Die For Life

Chapter 245: Irreparable machine

"Master, master, master has lost his temper in the main hall, won't you go... Master?! Master, how about you?"

In the inner city of Xuanzhu County, the servant of Lan Fangyuan hurried to the young master’s studio in the other courtyard, only to find that apart from a bright black mechanical beast, there was no personal figure in the studio, and he was so anxious that he almost cried. .

"Don't make noise."

With the sound of the bearing rotating, Ranjenberg slid out from under the black car. Wearing dirty work clothes in coarse linen and linen, with a wrench and other tools in his hand, he was lying on a skateboard with small wheels. He was obviously a car repairer with all the tools.

"Master, why are you repairing the car all night?" The servant was anxious and at a loss: "Hurry up and change your clothes and go to see the master! Don't you know what happened, master, master?"

"I know, I was nearby when the cape gate was on fire." Ranjenberg said casually while putting the tools away: "So I hurried back to complete the final modification."

"Master, don't care about any car at this time." The servant jumped anxiously: "Master is waiting for you to discuss countermeasures!"

"What else is there to discuss." Lan Jianbo sighed and took off his work clothes, revealing his strong bronze muscles: "As early as when Jing Zhengwei was in charge, I advised him to leave Xuanzhu County as soon as possible. Look at the sentence on the right and so on, it’s still today... It’s a group of people who don’t see the coffin and don’t cry. I have nothing to discuss with them."

"But Master, you are now the owner of the Patriarch—"

"Fart, if I die like Jing Zhengwei, then I am really the head of the family. Now that the Lan family is up and down, which one is not listening to my dad." Lan Jianbo put on the white shirt: "They called me to do it. When the'Lan Family Patriarch' was like teasing children on purpose, he was just expecting me to show a shy and humble expression to satisfy their boring desires."

"Young, young master?" The young servants were a little confused.

As a faithful servant of Ranjmbo, in his impression, Ranjmbo has always been a man with few words and little words. He spent every day learning from his master in the factory, and he belonged to the kind of very simple and dedicated craftsman. I only smile when I am with my friends.

In Lan’s family, Master Lan Cembo is also of the kind that is particularly easy to get along with. He never talks hard, and only frowns when angry. Therefore, many maids and servants want to wait for Rangembo. There is such a master, who lives. Can live for a few more years.

As for saying bad things about people, it’s never happened. It’s not that Ranjenberg is very popular. It’s just that he is very silent when facing his relatives in general, just like an old craftsman who doesn’t know how to get along with others. , And honest and honest.

However, in his words, Ranjenbo has no respect for the old Patriarch and other tribesmen, and even with mocking and disdain, the young servants can't help but wonder if they are dreaming.

Why did the young master suddenly change?

"You look like a surprised look." Without any hesitation, Lan Gembo took off his pants and put on a pair of tough special leather trousers. When he was sitting on the chair and changing his boots, he took a sip from the glass wine glass next to him. , Said calmly: "Do you think I have changed?"

"Young master..."

"You also know the history of the Lan family." Lan Jianbo said while strapping: "Although the Lan family can be traced back hundreds of years, my line can actually be traced back to four generations ago. The only daughter of the family fell in love with a carmaker, and let that craftsman join the Zhulan family. It happened to have a series of opportunities for the development of the oil field in the Tiantian District and the improvement of the engine. The Lan family was born from a small chamber of commerce, step by step into the'Dongyang Citroen' His prestigious name."

"But because Grandpa Zeng is a solid-minded craftsman, he also favors people with the same temperament as him when he selects the owner. My grandpa and my father all become the owner because of the craftsman's temperament."

"When I was six years old, I knew that my dad preferred the kind of ‘honest children’ who were stupid and willing to work hard, compared to clever children, because this kind of children were more like them."

"In fact, this kind of selection concept is not bad. Sometimes being smart is not necessarily an advantage. Knowing that one’s stupidity is an excellent quality, and being willing to work hard after understanding that is even more precious “wisdom” like a gem. The development of the past few decades also shows this point-my grandfather and my father handed over business matters to other people. They studied cars and sold them to Huiyao Nine Territories. Compared with other chambers of commerce, they only A real businessman."

"But their equipment." Ranjenberg opened the door and stuffed bags of gold and silver nearby: "That's all."

"Young, young master?" The servant said in a daze, "What are you talking about?"

"Xuanzhu County is no longer suitable for me to stay." Lan Jianbo sat in the driving seat and fastened his seat belt: "The Lan family is not much better for the workers. I am not familiar with Jing Zhengwei, and wait for him and Baiye to take over. After that, I have at most a whole corpse."

"Bai, Bai Ye!? President Jing has something to do with Bai Ye?"

"If he wants to win over the workers, he must have something to do with Bai Ye." Lan Jianbo debugs the vehicle: "Actually, he did nothing wrong. In the words of "Youth Daily", all the classes that represent productive forces are bound to do it. Fight for their own position, and now workers are clearly the rising productive class..."

"Master, what are you talking about? I don't understand. Come with me to see the master!"

"My dad, he doesn't understand either." Lan Cembo started the engine, and the black car hummed and shook: "I told him a long time ago that we should improve the treatment of workers and improve the reputation of the Lan family, but he only Grandpa’s craftsmanship has inherited the Lan family’s merchant spirit, and he can’t listen to my suggestions at all."

Lan Jianbo patted the steering wheel and sighed: "I could sit in Jing Zhengwei's position..."

"Master..." The young servant swallowed as he looked at Lan Cembo's posture and said, "Are you leaving now?"

"Yes." Ranjenberg nodded: "Tonight is also an opportunity for me, and I still don't run now. When it dawns tomorrow, I may not be able to run even if I want to run."


"I persuaded him to refuse to run before, and he will definitely refuse to run now, otherwise he will let you come and call me to pack my luggage instead of calling me to discuss it." Ranjenberg sneered: "It's all dead. Discuss when you are about to come?"

"It's not that serious, Lord Wanghai and the county guard can definitely suppress the chaos outside..."

"Those people sitting in the main hall now must have the same thoughts as Wen Yan." Lan Jianbo said, "Until they see Lord Wanghai and Yunjun dying under the mob's hoes, they won't understand themselves. madness."

"The Xuanzhu County now is a huge machine, fuel is filled in, the fire is lit, everything has been launched irretrievably, no one can stop this machine...until the fuel runs out! "

"I'm not interested in wasting saliva to persuade the old stubborn group, and they care more about the Lan family's family property than this'little crisis', and it is impossible for them to leave this century-old foundation and escape~www.wuxiaspot. com~ They, like other silver-blooded people, think they are the masters of silver-blooded people, but in fact they are just slaves of silver-blooded ones."

The young servant stared at Ranjenberg, "Master, you are so strange..."

"I'm just too lazy to pretend. It's a showdown." Ran Cembo let out a long sigh: "I'm very tired after pretending to be an honest boy for so many years."

"By the way, Wen Yan, do you want to go with me? I still owe a servant on the road. I will give you ten seconds to think about it."


The young servant was stunned. Ten seconds passed quickly, and Ranjenberg shrugged: "I understand that it is difficult for a person to leave his comfort zone, even as a servant."

"But, anyhow, after being your young master for so many years, I will give you one piece of advice in the end."

"When the fire hits the Lan family, you can grab some things from the Lan family and run away, don’t grab those gold and silver jewelry, grab some less valuable things. This is not only your windfall, but also your life saver tonight. ."

"Also, say something to my dad."

"When I was six years old, I was reasoned with you. You said that my wings were hard, so I got out of this house if I got a seed."


"My wings are really hard."

Ran Cembo stepped on the accelerator, the black car rumblingly started and crashed into the wall of the yard at high speed. The young servant shouted in surprise, "Master, turn around—"


After only a few loud noises, the black car crashed on the wall, and then the black car went to the main road outside Lanfang Garden, leaving behind a round of black smoke, and disappearing under the street lights at night.

The young servant looked at the hole in the yard wall that had been knocked down, not much panic in his heart, but a trace of melancholy appeared.

He never told the young master.

He motion sickness.

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