Die For Life

Chapter 268: Jing Zhengwei's corpse (part 2)

Jing Zhengwei still maintained the appearance he had before his death.

His clothes were soaked in blood and rain, and the linen cloth used to cushion him had been dampened;

The steel-soled boots are full of mud, and there are many scars on the legs, and a good pair of breeches is about to turn into hole trousers;

The luxurious clothes on the upper body have turned into pieces of tattered and dirty cloth, and the exposed skin is turned over and covered with mud;

There were blood stains on his face, half of his ear was missing, and several scars were drawn from the eyes to the corners of his mouth. The gullies seemed to be digging blood on his face with a carving knife, and his throat was completely dry.

Leyu sighed almost subconsciously: "It's really ruthless to start."

When he was being beaten, although he felt that he was about to become a dirty rag, he didn't feel much actual feeling after all. Just like you play an RPG game from a first-person perspective, although you know that you are dying through the handle shakes, the interface appears red, and the health bar is empty, you don't know how miserable you are.

I don’t know if it’s because it was his corpse, or a slutty man who didn’t care about his body. Although Jing Zhengwei’s corpse caused a strong visual impact, he didn’t feel scared, and even wanted to get closer to study it. Fan.

"Yeah, you are really ruthless." Qin Yueshi said lightly, stepping into the room and squatting down, looking at Jing Zhengwei's death: "He died much worse than Jing Zhengwu."

Qin Yue Poetry.

Jing Zhengwu's fiancee.

Because Qin Leyin laid a foreshadowing on her in advance, completely ruining Jing Zhengwu's last chance to escape, and providing Jing Qingchu with a chance to cut the grass and root.

Whether in the past or present, Leyu is her enemy and her relative.

Perhaps it was Qin Leyin's thinking that was causing trouble, or it was simply Leyu's curiosity. He asked: "I killed Jing Zhengwei for half of my revenge. Are you happy?"

She did not answer.

Leyu stepped into the room and smelled the smell of a corpse. Originally, Jing Zhengwei's injury was too serious, and almost all his internal organs and bones were exposed. What's more, the weather is hot now, and it is naturally beginning to rot.

In a few days, this corpse will become an excellent petri dish of maggots, but Leyu has no feeling about it-he remembers his body, and the one that was killed by Qianyuyu directly discarded it. In the dark alley, I am afraid that it has already entered the natural ecological circle.

Le Yu turned his head to look at his younger brother: "Why did you move his body back?"

"The people who met you in the past saw you lying with him, so they moved away together." Qin Yueyang said: "They recognize Jing Zhengwei and think this corpse can play more value in your hands."

I won't be reincarnated from the dirty soil, what else could be of value... But Le Yu had to thank Qin Leyin's men, otherwise he would not have the opportunity to retrieve the saint's relics and mobile phones.

Le Yu knelt down and pressed [E] on Jing Zhengwei's body to search for the trophy, took off the iron bracelet, reached into Jing Zhengwei's arms and took out the phone, and found that the phone was actually intact, and Qin Leyin's attack happened to not touch the phone, but It also shows that the phone did not block any attack for him.

Qin Yueshi quietly watched her elder brother search the body, and suddenly asked, "What are you doing so much for?"


"Before you betrayed Jing Zhengwu for Jing Zhengwei's power, what are you now betraying Jing Zhengwei for?"

Leyu was silent for a moment: "In this world, there are no eternal enemies, nor eternal friends, only eternal benefits."

"The fourth issue of "Youth", the fifth page of the knowledge discussion area, the answer to the Lord Churchill said this." Qin Yueshi said: "So, you choose to sell two friends who believe in you in succession for your own selfish desire? "

"Although I don't think they believe me... but you are right."

"Then the benefits you get, compared with the price you paid, are they worth it?"

Leyu smiled.

"What answer do you want to hear? Do you want to see my treacherous look when I say it's worth it, or do you want to see my penitent expression when I say it's not worth it?"

"The fifth issue of "Youth Daily", the fourth page of the knowledge discussion area, the answerer Jiliang Jiying said,'Don't use questions to answer questions.'" Qin Yueshi lowered her eyebrows and said softly: "Sometimes it is also a way to avoid questions. Answer."

I was shocked, I even met a diehard fan of "Youth Daily", and the quoted sentences are all the paragraphs I carried... The right language suddenly felt the impermanence of "You dare to use my magic to deal with me", Qin Yueshi Then he said: "You asked me just now, Jing Zhengwei is dead, I am unhappy."

"I am not happy."

"In these days when I was confined by you, my favorite reading was "Youth Daily". I saw from "Youth Daily" Jing Zhengwei's ambition, his hope, his ambition, and I knew he wanted What are you doing, knowing that he is almost close to success."

"Even if I hate him, I have to admit that he is walking on a road against the sky, a long and rugged road, and a road that countless people yearn for."

"He and Zhengwu both died too unjustly and too early."

Le Yu chuckled, and said as if deliberately arching the fire: "Everything big is going to be a catastrophe. They can't survive their own calamity. Maybe this is God's will."

Qin Yueshi was not angry, and pointed to Jing Zhengwei's face and said, "Why did he have a smile on his face when he died?"

Le Yu looked over and found that although Jing Zhengwei's face was very permeating, his mouth was indeed smiling, but this also made his cruel face even more hideous.

"This is the last kindness of your eldest brother," Le Yu said truthfully: "Jing Zhengwei almost killed your eldest brother at the last moment before he died, and then your eldest brother wittyly made Jing Zhengwei think that they were both dead, so Jing Zhengwei finally I was completely relieved and passed away peacefully..."

Qin Yueshi: "I don't think so."

"Huh?" Le Yu was a little dazed.

Do you know better than the murderer and the victim? Do you know the king too?

"Jing Zhengwei was actually not angry about the workers' riots, but rather pleased." Qin Yueshi said softly: "He mobilized public opinion, stayed behind the scenes, and restricted the silver blood, the purpose is to enable the people at the bottom to awaken spontaneously and take the silver blood. I have lost hundreds of years of blood, and recalled the resistance engraved in the blood from the obedience."

"Before death comes, he will definitely realize that although he can't see Dongyang's future, he believes that others will not stop and will continue his path and maintain and grow this career, and if there is new development in Dongyang land in the future The exploiters will surely be overthrown by the people."

"In Chapter 5 of "Echoes of the Future", Liu Yu saw a sentence in the textbook—"

"'Born to be equal, not to be in chains'."

"He believes that sooner or later Dongyang Dadi will look at the phrase'born are equal.'"

"It is precisely because he knows that he has completed the task he should do, and the rest can be handed over to other like-minded people with peace of mind, that's why Jing Zhengwei died so peacefully and so peacefully."

Qin Yueshi looked at Le Yu: "You often talk about the'God's will is hard to violate'. I think there is a sentence in the "Youth Daily" that is very suitable to refute you."

"Doing good deeds without asking for reward."

"Do you know what this sentence means?" Le Yu twitched his mouth, and said in a weird manner: "It means that as long as you do good things, there will be no future. Don't ask, ask is no, look at Jing Zhengwei It’s the best example."

Qin Yueshi was still not angry. She stood up calmly and prepared to leave. Leyu suddenly found something in Qin Yueyin’s memory and said: "After arriving in Yanjing, if you want, I can think of a way to let you enter the royal palace. The college continues to study."

"This is a mission?"

"It's my brother's kindness, let you get to know more of your peers and relax."

Qin Yueshi pointed to Jing Zhengwei: "Seeing Jing Zhengwei's death, do you think I still dare to accept your'kindness'?"

Qin Yueshi would refuse to be within Leyu's expectation. Leyu just slapped her a few times, and now he shows his brother's thoughtfulness. With a red face and a white face, he sang all of them. It's like a fairy ball. Qin Yueshi is not mentally retarded The elf, of course, will not honestly accept the arrangement.

After Qin Yueshi's departure, Qin Yueyang said: "In a few days' time, the third sister's temperament should be gone, big brother, don't worry, there is no overnight hatred between relatives."

Le Yu looked at Qin Yueyang with a bewildered look, and found that Qin Yueyang seemed to say this sincerely, and immediately lowered his evaluation from SR to R—you, a filial son who just reported an overnight revenge. Are you really qualified to say this?

He waved his hand: "You go out first, I will chat with Jing Zhengwei."

Qin Yueyang nodded, took out a wine bottle to Leyu, then closed the door and left.

Leyu twisted it aside and saw that it was bright red tomato juice. When you drank it, it was human blood mixed with tomato juice. I don't know if it was because of the tomato juice. It tasted pretty good, sweet and sour, happy. Yu's evaluation of it is second only to honey five-flower tea.

He was sitting next to the corpse, and the surrounding suddenly became very quiet. The sun outside was blocked by clouds and the light dimmed.

After closing the door, the smell of the corpse became stronger and stronger, and the narrow cabin seemed to be a coffin.

"Fortunately, you were also brought here. I don't want Qing Lan to see you like this."

"I didn't have a chance to look at Qian Yuliu, Yin Yinyin, or even my own corpse. This time it was a good look, but it smells really good."

"The next time you die, you can't just laugh, you see what you laugh, it will be misunderstood by others."

"I finally understand how the original author felt when doing Chinese reading questions."

"She actually interprets so many things from a dying smile."

"If you hear what she said, you are almost talking about you, a vulgar mortal, as a saint in the world. Absolutely, she and Qin Leyin are really two brothers and sisters. This vision is exactly the same."

"What else but do good things, don't ask future."

"I was so embarrassed that I wanted to die again just by listening."

"Obviously, obviously..."

Leyu covered his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop upturning, as if he was laughing or crying.

"...I really thought so."

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