Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 519: It’s an advantage for you

"Are you okay?" After Xia Yunjie kicked Brother Ma away, he glanced at the other two men coldly. Seeing that the two men all retreated, he didn't bother to hit them anymore. He took Su Zhiyan's hand and said, said softly.

"I'm fine, let's go." Su Zhiyan looked at Brother Ma, whose mouth was full of blood, and the man who was holding his arms and screaming, and said with a pale face.

After saying that, Su Zhiyan took Xia Yunjie's hand and hurriedly got into the car.

As the car drove out of the service station, Su Zhiyan's look at Xia Yunjie suddenly became a little complicated, with joy and a hint of fear.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yunjie asked unaccustomedly, seeing that Su Zhiyan had turned to look at him from time to time since the car started driving again.

"You were so fierce just now," Su Zhiyan said after hesitating.

"Is there any?" Xia Yunjie said, slightly startled.

"Yes, is it because of me that you are rarely so fierce?" Su Zhiyan bit her lip and asked, with a look of expectation in her beautiful eyes.

"I..." Xia Yunjie was asked and didn't know how to answer for a moment, but his heart was slightly shocked. When he saw Su Zhiyan being bullied just now, he seemed to have struck hard without even thinking, which was completely different from his usual style. .

"You don't need to answer, cheapskate." Seeing Xia Yunjie falter, Su Zhiyan seemed to have completely forgotten the unpleasant things just now. After rolling her eyes at him, a happy smile bloomed on her face again.

Xia Yunjie secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, but before he could completely relax, he saw Su Zhiyan heading towards the highway section and the exit of Beicang County.

Cangbei County is affiliated to Jiangzhou City, but has been integrated with Haizhou City, the provincial capital, and is right in the middle of the two cities.

Zhong Yangying, the CEO of Chaosheng Group in Cangbei County, has a tea garden, a good place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Last year, when the Japanese Onmyoji Chiba Yoshiko went to China to find Zhong Yangying, Xia Yunjie met her in that tea garden and conquered her. So when Xia Yunjie saw Su Zhiyan's car turn off the highway and go straight to the Cangbei County toll station, he picked it up again in one breath, thinking that this woman would not find Zhong Yangying's land.

Thinking in her heart, Su Zhiyan had already paid the fee and passed the toll station, and then headed all the way to Kuoshan Town, Cangbei County, where Zhong Yangying Tea Garden is located.

Kuoshan Town is a mountainous forest area, where Zhong Yangying Tea Garden is located.

"Don't tell me, you found Sister Zhong's piece of land?" Xia Yunjie saw this and said with a bitter smile.

"It's not funny, you guessed it again." Su Zhiyan rolled her eyes at Xia Yunjie and said.

"Is there any need to guess? Sister Zhong's tea garden is in Kuoshan Town, and you and Sister Zhong are good sisters now." Xia Yunjie said angrily, but his mood suddenly became very complicated and subtle.

Xia Yunjie hasn't seen her for a while since she danced with Zhong Yangying at a charity party last time. He still clearly remembered that night when he danced with her in his arms. Because he couldn't stand the temptation of Zhong Yangying, he finally put his hands where they shouldn't be. He almost had sex with her, but in the end because of Qin Lan's Missed the call. He didn't contact her again after that, but when he was alone, he would sometimes inadvertently think of what happened that night, and remember that his hand gently slid down the amazing arc of Zhong Yangying's plump waist, and landed on that The ecstatic touch on the two soft buttocks, every time at this time, Xia Yunjie would have the urge to call Angela Zhong, but in the end he always gave up.

Because Xia Yunjie knew very well that he had no love between men and women for Zhong Yangying, and all his impulses were mainly due to his desire for her body. Xia Yunjie didn't want to have a relationship with Zhong Yangying because of this purely physical need. He thought it was a blasphemy to the friendship between him and her.

It is precisely because of this that Xia Yunjie has a very complicated and subtle feeling for Zhong Yangying. Sometimes he wants to meet her, but he always avoids meeting her.

"So, you have been here before? Did you come here alone with Sister Zhong? Sister Zhong has a very nice holiday villa on Chashan Mountain. Have you two..." Su Zhiyan suddenly became gossipy and Becoming ambiguous.

"Drive your car. My relationship with Sister Zhong is very innocent. It's not what you think." Xia Yunjie rolled his eyes at Su Zhiyan angrily.

"Tch, Innocence? Does Innocence touch anyone's butt? Don't think I didn't see the good things you did when we danced that day." Su Zhiyan rolled her eyes in disdain.

Xia Yunjie was immediately speechless by Su Zhiyan's retort, and his face turned a little red.

"How's it going? You have nothing to say?" Su Zhiyan said proudly.

"Anyway, I can't tell you clearly, but I can tell you that when I see Sister Zhong later, please don't make fun of me." Xia Yunjie knew that if Su Zhiyan continued to talk, she would only get louder and louder, and Yu Jian's face turned ugly. Yitong warned.

Although Su Zhiyan often spoke inappropriately in front of Xia Yunjie, she immediately behaved like a little sheep when she saw his sullen face. She nodded and said, "I know."

After saying that, Su Zhiyan no longer talked ambiguously about Xia Yunjie and Zhong Yangying. Instead, she glanced at him secretly and said cautiously: "Didn't you say that we will open this beauty product project at 30-70? I can use my Do you want to give part of the equity to Sister Zhong? I have absolute confidence in the product, but I don’t have full confidence in sales. You also know that since I graduated and started working, I have mainly been engaged in construction and mining, and retail. We have little experience and no resources in this area, but sales are an important part of generating profits for products, so we must prepare in advance. Sister Zhong happens to be a giant in the retail industry, and she is also a friend of you and me. She is not only She has a strong sales network and unique experience in sales. If we can bring her in, we can use her strong sales points to launch our products from the beginning. However, because we haven’t consulted you on this matter yet opinion, so I haven’t dared to speak to Sister Zhong yet.”

"You two strong women join forces. It seems that it will be difficult for this product to become popular. In this way, as long as Sister Zhong is interested, I will give some of my shares to her. Anyway, I don't care about the shares." Although sometimes I always Although she was avoiding Zhong Yangying, the friendship between the two was real and sincere, so Xia Yunjie nodded in agreement without thinking about Su Zhiyan's analysis.

If you make money, of course you make it with friends.

"It's your business whether you don't care about the shares. Anyway, Sister Zhong and I will not touch your shares. Then it's settled, I will share my share equally with Sister Zhong, hehe, it will be so beautiful then You, two beautiful bosses will work for you to make money." Su Zhiyan said happily when Xia Yunjie nodded in agreement.

But when it came to the latter part, a bit of old-fashionedness emerged. Xia Yunjie could only shake his head helplessly, but his heart really jumped.

There are two strong women, one is a young and cool female boss who has become famous recently, and the other is a mature and sexy boss who has undisputedly become the richest woman, and both are single. Nowadays, in the whole of China, I don’t know how many men covet them, how many men want to conquer them, and of course there are many men who want to look up to them to support their families. But now they suddenly become small shareholders of Xia Yunjie’s company. To say that Xia Yunjie is beyond imagination No, that is definitely self-deception.

"You are also the boss, okay?" Xia Yunjie suppressed the reverie in his mind and said angrily.

"It's an advantage for you anyway," Su Zhiyan rolled her eyes.

Xia Yunjie saw that Su Zhiyan's words started to become rude again, and he was worried that she would do the same when he met Zhong Yangying later, so he had to glare at her again.

Seeing Xia Yunjie glare, Su Zhiyan spit out her sweet tongue at him and said, "Okay, I won't say anything anymore."

Just when I said this, my beautiful eyes were shining, and I thought, hmph, let's see how long you can keep pretending. I don't believe I can't defeat you when we join forces with Sister Zhong.

Of course Xia Yunjie didn't know that Su Zhiyan's cooperation with Zhong Yangying was not only a business strategy, but also a "conspiracy" to join forces with Zhong Yangying to conquer him as a man. Seeing that Su Zhiyan stopped talking nonsense, he told her We talked about the tea mountain.

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