Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 529 Work Arrangement

Dean Hong was slightly startled when he saw a young man in his twenties pushing through the door. For a moment, he didn't think it was Associate Professor Xia who gave him a headache.

"Hello, Dean Hong, I'm Xia Yunjie." Seeing Dean Hong in a daze, Xia Yunjie smiled calmly at him and introduced himself.

"Hello, it turns out you are Xia Yunjie. You are younger than I thought!" Dean Hong was stunned again when he heard this, then stood up with a smile and reached out to Xia Yunjie. Anyway, this guy, Mr. Feng, is They have said hello. They don’t look at the monk’s face to look at the Buddha’s face, so Dean Hong has to give some face. Just when shaking hands with Xia Yunjie, Dean Hong smiled bitterly and his head hurt even more.

If you are younger, it would be fine if you look more mature. However, you are so handsome and young, and those who don't know better would think you are a freshman. How can you control a graduate student? Not to mention those lecturers who are still working hard to evaluate associate professors? Alas, this is really the answer. It is better to have a good father than to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well. I don’t know what this guy’s background is. He got the titles of chief doctor and associate professor at such a young age. Even Professor Feng came out to say hello in person. .

In Hong Wenjing's mind, Xia Yunjie did not get the title and become an associate professor at the university based on his true ability. It was mainly because of family connections and background. As for the relationship and background, old Professor Feng Wenbo did not say, only that he studied under a An old Chinese doctor with excellent medical skills, Hong Wenjing was unknown.

"Dean Hong, don't worry. Although I am young, I still have the necessary knowledge and medical skills. I will live up to the title of associate professor." Xia Yunjie smiled and shook hands with Dean Hong and said confidently.

"Haha, I can't tell that you are quite confident. That's good. To be honest, I am still very stressed about you coming to our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an associate professor at such a young age, but Professor Feng is my mentor. I also believe in his character and vision. Since he recommended you, I have no choice but to agree. I hope you can work hard, humbly consult and learn from some old professors and old Chinese medicine practitioners, and don’t live up to Professor Feng’s high expectations." Seeing Xia Yunjie full of confidence. Full, Dean Hong smiled, and then asked him to sit down.

"That's for sure." Xia Yunjie smiled and nodded.

When Dean Hong saw that Xia Yunjie was chatting and laughing in front of his own dean, without any sense of restraint, he became more convinced that he had a background. Otherwise, it would have been other teachers in the college. In addition to those senior Chinese medicine doctors and professors, several people had seen him. He doesn't hold back a guilty conscience. At the same time, this idea also moved Dean Hong's heart, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Aren't I having a headache about Gu Qianlin? Although this Xia Yunjie is young, since even Professor Feng recommended him and said that he has excellent medical skills, apart from his background, he should be somewhat advanced. It would be better to let Gu Qianlin continue to complete her unfinished studies with him. Firstly, this Xia Yunjie is new to the school, and he looks like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, so he should agree. Secondly, he has a background, so he should be able to handle it. Thirdly, Xia Yunjie is an associate professor at such a young age and is probably an incompetent guy in Professor Wu's eyes. Gu Qianlin is basically useless if she follows him. It is also a compromise. He should not I will make things difficult again. Fourthly, this Gu Qianlin is a difficult student. It would be better if she could force this unknown guy to resign.

After thinking about it this way, Professor Hong's worries suddenly disappeared. He felt relaxed and became particularly enthusiastic towards Xia Yunjie. He stood up and poured him a cup of tea and said: "Come on, Professor Xia, have a cup of tea to quench your thirst. This is the last time." Haomeijiawu Longjing Tea.”

How did Xia Yunjie know that Professor Hong, an old fox, was already planning to kill several birds with one stone? Seeing that he was so enthusiastic, he politely called himself Professor Xia, and even the subtitles were deliberately hidden. He almost thought that Feng Wenbo was asking for help. He revealed some details about himself.

But immediately, Xia Yunjie realized that was not the case, because he found that Professor Hong's smile was a bit "fraudulent".

"Professor Xia, how do you like this tea?" Professor Hong naturally became more easy-going and friendly because he wanted to trick Xia Yunjie.

"Yes, it is green in color, fragrant, sweet in taste, and beautiful in taste. There is a small leaf growing on the bud, shaped like a colorful flag. This should be the best pre-rain tea picked before the Grain Rain." Xia Yunjie nodded in praise.

A few days ago, I went to Zhong Yangying's tea mountain and drank tea for a day. Xia Yunjie learned a lot about tea, which just came in handy now.

"Although Professor Xia is young, he is a person who understands tea." Professor Hong calmly flattered Xia Yunjie, and then changed the subject: "But we are teachers, and I hope Professor Xia is someone who knows how to preach." He is the one who can solve the confusion. Today’s students are difficult to teach, and Professor Xia is so young, I’m really worried.”

"Don't worry about Dean Hong. Since I have come to teach in the school, as long as the student's moral character is good, no matter what his qualifications are, I will always try my best to train him to be a successful person." Xia Yunjie didn't know what Dean Hong was selling at this time. Yao, seeing that he was telling the truth, he followed his words.

Seeing that Xia Yunjie still looked confident, Dean Hong felt happy. He was waiting for Xia Yunjie's words.

The so-called words spilled, the young man lost face. Dean Hong knew that after these words, Xia Yunjie probably wouldn't be able to speak even if he didn't want to.

"Okay, teachers should have this determination and self-confidence. This is what it means to be a role model." Dean Hong put a high hat on Xia Yunjie again, and then said with a straight face: "Now that I have said that, why not today I will Let me talk about some of your teaching tasks. Let me talk about graduate students first. You are an associate professor and you could have chosen to recruit graduate students yourself. However, because you joined the job late, you have now passed the two-way selection stage, so you have to have the college assign you graduate students directly. There are many graduate students applying for admission to our college this year, so you may have to work harder to take care of three graduate students. One is named Gu Qianlin, one is named Liu Yiwei, and the last one is named..."

As he spoke, Dean Hong stood up, walked behind the executive desk, picked up a list of students, looked at it, thought about it and then said, "Dai Yongzhou."

When Xia Yunjie heard this, he thought, apart from Liu Yiwei, the other two of these three people had met each other just now and had crossed paths. Could this be the so-called fate?

In addition to having this idea, Xia Yunjie finally understood why Dean Hong was so "kind" just now. After a long time, it turned out that he wanted to throw Gu Qianlin, a hot potato, to him.

However, he knew that Xia Yunjie was not disgusted with Dean Hong. On the contrary, he quite admired Dean Hong. At least from this incident, Dean Hong still thought about Gu Qianlin's studies and did not care about her relationship with Wu. When the vice-dean had a falling out, he ignored her and left her to fend for herself. Of course, Xia Yunjie would not go out of his way to point it out and refuse.

Since he came to the school to be a teacher, Xia Yunjie certainly had no reason to refuse normal work arrangements as long as it did not violate his principles and ethics.

"Okay, I will follow the dean's arrangement." Xia Yunjie nodded.

Seeing Xia Yunjie agreeing so simply, Dean Hong was happy but also a little sorry. He thought about it and said: "Of these three students, Dai Yongzhou is a fresh graduate from another school and Liu Yiwei is a student from Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. Doctors of traditional Chinese medicine are studying for a master's degree on the job. The last one, Gu Qianlin, is a slightly special student. She was originally a student of Professor Wu in our college, but something unpleasant happened between them, so I took her Transfer to you. And as a new teacher, you also need to lead a freshmen undergraduate class, and the college has decided on the first class of Chinese Medicine."

"Okay, no problem. I wonder when I will officially start working?" Xia Yunjie asked.

"If there is no problem, you can start working today. Of course, in the past few days, you will mainly need to familiarize yourself with the working environment, colleagues, and some of the rules and regulations in the college, application topics, teaching tasks, etc. I will ask for details later. Secretary Yang will tell you and take you to familiarize yourself with the college. Before that, there is one more thing that needs to be discussed with you. Generally, teachers have teaching tasks. What subjects do you think you are good at? Theoretical Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine , prescriptions, internal medicine, pediatrics, orthopedics, etc., I will try my best to ask Secretary Yang to arrange subjects for you that you think you are qualified for." Dean Hong said.

The Secretary Yang mentioned by Dean Hong is the teaching secretary of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Any subject is fine. Dean Hong can arrange it as he sees fit." Xia Yunjie said with a confident smile.

Just kidding, Xia Yunjie even calls old Professor Feng Wenbo the head master's uncle. As long as he has knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, what is there that he can't do?

"Any subject will do?" Dean Hong frowned slightly secretly. It is a good thing for young people to have confidence, but Xia Yunjie's performance from beginning to end, especially his answer now, gave Dean Hong a feeling that was not confidence but confidence. It feels arrogant.

There was no way, Xia Yunjie was really too young. Dean Hong couldn't believe that he was qualified for any subject at his age. Originally, he didn't want to arrange courses for Xia Yunjie, so as not to delay a large number of students, but because Feng Wenbo repeatedly emphasized that Xia Yunjie should be treated as a normal associate professor, he had no choice but to try to arrange a subject for him first. It seems that even so, out of uneasiness, Dean Hong still asked for his opinion first. But I didn't expect that his tone was so crazy that he was good at any subject. This was not bad for him as the dean.

"It seems that Professor Xia is really confident in his medical skills. In this case, while you are not busy today, how about I test you?" Dean Hong said, with a trace of the majesty of an elder on his face.

Fortunately, Professor Feng Wenbo was not here at this time, otherwise he would have slapped him if he heard that his student wanted to test his master.

It’s simply bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestor!

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