Die For Life

Chapter 477: Martial arts is dead

The bell rang, and the setting sun went down, and the students filed out and left the imperial courtyard. Except for a small number of people, they wanted to go to the off-campus martial arts club for training. Most students went home to eat and rest—not suitable for everything except reproduction at night. Activity.

The Yao Bell Tower rang seven times, and a golden light ran from the platinum tower to the imperial court: the principal's nightlife had begun.

The Yao Bell Tower rang eight times, the sky was completely dimmed, the gate of the imperial court was closed, the bustling college became silent, the unmanned teaching building wandered with invisible ghosts, and the warm yellow street lights were like a lighthouse in the black sea.

Behind the teaching building of the Guards Department, Li Ying closed the novel "I Really Don't Want to Be Spoiled", turned the window to the classroom and equipped with a black robe and mask—the mask was launched by the Wulian Chamber of Commerce. Li Ying believes that the "world's fox charm" suits her own taste very well.

After getting ready, Li Ying took out a metal badge and tapped nervously twice: "Hey, here is one, calling for zero."

"Here is zero, please don't waste energy on number one, and turn on the heart-to-heart when necessary." A mechanical answer came from the metal badge.

Li Ying suddenly settled down and walked through the academy along the edge of the light. Although there are teachers stationed on patrol in the academy, the size of the imperial house is obviously not visible to a few people. As long as you are more cautious and have a smaller number of people, it is almost impossible to be found in the imperial house at night.

In fact,'stay in the royal court late at night' can be included in the list of "one thing to do before graduation" in the hearts of many students. There are even students who play a life-for-life +1, or a life-for-life -1. No, it's just that those students were quickly dealt with by the court before Cha Huan lost his temper. Otherwise, Cha Huan's move would not be a matter of killing a few students.

Staying at the college at night was a very serious violation of discipline, but after Cha Huan came to power, the punishment for staying at the college at night became a humiliating way of washing the toilet and sweeping the street. According to the gossip, Cha Huan used to be an advanced member of the college who often stayed overnight in violation of the school rules, so his attitude towards the students who violated the rules was contemptuous: "No way, right? Even overnight college students can be found? Is this student so embarrassing? ?"

Therefore, it is not difficult for Li Ying to hide in the imperial court at night, but she is not for fun, but for secret missions!

She is now the spy of Huiyao, the thorn of water cloud, the secret investigator, and Li Ying!

After more than ten minutes, Li Ying came to the western part of the imperial courtyard, and an abandoned teaching building appeared in front of her. The teaching building does not remain unchanged forever. Instead, it relocates around the Vientiane Forest. It will be relocated every few decades. After all, the loss of the teaching building is too large, and the building is too old to be repaired. It is better to build it directly. Let the fresh graduates experience the joy of "renovating the school as soon as I graduate".

The faint change of the teaching building also represents the attitude of the imperial academy: everything will age, embrace the new life is the right way, and the only constant is the change of the times.

The landmarks in the imperial courtyard that have not changed are the Platinum Tower, the White Box Library, and Yanwu Plaza.

The abandoned teaching building will not be demolished immediately, but will be provided to students for club activities. As soon as Li Ying arrived, she saw a sign hanging in front of the classroom on the first floor: "Nail Club."

Hey? Are there any such clubs in the college? I really want to be a manicure too!

When Li Ying came with curiosity, she leaned against the window, turned on the shining lamp, and got a glimpse of the scenery of the nail salon.

As the light dispelled the darkness, the reality of the nail salon was reflected in Li Ying's pupils: she saw colorful, golden, bright red, coquettish blue, purple fantasy and mysterious...

...Ancient armor.

A pair of ancient ring lock armor, middle ancient Mingguang armor, recent ancient Zhajia, modern mountain script armor, and modern light leaf armor are displayed in the classroom of Nuo University, shining, bright and moving.

She also saw the signboard of the full name of the Nail Club: "Beautify the Ancient Armor Club."

"It deserves your activities in this kind of teaching building..." Li Ying muttered, extremely disappointed, and turned off the light to continue walking.

After walking for a few minutes, she came to the second abandoned teaching building. But the difference is that this teaching building has collapsed into ruins, and weeds are overgrown. Obviously, the imperial courtyard does not plan to repair it. But the place where the two-legged beast is not interested is naturally the animal's paradise. Li Ying stepped on the grass and disturbed how many snakes, insects, rats, ants and rabbits.

Walking to the northeast of the ruins as scheduled, Li Ying looked around and couldn't find the location. When she was groping, she suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind.

She turned her head and saw a man in a black robe and a ghost mask appeared behind.

"You don't know the place?" The voice of the evil ghost mask was suspicious.

"I'm here for the first time." Li Ying said honestly.

"Who is your superior?"

"Flying Snow."

The evil ghost mask seemed to no longer doubt, leading Li Ying around the ruins, and came to a covered underground passage. Li Ying knew this must be the former teaching building of the natural disaster department—only the natural disaster department liked to build basements.

Before entering the underground passage, Li Ying knocked on the metal badge in the bag, and the metal badge responded with a shock. Li Ying was relieved and followed the ghost mask into the basement.

The basement was obviously a classroom in the past, but it has collapsed in many places and half of it has been buried. But after entering here, Li Ying didn't pay attention to the environment at all.

It's beautiful.

The triangular body exudes bright red light, and the light condenses in the air a regular pattern of birth and death. Although Li Ying could not understand, she was still deeply attracted by the beauty of the triangle.

This is...Blood Essence Stone?

It appeared so easily?

The task goal was so easy to achieve, making Li Ying wonder if she was dreaming.

Several people have already arrived in the basement, all wearing black robes and masks, kneeling down on both sides, and the evil ghost mask also kneeling on one side. Li Ying did not hesitate and sat behind.

After a while, three more people arrived. When the triangle suddenly exploded, the smiling face mask sitting at the front stood up, looked back at the crowd and said, "The rally begins."

Smiling around for a week: "It seems that there are a few more newcomers, please raise your hands for the newcomers."

Li Ying and the other three raised their hands, and smiled and said, "I don't communicate with my real identity here. Please give yourself a code name and try to be in touch with the face. For example, my code name is Smile."

"Mountain bear."

"Grey wolf."


"The demon girl." Li Ying said firmly.

Nodded with a smile, "Since there are newcomers, we must routinely introduce the purpose of the rally. Newcomers, I don’t know your purpose is to take Lingling Pills for improvement, and also want to use Lingling Pills as a step to advance. Or coveting the Blood Essence Stone... these are not important, because by the time you are eligible to join this gathering, those worldly ** are no longer worth mentioning."

"Maybe you are also wondering why we sell Ling Ling Dan at a low price, why we are willing to accept your participation, why we are willing to harm ourselves and others... You are all smart people in the imperial court, you I must have considered a lot, but in fact, just as you think: Ling Ling Pill is a threshold used to screen out the willing, persevering, courageous, and ideal dream chasers."

"Only true dream chasers are qualified to join our great plan."

Smiling and tapping the triangle with a finger, the triangle burst into shining light instantly, and an invisible storm swept the entire basement. Li Ying even felt that she was about to be torn apart, but she couldn't even shout!

In an instant, the icy land, the volcanic eruption, the meteorite falling from the sky, the sword cutting the sea, the sun and the moon upside down all kinds of visions flashed through her eyes, and the powerful power of moving mountains and seas deeply shocked her soul!

However, in the next second, the storm disappeared without a trace, nothing changed in the basement, and everyone was still sitting on their knees, as if nothing had happened.

"The times have changed, the methods of warfare are dead, and martial arts are dead."

"Xiuxian is the future."

Smiled and said, "Welcome to the Fairy Palace Project."

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