Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 69: Does it matter who you are?

"Tch, have you watched too many TV series? Do gays have to be effeminate? Let me tell you, the magic stick, bah bah, I should say the master, he is very manly, but it's a pity that he doesn't like men, otherwise I might consider developing a relationship. You don't know the wonderful scene when he came that day and shocked the two bastards opposite him. That look was so cool! He was even cooler than Ma Xiaoge!" Du Haiqiong said.

When Du Haiqiong said this, Shen Liti couldn't help but recall what happened at the gate of the community just now. Not to mention, Xia Yunjie's behavior just now was really cool and attractive. It's a pity that he looked so cool and attractive when he left. Shen Liti feels uncomfortable even thinking about it now.

Who is this person? He just called him a magic stick. How can he put on such a big air? She is still a beauty!

"What a shame, have you been in heat recently? You actually have thoughts about gays." Shen Liti thought in her heart, but said teasingly.

"It's not that I'm in heat, I'm just feeling very emotional about why these days, good men are either being fucked by sows, or they just like to play on the back of the mountain. I think back to when my brother debuted, how pure and handsome he looked, yes, just like the master, but The result is, so you should be nice to the master and don’t discriminate against him. I can feel that the master is a good person and a man with a great sense of justice." Du Haiqiong said with emotion.

The brother Du Haiqiong talks about is Leslie Cheung. She has always been fascinated by him. Even after he revealed that he was gay, she was still fascinated by him. Unexpectedly, she committed suicide by jumping off a building on April Fool's Day this year. Every time she thinks about it, Du Haiqiong can't help but sigh. Thousands.

"Okay, who is discriminating against him? If it weren't for last night... forget it, I can't tell you clearly. Anyway, I decided to give it a try in sharing a room with him." When Shen Liti saw that Du Haiqiong actually thought of her brother from Xia Yunjie, not only that, but also As if he was afraid that he would bully him, he hung up the phone in frustration.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Liti sat on the sofa in a daze for a while. All she could think about was whether Xia Yunjie was gay or not. Her head almost exploded when she thought about it.

Of course, poor Xia Yunjie didn't know that the woman at home was struggling with the issue of whether he was gay or not. He was working conscientiously at the bar as usual, unlike others who always thought of being lazy when they had the chance.

Because of this, supervisor Zhu Xiaoyan and Sister Yan admired Xia Yunjie very much, while Wu Yuqi and the other three sometimes got confused. They really couldn’t figure out why they needed to stay in a bar because of the relationship between Brother Jie and the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The waiter is at your disposal, and he is so dedicated. As for the others, of course they thought Xia Yunjie was stupid and honest.

Only Xia Yunjie knew in his heart that since he chose to follow his master's instructions, he must do every part-time job well in a down-to-earth manner.

But sometimes, you don’t just want to be a waiter and you can be a waiter. While Xia Yunjie was busy, he saw a man with an unkind expression walking in the door, followed by two men with very cold expressions on his left and right. The two men were obviously trainers. Their bulging chest muscles stretched their T-shirts tightly. They looked particularly explosive and strong, which made people feel a little scared at first sight.

Xia Yunjie didn't know the two tough men, but he knew the one with the evil look. It was Shen Ziliang, whom he had previously called a toad.

Shen Ziliang obviously came for Xia Yunjie, because as soon as he came in, his eyes were fixed on him.

Xia Yunjie frowned slightly, then handed the tray in his hand to Wu Yuqi, then went up to him and whispered to Shen Ziliang: "Wait for me for two minutes, and I will follow you out."

Shen Ziliang glanced around, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Okay, I'll wait for you outside, remember not to run away. Since I can find this place, it means that it will be in vain for you to run again."

"Don't worry, the word "run" is not in my dictionary." Xia Yunjie smiled faintly, then turned and walked towards Zhu Xiaoyan.

Looking at Xia Yunjie's back as he turned away, Shen Ziliang's eyes showed a trace of anger and doubt. He didn't know where Xia Yunjie, a bar waiter like him, got such calmness. Did he really think that in today's society, with just a little effort, he wouldn't have to be afraid of anything?

Besides, is he blind? Didn't you see that you brought two fighting masters?

But Shen Ziliang finally turned around and left the bar with his two men without saying a word. He is a person with a certain status, and he doesn't want to get into a fight with someone in the bar, lest the news spread and people look down on him.

Sister Yan was dressed as sexy as ever. The white miniskirt could not cover her plump buttocks and round thighs. Every time Xia Yunjie faced her, he would inevitably want to lift up the short skirt. Look at her ass which is comparable to that of a foreign girl. I can't even help but think about the passionate scene where she and the proprietress Shao Lihong rolled together.

This idea made Xia Yunjie feel that his thoughts were dirty, so most of the time he always tried to avoid Sister Yan and not have contact with her, so as not to let his thoughts wander and blaspheme Sister Yan and Sister Hong.

But Xia Yunjie didn't know that Sister Yan, who was used to men's lustful looks, admired Xia Yunjie more and more because of his behavior. She felt that he was much more honest than other male waiters, so sometimes she would deliberately take the initiative to talk to him. Sometimes she even teases him deliberately, which is one of the reasons why Xia Yunjie always has some wild thoughts when seeing Sister Yan.

"Sister Yan, I have something to do and I'll go out for a while." Xia Yunjie walked to Zhu Xiaoyan's side and said.

"Who were those three people just now? Did you have any conflict with them? Do you need me to call someone for help?" Zhu Xiaoyan obviously saw Shen Ziliang and the others just now, and she was worried after hearing this.

After staying in the bar for a long time and seeing too many people, my eyes became quite vicious.

"No, we're just acquaintances. We have some things to talk about." Xia Yunjie didn't expect Zhu Xiaoyan to have such a unique vision. He couldn't help being startled and hurriedly explained. But when I spoke, I couldn't help but feel a little warm in my heart.

"Then go ahead. Make a call or shout if necessary." Zhu Xiaoyan nodded.

"Thank you, Sister Yan. It's really okay." Xia Yunjie smiled and left the bar.

Nanshan Road is densely lined with trees, and there is a lush small park next to Bulenight Bar. When Xia Yunjie came out, he saw Shen Ziliang's car parked at the edge of the small park. He was leaning on the car door and puffing away, looking very uncomfortable and arrogant. Standing behind him were not only the two tough men who entered the bar with him just now, but also three other people who looked almost tough.

Obviously Shen Ziliang brought not only two people, but five people this time.

Seeing Xia Yunjie coming out of the bar, Shen Ziliang was blowing smoke rings into the night sky without even looking at him, as if he didn't see him at all. Maybe he didn't pay attention to Xia Yunjie, the bartender. In eyes.

Also, Shen Ziliang not only owns a four-star hotel, two nightclubs, five chain foot bath shops, and a shareholder of an underground casino, but he is also a member of the CPPCC in Jiangzhou City. How can he be considered a black and white man in Jiangzhou City? A man who enjoys both dishes, if he hadn't suffered a loss at Xia Yunjie's hands today and felt aggrieved, how would a mere bartender be worthy of his personal intervention?

"Boy, you're quite smart." It wasn't until Xia Yunjie walked up to him that Shen Ziliang blew a smoke ring at him as if he had just seen him.

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you want?" Xia Yunjie frowned and waved the cigarette away with an unhappy look on his face.

"Damn it, do you know who you are talking to now?" Seeing that Xia Yunjie seemed to be more arrogant than the boss, the thugs brought by Shen Ziliang immediately rushed up with a fierce look on their faces, ready to beat Xia Yunjie first.

"There's no rush." ​​Shen Ziliang stretched out his hand to stop them, then looked at Xia Yunjie with a playful look and said, "Young man, it's right for a hero to save a beauty, and it's right to have the courage to do things!"

At this point, Shen Ziliang suddenly threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it, then pointed his finger at Xia Yunjie and cursed: "But you have to understand the situation clearly, and you have to understand who can offend whom and who you can't offend. Damn it! You are just a fucking bar worker. Do you fucking know who I am? How dare you..."

"Does it matter who you are?" Xia Yunjie looked at Shen Ziliang with a pitiful look, then suddenly his face turned cold, he raised his foot and kicked him in the stomach.

Yes, he is a bar worker, but he is also a wizard! He didn't care who Shen Ziliang was, if he really pissed him off, he would hit him anyway.

Shen Ziliang didn't expect that Xia Yunjie would dare to take action in this situation. He even forgot to dodge for a moment, and was kicked by Xia Yunjie until his whole body flew up, and then fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

"Boss!" Shen Ziliang's men didn't expect that Xia Yunjie, a bar worker, would dare to take action in this situation. They didn't react for a while. Seeing Shen Ziliang fall to the ground, they all rushed to help him.

"Go away!" Shen Ziliang pushed them away, then stood up and wiped the corners of his mouth. He stared at Xia Yunjie with a fierce look and said, "Boy, you have the guts, but you will soon know what it's like to not have the guts!"

After saying that, Shen Ziliang waved his hand and said harshly: "Hit me hard, as long as you don't beat him to death!"

When the five sturdy men heard this, they immediately raised a cruel sneer on their lips. They all moved their necks and fists in cool and violent looks, and then approached Xia Yunjie step by step.

Just as the five sturdy men were approaching Xia Yunjie step by step, a very sexy woman appeared at the door of the bar, it was Zhu Xiaoyan, the lily girl with a big butt. It turned out that Zhu Xiaoyan was a little worried about Xia Yunjie after all, so she came out to see the situation.

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