Die on Mars

Chapter 82 The One Hundred and One Day (2) The Obscene God

"First, we need to break the dormancy of the seeds. The general preliminary treatment method is soaking." Ophiopogon japonicus instructed, "So Tang Yue, you should first take a certain amount of water, enough to submerge all ten tomato seeds."

Tang Yue took two hundred milliliters of water in a large beaker, then propped it up on an iron stand, placed an electric heater under the beaker, and plugged it in.

Tang Yue and Lao Mao sat at the table, watching the electric heating wire burn red little by little.

"I feel like I have returned to the chemistry experiment class in college." Tang Yue held a thermometer in his hand, rested his chin on the table, and stared straight at the water in the beaker, "That was really the best experience in my life. The worst class I ever had... I knocked over the alcohol lamp in the chemistry lab class and burned the hair of my female classmate."

"Then what?" The old cat's chin drooped on the table, and his ears drooped.

"Then I strictly followed the safety regulations in the laboratory." Tang Yue replied, "I rushed out of the classroom, picked up the sand basin on the ground, and slapped a large box of sand on the girl's head."

The old cat thought about the situation for a while.

"...I can see why it's the worst course."

"What happened next?" Lao Mao asked, "What method did you take to remedy the situation? Shouldn't you apologize to the girl at this time? Ask her for her mobile phone number, QQ WeChat account, treat her to dinner and a movie, and then take the opportunity to get closer. Turning hostility into friendship may solve a major life event."

"Of course I made up for it." Tang Yue held his chin in one hand and gently stirred the water in the beaker with a glass rod. "I was worried that the remaining fire could not be put out, so I immediately took off my white coat and beat her hard... …”

Maidong made a "puff" sound in the channel.

"Later, my deeds spread in the college." Tang Yue said gloomily, "Everyone knows that there is a psychopath named Tang Yue who bullies girls in chemistry class, pours alcohol into people's hair without saying anything, and even beats them. , the worst thing is that I failed that class... Girl, just laugh if you want, don't hold it in, I've heard it."

Maidong laughed out loud and couldn't stop laughing. He almost burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha Tang Yue, you are so interesting. Hahahaha, so interesting..."

Maidong is holding a tablet computer, floating in the crystal cabin, rolling around.

Tang Yue's old face turned red, "Girl, you can laugh, but don't keep laughing... I also want to save face, okay?"

"You said before that you were a lone wolf in the desert who didn't need a mate. I didn't believe it." The old cat raised his eyelids with admiration in his eyes, "Now I believe it. You are not only a lone wolf in the desert, you are simply the Invincible East." ah."

Tang Yue put the thermometer into the beaker and watched the red liquid column rise slowly.

"Tang Yue, don't you have a girlfriend?" Maidong asked.

"Does the girlfriend I cheated with a lollipop count when I was in kindergarten?" Tang Yue asked.

"It doesn't count."

Tang Yue was silent for a few seconds, "Does it have to be the opposite sex?"

"Girlfriend, of course she has to be a woman."

"Does it have to be...the same species?"




"The water temperature should be about 50 degrees Celsius, and then potassium permanganate is added to the water. The concentration of the solution should be about 0.3%."

Tang Yue and Lao Mao rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find potassium permanganate. There were not many chemicals left at Kunlun Station. Finally, Lao Mao went to the experimental cabin of the Mars Stray Dog and found a bottle of analytically pure solid. Tang Yue carefully put the permanganate Potassium is added to the beaker, and the dark purple powder quickly dissolves in the water, like a curl of smoke.

"The purpose of adding potassium permanganate is to disinfect and prevent common diseases of tomatoes. Tomatoes may suffer from leaf mold or early blight. Although the possibility of this happening on Mars is very small, for the sake of insurance, It’s best to disinfect them.” Ophiopogon japonicus said, “Then you can soak the seeds in water for twenty minutes.”

Tang Yue turned off the electric heater and poured the ten prepared tomato seeds into the beaker.

He and the old cat used glass rods to press down the seeds floating on the water one by one and stir them slowly.

"Do you know what this is?" Tang Yue pointed to the tomato seeds in the beaker and asked the old cat.

"What is it?"

"It's hope." Tang Yue said, "I think back when the world first opened, God Jehovah said there must be light, so there was light in the universe. Is what we are doing now the same as God? We brought tomatoes On Mars, this may be the beginning of a great civilization. When the mountains and fields on Mars are filled with tomatoes, a brand new nation may be born - the tomato tribe. As the saying goes, she will laugh at it when the tomatoes are in full bloom."

"It is possible for plants to evolve into civilization, right?" Tang Yue said, "We are spreading life. This is a great deed like the creation of the world. One civilization has ended, and another civilization has just begun."

"Spread life on Mars?" The old cat curled his lips, took off his headphones, and pointed to the airlock behind him, "Let's see if little Tang Leap can grow in the mud in two days. If you have a lone male breeding ability, then you can indeed create a nation - if every sperm can develop into life, the life you have sown in this lifetime is enough to fill ten Mars."

Tang Yue thought about standing naked on a Martian stray dog.

Could it be said that God also created the world in this way?

This is too obscene.

"It is impossible for the two of us alone to transform the Martian environment. Even if the Earth is still there, this work will be an extremely costly century-old project." The old cat shook his head, "With the current atmospheric environment of Mars, all plants and animals It is impossible to survive. If humans want to live, they must establish fully enclosed underground or semi-underground bases - this is only after the artificial ecosystem technology has been conquered."

"To transform the Martian environment, what exactly should be done?"

The old cat thought for a while, "First we have to burn coal, burn coal like crazy."

"Burning coal?"

"Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide." Lao Mao explained, "A huge amount of carbon dioxide must be produced artificially. You can't imagine how huge this amount is. Human beings will have factories all over the world on Mars to exploit the methane resources on Mars day and night. Produce carbon dioxide - after all, you want to artificially modify the climate of a planet. Enough carbon dioxide can produce a greenhouse effect and increase the temperature on the surface of Mars. When will the temperature here stop being as low as minus 80 degrees? Other tasks Only then can we continue to expand.”

Tang Yue really couldn't imagine that kind of scene. Red-hot coal stoves were all over Mars, turning Mars into a large mine. The grandeur of this kind of project was beyond the scope of a certain nation or country. It could only be done by the entire human race. Civilization's pioneering work.

"It's hard to say whether it's a pioneering work or not." Old Mao shook his head. "Obviously, the consequence of doing this is to turn Mars into a smoky planet covered with slag - but the theory of socialist ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics tells us that we must first pollute and then The tone of governance is wrong!”

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