Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter Six Female Elites in Bars

Xia Yunjie was embarrassed to look at Sister Yan, because when Sister Yan turned to him, from his angle, not only could he see the deep white cleavage, but also along the two overlapping plump thighs, there seemed to be You can see a small part of the snow-white butt that cannot be covered by the skirt.

"Sister Yan, my name is Xia Yunjie. I just graduated from school this year. I don't have any bar work experience. I hope Sister Yan can bear with me and give me some guidance." Although Xia Yunjie was embarrassed to look directly at Sister Yan who was wearing revealing clothing, he still answered calmly.

"It's okay. If you don't have experience, just ask and learn more." Sister Yan did not show any dissatisfaction when she heard this. Instead, she nodded in relief, then turned to Cheng Ping and said: "Cheng Ping, Ajie is your friend, this paragraph It’s up to you to teach him more time.”

"Okay, Sister Yan." Cheng Ping nodded and replied.

Xia Yunjie saw that his work was completely settled with such simplicity, and he couldn't help but wonder, is it because the people in the bar are more cheerful in personality and work, unlike those in enterprises and institutions who procrastinate and dawdle?

Before the bar officially opened for business and the customers hadn't arrived yet, Cheng Ping handed a drink list to Xia Yunjie and said, "Ajie, take a look at the drink list and food list above to get familiar with them. Come to us. Most of the people who come here are regular customers, and they just casually ask for drinks, so you have to be able to write them down."

Xia Yunjie nodded and took the drink list, then opened it. There were more than ten pages in the drink list, many of which had English names. Xia Yunjie only graduated from a technical secondary school and his English scores were poor. Looking at it like this, he couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. Basically, he couldn't understand the English above.

It seems that when I have free time, I have to study English first. Anyway, English is also a required subject for the self-study college entrance examination next year. Xia Yunjie thought in his heart, but with a little embarrassment on his face, he said: "Do I need to memorize all of this? My English is not very good, I'm afraid It’s a bit difficult to memorize it in a short period of time.”

"Don't worry, do you think there are many people in our field who are good at English? Hehe, here you go, this is a translation, specially compiled by Sister Yan."

Xia Yunjie took another book and opened it. Sure enough, the contents in this book were exactly the same as those in the drink list, but there were Chinese names written after each English name. For example, Vodka said Vodka. Behind Whiskies it says whiskey and so on.

After Xia Yunjie flipped through a few pages, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Although his English is not good, his memory is much better than ordinary people. With this translation book, it is not difficult for him to memorize the names of drinks in it. What surprised him was that the charming Yanjie was actually a master of English.

Since no customers had come in yet and there was nothing to do, Xia Yunjie took the time to read the drink list against the translation book. After looking at it for about ten minutes, Xia Yunjie closed the book and handed it back to Cheng Ping and asked: "Except for the drink list, Besides, is there anything else you want to remember?”

Cheng Ping saw that Xia Yunjie returned the drink order to her without looking at it for a while, and asked: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. There's no one around now anyway. You should look at it for a while and become more familiar with it, so that you can get started quickly. I'll wait for you later." I’ll tell you what you need to remember later.”

"I've already remembered it all." Xia Yunjie smiled.

"No, you remembered it in just such a short time?" Cheng Ping couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

"If you don't believe me, can you test me?" Xia Yunjie said with a smile.

"Okay, let me test you." Cheng Ping really didn't believe it. When she first came here to work, it took her a long time to remember all these messy foreign wines.

So Cheng Ping began to test Xia Yunjie, but Cheng Ping's eyes became rounder as he continued to test him. In the end, he almost looked at Xia Yunjie like a monster.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Xia Yunjie asked a little uncertainly when he saw Cheng Ping staring at him.

"Ajie, are you really just a technical secondary school graduate?" Cheng Ping did not answer Xia Yunjie's question, but asked with disbelief.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Xia Yunjie asked in confusion. Why did he start to doubt his academic qualifications as he kept asking?

A technical secondary school diploma is bad enough, do you need to go out of your way to forge it?

"Hell, I think with your smart head, it's absolutely fine to get admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. How could you only study in a technical secondary school? Ah, I understand. It must have been a puppy love when you were in school, and you only knew how to chase girls. Right? You little pervert!" Cheng Ping looked disbelieving at first, and then poked Xia Yunjie's forehead with her finger as if she had some realization.

Xia Yunjie didn't expect that even in the drink menu test, he would be able to test out the results of his early love at school and being a little pervert. He couldn't help but look at Cheng Ping and couldn't laugh or cry.

In all conscience, the reason why he was not admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University was because his master had forced him to study witchcraft all day long since he was a child, and he didn't have much time to spend on studying. Also, the reason why I was able to memorize the drink list so quickly this time is because the drink list did not involve knowledge such as grammar, tense, etc. In fact, the amount of information is not much, and grammar is the most difficult part of a language.

Although she was surprised by Xia Yunjie's amazing memory and suspected that this boy must have been too busy and delayed in his studies when he was young, seeing that Xia Yunjie had already memorized everything, Cheng Ping handed him another book and said, "Good morning." Look at the wine glasses above. Many wines are charged by the glass. The size and shape of the glass, as well as the amount of wine in it, all determine the price."

Xia Yunjie took the book and opened it, and found that it was full of pictures of various wine glasses, as well as notes about what kind of wine they contained.

When the clock hit eight o'clock in the evening, customers began to come in one after another. Cheng Ping told Xia Yunjie: "On your first day today, you can temporarily help clear away the cups after the customers drink and other chores."

Xia Yunjie nodded and officially started his job as a bartender. Standing in a dark corner of the bar, he saw a customer getting up to pay and leave, so he quietly went over and took the cups and plates back to the kitchen behind the scenes.

During this period, he also kept an eye on Cheng Ping and saw that she was really smart. It's like a beautiful butterfly shuttles among the customers, greeting them skillfully, and whenever a customer wants to reach out to wipe the oil, he nimbly avoids it.

Xia Yunjie felt relieved when he saw this, but he still couldn't help but sigh secretly, it's not easy to work part-time. If he wasn't in this industry, who would dare to take advantage of him so casually?

The life in the bar is much more exciting and rich than Xia Yunjie imagined. Some men go to hook up with women, and some women take the initiative to hook up with men. Once the hookup is successful, the couple who meet for the first time will be like a man and woman in love. After hugging each other and leaving the bar, Xia Yunjie, even if he had never experienced anything between men and women, could guess that they were looking for a place to have fun. There are also some men and women who can't help but lose their passion in the bar. Once when Xia Yunjie went to collect the cups and plates, he accidentally saw a woman sitting astride a man in the corner, and the man held her butt in his hands. When she inadvertently lifted up her skirt, her big, smooth butt was exposed, but there was nothing underneath.

Around ten o'clock in the evening is when there are the most people in the bar, and it is also when the bar performs erotic dances. Rock music was playing from the speakers, the crowd was buzzing, the lights flickered on and off, and in the center of the stage, a sexy girl was dancing. Many men and women squeezed into the dance floor and twisted their bodies wildly with the showgirls, showing various expressions of excitement and selflessness on their faces.

This was Xia Yunjie's first time watching a pornographic dance performance. Seeing the stunning and hot performance, Xia Yunjie, who was just in his prime of life, felt lust surging in his body, his heart was swaying, and he wanted to squeeze into the dance floor, go crazy and indulge.

However, Xia Yunjie knew very well that he was just a waiter, and his duty was to serve. So although Xia Yunjie was heartbroken, most of the time, he still carefully observed the situation in the bar to see if any customers wanted to pay and leave. See if there is anything he needs to clean up.

When Xia Yunjie saw a well-dressed young man who looked like a successful career carrying a wine glass and walking towards a corner, he couldn't help but shook his head and whispered to himself: "The tenth .”

Sitting in that corner was a woman about thirty years old. The woman has a pretty face with clear lines and a very capable look. Coupled with wearing a white shirt and black pencil pants, the whole person looks more refreshing and capable. At first glance, she is an urban white-collar elite, a strong woman, and a leader. type of woman.

This kind of woman is often fatally attractive to beauty hunters. Because when such a woman is conquered, she can often give men a strong sense of conquest. What's more, the female elite in the corner is very beautiful, and her figure is even more mature. Especially her breasts are plump and towering, as if they are about to burst the buttons of her shirt at any time, ready to come out. So as soon as the female elite entered the bar, many men noticed her.

It's just that men like this woman would not dare to strike up a conversation if they don't have a certain level of confidence. Therefore, although most men are tempted to see a female elite coming to a bar alone to get drunk, they don't dare to approach her. But even so, since the female elite came in, nine men have approached her to strike up a conversation, but they were all coldly rejected without exception. There were two of them who wanted to touch her with drunken smiles, but they were swept to the ground by her legs. Those two people naturally refused to give up and couldn't afford to lose face. They naturally wanted to attack again after getting up. But this time the female elite was obviously very angry. She raised her foot and kicked them hard in the stomach, knocking them several meters away.

Only then did the men in the bar realize that this female elite was still a ruthless character. But even so, two or three men came up to chat with him one after another, and now this one is the tenth.

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