Xia Yunjie didn't expect Wu Lili, a weak woman, to be so courageous. Seeing Wu Hongjian holding up a chair and trying to throw it at him, she dared to rush forward to intercept him. A hint of surprise and emotion flashed in his eyes. However, when he saw Wu Hongjian with a ferocious look on his face and kicked Wu Lili in the stomach, his face suddenly turned cold.

"Bold" Xia Yunjie shouted coldly, grabbed Du Jinbiao's neck with his other hand, lifted him up, and then threw him towards Wu Hongjian.

With a "peng" sound, Du Jinbiao's body, as fat as a pig, hit the chair Wu Hongjian lifted hard.

Although Du Jinbiao was not tall, he was very fat. He weighed 1,780 kilograms at least. Wu Hongjian could not hold up when he was hit by the impact. He screamed and was crushed to the ground by Du Jinbiao, including himself and the chair. .

Seeing Wu Hongjian lying on the ground with a chair pressed on his body, the fat Du Jinbiao pressed on the chair again. The sharp edges and corners of the chair made Wu Hongjian burst into tears and screamed again and again. The box suddenly fell silent, and everyone was He stared at the astonishing scene in front of him with a look of disbelief.

They were not only shocked that Xia Yunjie, a teacher from this place, dared to hit Du Jinbiao and Wu Hongjian, they were also shocked by how Xia Yunjie, a relatively handsome young man, could easily kill Du Jinbiao's body like a fat pig. Pick it up and throw it away.

How much fucking strength does this take? Even a weightlifting champion might not be able to do it.

"What the fuck, why don't I get off here? It hurts me to death." Just as everyone was shocked, Wu Hongjian, who was so painful that he burst into tears, screamed repeatedly.

When Wu Hongjian shouted, Du Jinbiao, who was thrown so hard that his whole body seemed to be falling apart, suddenly woke up, twisted his fat body, and wanted to get down.

But Du Jinbiao didn't move and wanted to fight. His movement was like using a chair to crush Wu Hongjian. Wu Hongjian suddenly screamed like a slaughtered pig again.

When Wu Hongjian shouted, the people in the box came to their senses completely, and hurriedly gathered around to help those who carried people, and those who moved chairs.

After a while, Wu Hongjian and Du Jinbiao were freed from the pain, but their whole bodies were still in terrible pain, especially when Wu Hongjian just "lifted a solid wood chair and hit his own feet", with Du Jinbiao weighing 1,780 kilograms weighing on it. Championship, his bones were almost broken, and he couldn't get up for a while.

"Damn it, Xia Yunjie, if I don't kill you, I won't fucking believe Wu." Although Wu Hongjian couldn't get up for a moment, Wu Hongjian's mouth was not idle, pointing at Xia Yunjie with a livid face and yelling curses.

"Don't be too arrogant when you speak, or you may cause trouble again," Xia Yunjie said coldly with a cold look in his eyes.

"Arrogant? Damn it, what's wrong with me being arrogant? You're the only one..." Wu Hongjian cursed and finally stood up with the help of Xu Xinyao and another beautiful woman.

While Wu Hongjian was cursing, the door of the box was pushed open.

Three young men walked in, the leader of whom was Huang Changyu, the grandson of Huang's parents. The other two men were half a step behind Huang Changyu, one on the left and one on the right. One of them was Han Zhenqing, and the other one should have a similar identity to Han Zhenqing.

"What's going on? It's a mess." As soon as Huang Changyu came in and saw the mess in the box, he couldn't help but frowned.

Wu Hongjian and others obviously did not expect that Huang Changyu would come over specifically to retaliate, nor did they expect that it would be such a coincidence that they happened to be fighting. They were all dumbfounded for a moment, and of course they swallowed back Wu Hongjian's curse words.

No matter how courageous he was, he would not dare to curse anyone when Mr. Huang came to propose a toast.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, it's just that these guys have nothing to do and are having fun." Qian Jin is the most distinguished young man in this box and the one with the fastest reaction. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately came up to him with a smile. said.

After saying that, he turned to Du Jinbiao, Wu Hongjian and others and scolded: "Didn't you see Brother Yu coming? What are you still staring at? Why don't you clean up? What kind of mess is it like?"

While talking, Qian Jin winked at Du Jinbiao and the others, which meant that he would put this matter aside for now and talk about it later.

Of course Du Jinbiao and others also knew that this was not the time to cause trouble, so they glared at Xia Yunjie fiercely, and then said with a smile: "Yes, yes."

As he spoke, he hurriedly cleaned up the messy scene, while the beauties had already turned their attention to Huang Changyu, and they all came forward to wink at him and call him "Young Master Huang".

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to climb a high tree. Of course, the beauties are not willing to let it go. As for Xia Yunjie and the others, they are too lazy to care about it, and they already know the final result. In the end, it was definitely the teacher who couldn't bear to eat and had to walk around. As for Wu Lili, it was definitely the same.

"Changyu, you're here too." Just as everyone stepped forward to greet Huang Changyu, a familiar voice rang in the box.

Just now, Xia Yunjie had his back to the box door. Huang Changyu didn't expect that Xia Yunjie would be there in advance. In addition, he was quickly surrounded by beauties as soon as he entered, so he didn't notice Xia Yunjie for a while.

“Mr. who?

Hearing the name Teacher Xia, Han Zhenqing was shocked all over, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Apart from Huang Changyu, Han Zhenqing was probably the only one present who knew the horror of Xia Yunjie best.

"What is Teacher Xia? Ah" Qian Jin and others' reaction was obviously delayed. Seeing Huang Changyu suddenly calling him "Mr. Xia", they could not recover for a moment until they followed Huang Changyu's gaze and saw Xia Yunjie. , then he suddenly trembled and exclaimed.

Isn't the teacher in front of me named Xia?

When they thought of this, Wu Hongjian and Du Jinbiao both turned pale for a moment. Compared with the eldest son of the Huang family, their status was quite inferior, especially since Du Jinbiao was not even qualified to toast the eldest son of the Huang family. Xu Xinyao and other beauties could not help but have a look of regret on their faces. They never dreamed that the teacher who came from this place even knew the young master of the Huang family.

But what made them even more shocked and regretful was yet to come.

When Huang Changyu saw that it was really Xia Yunjie, how could he dare to neglect him? He hurriedly pushed aside the crowd and walked up to Xia Yunjie. He was both surprised and respectful and said: "Teacher Xia, why are you here in the capital?"

"I have to come and congratulate your grandpa on his birthday." Xia Yunjie said calmly.

These words sounded normal to the ears of Han Zhenlin and Huang Changyu, but to the ears of the others, they were like thunder, making their ears buzz.

Mr. Huang, who is that? Who is qualified to congratulate him on his ninetieth birthday? I'm afraid even Qian Jin's father is only barely qualified. But now, this young teacher actually said in front of Huang's parents and grandchildren that he came to wish him a birthday. what does that mean? Everyone present is not a fool, naturally they understand in their hearts

"Grandpa was still talking about you this morning. If he knew that you came to the capital specially, he would definitely be very happy." Huang Changyu said respectfully.

What Xia Yunjie said just now might be said to be young and frivolous, bragging, and trying to put money in his own face, but Huang Changyu's words completely dispelled everyone's suspicion, and everyone was shocked to death. Especially Wu Hongjian and Du Jinbiao almost lost their souls.

Even Mr. Huang would talk about this person. The two of them actually dared to beat him, scold him, and even wanted to pick up his woman before. Isn't this looking for death?

“Mr. .

"Shut up." Who is Huang Changyu? He couldn't figure out what was going on in the box just now. Of course he realized what was going on. Hearing this, his face suddenly turned cold, and he didn't wait for Wu Hongjian and Du Jinbiao to say anything. After finishing, he cursed directly.

Wu Hongjian and Du Jinbiao did not expect that Huang Changyu, who had always been friendly and kind to others in the industry, would not even give them a chance to apologize. The color on his face suddenly faded away, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips. , looked at Qian Jin for help.

The circles in the capital are also divided into factions and groups. Wu Hongjian and others are in the same group as Qian Jin and others, and they usually get close to each other. Because Qian Jin has the strongest background among them, they naturally become the ones among them. leader, so now that something like this happened, Wu Hongjian and Du Jinbiao naturally thought of asking Qian Jin for help.

Although Qian Jin was in a dilemma, when he saw Wu Hongjian and Du Jinbiao looking at him for help, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said haha: "Brother Yu, we don't know each other if we don't fight, please give me face, this matter..." "

"This is a shameless thing." But what Qian Jincai didn't expect was that before he finished speaking, Huang Changyu directly interrupted him again.

At this moment, Huang Changyu, who had always been elegant and friendly, finally burst out with the domineering aura that one should have as a prince in the capital.

Just kidding, who is Teacher Xia? The last time I came to the capital, I encountered something unhappy, and it happened again this time. How could this make the Huang family, as a landlord, embarrassed?

Although Huang Changyu is still young and does not hold a position in the officialdom, as one of the princes of the capital, his anger was absolutely domineering. Everyone in the box suddenly fell silent, looking at Huang Changyu in horror, even Qian Jin. They all immediately shut their mouths obediently.

Except of course Xia Yunjie

"Teacher Xia, I'm sorry, look at this..." After interrupting Qian Jin and others with the domineering attitude of a king, when Huang Changyu turned to Xia Yunjie, his attitude immediately became respectful.

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