Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 54: A wage earner who is not bullied

"Since you don't want to take more, you have to take the three hundred yuan. As for the house, if you really can't find a suitable place within a week, just stay with the eldest sister for a few days." Lin Yumei Seeing that Xia Yunjie really didn't want to take more money, I couldn't help but feel more and more fond of him. In fact, these days, everyone is focused on money, and they would like to take out all the money in the pockets of the world and put it in their own pockets, like There are very few young people like Xia Yunjie who push their money out.

Seeing Lin Yumei say this, Xia Yunjie couldn't refuse anymore. He took the three hundred yuan and smiled at Lin Yumei and said, "Okay, thank you landlord."

"I should be the one saying thank you. Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. My phone number is on the rental contract. If you need anything, just call me." Lin Yumei waved to Xia Yunjie, then turned and went downstairs.

After Lin Yumei left, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but feel worried while holding the three hundred yuan in his hand.

With the development of urbanization and more and more migrant workers pouring into the city, rents in Jiangzhou City have been rising. Lin Yumei's house can be rented very cheaply, only 900 yuan per month. For a house like this in such an area, Xia Yunjie just browsed through the Internet to find information on shared rentals, and the price has already risen to 1,200 yuan.

The high rent is not the biggest problem. Anyway, Xia Yunjie's monthly income is almost 2,000 yuan. He is now a single person. He has enough to feed the whole family, and his expenses are not big. Even if the rent is a little more expensive, apart from food and drink, he can still save some money in a month. The biggest problem is that he just bought a Lenovo laptop. When he bought this laptop, he not only sold the gold necklace, but also added two hundred yuan. Now his entire net worth is only 1,900 yuan including the 300 yuan in hand. The rent is usually paid quarterly. Even if he can find a suitable shared house and pay the rent, he will not have much money in his pocket. Money, not to mention other consumption, probably even food and drink should be saved as much as possible.

It looked like he would have to tighten his belt again in the next month. Xia Yunjie felt sad for a while, shook his head and went out.

It's already getting late, and I'm afraid I'll be late for work if I don't go out. As for the house problem, I have to wait until I get back from get off work to figure out a solution.

When he arrived at the bar, he was still greeted by the enthusiastic three bar girls Wu Yuqi, Liu Ke, and Xu Jia. As for the other bar girls, their attitude towards him returned to being dull after their curiosity passed that day. In their eyes, Zhang Xiaojun was still He is the "tall, rich and handsome" guy in the bar, while Xia Yunjie is just the most ordinary wage earner. It's just that after a month of getting along, everyone became more familiar with each other. The attitude of the other bar girls finally allowed Zhang Xiaojun, the "rich, handsome" man, to find some psychological balance. Otherwise, he would be completely depressed by Xia Yunjie, and he would probably be depressed to death. However, despite this, seeing Wu Yuqi and the three beauties surrounding Xia Yunjie without hesitation every day, making some ambiguous physical contact from time to time, still made him jealous. In just one month, pimples appeared on his face. Got two or three.

"Brother Jie, will you go swimming with us at Silver Beach tomorrow?" In a dimly lit corner, Wu Yuqi, wearing a miniskirt, walked up to Xia Yunjie with her sexy waist swaying, and then wrapped her arms around her naturally and intimately. She touched his arm and said softly.

Over the past month, although he had gradually become accustomed to the close contact between Wu Yuqi and the three of them, Xia Yunjie still couldn't help but feel a slight feeling whenever his arms touched or even squeezed the pair of elastic breasts. Ecstasy and heartbeat.

"Tomorrow?" Xia Yunjie suppressed the desire in his heart and frowned slightly. He remembered that he had to find a house as soon as possible in the past few days.

"Yes, does Brother Jie have anything urgent to do tomorrow? If not, can you accompany us?" Wu Yuqi saw Xia Yunjie frowning slightly, and immediately shook Xia Yunjie's arm and begged softly.

The plump breasts ravaged Xia Yunjie's arms unceremoniously as her body swayed, and also ravaged the heart of Xia Yunjie, a young brother who had just left school, forcing him to say hurriedly: "Okay then. !”

"That's great, Brother Jie. You don't know, the three of us have wanted to go swimming in Silver Beach for a long time, but we can't get the time together. It just so happens that tomorrow we can all three of us go into the water!" Seeing Xia Yunjie agree, Wu Yuqi came down, Happy and excited.

"What's so bad about this? You guys have nothing to do during the day anyway." Xia Yunjie said in confusion after hearing this.

"Brother Jie, you are so bad!" Wu Yuqi pinched Xia Yunjie and rolled her eyes.

Xia Yunjie looked aggrieved after being pinched. Women's affairs are really elusive. Did I say something wrong?

"The aunts of the three of us happen to be next to each other, silly brother!" Just when Xia Yunjie looked depressed and aggrieved, a burst of hot air blew in his ear, but it was Wu Yuqi who whispered into his ear. , then threw him a hygiene eye and turned around to entertain the guests.

"Auntie? Are we next to each other?" Seeing Wu Yuqi's sexy ass wrapped in a miniskirt swaying away, Xia Yunjie suddenly understood why they couldn't make time together, and his face couldn't help but blush.

What a stupid brother I am!

As night fell completely over Jiangzhou, the number of guests in the bar gradually increased. The noisy bar is filled with the smell of cigarettes, perfume, and wine. Whenever the music sounds, the lights are dim, and men and women with ambiguous relationships jump on the dance floor. The DJ uses the microphone to preach all kinds of sexy words, teasing the most primitive desires in people's hearts.

Although Xia Yunjie still didn't like all this, he had gradually gotten used to it.

They were still riding home at two or three in the morning. Along the way, Wu Yuqi and the others chatted around Xia Yunjie as usual. Talking about tomorrow's trip to Silver Beach, the three of them were a little excited, but even though they were excited, they were also Can't hide a hint of tiredness.

Seeing the three young and beautiful faces filled with excitement and a trace of unconcealed tiredness, Xia Yunjie suddenly felt a sense of pity in his heart. In their youthful years of early twenties, many girls like them are still studying in college, and they have already entered the society early. They are busy until early morning every day, and they have to take a break from the busy schedule to relax and play occasionally. Even so, They were still very excited.

This is the life of wage earners, and now I have become one of them.

When I got home, I took a quick shower. Xia Yunjie turned on the Lenovo laptop he spent most of his savings on. He first went online to delete the information he posted online this afternoon seeking roommates, and then started searching for rental information online.

After searching for a long time, I still couldn't find a suitable house. Either the price was too high or the location was not good. It was hard to find one or two places with the right location and the right price, but they had some requirements on the last name, female!

It seemed that the only option was to go to the rental agency another day. Xia Yunjie couldn't find a suitable one after searching for a while. Seeing that it was already very late, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but feel discouraged and prepared to turn off the phone and take a rest.

But just when Xia Yunjie was about to turn off the Internet, a message seeking a shared apartment jumped into his eyes.

The house in Deya community has two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. We are looking for a male to share with us. The monthly rent is 550 yuan. Internet, water, electricity and gas charges are not included. If you are interested, please add QQ7823456 video.

Although the monthly rent is a hundred yuan more than the one Xia Yunjie lives in now, and although the other party's video request is a bit weird, Xia Yunjie still logs into QQ without hesitation, searches for this number, and fills in the information box for requesting friends "Interested in sharing" information.

On the other side of the network, in Room 502, Building 5, Deya Community, short-haired beauty Du Haiqiong was facing the computer screen with sleepy eyes and yawning.

Since this information was posted on the 19th floor last night, there have been many interested parties. But when she saw the real person in the video, he was either on par with the two obscene men in the opposite room, or it was off-putting to watch, so she would often kick him out of her friend list as soon as the video was connected. Occasionally, there are one or two who are pleasing to the eye, but as long as Du Haiqiong deliberately reveals her identity as a flight attendant, the man in the video will definitely light up, and he will urgently urge her to join the video or meet immediately to discuss the shared apartment. .

Just now, Du Haiqiong eliminated another obscene man. This made Du Haiqiong begin to suspect that his desire to help his friend Shen Liti find a man who could help ward off perverts and who had no ill intentions towards Shen Liti was simply a whim.

"Forget it, sleep!" Du Haiqiong finally couldn't hold back his sleepiness, stretched out, and prepared to log off.

At this time, the QQ information prompt sounded. Du Haiqiong yawned and wanted to leave it at that, but finally clicked on it.

The message was a request to be added as a friend from a wage earner named "The Wanderer Who Will Not Be Bullied". Du Haiqiong wanted to laugh when he saw this online name. These days, wage earners are the targets of exploitation and bullying. Wage workers who are not bullied can probably only be found in fairy tales.

"Get on the video!" Although he thought this online name was a bit ridiculous, Du Haiqiong didn't have much hope for this "unbullied wage earner", so he didn't bother to say hello to him. After adding a friend, he typed three words directly. .

On the other side of the network, Xia Yunjie didn't expect that the other party was still online, and he didn't expect that as soon as he was connected, he asked to go on video without even saying hello.

Xia Yunjie was still confident in his appearance and affability. Since the other party was so straightforward, he naturally didn't bother to be pretentious and opened the video openly when he saw this.

Of course, the property is in the hands of the other party, who has the initiative, so the video is one-sided at the beginning, that is, Du Haiqiong can see Xia Yunjie, but Xia Yunjie cannot see her.

"Comrade Shengun!" Du Haiqiong, who was already drowsy and ready to take a look at this "unbullied wage earner" and then turn off his phone to go to sleep, saw the profile picture suddenly appeared on the screen. His eyes suddenly lit up and he was shocked. Exhale.

After exclaiming, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then stared at Xia Yunjie in the video.

That's right, he's that cool guy who's not moved by beauty or money at all!

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