Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 589 Which horse should I buy next time?

"Tsk, I was so excited that I was fooled." Du Haiqiong couldn't help but feel angry when she saw Xia Yunjie's calculation.

"Please, this is not a fool's errand. This requires very careful calculation and a high IQ, okay?" Xia Yunjie said deliberately unconvinced.

"What an IQ you have. You can't even get into college and can only get into a technical secondary school. How high can your IQ be?" Du Haiqiong immediately attacked Xia Yunjie when he saw how good he was.

"Even if I didn't go to college, you wouldn't belittle me like this." Xia Yunjie said.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Although Du Haiqiong has a hot temper and sometimes speaks carelessly, he is a true-hearted person. After he said the words, he actually realized that the words were a bit hurtful. Apologize immediately.

"It's okay. People with real abilities are not afraid of being slandered by others. Besides, although I didn't go to college, I'm already working in the university, and I'm much better than a college student." What Xia Yunjiete likes is Du Haiqiong's character. Hearing this he smiled.

Although he didn't speculate specifically, from Du Haiqiong's invitation to a big dinner just now, he already guessed that sooner or later, he, Shen Liti and Du Haiqiong would meet each other. Regarding work matters, they will definitely ask about it then, so it is better to mention to them that they have changed jobs earlier.

"Master Xia, do you know what I like most about you?" Du Haiqiong suddenly asked.

"What is it?" Xia Yunjie asked cooperatively.

"He is quite decent, not as dirty as other men. The most important thing is that he is thick-skinned and strong enough to withstand attacks, and he never needs to make a draft when he brags. You are the only one who works in the university? Do you think I will believe it? Go ahead. Sweeping floors in college is more like that." After saying this, Du Haiqiong couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Even though he was separated by the phone, Xia Yunjie seemed to be able to feel Du Haiqiong's seductive smile on the other end of the phone. He couldn't help but raise a happy smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "We will treat each other with admiration after three days of separation. Like If a woman like you can win the lottery, why can't I go to university and work?"

"Hey, what do you mean by this? Is this girl so bad? Can't she even win the lottery? Let me tell you, this girl won the big prize this time, more than one million," Du Haiqiong said immediately unconvinced after hearing this. But after she said the words, she became depressed. Why did she reveal the amount before Xia Yunjie could even guess.

"Go ahead and lie to the devil, it's more than one million, and I've become the president of the university." Xia Yunjie deliberately didn't believe it, but secretly wondered in his heart, shouldn't it be seven or eight hundred thousand? Why did it suddenly reach over one million? Did I make a miscalculation?

However, Xia Yunjie didn't bother to delve into it at this time. Anyway, it wouldn't be more than 10 million, otherwise the matter would become a big deal.

"If you don't believe it, if you don't believe it, go ask Liti." Du Haiqiong didn't expect that Xia Yunjie didn't believe it at all, and couldn't help but become more depressed.

It's like a person who sings well in an opera but doesn't even have anyone to cheer for him.

"Really? Wow, with more than one million, you can buy a luxurious house in Jiangzhou City. No, you have to treat me to a super dinner." Seeing Du Haiqiong say this, Xia Yunjie had to pretend to be surprised. But when I said this, I felt guilty, wondering if Du Haiqiong would hunt him down in the streets with knives when he knew that Young Master Xia was him.

"Hey, what do you mean? You don't believe me when I say I won more than one million, but you believe me when I ask you to ask Liti?" Unfortunately, Xia Yunjie expressed his feelings wrongly this time, and Du Haiqiong not only didn't show any emotion after hearing this, He looked proud of "the villain has succeeded", but asked "jealous" instead.

"Isn't this nonsense? It's more than one million. How many years will it take me to save up if I don't eat or drink? Can I believe it if you are the only one? Of course there must be witnesses." Xia Yunjie reacted quickly and immediately exaggerated typical.

"Screw you, when did I lie to you? I'm still looking for a witness." When Xia Yunjie said this, Du Haiqiong's anger turned into joy.

"He said he didn't lie to me. He clearly promised to share a room with me, but suddenly he changed into a living person and became Liti." Xia Yunjie retorted.

"Isn't it nice of Liti to act like a good girl after getting a bargain? She is generous, beautiful, kind and virtuous, and there are so many rich and handsome men chasing after her." Seeing Xia Yunjie bring up the old story again, Du Haiqiong couldn't help but think of the time when she "seduced" Xia Yunjie, and the brief relationship with him. Living in a shared apartment, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, she said deliberately.

"Anyway, you lied to me," Xia Yunjie said firmly.

"Okay, okay, I lied to you. Come to Haizhou on Saturday. The three of us will get together and I'll treat you to a big dinner." Seeing that Xia Yunjie just bit her and lied to him, and didn't mention anything else, Du Haiqiong didn't know Why do I feel a little disappointed in my heart, and suddenly it seems that even the excitement of winning the lottery has disappeared a lot.

"Okay, I will definitely go to Miss Du's treat." Xia Yunjie said immediately.

"You are so beautiful, your sister Liti is the beauty," Du Haiqiong said.

"Spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums each have their own merits," Xia Yunjie said.

"Do you think you are Tang Bohu and Chunlan Qiuju? Hang up. Remember Saturday. If you dare not come, don't let me see you next time." Du Haiqiong said angrily, but the loss in his heart seemed to disappear suddenly.

"I will definitely go. Oh, by the way, can I ask you to reimburse me for the ticket? Anyway, you won the grand prize," Xia Yunjie said.

"Go away" Du Haiqiong gave Xia Yunjie a harsh word, and then hung up the phone crisply. However, after hanging up the phone, Du Haiqiong suddenly couldn't help but pursed her lips and "giggled".

"Women are just stingy. I helped you win more than a million, and I can't even ask you to sign up for a ticket." Xia Yunjie muttered to himself, and couldn't help but laugh after saying this.

After laughing, Xia Yunjie's heart moved slightly, and then he realized why Du Haiqiong won more than one million instead of seven or eight hundred thousand.

"This woman said she couldn't believe what I said, but she actually invested two thousand yuan at once." After knowing that the problem was Du Haiqiong's bet, Xia Yunjie couldn't help but shook his head and took out another mobile phone to open it.

Xia Yunjie was shocked as soon as he turned on the phone, because there were more than a dozen messages on the phone, five of which were missed call text message reminders, and the rest were all text messages from Du Haiqiong.

"Hey, Young Master Xia, why is your phone always turned off?"

"Young Master Xia, I have decided to buy horse racing tickets."

"I have bought it now. If the two thousand yuan is wasted, I will ask you to claim compensation. You are a rich man anyway."

"The competition is about to start. I'm so nervous. If I lose the two thousand yuan, I can only live on instant noodles this month."

"Hey, Mr. Xia, why are you turning off your phone again? Let me tell you some good news, I won more than one million."

"Young Master Xia, why are you still turning off your phone?"

"When you turn on the machine, remember to reply to me immediately and help me analyze which horse I should buy next time.

"Haha, this woman." Xia Yunjie saw that Du Haiqiong wanted to buy horse racing tickets. He couldn't help crying and shaking his head. He had an impulse in his heart to call Du Haiqiong or send a text message, but in the end he had to harden his heart and turn off the phone again. .

After all, Xia Yun is just a non-existent person. It's okay to deceive Du Haiqiong after one or two encounters. If he continues to deceive, once she finds out in the future, Xia Yunjie really doesn't know how to explain to her.

As soon as one cell phone was turned off, the other cell phone rang.

This time it was Shen Liti who called.

"Are you awake?" Shen Liti asked casually.

"I didn't sleep. I just had a phone call with Hai Qiong. She said she won a grand prize of more than one million yuan." Xia Yunjie replied.

"Then she should have told you about getting together in Haizhou City this Saturday, right?" Shen Liti asked, with an inexplicable sour taste in her heart.

"As I said, we haven't seen each other for a while, so we can take the opportunity to meet up." Xia Yunjie replied.

"You also know that we haven't seen each other for a while? Not even a phone call." Seeing Xia Yunjie say this, Shen Liti couldn't help but scolded.

"You often fly in the sky, I can't keep track of your time, and I'm worried about disturbing you," Xia Yunjie said with a guilty conscience.

"You have a reason. Then it's settled, call me when you come to Haizhou on Saturday." Shen Liti said.

"Okay, it's getting late. You should go to bed early." Xia Yunjie said.

Shen Liti said "Yeah", said good night again and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone from Shen Liti, Xia Yunjie couldn't calm down for a while.

It is absolutely false to say that he didn't think about her at all or call her during Shen Liti's absence. After all, it was because of a guilty conscience. Of course, he was not a man who liked to talk, let alone talk on the phone.

When Xia Yunjie finally calmed down, it was already really late at night.

Xia Yunjie slightly released a ray of spiritual thought, and felt the even breath of the two rooms next door. Knowing that both of them had fallen asleep, he strolled to the balcony, discerned the direction, and then with a slight movement of thought, the person had disappeared on the balcony. Go up and fly straight towards Kuoshan Town.

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