Die For Life

Chapter 226: The trend is over

"Let's surrender."

Hearing Qin Leyin's words, the room suddenly became quiet.

After a long time, Quan Xin said quietly: "Aren't we surrendering here?"

The others couldn't help sighing and nodded secretly.


In the history of the Silver Blood Society, the Silver Blood Society has never been so humble.

The Jing family asked for money, and they gave it.

The Jing family wants a factory, and they give it.

The Jing family wants someone, and they also give it.

Even the military and the imperial court were not so excessive. They demanded money at most, and cut their flesh at most, and the Jing family almost cut them in half this time.

After so many days, they have finally recollected--Jing Zhengwei, in order to please Lan Yan, was afraid that he had not truthfully told Lan Yan about the assets of the Silver and Blood Society, and deliberately brought back the 500 Lin Haijun in order to cut everyone off. The flesh, fat Lanyan's private!

If you change people...no, change a dog, you won't be able to do this!

But even so, they endured it.

And the purpose of the Silver Blood Society has also been achieved.

The Silver Blood Society was originally an organization of a group of several businessmen, purely to prevent outsiders from being bullied.

And now no one really dared to bully the Yinxuehui.

It's just that the president of the Silver Blood Society is bullying the members.

From being bullied by outsiders to being bullied by one's own people, it can be regarded as the progress of the times.

So when Qin Leyin made his surrender statement, they did not feel ashamed, but felt sad.

We have reached this point, how can we surrender! ?

Do you want to run out and say, being bullied by outsiders, no, bullied by the president, ok?

We have nothing to do with it!

Qin Leyin seemed to have insight into their minds, opened the bottle he brought and took a sip of tomato juice, shook his head and said, "Not enough, not enough."

"If you have surrendered, you won't be sad here. Because you know that what Jing Zhengwei wants is more, more."

"In the past four days, Yin Minghong has taken the Lin Haijun to take over 156 factories and shops, and killed 63 people. Except for the Tingjia's gun and weapon factory in the fortress outside the county, the other core industries , Are now under the jurisdiction of the Proceeding Navy."

"But," Qin Leyin looked around for a week: "You already know that Linhai Navy doesn't control the factory shops at all, right?"

"But the Jing family didn't send anyone to take care of it."

"It is Yin Minghong who promoted a worker on the spot, allowing him to make great profits, allowing him to fall behind, allowing him to have power, and let a worker directly have the power of a supervisor."

"Now the factory is under the management of the Linhai Navy in name, but in reality, the workers are already in charge of it. The Linhai Navy is only a supervisor and a deterrent. When a dispute arises between the workers and the supervisor, Yin Minghong will be there to solve the problem."

"Do you know what this means?"

Qin Leyin spread out his hands and uttered three words softly: "The county guard house."

Everyone was silent.

"He is no longer satisfied to be a businessman. He wants to start with the management of workers and get involved with political power." Qin Leyin said: "He can judge the grievances between workers today, and judge the right and wrong between officials and officials tomorrow. The day after tomorrow we should form an army loyal to him."

"I know what you are worried about. You are afraid. Jing Zhengwei wants to take away your property, cut off your connection with the workers, employees and servants, and directly rob you of the wealth that you have accumulated over generations, right?"

Someone sighed: "Young Master Hongle is absolutely right. Jing Zhengwei's move is too much. He bypassed us and directly let the worker supervisor have the right to obtain profit and dividends, and let the workers self-government. If this continues, they will only I know that there is the Jing family and the Linhai navy, but I don’t know the masters of us.”

Lan Cembo also said: "Only the name and the implement, do not leave hands to others. The county government will not protect our industry. The reason why we can let the workers obediently work is not because of the land deed, but because we can Give him money, we can make him live and die, so they are obedient."

"Now we are withdrawing from the factory, and the worker supervisor promoted by Yin Minghong must only listen to the Jing family to make money. I can even guess the next development-the worker supervisor soon realized that if he can continue You can earn more if you stay, and because of the Jing family's supervision, the supervisor does not dare to treat the workers harshly. As long as the money given is enough, the workers will be more willing to support the supervisor."

"Over time, these worker supervisors will have an idea: They don't want us owners to return to the factory. For this reason, they will certainly encourage the workers, and then together..."

Ranchenberg paused and thought: "Support? Recommend? It seems that there is no suitable word to use in this kind of business situation, and the result is-Jing Zhengwei won the whole city without a single soldier. Factory shop."

"How can it be!" someone exclaimed immediately: "The Eighty-Eight Chamber of Commerce will definitely not accommodate him--"

"Why not?" Ran Cembo asked back: "The Eighty-Eight Chamber of Commerce is still there, but everyone can't stop him."

"He just has a pro navy now!"

"Then he will have workers in the future!"

"How dare those untouchables—"

"For the sake of money, what do they dare not?"

Lan Jianbo waved his hand: "They are no longer a group of untouchables who can buy, divorce, and manipulate! The Jing family has more experience dealing with these people than you and I have, and the Jing family controls these people also. Far more than you and I know!"

"In the past, they dared to rebel with the backlighting elements in order to protect their little interests. Now that the Jing family is willing to give to their interests, and even take the lead in the charge, how can they not be able to help the Jing family?"

After some argument, everyone suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

At best, everyone only saw Jing Zhengwei's involvement in the power level. After Lan Jianbo reminded them, they realized that Jing Zhengwei had put the knife on their necks.

There are three external forces in this world, namely power, money and violence.

Now, with the support of Linhai Navy, Jing Zhengwei has all three.

Originally, they thought that when the navy left, Jing Zhengwei would only have money at most, maybe he still had some power.

But even if the Jing family swelled to this point, they thought that Silver Blood would be able to cope.

But now their naive fantasy has been completely shattered: when the navy leaves, Jing Zhengwei will only have more money, power and violence!

"How to do?"

"How about we hire assassins..."

"Give up, the assassin will not accept the order to assassinate the guild leader!"

"Then we can only watch our family business disappear!?"


When everyone was clamoring, Qin Yue said nonchalantly: "The only thing you can do now is to give all your family business to Jing Zhengwei."

"Giving up family business, giving up property, and even giving up past status."

"This is the real thing, surrender."

"Then I might as well die!" someone roared.

Qin Leyin smiled: "When we had a party here last time, you seemed to have said something similar."

The old man blushed and shook his head and said: "Now the situation is different. Last time I only asked for money. This time Jing Zhengwei wants to fry us and tear us apart. Should we let him do things like this!?"

"Why not?"

Qin Leyin looked around for a week and said: "As the Lan Patriarch said, Jing Zhengwei's intentions are obvious: grab your money, grab your shop, and finally grab your workers. If it is other times, of course, we must use all means. Resistance, and the problem now is—"

"We don't have any means to contain Jing Zhengwei."

"Within one day before the navy, his plan will advance by one day."

"When the navy leaves, his plan will also come to a successful conclusion, and then the workers will become his strength. If Xuanzhu County is a chessboard, we are chess pieces fighting each other and allied, then Jing Zhengwei did it. Yes, it turns the entire chessboard into its own power."

"From the very beginning, from when Jing Zhengwei and Lan Yan formed an alliance, we, as businessmen, have lost all our wealth."

Qin Leyin pointed at herself: "Because businessmen can't beat soldiers, let alone politicians."

There was dead silence in the room.

Luo Zhen suddenly said, "Then what are the benefits of our surrender? If we don't surrender, we will lose, and surrender will also be a loser. What's the difference?"

"I just said that we as businessmen lost." Qin Leyin lowered her voice, making everyone **** up their ears and listen carefully: "But we can still win."

Quanxin asked anxiously: "How to win?"

"If you can't beat them, then join them." Qin Leyin watched these businessmen's eyes: "You have already understood Jing Zhengwei's purpose. He wants to achieve complete rule in business, politics, and the army. Then the problem is-he Are there so many people helping him rule Dongyang?"

The others' eyes lit up.

"He didn't." Qin Leyin said with a smile: "Of course he can use former officials and officers, or recruit newcomers, but compared to those old fried dough sticks that have been rooted for many years and newcomers with no foundation, those of us who are capable but have lost factories and shops. Isn’t it a better choice for a businessman in the industry?”

Everyone nodded.


The ruler employs people, pays attention to a "no fetters" and checks and balances each other. Those officials and officers have been rooted for many years, and they are inextricably related to each other. Although they are easy to use, there is a risk of being deceived by the following.

And newcomers who are completely unfettered are difficult to convince the crowd, or have insufficient ability.

If that time comes, these businessmen who have lost their basics will be Jing Zhengwei's best talent warehouse. One is that it is easy to use, the other is that they have no fetters in the military and political circles, and the third is that they have certain management capabilities.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to make sense!

"So Jing Zhengwei's real plan is like this," Qin Leyin said: "The Jing family first promoted the lower-level workers as supervisors to replace our silver-blooded merchants; then, with this momentum, they conquered the entire county's lower-level people, and then challenged the county government and the army. When we start, Jing Zhengwei will use us losers and let us become his siblings in both military and political circles."

"The merchant's silver blood will die."

"And the silver blood of military and government will usher in a new life."

"This is Jing Zhengwei's grand blueprint."

Everyone was dumbfounded for a while.

After a while, someone couldn't turn his mind: "Then, why not just let us continue to stay in the position of the merchant, so that we will also convince him..."

"Isn't this a very common method?" Qin Leyin said with a smile: "Slap you first, and then give you a sweet date, then you will die to the ruler."

"And it's reasonable. If you don't do this, Dongyang will not be able to usher in true unity. Only when Jing Zhengwei breaks up the various forces and reorganizes, Dongyang land will give birth to a silver-blooded beast."

After a long absence, Quan Xin took out the double-headed dragon penholder, and after two turns, it fell to the ground.

"Qin Leyin," he called his name directly: "What you said is true?"

"What is the relationship between me and Jing Zhengwei, don't you know?" Qin Leyin smiled: "By the way, I fully approve of this plan, and the Qinist is also ready to sacrifice his family business. The business of a businessman has its limits. Yes, and troubled times are the most unsuitable for businessmen to operate. I hope I can become a well-known minister, or maybe..."

"Assisting Mingzhu to unify the nation's founding heroes."

Founding hero.

Many people breathe faster.

Qin Leyin glanced at them: "So, what is your choice? Do you have to fight with Jing Zhengwei until you are broken, or choose to surrender completely and wait for the opportunity to create another achievement in the future?"

"Let me give you one piece of advice at last: Jing Zhengwei, the general trend is complete."

Everyone looked at each other.

Qin Leyin was not in a hurry, took a sip of tomato juice, and heard someone sigh.

"Anyway, I can't beat the Jing family."

Soon, the voice of the defeated dog sounded one after another:

"If you take the initiative, you should be able to keep a little family property, right?"

"Sure, there are so many people in our family, at least we have to keep some money."

"I don't want to go to the army, can I be the Chief Secretary of Xuanzhu County?"

"Now Director Bo Si is Hu Yanjue, that is the brother of Jing Zhengwei's future wife..."

"What about the eldest brother-in-law, is he like the kind of person who values ​​his relatives?"

Qin Leyin looked at the three major business persons sitting in the front.

"Patriarch Lan, Patriarch Luo, Patriarch Quan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What do you mean?"

Quan Xin yawned: "I don't care. Anyway, my uncle is Quan Yuan. Even if I have to work, I won't be in my turn. I'm just a sign."

Luo Zhen knocked on the table: "...The Luo family will be willing, we have no choice."

Qin Leyin nodded and looked at Lan Jianbo, who was the most calm: "Brother Lan, do you want to join us and play for Jing Zhengwei?"

Ran Gembo glanced at the others and said coldly: "First of all, Qin Leyin, I have tolerated you for a long time. Don't tell me that name in the future."

Everyone was taken aback.

I thought the Lan family had such a backbone?

At this point, how dare you to harden the Anal Jing family?

It's worthy of being a car factory, this end is even more iron than a car!

Many people secretly confessed to themselves. Lan Jianbo clearly helped them to break through Jing Zhengwei's plan, but they still willingly become Jing Zhengwei's **** for survival and profit.

In contrast, Lan Jianbo is really a juvenile young man who knows the little things, knows everything, and would rather die than surrender!

Under everyone's respectful or surprised eyes, I saw Lan Jianbo holding his fists far in the direction of Jing Yuan, and said loudly:

"You should call him respectfully, President Jing."

For a while, the room was silent.

Countless swear words stirred in the hearts of everyone.

Only Qin Leyin showed a smile of relief.

The three major chambers of commerce and more than a dozen medium-sized chambers of commerce were all deceived by the bright future he described as the ‘new birth of the Silver Blood Society’. Next, in the face of more brutal actions by Jing Zhengwei, they will lie down obediently and accept any ravages, because they have new hope.

All the obstacles in the plan have disappeared.


Jing Zhengwei,

It's real, and the general trend has been achieved.

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