Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 560: Saving people is like putting out fire

"Let's go." Xia Yunjie didn't want to explain more, so he waved his hand when the three of them shook their heads.

Seeing that they no longer had to stand at the door of the building to greet the strange looks from teachers and students, Liu Yiwei and the other three breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly followed Xia Yunjie towards the school gate.


It was Dean Hong who came down, and Liu Yiwei and others felt nervous.

Others have queued up for the expert clinic, but where is my tutor? Only one patient came through the door all day. As the dean of the college, Hong Jingwen must have known about it, and he probably had to say a few words about his mentor.

This is a disgrace to the academy.

As the dean of the college, Hong Jingwen had indeed heard about this incident, and even vice dean Wu Yongping came to him to complain. He said that teachers like this cannot be retained, otherwise if this continues, sooner or later the reputation of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be ruined.

But others don't know Xia Yunjie's origins, but Hong Jingwen knows it all. This is Professor Feng's most respected elder in his school. In other words, he is Hong Jingwen's elder in his school. Does Hong Jingwen dare to fire him? That is the grave crime of deceiving one's master and destroying one's ancestors.

"It turns out to be Dean Hong. We are preparing to go to the Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital where Liu Yiwei works." Xia Yunjie replied.

"Go to Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital?" Hong Jingwen couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"Yes, students need practice. Liu Yiwei happens to be a doctor at Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. I thought about using his place to arrange a few days a week to give students practice classes." Xia Yunjie nodded.

"So that's it." Hong Jingwen suddenly realized after hearing this, but he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. He had heard about "Xia Zhuanyi", so he naturally thought that Xia Yunjie was young and could not afford to lose face, so he could only leave Cangbei County. As for what Students need to practice is nothing more than nice words.

Of course, Hong Jingwen couldn't expose this. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Those of us who study Chinese medicine need practice the most. It just so happens that I have to go to the provincial capital for a meeting today, and I have to pass through Cangbei County on the way. You can take my car there." "

Liu Yiwei and the others thought that Dean Hong would have to say a few words to Xia Yunjie. Unexpectedly, in the end, Dean Hong actually offered to give them a lift. They couldn't help being shocked. They thought, maybe Dean Hong took the wrong medicine today. ?

"Okay, thank you, Dean Hong." Xia Yunjie would not be polite to Hong Jingwen. He nodded, then turned to Liu Yiwei and others and said, "Everyone, get in the car, and we will take Dean Hong's ride."

Liu Yiwei and others did not expect that Teacher Xia was so rude. When Dean Hong said so politely, he just nodded. He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. You must know that he is the dean.

"Let's all get in the car." Hong Jingwen saw that Liu Yiwei and others looked at him and did not dare to get in the car. He naturally understood why and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. It's true that I am the dean, but your teacher Xia is even more awesome.

Seeing that Dean Hong also spoke, Liu Yiwei and others could no longer hesitate and got in the car one after another. Liu Yiwei even politely told Dean Hong that he would drive, but Dean Hong did not agree.

Xia Yunjie was quite attentive. He placed his only girl, Gu Qianlin, in the passenger seat, while he and two boys, Liu Yiwei and Dai Yongzhou, squeezed into the back seat.

After everyone was seated, Hong Jingwen drove all the way towards Haizhou City, the provincial capital.

Cangbei County is located at the junction of the provincial capitals Haizhou City and Jiangzhou City.

The car drove all the way, and the atmosphere was very subtle. There were five people in the car. Except for Xia Yunjie, who was calm and leisurely enjoying the scenery outside the window, the other four people were in a complicated and nervous mood.

Liu Yiwei and the other three were naturally nervous because it was Dean Hong who was driving. They never thought that one day the dean would be their driver. Dean Hong was feeling complicated and nervous, of course, because sitting in the car was Professor Feng, a great man who even addressed him as "Master Uncle". Originally, if he and Xia Yunjie were alone together, Dean Hong would have been able to handle it more easily, with a more humble attitude. Even so, when an outsider was present, he had to show off the dean's airs. Dean Hong is naturally familiar with the road and has no psychological burden when it comes to putting on airs in front of others. However, in such a narrow space and in front of Xia Yunjie, Dean Hong naturally feels uncomfortable and even a little nervous.

Fortunately, Cangbei County is not far away. After the car got on the expressway from Jiangzhou City to Haizhou City, after driving for about forty minutes, we could already see the Cangbei County exit sign from a distance. But at this moment they also saw a long queue of cars not far away, and a thick smell of blood floated in the air and drifted into the car windows.

"There's a car accident. Don't slow down and drive over." Xia Yunjie's face changed slightly and he said in a deep voice.

At this time, Hong Jingwen also realized that a car accident had occurred, and after hearing this, he accelerated and drove over. But when they reached the place where there was a long queue, they were stopped by the traffic police.

"Didn't you see there was a car accident?" the traffic policeman pointed at the danger warning sign and shouted angrily at Hong Jingwen.

"We are doctors," Hong Jingwen said with an anxious expression as he stuck his head out of the car window. Because at this time he could already see part of the car accident scene. The accident was very serious. Several cars collided with each other. One of them was a bus. The bus flipped to the ground. The glass was shattered all over the ground. The broken glass was covered with blood and reflected a dazzling bright red in the sunlight. A cordon has been set up at the scene of the car accident, but no ambulance has been seen at the scene. Apparently the ambulance has not arrived yet.

Because this period of time happened to be the rush hour for work, although the highway traffic police team rushed to the scene of the crime as soon as the incident occurred and conducted emergency on-site treatment and reported to the police, the ambulance and fire trucks were not on the highway because they were not on the highway. I had to go to work, and because of the rush hour, I still didn’t arrive. As the saying goes, rescuing people is like putting out fires, but rescue in car accidents is actually a race against time. Taking rescue measures one minute in advance and delaying rescue one minute can often be the difference between life and death.

This car accident was serious. An overloaded truck collided with a bus, and then caused a rear-end collision with other vehicles. The number of casualties is still unclear, but the overturned bus was almost full, with at least forty people on it. The casualties were definitely not small. So seeing that the ambulance and fire truck had not arrived for a long time, the traffic police was extremely anxious. So as soon as I heard that Hong Jingwen was a doctor, he immediately drove a patrol car to clear the road ahead without saying anything.

In the blink of an eye, Hong Jingwen and others arrived at the scene of the accident.

The scene was horrific. The impact caused by the high-speed driving not only caused the car to overturn to the ground, but also caused the body of the car to twist and deform. Broken glass and blood were everywhere on the ground. You could even see the truck driver's brains hanging along the steering wheel. It slowly flowed along the broken car door onto the high-speed cement road, but he was already dead on the spot.

The accident was probably caused by the bus changing lanes. The truck had too much inertia due to overloading and hit it suddenly. As a result, the bus was completely knocked over and fell to the ground. Not only that, a bundle of steel bars carried by the truck was thrown out of the truck and fell on the side of the truck. On the overturned bus. The huge weight and impact buckled the entire frame, and it was still making a creaking sound. It seemed that the entire frame, which was already in tatters, would be crushed at any time. There were at least a dozen passengers in the bus who were trapped inside because their bodies were stuck on seats or steel pipes. At this time, they were crying for help, and bright red blood was flowing down their bodies to the bus, and then It slowly flowed out of the car again, dyeing the concrete floor of the highway bright red.

Gu Qianlin and Dai Yongzhou had never seen such a scene before. They were so frightened on the spot that their faces turned pale, their stomachs were so full that they almost vomited what they had eaten in the morning. Even though they were old, Hong Jingwen and Liu Yiwei, who had seen many lives and deaths, saw the blood on their faces fade away completely. They sucked in the cold air and felt a little unable to start.

In fact, even if ambulances and fire trucks arrive at such a scene, it is estimated that they will have a headache for a while and have no way to start, let alone these defenseless doctors. Among them, only Hong Jingwen has studied Western medicine. , the rest are all Chinese medicine practitioners, and two are even pure students. Compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine has always been considered slow and difficult to play a role in first aid. Although this understanding is biased and wrong, it is undeniable that under the current level of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine is indeed far inferior to Western medicine in first aid. .

"Which bastard let them in?" Just when Hong Jingwen and the others were frightened by the tragic scene, an angry voice suddenly roared.

This angry voice came from a tall and powerful man, who was also the deputy captain of the highway traffic police who was the first to arrive at this incident.

"Captain Li, they are doctors." The traffic policeman who brought Hong Jingwen and others in said hurriedly.

"Doctor?" Vice Captain Li's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and then he said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, doctor, I was anxious just now, please hurry up..."

Before Vice Captain Li finished speaking, his eyes widened. Because he saw a young man who got off the bus walked straight towards the overturned bus, and then stretched out his hand to grab the bundle of steel bars pressed against the body of the bus.

Is this guy crazy? This is a whole bundle of steel bars, which requires a crane to lift. Did he think it was a foam sponge?

But immediately, Vice Captain Li's eyes almost popped out of his sockets, because he saw that the young man actually picked up the bundle of steel bars and threw them aside. He looked so relaxed, as if It's not a steel bar but really a foam sponge.

Xia Yunjie's movements were very fast, and the scene of the car accident was very chaotic. Not many people actually saw him using his "strong force". When they suddenly discovered that the bundle of steel bars pressing on the car was missing, they thought their eyes were dazzled and they tried their best. The ground rubbed his eyes.

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