Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 572 Sea Dragon King

On the island, dozens of Japanese wearing Japanese Coast Guard uniforms were standing on the shore of the island, looking with a hint of ridicule and disdain at a battered ship on the sea that was trying to approach the island. .

This is a fishing boat of about a hundred tons. The five-star red flag, the blue sky and white sun flag, and the redbud flower flag are flying on the boat. The hull is a steel shell, but it has been bumped and dented. However, despite this, the boat is still trying hard to move forward. The island rushed away, while the people on the boat waved the flags in their hands with all their strength.

This is exactly a Diaoyu-protection boat jointly organized by the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places.

The Diaoyu Islands activists were soaked to the skin, and there were scars all over their bodies and faces. But when the morning sun fell on their faces, all they could see was anger and perseverance.

"Bang, bang," two white water jets were shot from the high-pressure water cannon of the patrol ship flying the sun flag, and they accurately hit the Diaoyu Islands defenders. They were rushed to the deck, and the five-star red flag, blue sky and white sun flag and redbud flag in their hands also fell down, but they held on tightly and did not let go.

The hull of the ship was hit by high-pressure water cannons, and the people on the ship were "staggering" at sea. The glass of the cab was even washed away and shattered. The broken glass cut into the bodies of the Diaoyu Islands defenders, and blood immediately rushed out. Mixed with water stains, the entire deck was stained with a dazzling blood color.

"Haha!" When the Coast Guard on the shore saw the high-pressure water cannons of their patrol ships washing away the Diaoyu Islands defenders and the Diaoyu Islands defenders, some people couldn't help laughing happily, but the Japanese on the patrol ship couldn't help but laugh. While using high-pressure water cannons to shoot at the Diaoyu Islands defenders and the Diaoyu Islands defenders, they repeated over and over again that the Diaoyu Islands defenders had entered the country illegally and asked them to leave immediately, otherwise they would be boarded and arrested.

"Old Chen, what should we do now? Our ship is seriously damaged. If the impact continues like this, I'm afraid the steering wheel will be broken." Seeing that the Diaoyu Diaoyu boat was being attacked time and time again by high-pressure water cannons and patrol ships. After returning, and the damage became more and more serious, a very strong middle-aged man rushed towards a middle-aged man wearing glasses, who looked very gentle, but had an awe-inspiring and unyielding arrogance. In front of him, he was angry and worried.

"Have you seen, who is standing on the island? Rush over, even if you swim, I will swim to the Diaoyu Islands," Lao Chen said firmly with gritted teeth.

The sturdy man didn't answer, but nodded heavily, and then suddenly yelled: "Come up."

With this roar, the sturdy man didn't know where the power of the damaged Diaoyu Islands boat came from. He suddenly straightened the bow of the boat and rushed towards the island with a "rumbling" sound.

"Bang bang" high-pressure water cannons continued to hit the hull, but the Diaoyu Islands protection boat, just like the Diaoyu Islands defenders on the ship, ignored the intensive water cannons and only focused on the direction of the island and rushed forward with full power.

"Baga" The officers on the two Japanese patrol ships closest to the Diaoyu boat saw a look of ridicule on their faces, cursed, and then made a gesture.

Immediately, the two closest patrol ships rushed up from left and right.

"Bang bang" The two patrol ships, which were much better than the Diaoyu Ship in terms of tonnage and hull quality and equipment, slammed into the Diaoyu Ship from the left and right.

Immediately, the hulls on both sides of the fishing boat were severely dented, and the bow of the boat was directly smashed. The people on the boat were temporarily unsteady due to the violent impact and fell to the ground, but they stood up immediately. It's just that the Diaoyu boat was tightly sandwiched between the two patrol ships and could no longer move forward. Not only that, under "clamping", even if the captain turned the steering wheel hard, the ship was still forced to change by the two patrol ships. direction.

"You fucking little Japan!" Seeing the Diaoyu Islands being "clamped" and sailing away from the Diaoyu Islands, the Diaoyu Islands activists on the boat roared at the Japanese with grief and indignation. Many people's eyes were full of contentment. With tears.

Those are tears of anger and helplessness

Seeing the angry roars of the Diaoyu Islands activists with tears in their eyes, some Japanese lowered their heads, while more showed disdainful ridicule and indifference.

Under the "clamping" of the two patrol ships, the bow of the ship, which was rushing straight towards the island, increasingly deviated from its original direction. The shouts and curses of the Diaoyu Islands defenders are getting louder and sadder, while the disdain and ridicule on the faces of the Japanese are getting stronger and stronger.

"The Diaoyu Islands belong to China." At this moment, a passionate and sad voice suddenly sounded from the sea.

Lao Chen, the man who always looked so gentle and elegant wearing black-rimmed glasses, suddenly jumped up and jumped into the sea holding a red flag. Seeing Lao Chen jumping into the water, the Diaoyu Islands activists all jumped into the sea and swam towards the Diaoyu Islands.

The officers on the "Baga Baga" patrol ship did not expect that the Diaoyu Islands defenders would suddenly jump into the sea, and they suddenly became angry and cursed. The Coast Guard soldiers who were originally standing on the island watching the excitement became a little nervous when they saw the Diaoyu Islands defenders jumping off the boat.

The first one to jump into the sea was Lao Chen, the first one to swim ashore was also Lao Chen, and the first one to be caught by the Japanese Coast Guard was Lao Chen. Even the red flag was taken away by them, and he even struggled to break free and resist. During the incident, the Japanese slapped Lao Chen's glasses and knocked them to the ground, and the lenses shattered into pieces.

After Lao Chen was arrested, one after another Diaoyu Islands activists swam to the Diaoyu Islands, but without exception they were caught by the Japanese Coast Guard, which had been on alert ashore for a long time.

Under the sea, Xia Yunjie, who transformed into a yellow dragon, silently watched everything happening on the sea without taking any action, but two tears shed from the dragon's eyes as big as a lantern.

After the tears passed, the pair of dragon eyes suddenly shot out a sharp and extremely cold light.

At this moment, all the Japanese on the sea suddenly seemed to be targeted by a peerless beast, and the hairs on their bodies stood up inexplicably and uncontrollably.

"Asano Dairo, do you feel something is wrong? Why did I suddenly feel the biting cold wind? But didn't today's weather forecast say thirty-five degrees?" On a certain patrol ship, a Japanese said to another in Japanese said the man.

"What the hell, do you feel this way too? But it's obviously not windy now." Another Japanese looked around in horror after hearing this.

The same conversation was going on among other Japanese people.

"Return immediately." When the chill became stronger and stronger, the commander no longer cared about dealing with the Diaoyu Islands' boat and Diaoyu Islands defenders, but gave the order directly.

But just after the commander's voice came out, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sea without any warning, like a giant beast in the ancient sea opening its ferocious bloody mouth. In the blink of an eye, the ten Japanese patrol ships that had just bared their teeth and claws at the Diaoyu Islands and showed their force arrogantly were all swept into the huge whirlpool.

"Ah!" The Japanese Coast Guard and the Diaoyu Islands activists on the shore never dreamed that such a change would suddenly occur. They all opened their eyes wide and looked at the horrific scene in front of them in horror.

Almost at the same time, at low altitude, the pilots of two Japanese military planes who also participated in the pursuit and interception saw this scene, and they were also shocked and screamed, and their hair was horrified. Because of their condescending position, everything on the sea surface was under their surveillance, but they didn't notice anything at all just now. This also made them panic even more.

Because this is completely impossible

"You guys get down too." Just when the pilots on the two Japanese military planes were terrified, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of the sea.

Then, suddenly, two water pillars rose into the sky and turned into two water dragons in the air. The dragon's tail swung high, rolled up the two military planes, and then dragged them into the whirlpool.

"Rizhao God, help me." Looking at the strange and unpredictable scene in front of them, the coast guard troops on the shore who were tying the arms of the Diaoyu Islands defenders behind their backs were all trembling with fear. When even the two military planes in the sky suddenly After being swept down by the water dragon, the coast guard finally collapsed. Everyone cried and ran to the island, rolling and crawling, as if they were afraid that another water dragon would suddenly fly out of the whirlpool and push them into the whirlpool. . As for the Diaoyu Islands defenders who were caught by them, they could no longer take care of them at this time.

"Still want to escape?" Deep under the sea, Xia Yunjie smiled coldly again.

Suddenly, countless water pillars shot out from the huge whirlpool like seducers' chains, and then swept up all the Japanese who were crying and trying to escape, and dragged them into the huge whirlpool that looked like a bottomless abyss. go.

When all the Japanese were swept away, suddenly the whirlpool disappeared.

On the sea, the wind and waves were calm, and a fishing boat floated quietly on the sea. If it weren't for the shocking "scars" on the fishing boats, Lao Chen and other Diaoyu Islands defenders would really doubt that there had been any Japanese patrol ships at all.

"The Sea Dragon King has shown his power. The Sea Dragon King has shown his power." Although these Diaoyu Islands defenders come from all walks of life, there are many senior intellectuals among them. For example, the leader with glasses, Lao Chen, still has a master's degree. But at this time, looking at the dilapidated fishing boat floating quietly with the waves on the sea, everyone still couldn't help but kneel down, kowtowing to the sea in fear and joy, with eyes full of contentment. with tears

Now that things have developed, they can certainly see that the "Sea Dragon King" is from their side.

Seeing Lao Chen and others kowtow to the sea with tears in their eyes and call "Sea Dragon King", Xia Yunjie's nose couldn't help but feel sore, and he let out a sigh from "Dragon's mouth".

The sighs echoed in the sea and reached the ears of Lao Chen and other Diaoyu Islands activists, and then they passed out. Then their bodies flew up and landed on the Diaoyu boat, and then the dilapidated Diaoyu boat suddenly disappeared into the sea like a ghost ship.

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