia Yunjie's muscles were as strong as steel and he had worked on a construction site, for some reason, his skin was as thin and tender as Cheng Ping said, even if he was exposed to the sun. . Although he doesn't look like a soft-boiled pretty boy, he definitely doesn't look like a tough guy who can knock down several hooligans, let alone knock down several hooligans and still get nothing wrong with him.

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