Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 713: The problem with the box

"My in-laws just made you laugh. My little son just doesn't live up to expectations. Many girls from good families don't marry, but he married a rural girl with only a technical secondary school diploma." After everyone sat down, Ye Xiaojuan's mother-in-law Li Yuqing said to a middle-aged couple sitting next to her.

"Haha, young people nowadays are like this. They only look at appearance and we can't control it." Zhu Xueling's mother replied with a smile, but there was a trace of disdain on her face. The meaning of the words is very clear. Your daughter-in-law only has a pretty face, and nothing else.

"Yes, when the child is older, sometimes we can't control it." Li Yuqing sighed.

"But Mom, you still have to talk about some things, like today's matter. I heard Hanhua say that not only did Xiaojuan reserve the best box years ago, but all the expenses were borne by the hotel. Out. It would be fine in normal times, but the first month is when business is at its best and prices are high. Even though our family is rich, we can’t afford to go through such trouble." Zhu Xueling said.

"Really? This Ye Xiaojuan is getting more and more outrageous." Li Yuqing's face suddenly darkened.

"Young people, it is inevitable to care about face. Besides, your little daughter-in-law comes from a rural area and suddenly marries into your family. There is a huge life gap between her and her family. Naturally, she will have a mentality of showing off. This is normal. Don't be too angry with your in-laws. "Zhu Xueling's mother persuaded her on the surface, but what she actually said made Li Yuqing feel even more angry. I always feel that this little daughter-in-law has greatly lost her face.

"The old saying goes that it makes sense to say that she is well-matched. The attitude of the in-laws should have been tougher at first. Now that she is married, we can only educate her more in the future and get rid of her bad habits as soon as possible." Zhu Xueling's father nodded and said.

Zhu Xueling's father is the mayor of Kunling Town, the county seat of Shangyang County, and has great power in Kunling Town. The success of the Swiss Garden Hotel in Kunling over the years has a lot to do with the care of Zhu Xueling's father. So even if he said this, Li Yuqing naturally felt more and more unhappy, but on the surface she could only nod her head and said: "What Mayor Zhu said is that this daughter-in-law really needs to be educated well."

Seeing her mother-in-law nodding repeatedly under her parents' instructions, Zhu Xueling couldn't help but curl up with a proud and gloating smile.

Zhu Xueling looks very ordinary, but Ye Xiaojuan is more sexy and beautiful. This makes Zhu Xueling, who comes from a good background and thinks she is superior to others, very unhappy with Ye Xiaojuan, and always wants to find opportunities to step on her.

While everyone was talking, Zhu Xueling's cell phone rang.

Zhu Xueling took out her mobile phone and looked at it. Her little face, which was originally filled with a hint of arrogance, immediately put on an attentive smile. She had already stood up, made a silent gesture to everyone, and said: "Director Wei's phone number. "

Hearing Zhu Xueling mention Director Wei, the box suddenly became quiet, and even Zhu Xueling's father immediately shut up.

"Wei Bureau, Happy New Year," Zhu Xueling greeted sweetly as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Xiao Zhu, Director Lu from the Provincial Department's Propaganda Department came to our county temporarily to conduct an investigation. You can arrange a private room at the Ruiyuan Hotel immediately. County Magistrate Liu will also come." Director Wei did not talk nonsense to Zhu Xueling and went straight to the point.

"No problem, leader, I'll make arrangements right away." Zhu Xueling said with a smile on her face.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you." Director Wei hung up the phone after saying that.

"Why did Director Wei suddenly call you? Is there something urgent?" As soon as Zhu Xueling hung up the phone, Mayor Zhu couldn't help but asked with concern even though he was the mayor of Chengguan Town.

Because Director Wei is not the director of the general science bureau under the county government, but the director of the County Public Security Bureau and a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee with great power. He suddenly took the initiative to call his daughter, so naturally Mayor Zhu was concerned and asked. Moreover, his daughter works in the County Public Security Bureau and is currently a clerk in the County Public Security Bureau office. The deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau office will retire in the first half of this year. In order for his daughter to take this position, Mayor Zhu has invited Director Wei. Have a meal.

"Director Lu from the Provincial Propaganda Department came to our county temporarily to conduct an investigation. County Magistrate Liu is also coming. Director Wei wants me to arrange a box immediately, but..." Zhu Xueling said, looking around, her face showing a slight smile. A hint of embarrassment.

Both Director Lu and County Magistrate Liu were high officials to them, so the box arranged was naturally the best box in the Swiss Garden Hotel, and the best box in the Swiss Garden Hotel was obviously the box they were in now.

"What's so good about this? We'll make room for it right away." Mayor Zhu interrupted directly before his daughter finished speaking, and then smiled and said: "This is a great thing, have you ever thought about it?" Why did Director Wei call you directly?"

"Isn't it because our family happens to run the Swiss Garden Hotel, so it's convenient to come to me directly?" Zhu Xueling asked in confusion.

"Xueling, your official experience is still insufficient. Although your father-in-law and mother-in-law run a hotel, as Director Wei, do you need to find a hotel temporarily? Do you still need to go through you? Besides, what is the identity of Director Wei? Although he has a father-like relationship, he is just an ordinary clerk after all. He called you personally, don't you understand the subtleties?" Mayor Zhu said with a smile on his face.

"Dad, what do you mean..." Zhu Xueling said with a look of surprise on her face.

"Yes, think about it, what does the director of the office do? Now that Director Wei is calling you directly, he obviously means to promote you to the position of deputy director of the office." Mayor Zhu nodded before his daughter could finish speaking, with a proud look on his face. The color of the road.

After Mayor Zhu made this analysis, except for the children who were still stunned and didn't know what the adults were talking about, Li Yuqing and others understood it in an instant, and everyone looked at Zhu Xueling happily. Especially the mother-in-law Li Yuqing was all smiles.

The most important thing for a hotel owner is to establish a good relationship with the Public Security Bureau. If his daughter-in-law becomes the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau office in the future, Swiss Garden Hotel will naturally be able to get along better in Shangyang County.

"A good thing is a good thing, but what if we vacate this box?" Zhu Xueling's mother soon raised the question, looking at her in-law Li Yuqing as she spoke.

"Yes, today is the first lunar month, and the private rooms have been booked out years ago. If we free up this private room, can't we sit in the lobby?" Zhu Xueling frowned and turned to Li Yuqing as she spoke. , hesitated, and said: "Mom, why don't you ask Ye Xiaojuan and the others to move to the hall? Anyway, it's just a group of technical secondary school students having a class reunion, and it's free."

Although Li Yuqing doesn't want to see her daughter-in-law and looks down on her classmates, after all, Ye Xiaojuan is her daughter-in-law, and the box was booked years ago. It would be too much to ask them to move their seats to Zhu Xueling's family. After hearing this, Li Yuqing couldn't help but look embarrassed.

"It's not good for Xueling to be like this. After all, it's rare for Xiaojuan to open her eyes..." Han Hua also said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Then should my dad and the others sit in the lobby during the Chinese New Year? Or should we call other hotels to find private rooms?" Zhu Xueling interrupted and asked before her husband could finish what he said.

Han Hua was immediately speechless when asked by Zhu Xueling.

Yes, my father-in-law is the mayor of Kunling Town, a very respectable person. This person who went to his daughter's house for dinner during the Chinese New Year was reduced to sitting in the hall. If this word gets out, how can he lose his face? As for calling other hotels to find private rooms, that is even more unreliable. You must know that they run hotels.

Seeing that his son was rendered speechless by his daughter-in-law, Li Yuqing secretly sighed helplessly.

Although this eldest daughter-in-law is good, she is too strong. Her son does not have much majesty as a man in front of her. Sometimes Li Yuqing hopes that his eldest son will also marry a woman like Ye Xiaojuan, so that he can at least live like a woman. A man.

Of course this thought only crosses my mind occasionally.

"That's not good, I'd better go and talk to Ye Xiaojuan. Hanhua, please also ask people to arrange the boxes here immediately." Li Yuqing finally chose to lean towards the eldest daughter-in-law.

After all, one is the daughter of an official, and the daughter-in-law will also be an official in the future, while the other is just a girl from the countryside. Although he clearly knew that doing so would hurt Ye Xiaojuan's face, Li Yuqing couldn't care so much at this time.

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