
This is the sound of a large object made of some small parts being roughly pushed to the ground and then falling apart... From the sound, it is definitely shattered.


This is the crisp sound caused by the collision and air vibration after a human palm swings at a speed close to the limit and brings strong winds, and comes into close contact with another human's cheek... In simple terms, it is a slap.


The last one should be the easiest to understand, this is the muffled sound of someone slamming the door after leaving in anger... Judging from the sound, the person who left does not seem to be in a good mood.

Ten minutes, Taiyi has been standing here with his cheek covered and staring at the"crime scene" for ten minutes.

He spent nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds with the burning pain on his face to recall the three different degrees of sound that lingered in his ears before, and then glanced at the wreckage on the ground in seconds, and finally determined a fact in frustration: he could not restore that thing before tomorrow morning.

And if there was only one night, even if he stuck his head in the refrigerator the whole time, his cheek would not be swollen.

After figuring this out, Taiyi sighed, went to the computer, and opened the discussion group window of the chat tool.

""Sorry guys, I screwed up..."

Taichi had nothing else to do except apologize to a few friends. He couldn't blame anyone, because the person who made a mess, slapped him and slammed the door was his father.

Taichi is his online name, and it is also the nickname of many friends. His facial features are somewhat similar to Yagami Taichi in the anime"Digimon". With his specially customized wig and goggles, it is no pressure for him to cosplay Yagami Taichi.

In fact, Taichi didn't object to people calling him that, because Yagami Taichi was his favorite anime character.

However, Taichi's"dignified appearance" after cosplay must be equated with monsters in the eyes of his parents.

Taichi's dream is to become an LCP. Don't get me wrong, this The LCP in it is not an engineering plastic, but a world-class professional certified master of building blocks.

This kind of building blocks is a toy that is popular all over the world. Only by connecting simple protrusions and grooves to each other, it is possible to build various models ranging from pixels to one-to-one restoration of real objects. Engineers who specialize in this kind of building work were once considered one of the happiest professions in the world.

Naturally, it is quite difficult to obtain this professional qualification certification.

It is said that there are only a dozen people with this certification in the world, and there are even fewer in China.

But Taiyi feels that he will definitely be able to pass the certification in the future. After all, people still have to have dreams.

And Taiyi has a unique skill, which gives him some confidence to work towards his dream.

Taiyi masters these building blocks The core of the shape.

He can casually pinch a few building blocks together, and then he can simulate in his mind all the data of the thing he wants to build, the size, shape, the total number of building blocks needed for the outer layer, and so on.

His eyes seemed to be able to see the beating hearts of these shapes, and all he needs to do is put the appropriate building blocks in the correct position according to the image he sees.

With this skill, Taiyi and a few like-minded enthusiasts collected and exchanged parts a few months ago, and finally on this night, they reproduced a mighty Battle Greymon one to one!

Then, Taiyi's months of hard work were completely written off ten minutes ago.

Taiyi put this thing together to participate in a certain anime festival tomorrow.

Taiyi, who has no money and no connections, can't possibly come up with hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars at one time.

If Taichi can't build something super large with 10,000 building blocks, and then get the recommendation of the regional organization to participate in the world assessment at one time, he can only use this offline activity to increase exposure to make himself famous and be noticed by the other party.

In fact, he is indeed a little famous in the local circle... but only a little.

Tomorrow's anime festival is very important to Taichi.

His several best friends spent a lot of effort to help him run to a booth. He was ready to make a splash with the combination of"Yagami Taichi vs. Greymon" so that he could become more famous. As a result... even if he mastered the core, this thing could not be restored in one night.

Haha, someone just pushed it casually and ruined all of Taichi's dreams.

The other party didn't realize that there was anything wrong with his behavior. After destroying the model that Taichi had painstakingly built, he continued to talk nonsense. Taiyi, who always speaks his mind, just replied lightly,"There are three unfilial behaviors: not taking the teaching qualification exam, not taking the civil service exam, and not taking the postgraduate entrance exam." He was slapped in the face again, and the father and son parted unhappily.

Tonight was really embarrassing.

There has been no reply to messages in the discussion group. I guess I really let down a few friends this time... huh?

Sitting in front of the computer again, Taiyi finally found something wrong.

How could it be possible that everyone in the discussion group was offline?

Am I offline too?

Taiyi checked and found that there was absolutely no problem with his network. After he closed the discussion group, he opened a few windows again and everything was normal.


At this time, the previous discussion group lit up the message icon

"Want to understand…"

"Don't want to!" Taiyi quickly typed out a response before the words in the window were fully displayed, and at the same time clicked"X"

Oh my god~

It's 2020, and there are still people using this kind of joke?


The discussion group icon lights up again, and Taiyi can't help but get angry. Is this guy trying to pick a fight with him?

"Hello, I am Xiao Nuo, customer service representative with ID WIZ9000.…"

"Are you sick?!" I don't know if the other party deliberately used some kind of Trojan horse. Anyway, the words Taiyi saw popped up one by one, not a series of sentences at all, which just gave Taiyi a perfect opportunity to counterattack.


"What do you mean by"you"? I'm already having a hard time here, and you're talking to me about both the system and the customer service, can you please stop making things more complicated?"

"I can"

"What can you do? What, is online fraud a big deal? You guys are so arrogant that you even don’t let go of the discussion group?!"

"I just had my dream ruined and I was slapped in the face, and you're still here to pick a fight. Do you have a sense of public morality?"

As a non-professional building block builder, Taiyi's finger flexibility is imaginable. After a violent output of over 400 APM, the cheater on the opposite side was successfully silenced.

"Tsk, fight me~" After angrily scolding a certain online scammer he had never met, Taiyi felt a little better and his typing speed slowed down.

"I can let you travel through time!"

Perhaps the other party was forced into a corner, and no longer used the seemingly high-end but actually funny Trojan horse, and directly popped out the entire line of text.

"Hey, I think you're awesome~Okay, I'll sit here and wait, let me see how you can make me travel through time! Anyway, I can't finish it by tomorrow, if you're awesome, just take me away~"

After typing this line, Taiyi leaned back in the chair with his arms folded across his chest, waiting for the other party's response with disdain.

You little brat, you still want me to travel through time?

I'll make you doubt your life later!

"Don't worry, our crossing service is absolutely of guaranteed quality and quantity. If you are not satisfied, you can get double compensation. Now your one-time crossing reward and two-time crossing compensation have been generated. Please sit tight and check~"

After the text, the computer screen suddenly turned into a pale vortex, and a ray of white light shone from the computer screen, quickly circling towards Taiyi

""Damn..." At this time, Taiyi finally panicked.

Damn, this is for real!

Wait a minute, that customer service just said... double compensation, and then let me check three times of crossing?

This trip is definitely over~

Before Taiyi finished complaining, in the flash of light, he was sucked into the computer screen.

The identity of the chosen one is confirmed...

The timeline setting begins, and the time is set to 1999...

Warning! Due to interference from unknown reasons, the timeline setting failed, and the connection with the chosen one was lost!!

Link restored!

Re-determine the timeline of the chosen one...

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