Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 507: Nothing can’t be done with me here

Seeing Huang Peihao and others turning their attention to him and the master's uncle, it would be easy for Li Qinghong to come forward and say something in normal times, but today with the master's uncle here, there is no way for him, Li Qinghong, to take the lead, so he also turned his attention to the master's uncle. 【】

"Haha, what the elder brother is saying is that today we are just ordinary people having a dinner together. Don't act like we are facing a formidable enemy. The good atmosphere has been ruined. It's all gone, it's all gone, and if the hotel has already arrived in advance All the arrangements and other arrangements have been removed." Of course Xia Yunjie didn't like having a meal with guards guarding him with guns and ammunition. Seeing Huang Peihao and others turning their eyes to him for help, instead of persuading Mr. Huang to change his mind, he waved his hand. Said very casually.

“Mr. Fortunately, Huang Peiyong was still thinking about Xia Yunjie's special status. Otherwise, with his straightforward military temper, he would probably scold him directly.

"With me, there is nothing you can't do," Xia Yunjie said calmly, but there was a sense of confidence and arrogance in his tone that cannot be described in words.

The two brothers Huang Peiyong and Huang Peizhen had never seen the magical side of Xia Yunjie. The guards had never even heard of Xia Yunjie before. Seeing him so arrogant and treating the lives of Mr. Huang and others as child's play, their faces changed. Shangdu showed a hint of embarrassment, especially Huang Peiyong, who no longer cared about whether Xia Yunjie's status was special or not, and was ready to go forward and argue with him.

But at this moment, a strange scene suddenly appeared.

The guns carried by the guards suddenly flew out from their bodies and then floated in mid-air.

Seeing four or five guns violating the principle of gravity and floating strangely in mid-air, except for Li Qinghong and other Wu Xianmen disciples, Shao Lihong, Zhu Xiaoyan and others who showed a little calmness, the rest, including Mr. Huang, showed their faces. Face of horror.

They simply can't imagine how something like this, which completely violates physics, could happen.

"These guns may be deadly weapons in front of you, but in my eyes they are just children's toys." Xia Yunjie's voice rang out in the quiet courtyard compound, which was particularly harsh and infuriating. Heart pounding.

While talking, Xia Yunjie didn't make any move at all, and all five guns in the air were twisted into twisting ropes.

Looking at the five guns in the air, they seemed to be grabbed by an invisible force, and then twisted into twist ropes. Not to mention Huang Xiangyi, a woman, even Mr. Huang looked at the guns twisted into twist ropes in the air, and then looked at Looking at Xia Yunjie who was still smiling next to him, as if he had done nothing, he couldn't help but feel that the hairs all over his body stood up.

Xia Yunjie saw that he had completely shocked everyone with his little tricks, so he didn't bother to talk any more. He smiled faintly, and the guns "clicked" and twisted in the air again, and in the blink of an eye they returned to their original appearance, and then they quickly started firing again. Fly back into everyone's hands.

Holding the gun again, the barrel of the gun seemed to be still emitting heat. Even though the guards were all carefully selected elites, there was a large amount of cold sweat on their foreheads and their breathing was extremely heavy.

At this moment, they discovered that the marksmanship they were usually proud of and the bodies they thought were strong were nothing in the face of such magical power.

"Brother Huang, let's go now." After returning the guns to the guards, Xia Yunjie said to Mr. Huang with a smile, as if nothing had happened.

Huang Lao was shocked when he heard this, and then looked at Xia Yunjie intently, and after a while he said: "I will have no regrets in this life if I can make such a long-lasting friend like you."

After saying that, Mr. Huang took Xia Yunjie's hand and looked up to the sky, laughing, and strode out, as if he had returned to the age of great pride.

"No one is allowed to leak what happened tonight, otherwise military law will be dealt with." Seeing his father dragging Xia Yunjie away, Huang Peiyong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then said to the guards in an unprecedented solemn and stern tone.

"Yes" the guards all straightened their backs and replied with solemn expressions.

There are three cars, all low-profile Phaeton sedans.

Huang Lao, Xia Yunjie and Li Qinghong were in one car, Qu Leng was driving, women such as Shao Lihong, Zhu Xiaoyan and Huang Xiangyi were in one car, and Qu Weiguo and Huang Lao's three sons were in one car.

Under night, three Phaeton cars slowly drove out of the backstreet alleys of Zhongshan. Except for Huang Lao's guards, no one knew who was sitting in these three cars. Otherwise, if people knew that Qu Weiguo, Huang Peihao, Huang Peizhen, and Huang Peiyong were... Four high-ranking officials, all at least with the rank of major general or above, were crowded into a car, which probably frightened a large number of people.

But there was no way, this was just an ordinary dinner party for family friends, and they were just ordinary people now. After experiencing what Xia Yunjie had just done, how could they dare to drive around in a small car.

The traffic in the capital city was extremely busy as night fell, and the three cars without police cars to clear the way were stopped and advancing in the traffic just like other cars.

"Brother Qu, how powerful is your great uncle? To be honest, I'm still a little frightened." Huang Peiyong couldn't help but ask in the car.

Huang Lao and Li Qinghong are revolutionary comrades and very good friends, so the three sons of the Huang family have a pretty good relationship with Qu Weiguo and Zhang Yunfeng, another registered disciple of Li Qinghong, the secretary of the Xiling Provincial Party Committee, and their private titles are relatively casual. Unlike most people in official circles, they like to address each other by their positions.

"I don't know, but one thing I can be sure of is that even if you send out that ace army that you are always proud of, you will not be a match for my great uncle at all." Qu Weiguo thought for a while and said.

"Bah!" Huang Lao's three sons in the car all took a sharp breath of cold air, and a cold air came straight up from the soles of their feet. You must know that the army in charge of Huang Peiyong is a heavy-armed group A with a division system, with about 60,000 soldiers. Such an elite army is not the opponent of one person, is that person still a human being? Thinking of this, Huang Peiyong, who knew the strength of the army best, couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead again, secretly glad that he didn't say anything particularly outrageous just now, otherwise he would really have broken the truth.

"How can a person be so powerful? I remember that although you are powerful, if I really send the elite of the army to deal with you, you will not be able to escape, let alone an army of troops." After a while, Huang Peiyong suppressed his inner desire. Shocked, he asked with some disbelief.

Huang Peiyong knew Qu Weiguo when he was young and knew that he had some magical abilities, but after all, those abilities were just better than ordinary people. Although Huang Peiyong admired him, he knew that as long as he sent a few more powerful special forces, he would definitely be able to defeat him. Lose. Unlike Xia Yunjie, after seeing the shocking scene just now, Huang Peiyong felt that he was as insignificant as an ant in front of him and it was impossible to defeat him.

"Haha, if it was before that you sent the elite of your army to hunt me down, I really wouldn't be sure of escaping, but now that my uncle has given me the guidance, it's hard to say." Qu Weiguo's skeleton face that looked like it hadn't changed for thousands of years showed up. A look of pride.

Because Huang Peiyong had known Qu Weiguo when he was young and knew his abilities well, he had an unabashed expression of disbelief on his face when he heard this. Huang Peihao and Huang Peizhen also didn't believe it.

"You don't believe it?" Qu Weiguo smiled coldly.

While he was talking, Huang Peiyong's neck was already entangled with a black snake. The snake was entangled around Huang Peiyong's neck and spitting bright red letters at him. A pair of eyes flashed with a cold green light in the carriage.

This snake was the viper poison that Xia Yunjie gave to Qu Weiguo in Feng Zhengcheng's office once when he wanted to deal with the Lu family. Viper Gu can be big or small. When it is small, it is like a hair. When it is big, it is like a real viper. It can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and it can come and go without a trace. The poison of this poison is not only lethal and invisible, but also confuses people's minds.

Even though Huang Peiyong was very courageous, he was so frightened by the sudden appearance of the snake that the hair on his body stood up. He shouted to Qu Weiguo: "Take this thing back quickly, can't you believe it?" "

Qu Weiguo was so frightened when he saw Huang Peiyong, who had always been very courageous, that he couldn't help but feel proud. He laughed, and the snake turned into a black light and disappeared quickly.

"What about the snake?" Huang Peiyong couldn't help but look up and down the Quwei National Road in great surprise when he saw the snake disappearing as soon as it said it was gone. His two brothers were no exception.

"There's no need to look for it. This was given to me by my master's uncle. You can't find it with your naked eyes." Qu Weiguo said proudly.

The three Huang Peiyong brothers did not give up. They did not believe that the car was so big and a snake of that size could be destroyed.

But no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find it. Qu Weiguo even summoned the viper poison again to show them and then put it away again, but they still couldn't find it.

After that, they became really scared, and finally began to believe Qu Weiguo's words that no soldier could be a match for Xia Yunjie, and they became more and more in awe of Xia Yunjie, their father's friend who had been with him for many years.

The car shuttled through the busy roads in the capital. Finally, when the night completely enveloped the capital and neon lanterns were shining everywhere, three low-key Phaeton cars finally drove to the Renjia Hotel.

Under the light, people walked into the hotel door talking and laughing from time to time. Through the hotel door and glass windows, you could see the hall was full of people drinking wine and shaking, and the seats were almost empty.

"The business is so booming not long after it opened. It seems that the dishes here must be delicious." After getting off the car, seeing that the business of the hotel was booming, Mr. Huang was in a good mood, as if he owned the hotel.

"Haha, you have to try it to know whether it tastes good or not." Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"When you say that, I want to eat earlier. Come on, let's go in." Huang Lao urged with a smile.

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