Didn’t Expect That, Did You?

Chapter 48: 048 Hate because of love.

Shao Cixin was caught off guard by Wen Zhihan.

Now she has to explain it to Rong Ya.

Rong Ya was also caught off guard by Wen Zhihan's move.

What did she just see?

Wen Zhihan kissing Shao Cixin? !

How can this happen, don't they have no feelings?

Is it possible that these two secretly warmed up the relationship when they were away? ? ?

The more Rong Ya thought about it, the more confused she became, her expression full of surprises.

This man has lived for a long time, and he can see everything...

Then she saw Shao Cixin turn her head and wink at her, meaning to talk later.

Then she watched Shao Ci get into Wen Zhihan's car and left with Wen Zhihan.

Stay where you are: "…"

She pointed in the direction where the two left and turned to look at Lin Mumu: "Mumu, these two of them... Do you know what's going on?"

Lin Mumu pondered for a while, and said carefully: "Maybe this is... an unexpected love?"

Rong Ya: "…"

Love is not love, she does not know.

"It was quite a surprise indeed."

The car was silent.

Wen Zhihan was driving, and Shao Cixin was looking at the scenery that kept retreating from the window.

The night view of Fengcheng is prosperous and beautiful, and the lights are like stars. When Shao Cixin is idle at home, she also likes to stay by the window and watch the scenery outside the window.

After a while, Shao Cixin turned her head and her eyes fell on Wen Zhihan.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to kiss me outside."

Wen Zhihan chuckled softly, and was about to say something when she heard her say something to make up for herself: "Although we will kiss in front of the camera and in front of the audience...but I really I didn't expect you to kiss me outside."

It was not the first time that Wen Zhihan had surprised her like this.

It was both unexpected and reasonable.

"Do you mind?" Wen Zhihan asked, "If you mind, then I won't do it next time."

Shao Ci scratched the tip of her nose.

Ming Wen Zhihan's tone was so normal and sincere, why did she feel a little wronged when she heard it?

Is it possible that she also has a filter in her ear, and will add another flavor to Wen Zhihan's words?

But in any case, she started this matter, and it was her own request, no wonder Wen Zhihan.

"I don't mind," she said generously, "We hugged, kissed, and did it, so don't worry about it."

She even said with gestures: "I just had a little accident, I just lost it."

Wen Zhihan said: "It's fine if you don't mind."

There was a slight sigh of relief in her tone.

Shao Cixin was just rummaging through her phone and didn't notice this subtle change.

She opened WeChat, and sure enough, Rong Ya was already using several rows of simple question marks to express her incomprehension to her.

She pondered a little and typed a reply.

[Shao Cixin]: Sister Rong, things are not what you think

[Shao Cixin]: But it is exactly what you see

[Sister Rong]:?

How can it be a bit confusing to put these two sentences together? ? ?

[Shao Cixin]: Yes, it is not love between us, but the purest physical contact relationship!

[Sister Rong]:…

[Sister Rong]: Is physical contact still called purity? ? ?

She felt that Shao Cixin's brain circuit was also a bit difficult to connect.

Shao Cixin doesn't have the upper hand in reason, but she can't hold back her thick skin.

[Shao Cixin]: Why is it not pure?

[Shao Cixin]: As long as it is not tainted by dirty feelings, everything is pure!

[Sister Rong]: Cixin, tell the truth to my sister, are you two really... emotional about each other?

[Shao Cixin]: No

[Shao Cixin]: Including acting

[Sister Rong]: This kind of physical contact is also included in the scene?

[Sister Rong]:…

She didn't know what agreement they wrote, nor how long they could last like this.

She just didn't expect Wen Zhihan to be such a person.

—It turns out that she wouldn't mind and loving kindness.

She didn't know whether to say that Wen Zhihan was too good-tempered, or that she was so used to Shao Cixin.

She thought about it for a long time and didn't understand how these two people developed to this stage, she just didn't want to.

These two are adults, they know what they are doing, and outsiders are not qualified to ask too much.

If it could be said, Shao Cixin would tell her herself and would not hide it.

[Sister Rong]: You know what you are doing

[Sister Rong]: It’s okay if you don’t have any emotions, you only suffered from her sister before, but you can’t fall on her again

[Sister Rong]: The most important thing is, I always feel that you are not the type she likes, you will get hurt if you like her

Shao Ci became curious: [Why, I am so good looking and not worthy of her? ]

[Sister Rong]: It’s not a question of whether it looks good or not. If you want to be embarrassed, Mr. Wen doesn’t have it himself?

[Sister Rong]: I think you are too out of touch. I am afraid that Mr. Wen will not be able to bear your style, and will prefer the more stable or cute and well-behaved

[Sister Rong]: If this is the case, then you will die if you like her?

[Sister Rong]: Heart, I don’t want to see you hurt, I really hope you can talk about a smooth and sweet love in the future [pat on the shoulder.JPG]

Shao Cixin: "…"

Putting down the phone, she turned her head and quietly looked at the person who was concentrating on driving.

Wen Zhihan...don't she really like my type?

Then she suddenly came to her senses—


It's none of my business, Wen Zhihan likes people with whatever style he likes, why do I care so much?

I don't like her!

She patted her face and turned to look at the scenery outside the car.

Wen Zhihan heard the voice and asked, "Ci Xin, what's wrong?"

Shao Cixin turned to look at her, and answered smoothly, "Nothing."

Then turned around and continued to look at the scenery.

The car fell silent again.

Shao Cixin's heart has not calmed down.

She frowned.

But why is she suddenly a little lost...

On weekends, Wen Zhihan and Xu Zhouzhou went out for dinner.

Xu Zhouzhou saw the emptiness around her, and his heart became more and more affectionate: "Come here in the future, you can bring the one from your family, otherwise every time the two of us enter a pair, you will be alone. Lonely and pitiful."

Wen Zhihan smiled calmly: "This is a dinner with friends, it doesn't matter if I come alone."

Jiang Yanqing said: "What's the matter, you can also develop her into our friend.

"To be honest, in high school, I almost became friends with her."

Wen Zhihan looked up at him.

Xu Zhouzhou also looked over and said in surprise, "Have you two met?"

Jiang Yanqing put the sliced ​​steak on Xu Zhouzhou's dinner plate, and said, "I have seen it, and I talked to her. I also comforted her."

Xu Zhouzhou: "Have you comforted others? How?"

Jiang Yanqing: "Hey, she was caught by Lao Wen along with me. After the two of us were named, we stood in the corner in a melancholy way and exchanged our thoughts about being caught.

"She said that Lao Wen was cruel and ruthless. I saw that she was also a fallen person, so I comforted her and said: 'It's okay, just bear with it, and she will quit the discipline inspection department when she reaches the third year of high school.'

"In the end, I never expected that before Lao Wen quit the discipline inspection department to fight for the college entrance examination, she would be good first!"

Wen Zhihan: "…"

Xu Zhouzhou: "…"

Are you feeling very sad?

Suddenly, Wen Zhihan seemed to be able to imagine the girl in the blue and white school uniform standing under the wall, accusing others of her with a sad face.

Thinking about it, it's a little funny and cute.

It turned out that she would talk to others about her at that time.

Although it is not a good word, it should not be a good word...

"Right," Xu Zhouzhou said suddenly, "Zhihan, I heard that Chen Suling is back."

Jiang Yanqing followed: "Also, Chen Suling was busy with the branch office before, and he was very busy. The affairs in Fengcheng, the hot search, etc. basically did not read, so It seems that I only found out about your marriage this year."

Wen Zhihan's face did not change, he picked up the plum juice at hand: "How do you know?"

Jiang Yanqing put down his knife and fork, and said proudly: "Hey! Don't forget, although I'm not as smart as you, but I have a wide network of people."

Wen Zhihan smiled and praised: "As expected of the second young master Jiang."

Jiang Yanqing: "Hey, I laughed and laughed."

"You said," Xu Zhouzhou held his chin, "Chen Suling knows that after you get married, will she run to your family to see who can walk in with you? The Civil Affairs Bureau stamped it?"

Wen Zhihan stopped moving, raised his eyelids and looked at Xu Zhouzhou opposite.

Xu Zhouzhou raised his eyebrows.

Wen Zhihan put down the knife and fork, got up and picked up the phone: "You guys eat first, I'll leave."

Shao Cixin just finished recording the show.

When it was, she received a call from Wen Zhihan.


"Ci Xin," Wen Zhihan's voice came from the phone, "Have you finished recording the show?"

"Well, the recording is over, I'm ready to go to class."

Years ago, Rong Ya helped her arrange an acting class. From this week, she will have two classes a week.

"What's the matter? Is there anything you need to call me? Go back tonight and bring you a supper?"

After she finished speaking, she heard a chuckle from the receiver.

"No, but if you want to eat, I can eat with you."

Shao Cixin felt happy when she heard that she was willing to accompany her, and smiled happily: "Okay, what can I do for you?"

Wen Zhihan followed and entered the topic: "Ci Xin, have you cooperated with the magazine "Wen Zhe"?"

Shao Ci said: "Yes, I was going to take the cover photo of their house two days ago, and there is an interview to do later."

She unconsciously said a little more about the itinerary, and then she frowned: "What's wrong? Did something happen to their magazine?"

Wen Zhihan rarely mentions this to her.

Now that Wen Zhihan suddenly mentions this, it is hard not to make her think about it, always worrying about what happened, Wen Zhihan is giving her a warning.

"The magazines are fine, I just wanted to ask, did you meet their boss Chen Suling when you were working?"

Shao Cixin heard Wen Zhihan's question, and remembered it back to the day of the shooting.

To this day, she still remembers Chen Suling staring at herself at the scene.

She frowned, looking unhappy: "Yes."

"Wen Zhihan, when you talk about this, I want to complain.

"I didn't hear from the "Wen Zhe" that day that Chen Suling would come to supervise the work in person, thinking it was an ordinary filming job. Then I changed clothes and came out to see Chen Suling standing there There.

" But the most incomprehensible thing for me is that when I took a photo, she kept staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable!

"To be honest, I don't think she likes me very much."

Wen Zhihan: "…"

I didn't expect that, Xu Zhouzhou was actually right.

"Metta, do you want to know why?"

"You know why?"


"Then tell me quickly, I have an interview with them. I know the reason so I can handle the next work."

Then Shao Cixin heard Wen Zhihan say in her familiar gentle voice:

"Because Chen Suling likes me, and you are my wife."


Shao Ci suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be because of love and hate..."


Wen Zhihan didn't quite understand: "Love begets hate?"

When did Chen Suling hate her because of love?

"Yes," Shao Cixin explained, "I hate me because I love you."

Wen Zhihan: "…"

She really has her own set of dictionaries.


The author has something to say:Shaw Brothers Dictionary, you are worth swimming.


I went to Dongsen today.

A small animal with a laid-back personality in my family came to me and said that she thought of a new name for me, called: **** sister.

It asked me how I felt and whether I liked it or not.

I thought, this can't be done, it's too ordinary, and it doesn't fit me with someone.

So I chose the "Not so good" option.

Then this baby let me call myself.

I looked at the naming interface, thought for a while, and reached out to type two words - iron juice.

Family min, do you think I did the right thing?

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: sooner or later the hair will fall out, utsuriki, ink calf, pigeon virtue, day and night, MaY1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Biluo Xingchen, Baboon Feifei 30 bottles; Hanhan 20 bottles; Zero Lili 15 bottles; Lemon Sparkling Water 13 bottles; Han Yuxiao, Linbing 10 bottles Bottles; 5 bottles of Hejiu, Congee Jun; 4 bottles of Coax; 1 bottle of Junnuo, Dabai, Day Pole Star Night, Space-Time Stardust;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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