Jiangzhou City has five districts and six counties under its jurisdiction. Yunlong District, where Xia Yunjie is currently located, is just in line with Yinhai County. Beyond Yunlong District is Yinhai County. The bus from Jiangzhou Yulong Sports Center to Yintan happens to pass by the bus station of Deya Community.

Although today is not the weekend, the weather is hot, and there are still many tourists taking the bus to Silver Beach, which is almost full. When the men in the car suddenly saw three young and beautiful girls in cool clothes, their eyes lit up. Among them, there were two young people sitting side by side across the aisle, with bags placed inside. When they saw this, they even showed an expression of joy. They looked at each other meaningfully, and then calmly picked up the bags in their seats. bag.

Obviously these two guys deliberately used their bags to occupy the position, waiting for the beauties, and now they finally got them, and there were three of them! She was so beautiful that these two guys were so beautiful that she even started thinking about how to strike up a conversation with the beautiful woman sitting next to her later. It would be even more beautiful if we could go to the beach and swim together, tsk tsk!

When the female passengers on the bus saw the two young men calmly picking up their bags and putting them on their knees, they all showed a look of contempt. The bus was driving all the way just now, and many passengers were getting up and down. I have never seen these two guys be so proactive. Sometimes they even close their eyes on purpose and pretend not to see anyone. On the other hand, some male passengers showed disdain on their faces, but they secretly regretted it in their hearts. Damn, I should have known that I would have brought a bag to occupy a seat. Of course, the male passengers who already had female companions felt nothing but contempt and envy.

As for Xia Yunjie, the guy who followed him up, who could barely be considered a handsome guy, except for some female passengers who noticed him, he was ignored by most people. In fact, three beauties in cool clothes came up all at once, too Conspicuous.

The development of the story was exactly as the two young people imagined. As soon as the three beauties came up, two beauties immediately discovered the empty seats next to them and walked towards them immediately. The two of them, one tall and the other plump, swayed gracefully as they walked. The sight of the two young men almost made them drool.

Not only that, the plump beauty among them had a sweet smile on her face when she walked up to her. She lightly patted one of the men on the shoulder. The man was so excited that his bones were light and he was so excited. He moved his knees outward, gesturing for Wu Yuqi to sit inside.

Damn it, I'm in luck today!

But just when the young man thought he was in luck, the beauty opened her red lips slightly and said delicately: "Handsome guy, could you please change your seat? I want to sit with my friend, please!"

The young man's heart went cold on the spot, and he wanted to refuse, but in front of so many people in the car, he was too embarrassed to refuse. Otherwise, wouldn't it be obvious that he had an undue desire for the beautiful woman?

So I had to stand up and sit next door reluctantly. The men in the car secretly gloated when they saw that the two young men's hard work had failed.

If you don’t have a chance, you naturally don’t want others to have a chance.

However, the development of things is always full of drama in many cases. Just when the people in the car thought that the matter would end like this, they did not expect that the two beauties did not take their seats immediately. Instead, they faced another girl with a sweet smile. The young man, who was relatively petite in stature but had spectacular breasts and a rather childish look with huge breasts, came over and waved: "Brother Jie, there is a seat here." It seemed as if he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to see it and someone would take his seat away.

Swish, almost instantly, everyone in the car looked at Xia Yunjie in surprise.

Isn't this too exaggerated? Why did [***] Si on the bus become so awesome? There were actually three beauties taking seats for him, and there were three of them!

"Ahem, no need. Sit down." Xia Yunjie was really not used to being taken care of by a girl in front of so many people, so he walked up and said with embarrassment.

"Brother Jie, why don't you sit down! It's a long way to Yintan!" In the minds of Wu Yuqi and the others, Xia Yunjie is not only their beauty hero, but also a big shot who can call the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau sister and brother. How can he be allowed to stand? Hearing this, Wu Yuqi, Liu Ke and Xu Jia almost said in unison.

The voice is so delicate that one's bones will fall apart when listening to it.

Not only that, Wu Yuqi also pushed Xia Yunjie up the position very coquettishly.

Damn it! Why is [***] Si, who also takes the bus, so awesome? There are three beauties taking care of me even on the bus. Compared with him, my life has been in vain! Almost all the men in the car couldn't help but say bad words in their hearts, especially the two young men who had worked so hard in vain. Seeing Xia Yunjie being taken care of so diligently and intimately by Wu Yuqi and the others, they felt like they were with him. In comparison, he is a scumbag!

"You really don't have to, just sit down." Xia Yunjie had the nerve to let the girl stand while he sat down.

"How about I sit on your lap, Brother Jie, and Xu Jia sits on Liu Ke's lap. These two positions are just right." Seeing Xia Yunjie's refusal to sit down, Wu Yuqi couldn't help but look at Xia Yunjie and winked.

As soon as Wu Yuqi said these words, the eyes of the men on the bus turned green! They seemed to have seen the intense scene of Xia Yunjie's battle between one man and three women, and they were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred in their hearts!

It turns out that poor people can one day be on par with officials and rich men when it comes to women!

And Xia Yunjie, this magical "poor[***] silk" almost broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this. In this summer, everyone was wearing so little. If Wu Yuqi sat on his lap, it would be... Remarkable?

Do you really think he is Liu Xiahui?

"You three squeeze together, I'll stand." Xia Yunjie knew that these three women were used to hanging out in the bar. Once they let go, they would be much more courageous than ordinary women. Hearing this, how could he dare to be polite to them anymore? Finally, his expression changed. He stood up, said something, and then stood on the edge, looking out of the car.

"Okay then!" Seeing Xia Yunjie's insistence, Wu Yuqi made a face at Xia Yunjie with a slightly red face, and then pulled Liu Ke and the three of them to squeeze into two positions.

Xia Yunjie was secretly relieved when he saw this, but the men in the car were even more dumbfounded!

Is this a bit too awesome?

The car arrived at Yintan around eleven o'clock. When they got out of the car and saw the long silver beach and the endless blue sea, the three girls went crazy. They took off their shoes and stepped on the beach towards the sea. As they ran, they didn't forget to look back at Xia Yunjie and smile. and beckoning.

Seeing the beautiful figures of the three girls who were working in the bar for a living, running happily on the beach, with their long hair flowing, looking back and waving to themselves from time to time, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but feel a little infected, and he took off his shoes and chased after them.

After letting their moods fly freely on the silver beach for a while, the three girls couldn't wait to run to the locker room to change into swimsuits and prepare to go into the sea. Seeing this, Xia Yunjie had no choice but to change his swimming trunks.

Women always change clothes slower than men, but this time seems to be an exception. When Xia Yunjie came out of the locker room, he found Wu Yuqi and three others already standing outside waiting.

Although the swimsuits are a bit conservative compared to foreigners and are not three-point bikinis, they still boldly show off their beautiful and sexy figures, snow-white legs, perky buttocks, and bulging breasts. The three of them stand side by side. , it almost blinded the man's eyes. Even though Xia Yunjie was already familiar with them, when he came out and saw the three of them standing in front of them with their arms and legs exposed, he was almost dazzled, and his young heart couldn't help but sway along with it.

"Wow, Brother Jie, you have such a great figure!" Just as Xia Yunjie's heart was shaking, he felt a feminine youthful breath that almost suffocated him. Three women had already hugged him. The woman looked him up and down with watery, sparkling eyes, and even the bolder Wu Yuqi couldn't help but reach out and touch Xia Yunjie's strong but not exaggerated chest muscles.

Even though Xia Yunjie was a wizard with extraordinary skills, looking at the shining eyes of the three women, he felt a little like a sheep among wolves. He hurriedly slapped Wu Yuqi's hand away, and then fled straight to the sea. And go.

"Hey, Brother Jie, wait for me, we haven't touched him yet! Geez!" Seeing Xia Yunjie running away with a shy look on his face, Liu Ke and Xu Jia suddenly chased him while laughing wildly.

Sometimes it's like this. When yin is strong and yang is weak, women tend to show their strong side. No, they didn't feel shy at all to tease Xia Yunjie.

Of course, Xia Yunjie's figure is indeed superb. It can't be seen clearly when he is wearing clothes, but once he takes off his clothes, his almost perfect muscles are almost blinded by Wu Yuqi and the others. In addition, Xia Yunjie was a hero, rich and handsome in their eyes, so that all of them were like "perverts" in heat, wishing that hands could grow out of their eyes.

Seeing a man running in front and three beauties chasing after him, all the men on the beach stared straight at him and wanted to look up to the sky and beat their chests and sigh.

God has no eyes, why am I not so lucky?

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