Digimon: Order

Chapter 129

At this time, Taichi once again felt that his ability was constrained by the real world. Without the support of free data fragments, Agumon's combat power was indeed greatly affected.

Fortunately, he absorbed the data of four more evil dragons this time, otherwise Taichi would have a headache if he wanted to deal with the subsequent battles.

Taichi can use Xiaoguang's sacred plan, but he can only use it. With part of the data pulled by the sacred plan, Taichi can change part of Agumon's body data, and can also allow Agumon to release the power in the digital core to evolve to maturity, or evolve to the complete form with the heart pattern on his palm, but he cannot enjoy the bonus from the sacred plan itself.

In other words, Agumon's evolution is never accelerated.

Therefore, every time it evolves to Machine Tyrannosaurus, it needs to consume the data stored in the digital core in advance!

This also determines that before the final decisive battle, Taichi will either remain silent or frantically hunt down Digimon like Vampiremon, relying on the method of fighting to support the battle to ensure that Agumon's combat power is always online!

Based on this consideration, no matter how much Volkunmon is reluctant to part with his younger brother today, and even if Deathflamemon has really helped Mimi and Barumon before, since this guy has decided to go all the way with Vamdemon, Taichi must kill it and steal its data!

"Yes, Death Flamemon... I also want to know, what benefits did Vampiremon give you that made you disregard our brotherhood for so many years and work for it!"

Volcanomon's voice was very angry. Death Flamemon had always been his right-hand man. He had entrusted almost all matters in the Volcano Mine to him, but now, what he got in return was his betrayal.

"Boss... let me be frank. If you follow the Fallen Alliance and get involved with these kids, you will not end up well. In this war in the real world, the final winner will definitely be Vampiremon. Because... it can evolve to the Ultimate Form!!"

"What did you say... Ultimate Form?" Volcanomon was shocked when he heard it,"This is impossible! In the development of the Digimon world, only those eight guys can evolve to the Ultimate Form... How could Vampiremon evolve to the Ultimate Form!"

As a veteran Perfect Form, Volcanomon knows too well what the Ultimate Form means. If Vampiremon really evolves to the Ultimate Form, then the battles in the real world will indeed have many more variables. The strength of the Ultimate Form and the Perfect Form are not in the same order of magnitude, especially the Ultimate Form evolved by Vampiremon, which is definitely stronger than the ordinary Ultimate Form!

At that time, even if the Fallen Alliance and the children all press forward, with the combat power of these who are at most Perfect Form, they may not have a high chance of winning.

"Boss, this is absolutely true! Vampiremon will definitely be able to evolve to the Ultimate Form after coming to the real world. This is what its confidant Impmon told me personally, and it is absolutely correct! Boss, now you know, the only way for us to survive is to follow Vampiremon!" The surrounded Death Flamemon persuaded him with tears in his eyes, and those who didn't know would think this guy was very loyal.

But Taichi knew that it was just to make itself appear to care about the old relationship, so that Volcanomon would think that the reason why the other party joined Vampiremon was for Volcanomon's mine and for Volcanomon's future. At this time, they still have to act out this kind of sad drama. Does Death Flamemon really think that all the people on his side are as brainless as him?

"Death Flamemon, since we have joined the Fallen Alliance, we must never betray you again! Just surrender, I will take you to the leader to confess your crime... We have known each other for many years, and if I can plead for you, the leader may show some mercy.…"

"Go to Ascend Greymon and beg for mercy? That's absolutely impossible!"Hearing that Volcanomon was actually planning to capture him and take him to Ascend Greymon, the eager Death Flamemon made up his mind and threw the iron chain wrapped with blue flames in his hand directly to the nearby Photon!

"Death Flamemon, stop being stubborn…"

"You are the one who is stubborn, Boss! Heavy Metal Flame Bomb!!!"

The action of Death Flamemon to kidnap Guangshilang was just a feint. Seeing that Volcanomon had taken the bait, Death Flamemon opened his mouth and spit out azure flames full of energy, which rolled madly towards the seemingly defenseless Volcanomon.

In its view, Volcanomon was the only one who could pose a threat to it. The other two perfect forms had degenerated to the growth stage and the juvenile stage at this time, and they definitely did not have the strength to continue to compete with it. Therefore, as long as Volcanomon was defeated, it could not only escape, but also kill all these children in turn!

""Death Flamemon... you disappoint me so much!!!"


Powerful sound waves gushed out from Volcanomon's mouth. Just a few words made the entire underground garage vibrate wildly. The three Digimon except Agumon fell to the ground with weak knees at the same time. The special moves released by Death Flamemon were directly blasted away by the powerful sound waves!

Big explosion and heavy bass!

The invisible sound waves with layers of ripples hit Death Flamemon heavily, severely injuring it and throwing its body high up, flying straight to the exit of the garage!

"Want to run? Have you asked me?"


A terrifying beam of light suddenly rushed from the direction of the garage exit. The Death Flame Beast, which had just been blown away by the sound wave, was hit by this powerful beam. Its broken body trembled in the air and was blasted back to its original place.

"This... Damn it! Waspmon, you don't need to interfere in things here!" When Death Flamemon fell to the ground in a mess, Volcanomon instantly figured out the whole story, and couldn't help but glare at the Digimon who had just launched a sneak attack and now came leisurely.

The reason why Volcanomon took the initiative to attack Death Flamemon was that he actually wanted to give it a way out, so he used sound waves to blow it away. It just didn't expect that there was an ambush of a wasp at the only escape exit, and a powerful Sha Po Xiong blasted Death Flamemon back directly.

Moreover, after suffering two powerful attacks from himself and the opponent in a row, Death Flamemon no longer had the strength to stand.

"The boss did say that we, the Fallen Alliance, cannot interfere in the internal affairs of your Volcano Mine.

Therefore, even if this guy has evil intentions and always wants to contact the people on the side of Vampiremon, and even has begun to plan to usurp your position or even stab you in the back, we didn't say that we would take the initiative to tell you, just because we are afraid that you think we are trying to sow discord.

But, that guy just attacked the little devil named Guangshilang, right? Volcanomon, the mission I received is to eliminate any enemy who dares to attack that little devil!

"Volcanomon is considered a strong one among the perfect forms, but Waspmon is not afraid of it.

Anyway, he can fly, and if he can't beat it, he can just run away and find an opportunity to sneak attack.

At that time, it is not certain who will die.

Waspmon has not only seen perfect-level Digimon, but also killed many of them!

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