Digimon: Order

Chapter 127

The radio tower in Shiba Park in Minato Ward has always been a local landmark. Its main function is to send various radio wave signals such as television and radio. At the same time, because Minato Ward is adjacent to the bay, the radio tower is also responsible for measuring wind speed and other navigation parameters.

Of course, for ordinary tourists, this is just a simple tourist attraction.

The radio tower is more than 330 meters high. If you look around from the special observation deck on the top floor, you can have a panoramic view of the entire city. It is said that you can even easily see Mount Fuji on a clear day, so many people flock to it.

Naturally, this tower also gathers quite a lot of children during the summer vacation. It is definitely an area that Vampiremon's men must focus on monitoring.

According to Koshiro's detection, the four evil dragon beasts under Vampiremon and the only traitor in the Fallen Alliance, Death Flamemon, are now monitoring the people coming and going in the underground garage under the radio tower and the special observation deck on the top floor.

Fortunately, Evildramon and Vamdemon both hate to act during the day. Otherwise, if they were to fight an open air battle with these four guys outside, they would definitely be on the morning news tomorrow.

Under the radio tower, Taichi made the groups in advance. Akong led the others to hide in the elevator leading to the underground garage. Agumon, Barumon, and Beetlemon, who were more likely to attract attention, also followed them and stayed on standby. There were too many people on the radio tower, and it was inconvenient for the Digimon to go up. Anyway, Taichi only wanted to lure the Death God Flamemon down, so he could act on his own with Meimei and Koshiro.

""Death Flamemon..." To be honest, Meimei was still a little conflicted. After all, the other party had saved her and Barumon before, but now she had to lure him to death.

"It was originally a member of the Fallen Alliance, and the reason it went to save you was mostly to follow orders. And you heard what Wizardmon said, it has actually been preparing to completely surrender to Vampiremon."Taiyi saw through Meimei's entanglement and patiently explained,"How about this... If we fail to lure it down later, or if it doesn't attack us when we are dealing with Evildramon. I will let it go after this is over, how about that?"

"Really? Tai... uh, thank you Taichi-senpai~" After hearing Taichi's words, Meimei suddenly became excited and wanted to subconsciously grab Taichi's hand to express her gratitude, but when she saw Guangshilang following behind the two of them, her emotions suddenly cooled down.

She knew that some actions that could easily cause misunderstandings must be paid attention to and not done again.

Since Taichi confessed to Akong and established a relationship, she, as another girl in the team, should learn to grasp the sense of propriety... especially when there is a third person around them.

"So dazzling..." Meimei couldn't help but sigh deeply in her heart as she glanced helplessly at the photon beside Taichi.

At this moment, Photon, who didn't know that he had become a light bulb again, had been concentrating on monitoring the position of the Death God Flame Beast, and didn't pay any attention to the conversation between the two people beside him.

"We are here, be careful." After the door to the viewing platform was opened, Taiyi carefully checked the doorway before leading the two of them in carefully.

"Hate it! It’s not cool here at all!"Standing under the air conditioner, the hot wind blowing in her face was annoying. Meimei immediately started to complain angrily.

"The other party is nearby." Taiyi made a silent gesture to Meimei, who immediately stopped talking, but continued to pout, looking unhappy.

"We have found the target." Guang Zilang displayed the picture in front of Taiyi through the computer camera. In the area separated by a wall from the three people, there was a guy wearing a long windbreaker and wrapped himself tightly.

"Damn, this guy wears so much in the summer? It makes me hot just by looking at it!"

"This is the Death Flamemon... It has spotted us and is already heading this way!"

"Let's go!"From the screen, they saw that Flamemon suddenly looked back, then looked at his palm while walking, as if confirming something. Taiyi and the other two immediately chose to leave.

They followed Flamemon all the way to the elevator. There were many parents who brought their children to this tower to play. Flamemon was confused by the crowded flow of people and soon lost the trace of Taiyi and others. It was not until Flamemon squeezed near the elevator that the badge replica in its hand began to respond again.

"Going down…" Death Flamemon looked at the elevator that was descending, thought for a moment, and then took another elevator to follow it.

At the same time, Wizardmon also successfully attracted Waspmon who was building a nest nearby and Volcanomon who was singing.

The two members of the Fallen Alliance saw Wizardmon holding a replica of the badge and flying stealthily to the underground parking lot of the radio tower.

They guessed that the other party must have discovered the eighth child, so they hurried over.

At this time, Death Flamemon found that he had lost the person in the dark underground parking lot.…

"Did they come here in a private car? Humph, there's Evildramon guarding here, the eighth child will definitely not escape!" According to common logic, since they've already gone underground, they must be here to look for a car. Therefore, Death Flamemon thought it would be right to continue looking here.

Little did they know that Taichi had handed over Xiaoguang's sacred plan to Akong just after getting off the elevator. At this moment, Akong should have taken the others and followed Wizardmon to look for the enemy hiding in the park.

So far, all the plans have been going well, and Vampiremon is expected to suffer heavy losses this time.

"Senior Taiyi, it’s so dark here…" There weren’t many cars in the underground parking lot, and there were many unopened areas. Walking in the darkness, Meimei couldn’t help but feel a little scared, and subconsciously moved closer to Taiyi.

"Indeed, in this environment, it is not easy for us to grasp the position of the evil dragon beast."The screen of Guangshilang is now also dark. He can indeed locate the position of the Digimon through the camera, but if the ambient light is too low and the camera cannot capture anything, this function is equivalent to being useless.

"Leave this to me." Tailmon suddenly raised its slender tail, and the sacred ring on its tail began to emit a faint yellow light, illuminating the dark surroundings of Taichi and the others.

""Roar..." In the darkness, a suppressed roar gradually came. Under the influence of Tailmon's sacred ring, Evildramon, who had been hiding in the dark, awakened!

When Taichi could already see the sixteen scarlet eyes, he decisively issued an order for everyone to evolve!


Machine Tyrannosaurus, Superbimon, Cactusmon, and Tailmon!

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