Die For Life

Chapter 208: veto

"Thirty-one people approve and reject it."

Leyu's ‘immature proposal’ failed after all.

It is not to say that the opponents are all "short-sighted" and "birds die for food" miser, but that they do not think that is the best solution.

In other words, the tone of Leyu's proposal is not in line with the style of the Silver Blood Society.

Fraud is the silver and blood society's foreign policy of action.

Separate betting is the secret of survival in troubled times casinos.

"Although Linnavy is rampant in Dongyang District, he will eventually leave. After all, the owner of this land is the Silver-Blood Society, merchants, officials, and Heyang Army. Our merchants are fully committed to Linnavy, the governor. What would Quanyuan think of us? What about Yuntianhe, the county guard? Where is the governor Ge Shiwen?"

"It is necessary to show favor to Lan Yan, but forces such as the county government, the Chenghuan government, and the Heyang army are also the objects we must maintain our relationship with."

"Don't forget, Xuanzhu County is still the home ground of Yuntianhe, the county guard, and Dongyang District is still the sphere of influence of Archon Quanyuan."

"Even if the amount of military spending can be reduced to half, then each of us will spend at least 40% of our family, which will seriously affect the business of the Chamber of Commerce in the coming year."

Leyu smiled and listened to everyone's reasons, and nodded:

"Everyone is reasonable, but we have to discuss a preliminary plan today. Please speak up freely-but you don't need to say the meaningless absurdity. Even if you want to deceive Lan Yan, you have to release a fat enough bait. It is possible to hold him back for a while."

"In life, anyone will eat **** and is not ashamed, but we must either swallow it or spit it out. Now even if we are unable to spit it out, don’t even think about chewing it up, otherwise it will only be disgusting. , Also disgusting to myself."

The words are rough but not rough.

The Silver Blood Society had already assassinated Lan Yan once, and as a result, Lan Yan asked for a higher price.

Now the Silver Blood Society can undress and untie themselves, but if they are still reluctant to give in, don't blame the Navy Overlord for bowing to do it yourself.

As for "discussing after the meeting" is impossible, even if all members are selfish, but the spiritual connection allows them to have the most simple consensus: they must not delay, and must discuss a result and implement it, even if it is wrong. It's better than doing nothing.

Silver Blood will develop for hundreds of years, and has encountered many crises of destruction. Although there have been dark moments when everyone chose the wrong option together, it is more often that everyone works together to turn the tide.

Making a mistake is a problem of ability, but handing a blank paper is a problem of attitude.

As long as we try to one place, there will always be a solution.

After an hour of brainstorming, the capitalists finally came up with a decision that everyone agreed:

①Send someone to contact Lv Zhong, the governor of Morrowind, as long as he bypasses Lan Yan who is exhausted and fishing, Lv Zhong will certainly be willing to give preferential treatment to the fine and flowing money bag of the Yinxue Society;

②First go to the Linhai Navy to send supplies to stabilize them, at least let them eat and dress well, and don't let them have any thoughts of robbery. Dongyang District is full of plantations, so you can discuss things if you have something to do;

③Contact Quanyuan, Yuntianhe, Hu Yanxiu, Ge Shiwen and other umbrellas and ask them to mobilize contacts to trouble Lan Yan. It is best to set Lan Yan's back garden on fire, at least not to let Lan Yan continue to be such an improper rafter. Let him hurry. roll;

④In accordance with the size of the chamber of commerce, each family pooled a little cash and sent it to cry miserably. After discussing whether the payment can be made in installments, they can pay interest.

Damn it, just now this gangster was really fooling the new chairman.

Leyu played up Lan Yan's threat a bit, and they immediately gave a few feasible decisions.

Contacting Lu Zhong is to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank; to appease the navy is a short-term emergency; to let the umbrella activate contacts is to attack the rear; to send money is to show an attitude to induce profit.

The four-pronged approach, if it can work, no matter how powerful Lan Yan is, he will have to be fucked, crying and crying to leave Dongyang District.

Leyu also recognized the decision of the Silver and Blood Association, and had no intention of hindering it.

The real victory is not at this time.

After deciding on the person in charge, Leyu announced the end of the discussion, but he suddenly reminded at the end: "Remember to give the Jin family the food for the Linhai Navy, and to take care of the daily diet of these five hundred Linhai elites, the Jing family can't bear it. "

Hearing this, the silver-blooded merchants were a little depressed.

The president of the Silver Blood Society has always had the habit of pursuing public for personal gain, but he used to listen to the ancients in a relatively secretive manner, and his music was particularly arrogant.

If you use the analogy of the principal, it sounds like the ancients secretly increase prices in places where everyone has to spend money on school uniforms, cafeterias, and canteen snacks. Although everyone feels that they have been cheated, it is necessary after all, so there is not much resentment.

And Leyu is ‘you have to buy this extracurricular workbook, the editor is me, give me money quickly’.

Not only did everyone give money, but they also had to be threatened by the navy with leaps and bounds, which is equivalent to the elementary school students spending pocket money on summer homework to do.

Having said that, they did not have much opinion.

As the president said, in life, you have to eat shit. The president's feces are relatively small, so just swallow it quickly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don't chew, or you will be pierced by the thorns.

But after the discussion, everyone did not leave immediately.

Because there are still good shows to watch.

I saw a hooded man slowly walking out of the shadow of the chamber.

"Chairman Jing." Under the hood, there was an overly young voice, like a wind chime made of bamboo ringing: "I'm here on behalf of the assassin."

"How to call it?"


Le Yu asked: "You failed this assassination, what did the commission of the Silver Blood Society say?"

"According to the agreement, we will not refund the deposit from the old president." Yu said: "If the assassin we sent is not dead, there will be another assassination. But now our two assassins'Chen' and ' Black's are all dead, so the commission is over."

"And from now on, we will not accept any commissions for the assassination of'Blue Flame'."

Le Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Abilities?"

"It's a business problem." Yu Jingping said: "We have already understood the details of the assassination, and we also know the particularity of Lan Yan. It is not impossible to kill him, but the cost is too high...Chairman Jing is a businessman, and he must know the principle of the balance of income. ."

"But I know better what is called a monopoly." Le Yu laughed and said, "Lan Yan's existence is equivalent to breaking your "homicide monopoly". Unlike you, Lan Yan is very rare. As long as you kill him, you are still fearsome assassins, and your business is everywhere in the world. Otherwise, you will lose the trust of your customers sooner or later."

Yu shook his head: "President Jing has misunderstood. Lan Yan's strength is only a small part of the reason. The bigger reason is that the leader thinks that he is more valuable alive."

"Why do you say that?"

"The more chaotic the world, the better our business."

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