Digimon: Order

Chapter 104

Tailmon stared at his paw with his cute big eyes for a long time, only to find that the previous wound had been completely smoothed out by Taichi. He was so surprised that he couldn't even speak clearly.

"I have the ability to manipulate data to a certain extent. I can rearrange the data of the wound and inject new data to activate and reassemble the damaged parts, so that the injuries can be healed naturally."Taiyi explained with a smile, not hiding anything.

Asuke and Takeru had seen Ogremon evolve and degenerate many times along the way, and Taiyi's ability was no secret for a long time, so naturally there was no need to hide it from Meimei.

As for Tailmon and Wizardmon, Taiyi just felt that although they worked under Vamdemon, they should be considered good people.

Especially Wizardmon, he was definitely a person who knew how to do the right thing.

It rushed to rescue Tailmon, but did not foolishly fight with Taiyi. Instead, it let Agumon capture it and send it here. It also successfully eliminated Taiyi's anger by actively confessing, and also cleared itself and Tailmon of guilt. This way of handling the matter was absolutely excellent.

Taiyi has always admired Digimon who are so sensible and smart.

As for Tailmon, this cute but a little emotional little white mouse, just because it can make Xiaoguang's sacred plan shine, Taiyi can choose to forgive it as long as it doesn't do anything that really hurts the children.

"This one is fine~" After putting Tailmon's claw guards back on, Taichi did not withdraw his hand, but continued to look at Tailmon,"That one"

"That one won't be needed... Uh, okay~" Looking at the other's half-smiley face, Tailmon's expression was unnatural for a moment, and he handed his other hand to Taichi.

"Could it be that the blood-sucking monster is responsible for your injuries? It seems like you haven't had a good time under it."After finishing the treatment, Taiyi sighed helplessly and said

"None of your business!" Tailmon quickly retracted his claws,"If you don't stop me, I'll leave!"

""Whatever you say, I still have to save Floatmon... What?"

Taiyi was thinking about inserting the data into Floatmon's digital core to see what the problem was. Who knew that as soon as he touched the other party's body, a strong black flame suddenly burst out from Floatmon's body and burned directly towards Taiyi along the data that Taiyi had probed!

If Taiyi hadn't cut off his connection with this data when he saw the situation was not good, I'm afraid that he would have been in trouble.

"Senior Taiyi, are you okay?!" Meimei, who was originally standing by, saw this and rushed to Taiyi's side. She nervously grabbed Taiyi's wrist and looked left and right, fearing that Taiyi might be injured.

"It's okay, it's just that the flame appeared a little unexpectedly. However, if this thing keeps getting in the way of the floating ball beast, it will be difficult for me to cure it."

"This is... Master Taichi, can you let me try?" When Taichi was in a dilemma, Wizardmon suddenly volunteered to come up and said,"I also have some experience in treatment, and I may be able to figure out the origin of the flame just now."

"I'll leave it to you then." Anyway, he was at a loss now, and since Wizardmon was willing to help, Taichi decided to give it a try.

"This is... As expected!"Wizardmon chanted a few spells that Taichi couldn't understand, and then used a ball of light to draw a trace of flame out of Floatmon's body. His originally calm face suddenly showed a bit of fear.

"This is the fire from hell!"

"The flames of hell, what is that?" Taiyi asked in confusion.

"It is a flame burning in an area full of darkness and death. This flame will automatically track and torture its enemies until they die!"Wizardmon said seriously,"The guy who attacked your companion is obviously very powerful... Even Vampiremon cannot control the flames in this area."

"Do you know how to remove it?"Seeing that Wizardmon seemed to have some knowledge of this thing, Taiyi hurriedly asked him for advice.

"If you want to deal with the power of darkness, you can only use the holy power that restrains it. Unfortunately... the flames of hell are quite powerful dark forces, and even Tailmon's holy ring may not be able to remove them."Wizardmon said helplessly,"I can only extract a little sporadic flames. There should be a burning fire in Floatmon's body. That thing is the key to its deteriorating health!"

"Divine power...Meimei, how about trying your divine plan?"

"Good." Meimei followed Taiyi's instructions and used her own sacred plan to aim at the Floatmon with some doubt. However, after the sacred plan continued to flash, it seemed to have no effect.

"The power of the sacred plan doesn't work either? What kind of weird thing is this... Oh, that's right!"Taiyi suddenly remembered that there is a sacred plan that might work. Xiaoguang

's sacred plan seems to be a little different from others. Taiyi has seen the data of that sacred plan... The sacred power in it is very strong!

Therefore, we must find a way to stimulate it.

"Tailmon, lend me your hand. Taichi said to Tailmon without hesitation.

"You're kidding! I…"

"I say yes, yes!" Seeing that the other party was not cooperating, Taiyi directly pressed its meat pad on the sacred plan in his palm.


For a moment, the room that was originally illuminated only by moonlight was suddenly filled with light.

"Gulu…" The body of the Floating Ball Beast was illuminated by the light of the Divine Plan, and it immediately began to shake violently. After a while, a bullet-like black flame seed suddenly floated out from its forehead and turned into nothingness in the air.

At the same time, Meimei's Divine Plan also released a ray of light again, and the body of the Floating Ball Beast grew again with this ray of light, and finally turned back into the appearance of a Seed Beast!

"Meimei..." Although the voice was a little weak, it had undoubtedly returned to normal.

Taiyi knew that as long as it got more sun, it would soon be fully recovered.

"Seedmon, you... are so good! It's great that you can recover!" Seeing this, Meimei excitedly hugged her partner who had finally recovered,"Thank God... It's really great. Taichi-senpai, thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Tailmon also contributed." Taichi said with a smile,"Tailumon, now I am convinced that you can really inspire the light of this sacred plan."

"The Divine Plan... Why would that thing have anything to do with me? I... What was my past like... Damn it, I can't remember it!" Tailmon kept shaking his head, seeming to be quite distressed about his past.

"Master Taichi, can I take Tailmon away first?"Wizardmon asked,"Tailumon has forgotten something very important, I want to find a quiet place to help it remember."

"Well... However, your plan to seize the badge today must have failed again. If you must go back to Vampiremon, you'd better be careful." Taiyi said with some concern,"From the name, I feel that he is not an easy guy to get along with."

"Thank you for your concern, Master Taichi. We will be very careful. Bye bye now."Wizardmon nodded slightly to Taichi, and used his magic to take Tailmon and flew out of the castle.

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