"What should we do next?

Eleonora asked excitedly. Wang

Yue glanced at her, feeling a little helpless about her state, and replied:"First of all, we need to get a new means of transportation. It's not far from Orario, but It's not short enough for women and children to reach it on foot."

Wang Yue's words made the four people nod their heads.

But two seconds later, Welf suddenly protested dissatisfied:"I'm not a child!"

"I didn't say you were."Wang Yue said casually

"Oh, all right."

Welf actually believed it.

Phoebus looked at the fooled Welf with a loving look on his face, thinking that it was a good thing he ran out, otherwise it would be strange if this child was not treated as a fool in the aristocratic circle.

"If we just walk, our legs will not be useless, but we will be overtaken before we reach our destination."413""

As he spoke, Wang Yue's tone became a little more urgent.

He took a deep breath, calmed his breathing rhythm, and then frowned slightly

"Not quite right"

"what do you mean? asked Phoebus

"My spiritual pressure...the recovery speed of my magic power is unusually slow."

"That's not normal! Lulune was speechless and gestured:"You changed the weather of an entire city and fought many times in a row.""

In her opinion, this is not something that Level 3 can do at all.

Even if the most powerful magician in Level 3 comes, seeing Wang Yue's masterpiece, she can only wonder if she has not woken up.

This kind of thing, the city I'm afraid only the Nine Demon Queen can do it.

Wang Yue denied her statement.

"No, my usual reply speed is much faster than this, and I have Jinghe in my development ability. This situation is not reasonable."

"Hey, hey, is it true? Are you poisoned?"


Wang Yue was startled.

Suddenly he thought of what happened when Marius used a magic tool to irradiate him.

It was probably not poison.

Otherwise, the power of the return path would have removed it.

And the poison that can act on the spirit body of the God of Death, As far as he knows, there are only a few.

Rather than poison, this should be some kind of Debuff... No, this is not a game, how can there be such a thing as a Debuff.

Is it a curse?

Wang Yue is a little horrified.

Curses are very common in this world. It is a special kind of spell, and there are very few means to remove the curse.

If it comes from the magic country"Yartna", then it is not surprising that it is a curse.

Rakia can actually get it This kind of thing is probably"thanks" to the civil strife in Altna.

The pattern of the world is changing every moment.

But Orario, who is at the end of the continent, cannot feel all this and is aloof.

"Don't worry."Wang Yue spoke to comfort the few people:"Apart from the slower recovery speed of magic power, there are no other problems, at least not yet."

After that, he started to move with the four of them.

Lulune walked beside him holding a map and said:"There is a market 14 miles away from here. You should be able to get a carriage there."

"Well, let’s move towards this goal first."

Wang Yue made a decision.

The group of people started to rush on their way non-stop.

Among the few people, Eleonora and Welf both accepted the favor, not to mention Wang Yue and Lulune, they were both titled superiors Adventurer.

As a result, Phoebus was holding her back.

After sealing her divine power, she only had the advantage of being as beautiful as a flower.

Her physical strength was no different from that of a weak woman.

"It's too inefficient to continue like this. Lulune, you carry her."Wang Yue said.


Lulune suddenly showed a panic expression when she heard that she was asked to carry the goddess on her back.

She glanced to the side, not daring to look directly at Wang Yue.

She pointed her two index fingers in front of her chest. Point by point he said:"Oh, um, I, I'm not very strong, and besides, I'm too short!"

Wang Yue thought she was making excuses at first.

But when she mentioned her height problem, Wang Yue also realized this fact.

"It seems I can only leave it to you, adventurer-sama?"

Then he came to Phoebus

"Please don't make fun of me."

Wang Yue squatted down, with his back to the goddess.

Phoebus put his arms around his head and intertwined his hands in front of his chest.

Wang Yue only felt a burst of precipitation pressing down on his back, and then subconsciously used his hands to lift him up. thigh to prevent the other party from falling 0........

Two different softnesses eroded Wang Yue's brain at the same time.

It's so hard to stay calm! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After a brief pause, Wang Yue started to move with Phoebus on his back.

But as soon as he took a step forward, after taking a few steps, he realized that what he had just thought was too simple.

The more exciting part has just begun. and!

This goddess did it on purpose!

Always making weird noises!


Realizing that the other party was teasing him, Wang Yue felt relieved and said,"Speed ​​up your pace."

Then he took the lead and started running


Even though the goddess was almost thrown away, he still held on to her legs firmly.

After moving like this for more than three hours, the group arrived at the market.

There were not many people in this market.

Photography by Forbes When he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the market.

"That lord is a god!"[]


"It’s the goddess!"

Wang Yue saw the reactions of these people and felt a little nostalgic for the time when he first came to this world.

He knew that people in this world knew about the gods' lower realms, but there were not that many people who had seen the gods with their own eyes.

However, even if they had not seen them, A real god, these people also understood the identity of Phoebus the moment they saw her. This is the special aura of a god.

Many people knelt on one knee to welcome Phoebus' arrival. 0.5

A few people just It was a bow signal.

Lulune found a businessman and wanted to take a carriage back to Orario.

Wang Yue and others were waiting aside. Because they were hungry, they ate at the market.

Of course, the taste was not good..

Dry cheese, hummus, and tasteless bread, wrapped in an unnamed grass leaf.

Wang Yue took two bites casually.

Seeing their expressions of confusion, the businessman explained:"Storage conditions Limited, this is all we can bring with us, and for safety we usually avoid hunting in the wild"

"We also want to eat meat."

It is said to be a market, but in fact it is just a convoy of more than a dozen groups of traders staying here for a short time.

There are about fifteen carriages.

They are doing different businesses.

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