Xia Yunjie nodded with satisfaction and turned his eyes from Aso Shashu to Chiba Yoshiko.

Chiba Yoshiko was also kneeling on the ground at this time, her plump butt was raised, and her white pencil pants were stretched tightly, outlining an extremely attractive arc.

Xia Yunjie's eyes couldn't help but froze, and then he hurriedly looked away and said, "Everyone, get up."

"Yes, Master." Chiba Yoshiko and the others stood up in response, and then stood in front of Xia Yunjie respectfully as before.

"Chiba Yoshiko, please tell me about your family first." Now that he had subdued the three of Chiba Yoshiko, Xia Yunjie felt that he should have a general understanding of their situation, although he had not thought about instructing them to seek anything.

After all, they are now his!

"As you command, master." Chiba Yoshiko responded with a bow.

Then Chiba Yoshiko explained the situation of the Chiba family in detail, and even mentioned the fact that the Chiba family helped frame Zhong Yangying because of the favor they owed to the Aso family from their ancestors.

After Xia Yunjie heard this, he realized why Chiba Yoshiko, an onmyoji who could be considered an outsider in any case, actually used a female ghost to frame ordinary people in order to help a businessman make profits. His impression of her changed a lot for a while.

At the same time, through the introduction of Qianye Yoshiko, Xia Yunjie learned that although Qianye Yoshiko looked like a beautiful, noble and gentle woman, she was actually the head of the entire Qianye family. Although the Chiba family lives in seclusion in the mountains outside Kyoto and seems to have little contact with the world, in fact, the Chiba family secretly controls a lot of power and financial resources. These forces and financial resources secretly serve the Chiba family in order to make Chiba The direct descendants of the family can practice meditation, but people outside don't know about it.

It was also the first time Aso Saki learned that the Chiba family seemed to be living in seclusion in the mountains. The total number of direct descendants of the Chiba family was only six people, and most of them had female surnames. However, the external power and financial resources turned out to be much smaller than Aso's. The family was actually only inferior. There was even a peripheral member controlled by the Chiba family who was a member of the Senate. Aso Saki couldn't help but feel frightened secretly after hearing this, and finally understood why Chiba Yoshiko, a mere onmyoji who lived in seclusion in the suburbs, did not take him seriously as the dignified president of Aso Corporation.

She wants wealth and power, and she is also an onmyoji with mysterious power, so why should she be afraid of him, an ordinary person who only has power and wealth!

Xia Yunjie was also secretly shocked by Chiba Yoshiko's financial resources and influence in Japan. He even looked back and thought about how his master's current total liquidity only had one or two big red heads. It was really shameful!

After Chiba Yoshiko introduced the situation of the Chiba family, Aso Saki then began to introduce the situation of the Aso family.

Hearing this, Xia Yunjie was greatly surprised again. The Aso family alone has assets of nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars, while the business empire controlled by his family, Aso Shoji Co., Ltd., has a wealth of nearly 30 billion U.S. dollars. It was named one of the world's top 500 companies by Fortune magazine.

Aso Trading Co., Ltd. started at the beginning of the last century and has continued to develop for nearly a century. Now it has become a behemoth, with involvement and achievements in textiles, machinery, information, energy, real estate and other fields. Not only that, Aso Corporation is a Japanese company that entered the Chinese market relatively early. It has branches and offices in many major cities in China, and has nearly a thousand employees in China.

Because the main body of Aso Shoji Co., Ltd. is trade, it is very jealous of the booming development of China's retail supermarket chains and wants to take a share in this aspect. It just so happens that the Chaosheng Group is suitable for Aso Shoji to intervene in terms of development momentum and scale. Aso Shashu Only then did he resort to any means to cooperate with Chaosheng Group and obtain a controlling stake.

"I have a general understanding of your situation. From now on, you should not call me master when outsiders are around. You can call me Mr. Xia or my name. The same is true in front of Sister Zhong." After hearing this, Xia Yunjie was secretly surprised and sighed. After talking for a while, he explained.

"Yes, Master." Aso Shashu and the other two hurriedly bowed and accepted the order.

Xia Yunjie glanced at the three of them with satisfaction, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhong Yangying.

As soon as the call was dialed, Zhong Yangying picked up the phone immediately and asked hurriedly: "Ajie, how is the matter handled?"

Xia Yunjie could tell that Zhong Yangying must be very anxious at this time, so he couldn't help but look up at the sky, and then realized that the sun had already set at some point, but he had just listened to Chiba Yoshiko and Aso Sasuke's story, and unknowingly A lot of time has passed.

"It's been dealt with. Mr. Aso Saki has clearly realized the mistake he made and promised that he will never make such a mistake again in the future. Come here now." Xia Yunjie said in a relaxed tone.

"What? Okay, I'll drive up the mountain right now." Zhong Yangying was dumbfounded for a while when she heard this, and then immediately said in anger.

After saying that, Zhong Yangying hung up the phone and urged Wu Ying to drive up the mountain immediately.

The car drove along the winding mountain road to the villa halfway up the mountain. Thinking about what Xia Yunjie said just now, Zhong Yangying's mind was filled with confusion.

Her original idea was just to hope that Xia Yunjie could persuade Aso Shashu to promise not to pursue the matter afterwards. Of course, such things vary from person to person. Some people make promises, but afterwards they sound like farts. So Zhong Yangying actually didn't put much hope in Xia Yunjie, but Xia Yunjie insisted on sending her away to communicate with Aso Shashu and the others alone, and there was nothing she could do.

It was good now. From Xia Yunjie's tone, it seemed that he kept Aso Shashu and the others not to communicate with them about whether to pursue the matter or not, but to let them know whether they had made any mistakes.

What the hell is this?

After making a call to Zhong Yangying, Xia Yunjie put away his phone, then lay on a wicker chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing her master lying on the wicker chair with her eyes closed and concentrating, Chiba Yoshiko and Chiba Yuko walked to Xia Yunjie cautiously, separated one to the left and the other to the right, knelt on her knees, put her plump buttocks on her heels, and then stretched out His fair and slender jade hands gently tapped Xia Yunjie's legs.

Speaking of which, Japanese women are still very traditional, and women like Chiba Yoshiko and Chiba Yuko who come from families with a long history are even more traditional.

Since they swore to be Xia Yunjie's slaves, they truly regarded Xia Yunjie as their god, their man, and they lived to serve him. So when he saw his master lying on the recliner with his eyes closed and concentrating, he bravely stepped forward and beat his legs with all his gentleness and care to loosen his muscles and bones.

Xia Yunjie is just an ordinary waiter in a bar, and he has only graduated from school for just two or three months. Now he is still working hard to make ends meet. He has never enjoyed such a massage service with a different surname, let alone It’s a Japanese girl!

For a moment, Xia Yunjie felt strange and comfortable, as if he was floating in the clouds. All the pores in his body relaxed.

No wonder today's officials and rich people often go to saunas and massages. This is really a fucking enjoyment!

Xia Yunjie felt the numbness coming from his legs, sniffed the delicious fragrance of the two Japanese girls, and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

When Aso Saki saw that Chiba Yoshiko and Chiba Yuko were trying to please their master, but he didn't do anything, he felt a little anxious.

Can you not be in a hurry? If the master thinks that Chiba Yoshiko and Chiba Yuko are good, but he is useless, and gets angry and directly squeezes his blood oath, then he will not be miserable.

Of course, he was in a hurry, but Aso Saki was not stupid enough to imitate Chiba Yoshiko and the other two to loosen his master's muscles and bones.

It would be a pleasure to press such delicate hands on the owner's body, but if it were his rough and clumsy hands, I'm afraid a beating would be waiting for him.

Aso Shashu was anxious for a while, but he actually thought of a way to please his master. Without saying a word, he ran to the villa, found a fan from nowhere, and stood next to the wicker chair. Fan slowly and slowly.

Not to mention, the last wave of autumn tigers happened to be showing off in the past two days. Although it is much cooler in the mountains than in the city, it is also a bit hot when there is no mountain breeze.

As soon as the fan of the Aso sand tree flickered, the cool breeze blew, which was really pleasant.

Xia Yunjie has grown up and is enjoying this rare comfort for the first time in his life. He really wants to continue enjoying it like this and never work as a bartender waiting for people.

But Xia Yunjie knew that he couldn't go on like this forever. The master's sincere teachings are still in his ears, and he will never dare to forget them!

Just as Xia Yunjie was enjoying this rare comfort, Zhong Yangying finally arrived in a hurry.

After getting off the car and looking up towards the courtyard gate, Zhong Yangying's delicate body was immediately shocked, and her eyes stared straight for a long time without moving.

In the courtyard, the bartender she once saw, a twenty-year-old wage earner, was lying leisurely on a wicker chair. In front of his feet, two Japanese beauties, one plump and noble, the other petite and charming, were kneeling on the ground, one on the left and the other on the right, massaging his legs carefully and tenderly.

Not only that, the helmsman of one of the world's top 500 companies, Aso Saki, who was already over 40 years old, was actually holding a fan and standing at the edge, fanning carefully. With that look, he doesn't have the slightest aura of a Fortune 500 CEO, but he looks very much like the eunuchs who served the emperor in the palace in ancient times.

If Zhong Yangying is like this, Wu Ying needless to say.

She never imagined in her wildest dreams that a bar worker could be so awesome.

Two beauties from Japan are giving a massage, and a Fortune 500 CEO is fanning her!

Just like that, Zhong Yangying and Wu Ying stood stupidly at the door of the courtyard, as if they had been cast a restraining spell. They didn't move for a long time. However, Xia Yunjie felt the arrival of the two people and hurriedly opened his eyes and waved to signal. The three of Chiba Yoshiko could stop. Zhong Yangying and Wu Yingcai came to their senses, then swallowed deeply, looking at Xia Yunjie with indescribable enthusiasm and admiration!

Zhong Yangying has seen the world and met truly awesome people, but she has never seen anyone as awesome as Xia Yunjie!

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