Did Mr. Xu Confess Today?

Chapter 183: Hit the nail on the inside and seal the throat with a sword on the outside

  Chapter 183 Hit the nail on the head and seal the throat with a sword

  Several people on the developer's construction site were all stunned. Boss Du, who was in the mouth of the bones, appeared. The few guys with poor attitude and snobbery just now were already scared.

   "Old boss!"

  Boss Du directly passed the site supervisor, and went straight to the bones.

   "Why are you here? Don't tell me."

  "This store was designed by our company. Now your buddy tells me that my elevation is wrong. Boss Du, do you think I will make a mistake?"

   "No. You can't make a mistake."

"Not only that our design company took the wrong elevation, and we are not allowed to improve on your project's mistakes. It’s a good time for the store to be a good time. What is it now? Don’t let them open? You know, they’re here. There is no potential safety hazard in this kind of shop."

   "Don't be angry, it's all trivial things. My construction team called out two masters and remodeled them immediately."

  "Can’t trust them. If you give me the wrong elevation again, you don’t have to open the business. Our construction team will do it yourself. You are watching by the side, I will produce the picture, and you will sign it."

  Luo Xin seems to be in charge of the on-site measuring ruler. After going to the construction site many times, Zhong Cuizhen is very relieved of Luo Xinsi's compound ruler. This girl is very careful and can often see some details, which is much more reliable than Chen Chen who went to the construction site.

Zhong Cui urged himself to inspect the surroundings. The Bone Essence took out a piece of A4 paper in Luo Xinsi's shoulder bag, and drew a sketch directly according to the size provided by Luo Xinsi. Build a slowly sloping **** under the door to handle height differences.

The Bone Spirit took the sketch and showed it to Boss Du. In fact, this was only a very small project. Boss Du of course nodded his agreement. The Bone Spirit asked Boss Du to sign the drawing and asked Zhong to urge him to take a photo to keep it. Then he gave the sketch to the scene. A willing construction team.

   "Done this afternoon, any questions?"


  The overall planning was completed, and Chen Gong, the paramecium insect, did not have the opportunity to speak at all. The bone spirit closed the Swarovski crystal pen in his hand and put it in his bag.

   "If there is no problem, everyone will be gone."

  Although this is the usual white bone spirit, Luo Xin still seems to be holding back a smile. After getting acquainted with the White Bone Spirit, Luo Xin seemed to know that she was also an ordinary girl, not as cold as she appeared, she just didn't want to communicate with others, but every sentence was on the point, hit the nail on the head inside, and sealed it with a sword outside. throat!

  The sentence just now is all right, it's like the early days of the ancient emperors.

  Because of the relatively large aura, after she finished speaking, Dajia automatically executed it consciously.

  I have to say that the aura is really a magical thing, it can push others away.


  Everyone is almost scattered, only Boss Du is still here.

  "Go to my office for some tea. The site is exposed to feng shui and the sun does not match your identity."

  Go down the steps, the bones understand.

   "Look at the scene again. I will come down later."

   Boss Du, with a please gesture, took his assistant and the on-site manager back to the office for tea.

  Luo Xin seemed to run up to Zhong Cichui, and couldn’t wait to ask him:

"what's the situation?"

The person called Boss Du is the person in charge of this venue. This venue is not large. The total construction area of ​​the shopping mall is about 10,000 square meters with four floors. The single-story area is only more than 2,000 square meters. In order to show the style, the atrium is all hollowed out. At the top, such a usable area is less than 60%.

   "Who asked you about the venue, I was asking you Sister Yanyan and Boss Du!"

  Zhong urged and shook his head, and these people gradually became Alice (gradually Alice, like Alice with a burning gossip fire).

  "Why are you shaking your head! I want to ask you something!"

  "I only know that this lady of bones knows all the owners of these small venues, especially the LOCAL developers, exactly. I don’t know why."

   Luo Xin seemed to be unable to help but "cut" and said that she was gradually becoming A, and Zhong Cui urged herself not to gradually become A too! The bulk English is very slippery.

   "Then you said we want to go up and help?"

   "Help? Let's go up to make trouble. What if it is a relationship that people don't want to disclose!"

  Luo Xin seemed to compare the clock with her fist to remind her. She felt that the white bone spirit was definitely not that kind of person.

   "If you talk nonsense, I'll tell Sister Yanyan!"

  Zhong urged him to laugh and continue to see his scene. At this moment, Luo Xin seemed to have no choice but to settle down with him and watch the finishing touches with him.

   "The spotlight over there is facing the wrong direction, and it should be facing down. It is also wrong here, here it is illuminated at a 30-degree angle, oops, it's the other way around!"

  Zhong Sheng couldn't help it. He spread a piece of paper and stood on the table, adjusting the direction of the spotlight.

  Designers like perfection and hope that every design can show the original design.

   makes those who are already beautiful become more beautiful.

  Before the opening of the darkness, everyone is looking forward to a brand new blooming, but only the decorator knows that the ugly daughter-in-law will eventually see the in-laws. Those loopholes are clearly known, some are because they are forgotten, and some are because there is no time to repair or replace them.

When the white bone spirit came back, Zhong Sheng was still adjusting the position of the spotlight. When he came down, he shook his head and his tail. At first glance, he had old arms and legs. He stood for too long and was a little stiff.

   "Go up by yourself! Don't be afraid of flashing my waist! I can't tell Alice if I flash my waist."

  Zhong Sheng laughed, this eldest sister has always dared to say something, and she dared to make such a joke when the little puffer fish was still in her.

  "The workers don’t give much help. They can’t adjust the angles I want, so they can only do it by themselves."

  The Bone Spirit didn't answer any more, but looked at the little puffer fish on the opposite side.

  "Go. Little puffer fish, who are you going back with?"

   "Of course it's my sister, I want to go back in a luxury car!"

  Luo Xin seemed to look for a car handle outside the car door, but she didn't find it. When she came out of the company, she was anxious and forgot where she found the car door. Is this car handle missing?

  She walked around the car and found that there was no handlebar in the driver's seat. While doubting his IQ, the white bone spirit got into the car and lowered the window, and said to her: "Take a step back."

  Luo Xin seemed to obediently take a big step back, and the door opened by himself...

  In the face of high-tech, Luo Xin is like a turtle.

  I didn’t look at it carefully just now. Now I look at this car carefully. It is indeed full of sense of technology and the interior is very exquisite.

  "Where did you find the handlebar?"

  "This car will automatically extend the handle of the car when it senses the car key."

  Luo Xin seemed to be embarrassed and smile politely, he was really a bun.

  Along the way, Luo Xin seemed to be hesitant to speak, he could only pouting his own little mouth, looking at the white bone spirit and retracting his eyes, thinking and thinking again.

   "Say what you have, and let it go if you have a fart."

  (End of this chapter)

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