"They are all good students. As long as we teach them carefully, they will naturally support us." Xia Yunjie replied with a smile.

Liu Leehom and Lu Gao naturally didn't believe Xia Yunjie's words, but what Xia Yunjie said was true, but they couldn't refute it, so they could only smile and say: "Teacher Xia is right."

After saying that, the two of them couldn't continue to ask this question, so they went about their business, but they were still filled with doubts in their hearts.

Half an hour later, Xia Yunjie left the office to teach Gu Qianlin and the others.

Because of the experience last week, Gu Qianlin and the three of them knew that they were lucky to study medicine with Xia Yunjie and it was also a turning point in their lives. Therefore, they all cherished this opportunity in life and took classes more seriously than ever before, for fear that they would miss it accidentally. What the teacher said.

In the office of Vice President Wu Yongping, Ding Zhijiang was crossing his legs, holding a cup of tea in his hand, blowing tea leaves floating on the water, and looking at Wu Yongping.

In the past, Ding Zhijiang's relationship with Vice President Wu Yongping could only be regarded as average. Relatively speaking, he was closer to Dean Hong Wenjing. But recently, because of Xia Yunjie, the two of them got very close without knowing it, and they often came to each other's door.

"Dean Wu, you must have heard Xia Yunjie's joke in the past two days, right? He was sitting in the office of a specialist clinic, but not even a patient came to the door. Later, he did something even more ridiculous. He even went to Cangbei County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to provide medical services to students For clinical practice classes, doesn’t our Jiangzhou University Affiliated Hospital even have a place for graduate students to take clinical practice classes? They need to go to small counties. If this matter spreads, it will not only lose his face. Even the face of our college will be lost by him. You are the leader, you can't just leave this matter alone." Ding Zhijiang blew the tea leaves floating on the water to the edge of the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and then He said with a sneer and a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, I've heard about this too, and I specifically mentioned it to Dean Hong, saying that such a teacher is undesirable, but he couldn't listen, and there was nothing I could do about it. After all, he was the principal and I was the deputy. ." Wu Yongping shook his head helplessly.

"That's what I say, but just because Dean Hong is looking at him, we can't just let him do whatever he wants," Ding Zhijiang said without giving up.

"Then do you have any good ideas?" Wu Yongping asked after hearing this.

"I'm just an ordinary associate professor. What can I do?" Ding Zhijiang shook his head.

"Professor Ding is being humble. You are a young teacher trained by our college and the school, and your teacher, Professor Zhou Xinping, is a leader in our field of traditional Chinese medicine. As long as he is free to come to our college one day and say a few words If you say that, this matter will be easier to handle." Wu Yongping said, with a sinister look in his eyes.

"Teacher, he is an expert from the Central Health Bureau. He is responsible for the health of national leaders every day. I can't decide on his time." Ding Zhijiang shook his head again, but there was an obvious trace of emotion on his face when he said this. A look of pride.

"That's true." Wu Yongping nodded after hearing this, then thought for a while and said: "To be honest, I really want to get rid of this Xia Yunjie. How old is he? He is worthy of being an associate professor? He is also worthy of being a doctoral student. Tutor? And his attitude is very proud, and he doesn’t take the old professor seriously at all. I think letting him lead graduate students is simply a mistake."

"Even so, I don't know what Dean Hong was thinking, but he actually gave Gu Qianlin to him." Ding Zhijiang heard this and deliberately mentioned Gu Qianlin.

Sure enough, Wu Yongping's face suddenly became a little ugly, and he said: "Dean Hong is the leader, and there is nothing we can do if he does this. However, students can also have their own choices, and they cannot insist on being with a tutor because they are obviously unwilling to do so. Force him to follow. This is unfair to the students, Professor Ding, you say?"

Didn't you force Gu Qianlin before? When Ding Zhijiang heard this, he secretly cursed in his heart, but his eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Dean Wu, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the people who are most dissatisfied with Xia Yunjie in the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine are probably not you and me, but Liu Yiwei and other students who follow him. Especially Liu Yiwei, who has been practicing Chinese medicine for nearly 20 years, and finally passed the postgraduate entrance examination , but she followed a mentor like Xia Yunjie who came in through connections. Do you think he would be willing to do so? And that Gu Qianlin, who was originally a proud and arrogant person, let her be with a young man who is younger than her. Tutor, I think I’m even more reluctant. You are Professor Zhou’s favorite student and the leader of young teachers in our college. If you show some kindness to Liu Yiwei and others and reveal that you are willing to accept them, I think they will be happy to choose another one. Famous teacher." Wu Yongping said, the sinister look in his eyes became even stronger.

"Dean Wu, thank you for the award, but in order to allow students to succeed in their studies and not delay their studies, as long as the college allows it, I don't mind recruiting a few more students. But Gu Qianlin was your student before. If she wants Wouldn't it be inappropriate to switch to me?" Ding Zhijiang fully understood Wu Yongping's intention, but what he said was extremely hypocritical.

"As long as she is willing, there is nothing wrong with it." Wu Yongping said.

"That's okay, but Xia Yunjie has three graduate students. I have already recruited a lot of graduate students this year. It's okay to add one or two more. Not only can I not be able to bring three at once, but I'm afraid the college will not agree. It's not as good as Wu Yuan Please take one with you, too. With your reputation, Dean Wu, if you wave a little bit, they won't be vying to switch to your name. No patients came to see the doctor, and all the students ran away and didn't want to follow him. I'd like to see him See how Xia Yunjie still has the face to stay in our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and how can Dean Hong continue to favor him?" Ding Zhijiang said, with a proud and gloating expression on his face when he said the last sentence.

"Haha" Wu Yongping finally couldn't help but burst into laughter after hearing this.

Of course, Xia Yunjie didn't know that Ding Zhijiang and Wu Yongping were plotting against him again. In the morning, he taught Gu Qianlin and the three of them, and in the afternoon, he taught the freshman class a basic course on traditional Chinese medicine theory.

Most of the students studying Chinese medicine are boys, but there are also many girls. Xia Yunjie's handsome and young appearance has won the favor of many girls. He is very considerate in class and everyone listens very seriously, while the boys are far behind. They saw that Xia Yunjie was similar in age to them, and they had also vaguely heard about "Xia Zhuanyi", so they could not help but look down on him. In addition, they also felt a little bit disgusted when they saw that girls liked him. It is inevitable that they are not serious, some are sleeping on the table, some are reading martial arts novels, and some are even planning to skip class next time.

Although college students are still students, they are already adults. They should have their own judgment and be responsible for their own actions. Therefore, Xia Yunjie will never force boys to listen or not, and he will not act like an adult in class. Some teachers also called roll call. Of course, regardless of whether students like to listen to his lectures or not, there is one premise that they must abide by, that is, they cannot speak or affect others' listening to the lectures.

Fortunately, everyone is still freshmen and not very familiar with each other, and they are not as courageous as the old students for the time being, so the class is quiet, except for occasionally whispering one or two words, so for the time being, Xia Yunjie is still satisfied with this group of students. I haven't lost my temper yet.

After class, Xia Yunjie was basically fine on Monday afternoon, so he walked slowly along the tree-lined path beside the lake on campus.

Xia Yunjie likes this feeling, walking quietly alone, quiet and comfortable, and from time to time he can see some youthful figures and innocent smiling faces.

While walking, Xia Yunjie's cell phone rang.

Xia Yunjie took it out and saw that it was Zhang Wenbin who was his first co-tenant when he came to Jiangzhou City to look for a job. He later became the shareholder and general manager of Jinlu Beer because of him. He couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Speaking of which, the two have not been in contact for a long time since Yang Ying's last charity gala.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the weather like today? Will you remember to call me?" Xia Yunjie answered the phone and teased.

Zhang Wenbin is a very friendly person, and they got along very well when they rented together. Later, by chance, Zhang Wenbin took advantage of his position to recruit Xia Yunjie to be a beer salesman. Unfortunately, Xia Yunjie was not suitable for this line of work. So Xia Yunjie was naturally very casual when talking to Zhang Wenbin.

"Brother Jie, please forgive me. What kind of boss am I in front of your boss?" Xia Yunjie teased him like this, but Zhang Wenbin didn't dare to really regard himself as the boss, and said hurriedly after hearing this.

"Haha, you are being modest, aren't you? Now Jinlu Beer is one of the best breweries in Jiangnan Province, and it may one day become one of the best in the country. What are you, the major shareholder, if you are not the boss?" Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"That's true, but let's forget it in front of you. I, Zhang Wenbin, am today only because of you." Zhang Wenbin continued modestly.

When Xia Yunjie saw Zhang Wenbin say this, he lost interest in joking with him anymore. He changed the subject and said, "By the way, why did you call me today?"

"I'm getting married. I was going to send you the invitation in person, but I was afraid of disturbing you, so I gave you a call first. Do you think you have time to come to my and Xiaoya's wedding?" Zhang Wenbin said, speaking. There was a hint of nervousness and anticipation in his voice.

"Haha, congratulations. You have finally realized your original dream. You have married the boss's daughter. You don't need to send invitations. You tell me the time and place. I will definitely attend." Xia Yunjie heard that it was Zhang Wenbin who wanted to marry Jin. Zhao Xiaoya, the daughter of Zhao Yuanbiao, the chairman of the company, got married. She couldn't help laughing happily and was sincerely happy for her old friend.

"Thank you so much, Brother Jie. We will be at the Dongkai Hotel at six o'clock next Saturday night. I will send a car to pick you up then." Zhang Wenbin didn't expect Xia Yunjie to agree so easily, and couldn't help but feel surprised and excited.

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