The bejeweled woman turned around and glared at Xu Yong, her husband, and then continued to say with a condescending expression: "That was also seduced by you, the vixen."

Ren Ke'er was obviously not a very eloquent person, and this incident was also a heartache for her. Being pointed and scolded by the jeweled woman made tears well up in her eyes for a while, her lips trembled and she couldn't speak for a long time. But when Shuai Zhen heard this, he got angry and stood in front of Ren Ke'er with his chest puffed out. He pointed at the woman and said "fiercely": "Hey, how do you say that your husband goes out and messes around no matter how easy it is, and you still blame others. Also, Xu Yong, are you still a man? You used to brag about how capable you are, bah"

"I won't talk to an uneducated woman like you. If you don't want this matter to become a big deal, you'd better close the door and let's talk about it. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." The jeweled woman said to Shuai Zhen with a look of disdain. .

It was obvious that Shuai Zhen and the others knew the background of the jeweled woman. There was a hint of timidity and hesitation in his eyes when he heard this, and Xu Yuru even had to close the door of the box.

Seeing Xu Yuru closing the door, the bejeweled woman's face became even more arrogant, as if she had completely convinced Ren Kerer and the others.

"What's going on?" Although Xia Yunjie really doesn't want to get involved in something like a quarrel with his first wife and his mistress, this matter involves Shuai Zhen's friend, and it seems that the person who is wrong is not Ren Ke'er but Xu Yong who deceived him first. , seeing that the woman was getting more and more arrogant, she had no choice but to step forward and ask.

"Why, did you find a man to support you?" The woman looked at Xia Yunjie with disdain and said

"Please be careful when you speak." Xia Yunjie said with a slight frown.

"Young man, do you know who I am? Come and get involved in my affairs. I think you are also confused by this vixen. You should stay away from this vixen as soon as possible." The woman casually pulled out a business card from her bag and handed it to her. Xia Yunjie.

When Xia Yunjie took it over, he saw the three characters "Gu Xiuzhen" written on it, as well as the title of a member of the CPPCC, and the title of chairman of a certain children's food company. Speaking of which, this children's food is somewhat famous in the country, isn't it? You can see it in most supermarkets.

She seems to be a strong woman, but her temperament is so different from Su Zhiyan and Zhong Yangying.

"Ajie, this is none of your business, don't worry about it." Seeing Gu Xiuzhen handing a business card to Xia Yunjie, Shuai Zhen hurriedly took his hand and whispered.

Shuai Zhen also just learned about Gu Xiuzhen's identity from Ren Ke'er. He knew that she was not only an entrepreneur with a lot of assets, but also had a lot of connections in Jiangzhou City. Her husband was the general manager of the company, but she was... It was a gift from her, so I was as fearful of her as a tiger and obeyed her every word. However, when a man marries such a woman, although she looks beautiful on the surface and wants a car and a house, she is actually very depressed, especially in her sexual life. Therefore, Xu Yong, a man, usually has to spend time outside without telling his wife. , raising a mistress

Ren Keer was a girl he met in a bar half a year ago. He was immediately shocked and chased Ren Keer fiercely. He also lied to Ren Keer that she was still single and engaged in foreign trade business. She often Fly in the sky.

Xu Yong has accumulated a lot of private money in private over the years by taking advantage of his position as the general manager of the company. Because he liked Ren Ke'er, and in order to win her heart, he still spent some money. Not only did he buy a QQ car, which is the most popular among women in recent years, he also bought Ren Ke'er a new building in the suburbs with a mortgage. Renovated bachelor apartment.

Women can't always stand up to men's sweet talk and sugar-coated bullets. In addition, Xu Yong's image is not bad, and Ren Ke'er is almost at the age when it's time to talk about marriage, so Ren Ke'er fell into it. . At that time, Shuai Zhen and others also felt that Ren Ke'er had found a good home, but they did not expect that a few days ago, a woman suddenly came to Ren Ke'er's single apartment and called her a vixen, and asked her to immediately turn over everything in the house. Return it to her. Only then did Ren Keer realize that Xu Yong already had a wife. His so-called foreign trade business and frequent flying in the sky were just to dispel his doubts that he could not always accompany her. In fact, it is flying between the lover and the wife.

However, the single apartment was said to be bought by Xu Yong, but in fact Xu Yong only paid a down payment of tens of thousands of yuan, and the mortgage was still provided by Ren Kerer. At that time, Ren Ke'er also advised Xu Yong that since buying a house was a one-step process, buying a house with at least two bedrooms and one living room, preferably in an urban area, could be used as a wedding house. However, Xu Yong said that he had recently invested in a project and was a little tight on money, so he wanted to buy a single apartment for the time being. After Gu Xiuzhen suddenly ran out, Ren Keer realized that being tight with money was just an excuse. The real reason was that Xu Yong didn't want to invest too much in her, and just wanted to set up a nest where he could have fun.

She was deceived by Xu Yong for half a year, not only got into a relationship, but also got tricked into sleeping with her. Moreover, she paid the mortgage for the single apartment, so of course she refused to return the house to Gu Xiuzhen.

Gu Xiuzhen didn't make any fuss with her, but just said a harsh word to wait and see. In the next few days, local gangsters would come to Ren Keer's single apartment from time to time to harass him, and even her work unit.

Ren Ke'er was scared and sad, and couldn't help but confide in her best friend. This led to tonight's drunkenness, which was actually an extremely suppressed indulgence. But I didn't expect that Gu Xiuzhen would suddenly come to the door again like a ghost.

"What are you talking about? Of course I have to care about everyone being friends." Xia Yunjie wiped away Shuai Zhen's hand and said

"Ajie, this matter is really none of your business. I will solve it myself." Although she knew that Xia Yunjie, a teacher, could not help at all, seeing Xia Yunjie being so generous when they first met, Ren Keer still felt warm in her heart. , and when Xia Yunjie danced with them before, she had always behaved well and didn't touch anyone. Although she didn't say anything, she knew it in her heart. So when she saw that Xia Yunjie didn't listen to Shuai Zhen's advice, Ren Keer also gave in. Xia Yunjie said with gratitude in his hand.

After finishing speaking, Ren Keer looked at Gu Xiuzhen timidly but full of anger and said, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Gu Xiuzhen did not answer Ren Ker, but smiled coldly with disdain and arrogance, then turned to Xu Yong and said, "Tell her."

When Xu Yong saw his wife asking him to speak, he was a little hesitant at first, but after being glared at by Gu Xiuzhen, and seeing the man standing next to Ren Kerer who was younger and more handsome than him, he no longer hesitated and coughed twice. Said: "Ren Ke'er, let's end it here. I want to take back the apartment I bought you, as well as the cars, jewelry, clothes, etc. I bought you in the past six months. I After all, it costs about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. I don’t want more from you, so you can give me 60,000 yuan."

Although Xia Yunjie really didn't want to get involved in this kind of relationship between men and women, he couldn't help but feel a fire rising in his heart when he heard this. Ren Ke'er was already so angry that she pointed at Xu Yong and scolded her with tears in her eyes. Said: "Xu Yong, you bastard, are you still not a man? You can also say this. Did I ask for the car? Did I ask for the jewelry and clothes?"

"I'm a bastard, how can you be so fucking good? You keep saying that you are innocent, but it's only been a few days, and you're already hanging out with this pretty boy." Xu Yong was scolded by Ren Keer and pointed in anger. Xia Yunjie said.

"Pah!" Xia Yunjie was originally aroused by a shameless man like Xu Yong, but now that he had dragged her into it, he finally couldn't bear it any longer, raised his hand and slapped Xu Yong.

Immediately, the box fell silent, and everyone stared at Xia Yunjie blankly, including Xu Yong himself, who covered his face and stared at Xia Yunjie in disbelief.

"This kind of cheap man deserves a beating," Xia Yunjie clapped his hands and said nonchalantly.

"You, how dare you fucking hit me?" Xu Yong quickly came to his senses and was so angry that he rushed forward and wanted to hit Xia Yunjie.

Xu Yong was quite tall, but Xia Yunjie, on the other hand, looked gentle and elegant, like a scholar. Seeing him rushing up to beat Xia Yunjie, Ren Keer and others screamed in fright, while Gu Xiuzhen and Shuai Zhen showed a trace of The look of excitement and anticipation.

Women, who doesn’t want their men to have some seeds? Although Gu Xiuzhen usually treats her men like dogs, deep down in her heart she still hopes that her men can be a bit heroic, so when she saw him rushing towards him and seeing that Xu Yong was taller and taller than Xia Yunjie, she naturally thought that My own man could knock Xia Yunjie, a pretty boy, to the ground with one punch. The reason why Shuai Zhen is excited and looking forward to it is because she knows that although Xia Yunjie looks polite and elegant, he actually worked as the personal bodyguard of a beautiful boss. It is said that one person can easily kill more than ten people. Of course she I don’t think Xu Yong can beat Xia Yunjie.

Sure enough, before Xu Yong's fist hit Xia Yunjie's face, his whole fist was already grasped by a hand as hard as an iron plier, and then there was a cracking sound of the bones being squeezed, and then Xu Yong was like He screamed like a killing pig.

"Let go, let go now, my fingers are going to break."

"Let go now. If you don't let me go, I'm going to call the police." Gu Xiuzhen saw that her tall husband was caught by Xia Yunjie as soon as he punched him, and he screamed like a killing pig. He couldn't help but express his expression in his eyes. She showed a trace of disgust, but immediately she rushed forward like a shrew, then opened her teeth and claws and clawed at Xia Yunjie's face.

Of course, Xia Yunjie didn't bother to fight with such a woman. Seeing this, he directly pulled Xu Yong and pushed him towards Gu Xiuzhen.

"Ah" Gu Xiuzhen's "Nine Yin White Bone Claws" accurately grabbed Xu Yong's face, and blood immediately flowed from the five claw marks.

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