Diary of the life of a working wizard

Chapter 984 Let me do the math

Except for Su Zhiyan who had no doubts about Xia Yunjie's words, everyone else was actually scared and curious. Especially Su Qinghua, who had offended Xia Yunjie before, was so scared in her heart that her legs could not help but tremble.

"I, I'll do the math, I'll do the math." If his father had asked him this in normal times, Wei Chen would have denied it, but today even if he had the courage, he wouldn't dare to deny it anymore. Hearing this, he hurriedly He replied tremblingly.

As a rich young man like Wei Chen, he naturally has no worries about women taking the initiative to embrace him, but because of this, sometimes they also like to play more exciting games and like to be a bully.

Wei Chen was smart. As soon as he heard that Xia Yunjie said that he had hurt five girls, he immediately understood that Xia Yunjie was referring to the women he had forcibly slept with, so after he finished speaking, he began to tremble and recall.

This memory, when calculated, is really no more, no less, five! Two are ******, a princess who refuses to show up, an employee of his father's company, and a little star.

After calculating the result, Wei Chen shivered even more.

Seeing Wei Chen shivering even more, Wei Guoming and others naturally knew that Brother Jie's score was accurate, and they suddenly felt a chill rising from the soles of their feet.

"I, I'll beat you to death, you bastard!" After being frightened, Wei Guoming raised his hand and slapped Wei Chen twice.

Can Wei Guoming not be angry? He has hurt five girls at such a young age. If you give him a few more years, God knows how many ridiculous and wrong things he will do. Of course, what makes Wei Guoming the most angry is that his son has offended a terrifying person like Brother Jie. Fortunately, Su Zhiyan helped speak today, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Dad, Dad, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore!" Wei Chen cried and begged, holding his head.

"Forget it Guoming, it's not too late to make amends. Let the past go by. The future is the key. I plan to send this brat of mine to a poor mountainous area to suffer for a few years. How about you send Wei Chen too? Go to the impoverished mountainous area and stay for a few years. If we have money, we can help the impoverished mountainous area more, so we can atone for the sins of these two bastards." Su Weixin persuaded Wei Guoming, who held up his hand and was about to continue beating his son.

"Ah, I won't go to the impoverished mountainous area!" Wei Chen shouted immediately after hearing this.

"If you don't say anything again, I will beat you to death today!" Wei Guoming's eyes immediately widened when he heard this.

When Wei Chen heard this, he trembled all over and didn't dare to say anything anymore.

After that, two super rich second generations were sent to a poor mountainous area. Su Qinghua stayed in impoverished mountainous areas for five years and worked as a primary school teacher for five years. After returning, he really changed his ways and took over his father's class. Since then, he has been keen on charity to support education in impoverished mountainous areas. cause. Wei Chen could not endure poverty and loneliness. He only stayed in the impoverished mountainous area for less than a year before returning to Shanghai. However, he died of lung cancer within four years. When he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, Wei Guoming also thought of Xia Yunjie and wanted to ask him for help, but Xia Yunjie ignored him at all. If Xia Yunjie hadn't already calculated that Wei Chen only had a few years to live, and he hurt five girls, how could he really let him go?

Of course, all this happened later and will not be mentioned in detail here.

The next morning, Xia Yunjie specially invited Su Weixin's family and Zhang Wenbin and his wife to have breakfast in the presidential suite.

Although he and Su Zhiyan had never held a wedding or received a marriage certificate, the relationship was real, so when the father-in-law came, Xia Yunjie, the son-in-law, always had to show his courtesy. As for Su Qinghua, he was his brother-in-law after all. Since he had agreed to go to the impoverished mountainous area to train, Xia Yunjie naturally couldn't argue with him anymore.

Seeing Xia Yunjie surrounded by three super beauties from China and the United States, Su Weixin and Su Qinghua had different moods. One always feels weird, and the other has changed from contempt and hatred at the beginning last night to awe and admiration. As for Su Zhiyan, she was not surprised, and she also knew that Xia Yunjie did not have a super friendly relationship with Bilis and Linda. But in front of his father, Xia Yunjie was surrounded by three beauties. In private, Su Zhiyan naturally had to give him a few looks and pinch him.

Zhang Wenbin and his wife arrived at the presidential suite one step after Su Weixin and his family arrived. When Xia Yunjie introduced Su Weixin and Su Zhiyan to them, Zhang Wenbin and his wife felt that their brains were lacking oxygen.

My dear, Brother Jie beat and scolded Su Qinghua last night. Unexpectedly, the richest man in Jiangnan Province and the most powerful woman in the Republic second only to Zhong Ying came to Shanghai early the next morning. Brother Jie is so **** ****Awesome!

After breakfast, everyone sat on the terrace and chatted for a while while enjoying the cool morning breeze from the river. Then Su Weixin got up and left with Su Qinghua. Su Zhiyan saw that her father was leaving, so she eventually followed him. Firstly, her brother was going to a poor mountainous area today and needed to make arrangements. Secondly, the company was also busy with matters. Thirdly, she was not familiar with Bilis and Linda, and she didn't want to be among them.

When Xia Yunjie saw that his father-in-law was leaving, he naturally got up in a hurry and walked them downstairs in person. When Yang Xiaomei and others saw this, they naturally stood up and wanted to send them downstairs, but in the end Xia Yunjie only took Yang Xiaomei with him to see them off.

Su Weixin is a sophisticated person, so when he sees this, he naturally understands that among the three women in the presidential suite, only Yang Xiaomei is the same as his own daughter, the woman next to Xia Yunjie. As for Bilis and Linda, most of them are just acting on occasion. It didn’t count, and I couldn’t help but feel a lot more comfortable.

In any case, as a father, Su Weixin still doesn't want too many women to compete with his daughter for favor. Of course, Su Weixin wouldn't take it seriously if it was just for fun. With his current wealth and status, there are naturally many women outside who want to embrace him. He is not a cat that doesn't like fishy things, but they all have a playful attitude. His real feelings are still with Lin Shanmei.

Of course, Su Weixin didn't want his daughter to be just a woman playing tricks in Xia Yunjie's mind. Now it seemed that his daughter obviously had a very high status in Xia Yunjie's mind. She was completely incomparable to Bilis and Linda. of.

After sending Su Weixin's family downstairs, Xia Yunjie took out three pieces of jade talismans and handed them to Su Weixin with a smile: "Uncle, these three pieces are amulets. You can take one and wear it with you. It will look like last night." Then things won't happen. Give the remaining two pieces to your aunt and Qinghua respectively. In this way, even if Qinghua goes to a poor mountainous area, you don't have to worry about his safety. You will only suffer more. Young people will eat more. A little pain is not a bad thing.”

With Xia Yunjie's ability, these three amulets are naturally not things to fool people, but real amulets, priceless treasures, so Su Weixin took them over happily after hearing this and said: "Okay, this puts me at ease. Thank you Yunjie, If I have time to visit Haizhou City another day, I’ll ask my aunt to cook some of her specialty dishes.”

Once these words were spoken, Xia Yunjie was basically officially recognized as his son-in-law.

"Thank you, uncle. I will definitely meet my aunt some other time when I have time." Xia Yunjie said with a slight blush.

While they were talking, Su Weixin and Su Qinghua left the hotel lobby, while Su Zhiyan took a step behind. She rolled her pretty eyes at Xia Yunjie and whispered, "You still have some conscience, knowing that you take the initiative to please my dad!"

"Hey, that's natural. Your dad is my dad!" Xia Yunjie whispered.

"You are so beautiful!" Su Zhiyan rolled her eyes at Xia Yunjie again, then quickly twisted her waist to catch up with Su Weixin and Su Qinghua.

ps: I wish all book friends a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance. There will be great recommendations in these two days. Please support me with all kinds of votes, keep up your face and show off, thank you!

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