Die For Life

Chapter 290: Letter

Mu Qingmei took Huyansiluo out of the prison and stepped into the bright and pleasant outside. The two patrol guards at the door saluted: "Wanghai Palace has worked hard."

"You have worked hard too." Huyansiluo hurriedly responded with a salute, and all the guards encountered along the way saluted. The guards who had been waiting for a long time quickly escorted Huyansiluo away from the inspection department.

After the guards both opened and cut off, it was a posture for a big man to travel.

In fact, Huyan Siluo is now the nominal co-lord of Dongyang District, and Dongyang Archon's "Wanghai Palace".

After Bai Ye and the workers liberated Xuanzhu County, the first question they faced was not to rebuild the inner city, not to judge the silver-blooded nobles, or even to take over the Dongyang District, but whether to rebel.

Yes, Xuan Zhu Bai Ye couldn't decide whether to rebel!

It is not that they are unwilling to rebel, but that the workers and the people are unwilling!

Although they are against the county guard, the governor, and the silver and blood society, they have no plans to fight against the imperial court!

After all, it’s really hard for you to make a group of people listen to ‘six kings, all over the world. Brilliant, great ancestors come out. Inheriting the year 2008, pushing the ages horizontally'-the figures in it are updated every year in the school. Ordinary people want to know what year this year is. In the morning, they can go to the lecture square to listen to the students recite the "Hui Yao Fu".

Although the storyteller will use popular novels to attract popularity, the most catchy stories that ordinary people hear are still "Hui Yao Romance", "Said Lie Quan Chuan", "Hui Yao Up and Down Two Thousand Years", just as you are on the street Find an uncle to talk about Huiyao for a certain period of time, and the uncle can talk very well.

Everyone knows that Huiyao has been passed on for more than two thousand years.

Everyone knows that Huiyao has had several ups and downs.

Everyone knows that Huiyao will always be the ultimate winner.

Natural disasters, man-made disasters, barbarians, uprisings, rebellions...All the disasters that the Huiyao dynasty have experienced, but in the end they all survived and still stand on the ground.

This formidable reality is deeply engraved in the soul of every glorious person. They dare to say ‘30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi’, but never dare to say ‘the emperor takes turns to come to my house next year’-this is not fear, but recognition.

Recognition of truth.

If you tell a lie two thousand times, someone will believe it, then the reality of the Huiyao Dynasty has existed for more than two thousand years. Ordinary people can't even imagine that the Huiyao dynasty will disappear, and the word "change of dynasty" does not exist in the Huiyao people's dictionary.

Huiyao people live at most fifty years old in their lives, which means that the Huiyao people who have a clan will never be able to surpass the first year of Huiyao for dozens of generations up to the first generation of ancestors with written records.

Like the ancient Huaxia's "prominent family that has gone through three dynasties", there is no one in Huiyao, and all the eminent families cannot survive the Huiyao dynasty.

So things like rebellion are incomprehensible to Dongyang people. Huiyao has become their spiritual symbol, and rebellion is tantamount to slashing one's own head-why do you want to slash one's head? Isn’t it good to cut off the heads of corrupt officials?

Seeing that the'rebellion' will affect the workers' resumption of work and production, Bai Ye quickly negotiated secretly, and finally decided to introduce a consul qualified to rule Dongyang to show that although we Dongyang people kill the county guards and kill the consuls, we will judge the noble merchants and landlords. Never let go, but we are still loyal to the Royal Family.

The new governor of Dongyang is Huyansiluo.

She directly inherited the title of her father-did not report to the court, and I don't know if her father's brother who escaped would go to Yanjing to complain to her-because she is a female, she is not "Duke Wanghai", but Wanghai Palace.

In Huiyao, all princes who have inheritance rights can be elegantly called "Dian", and the emperor can be elegantly called "Gong". But this is a temporary name, once the inheritance rights are lost, they are all ordinary people.

In Prince Marquis, if it is a woman who inherits the title, the "prince" is the same as the "gong", and the "Marquis" is the same as the "lord".

Wanghai Palace, Master Drinking Ice, if not so.

As for why the names of male and female aristocrats were deliberately distinguished, it is said that there was a fierce female duke in the past. She felt that it was indecent to describe herself as a female aristocrat by "gong", so she went directly to the emperor and asked for a new name. , The emperor recognized her as a righteous daughter on the spot, and announced that all the queens could be called the "gong" and the female Hoube was called the "lord".

After finding out that they had a new feudal ruler, the people of Dongyang began to work with peace of mind.

Bai Ye didn’t feel any dissatisfaction with this. Compared to insisting on raising a flag of rebellion to earn a reputation, the development path of making a fortune with a muffled voice, accumulating food, building walls, and slowly becoming king can make everyone more at ease-anyway.' The achievement of starting the rebellion first gun has been robbed by the neighbors of Skyrim, they don't need to grab the title of "starting the rebellion second gun", because no one will remember the second place.

And Huyansiluo is not a puppet, although Baiye took over most of the affairs, but they also reported to Huyansiluo in accordance with the rules and regulations to make a decision. As for Huyansiluo's words, they would not listen to Huyansiluo's reasons for reviewing. Is it reasonable enough.

The reason why Huyansiluo was allowed to occupy part of the victory fruit,

First, Yin Minghong, Mu Qingmei, Wen Hong, Qing Lan and other ‘revolutionary heroes’ gave strong support. Hu Yansiluo chose to protect the Jing family in the end, which directly changed Bai Ye's position on her, from ‘a remnant party of the old era that can be wooed’ to a ‘revolutionary in the new era that can be supported’.

Second, there is a shortage of high-level talents in Baiye. Although Huyansiluo's appearance is soft and weak, she wants to be ravaged at first glance, but she is also a real high-achieving student, and her culture is so higher than that of Baiye people that she does not know where it is. Many problems that Baiye can't figure out, she can directly quote from the classics. Find a solution.

Third, the Huiyao administrative system is reasonable enough.

In fact, there is often no problem with the system, but because the times and people have changed, it is out of fashion. After two thousand years of evolution, the Huiyao system has been reasonable enough. Originally, the governor and the county guards only managed the place on behalf of the'emperor' for four years. Moreover, there were Yanjing inspectors and officials under the constraints. Only everyone fulfilled their official duties, and the world has long been the world. It's too peaceful.

In fact, the governor and county guard of Xuanzhu County had long been emptied by the Silver Blood Society and had no power at all. Now that it is Bai Ye's turn to take power, it is even more impossible for the Archon to take power, so he can use Huyan Siluo's ability with peace of mind.

Of course, there is only one fundamental reason-Bai Ye is a group of idealists.

It's not their instinct to use people without doubt. Since they trust Huyansiluo, they are willing to entrust her with important tasks.

I just want you to successfully capture Zhuge Liang in "Three Kingdoms", even if Liu Bei's power is not extinguished, you will still directly appoint Zhuge Liang as a military minister and general army division-can Zhuge Liang run away with your wealth? Bai Ye's trust in Huyansiluo was almost like this.

After leaving Huyansiluo, Mu Qingmei returned to the Youth Daily.

Now the newspaper has bought the shops on both sides and added a new press department-"Youth Daily" is no longer just a tabloid that compiles stories, but an official Xuanzhu County that follows the reconstruction of Xuanzhu County, records major news events, and reassures the people. newspaper.

However, the Youth Daily’s "Knowledge Discussion Area", "Wonderful Stories", and "Inspirational Stories" have not been cancelled, only the two areas of "Future Echo" and "Cover" have been cancelled-countless people are quite regretful about this, a small part People regret that "Echoes in the Future" is missing, and most people regret that there will be no new spellcasting materials in the future.

Therefore, the cover collections of the first few issues of "Youth Daily" have become hard to find and become precious collections, and they may become antiques in a few decades.

When he came to the door, Mu Qingmei saw a handsome poor young man arguing at the door of the newspaper, and the newspaper guard stopped him.

"Let me meet the editor-in-chief! I didn't lie!"

Mu Qingmei went over and asked, "What happened?"

The guard shrugged: "He said he was Jing Zhengwei."

Although Jing Zhengwei's reputation was not restored, he was never found, so the Youth Daily and various bulletin boards published Jing Zhengwei's tracing order.

Anyone who finds Jing Zhengwei can get 100 gold rounds if it is a corpse, 150 gold rounds if he is not dead, and if it is reliable news, he can get a certain amount of remuneration according to the truthfulness of the news. Those who have news can inform the Youth Daily And the patrol department.

After the tracing order was issued, the youth newspaper exploded in an instant-taking advantage of a small advantage is simply the nature of the Dongyang people. Countless false news directly flooded the youth newspaper and the patrol department until countless unsuccessful return. Bai Ye had to delete the sentence "According to the true or false news, he can get a certain reward."

Although no one came to report false news.

But something worse happened.

"Oh~?" Mu Qing raised her eyebrows and looked at the poor handsome young man, raising her eyebrows slightly: "You said you are Jing Zhengwei?"

"Yes, I am Jing Zhengwei!"

"But you don't look alike... Forget it, I'll ask you, when was the first time we met?"

"I forgot." The handsome young man said sincerely: "On that turbulent night, I finally jumped into the river and committed suicide, but I don't know why my soul crossed over to this person. I lost my previous memories and only knew me. It's called Jing Zhengwei."

"I'm not for money, I just hope to find my past..."

For example, like this one who pretended to be Jing Zhengwei and came to Li Daitao to cheat money and deceive sex, Mu Qingmei had already met more than a dozen, and sometimes even met two a day.

"Fuck you!"

Mu Qingmei punched the poor handsome young man into the ground, clapped his hands and said: "Send someone to the medical lawsuit. After he is cured, he will be given to the second boss, and he will be sent to reeducation through labor for half a month!"

"Yes, editor-in-chief, Mu!"

After the liberation of Xuanzhu County, Mu Qingmei rejected positions such as'Militia Captain' and'Strategic Coach' and remained in the Youth Daily, but the position was promoted from editor-in-chief to editor-in-chief - if it weren't for Jing Zhengwei to suppress her, She could have been promoted to editor-in-chief long ago!

Back in his office (former Jing Zhengwei's office), Mu Qing's eyebrows were on the table, and the assistant immediately came over and offered a glass of ice water and said: "The letters to the editor-in-chief are here."

Mu Qing nodded, took a sip of ice to dissolve the heat, then picked up the letter opener and began to read the letter.

She took the initiative to ask Qing Lan to read the letter.

Qing Lan also agreed.

Because there were too many letters to Qing Lan, she couldn't come over, and...most of the letters were not worth reading.

There is no airtight wall in this world. Jing Zhengwei’s disappearance ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can tell the Youth News about Jing Zhengwei’s news. The Youth Newspaper is Jing Zhengwei’s property, and the editor-in-chief is Jing Zhengwei’s fiancee Qing Lan. Support the Youth Newspaper...All indications indicate that the editor-in-chief of the Youth Newspaper is a lonely and widowed beautiful girl, and she has a lot of power.

A better letter pretends to know the news of Jing Zhengwei/pretends to be Jing Zhengwei to get in touch with Qing Lan; a bad letter is just to have a love affair.

If you just want to cheat money, Mu Qingmei can let him go; if you want to cheat money, Mu Qingmei can register his name directly, and let Ergouzi go to work quickly. Reconstruction requires a lot of labor. This kind of energy is not enough. The bad guys who vent everywhere are most suitable for Ergouzi to take away the sterilization and reeducation through labor.

Even if it is Zhenger's Eight Classics, it seems that he really knows the letter of Jing Zhengwei's whereabouts, Mu Qingmei will not tell Qing Lan, but will let people investigate it first.

Hope without results is more painful than poison. It's like a match used by a little girl to warm herself, and in the end it will only leave nothing but loneliness.

"Let me see what other readers are writing... well, full of papers, death penalty."

"death penalty."

"Hand over to the patrol guard for investigation."

"death penalty."

"...Forget the death penalty."

"Gan, it's the same as it really is. I really thought Jing Zhengwei wrote the first half of the paragraph, but you actually said that his favorite entertainment is reading books instead of playing cards. Isn't that a help? Death penalty!"

Seeing that he had found dozens of laborers for Yin Minghong again, Mu Qingmei was not very happy, but was a little disappointed, and sighed softly, "Sure enough, there is still no news from him...?"

Mu Qingmei picked up a letter, read the address and the name of the sender, and was slightly startled.

"Sender: Mr. Shuren"

"Address: Yanjing Royal College"

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