Digimon: Order

Chapter 155

Battle Greymon, MetalGarurumon, and an Ultimate that has no data on it? This is simply too incredible... a miracle, it actually happened? Koushiro's ten fingers tapped on the computer. When he used the Digimon Encyclopedia to look up the information of two of the three Ultimates, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the gorgeous settings.

My dear Guangzilang, your encyclopedia really needs to be upgraded. Taiyi, who was standing by, couldn't help but smile helplessly,Besides, didn't you see that I was almost shot down just now? You call that a miracle?

Uh… Kou Shiro’s mouth twitched when he heard this. Taichi seemed a little different.

Taichi, who was always calm and taciturn in a big battle, seemed to have become a little… talkative.

Hey, everyone, please pay attention to me, thank you~ While Koushiro was confused, Taichi suddenly rose into the air as if he was climbing a ladder to heaven, and was suspended in the air strangely.

And a loudspeaker with a huge microphone suddenly appeared in his hand... It was exactly the same model used by street vendors. Although the structure was simple, the shape was quite down-to-earth, and the most important thing was that the volume was definitely loud enough.

As long as you have it, you will definitely be the most handsome guy in the street vendors in Shibuya.

This thing was temporarily pieced together by Taichi using his data combination ability.

Although it is fully functional and can be seen by people, it actually has no entity.

In the real world, no one except Taichi can touch it.

Of course, there is the same thing under his feet, but considering that the height of the Venomous Vampire Beast is too high, he temporarily built a high platform with transparent data fragments...

As the commander of a side with three awesome Shiny Ultimate Forms under his command, Taichi absolutely cannot tolerate being controlled by a mere enemy chief.

Overlooking~ Taichi has regained his memory, and for some reason his ability to control data has greatly improved.

It can be said that he is already a person between virtual and reality.

He has a human body and a human soul, but he can freely convert his soul and his own will into data form, so as to manipulate the data fragments hidden in the cyberspace of the real world.

If he wants, he can even use data to invade the electronic products in the real world like Digimon, and create a paralyzing electronic disaster in a large area around him.

Of course, the shape directly piled up with data fragments can only be used by himself or Digimon. Some attacks or restrictions, such as the data barrier protection that Taichi is best at, can only work on Digimon... These are restrictions from the real world. As long as Taichi is in the real world, he will be subject to such constraints. Even if his ability is strong enough to manipulate multiple ultimate-level data at the same time, it cannot be ignored.

To all those who care about me, those who are blaming themselves, and those who wish I were dead but can only beat their chests and stamp their feet now, I know you all care about what happened to me...

However, I'll say these things after I finish some affairs and beat the big bug on the opposite side.

Now, except for the three Ultimate Digimon, all Digimon belonging to the children and the Fallen Alliance please withdraw from the battlefield immediately.

By the way...

Taichi suddenly put the goggles on his eyes, then pointed in the direction of Ah He and shouted with his neck stretched,Surround that Astamon for me!

Surround Astamon? Taichi, are you going to… Kong was shocked when he heard this, and the idea of responding immediately was extinguished. He froze in place for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Behind her, Galactus' body shook subconsciously, but he found that his partner did not respond to Taichi's order for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

As for the children at this time, Kong was obviously not the only one who hesitated.

First of all, as a younger brother, Wu would never listen to Taichi, an outsider, to besiege his brother, no matter how much he admired Taichi; and although Asuke was good at learning, he was always weak in crisis management. They had not responded to Taichi's order at all, and were staring at each other with Zudomon.

As for Hikaru, she was still immersed in the fear that Angewomon had almost shot her brother to death; the same was true for Angewomon, who was still immersed in the fear that she had almost shot Taichi to death. The pair of partners were now trembling and hugging each other, not daring to even look in Taichi's direction, let alone respond to Taichi's orders.

In the end, the only ones who really took action on the side of the chosen children were Mimi and Koshiro.

Floramon and Chobimon, together with the Fallen Alliance's capable men such as Beanmon and Giant Horned Beast, surrounded Astamon.

What, Taichi-san, are you going to tear your face off with me? Astamon smiled a little evilly, and the strength in his body began to gather secretly, alerting Taichi's possible sudden attack,Don't forget, there is a resentful vampire beast behind you who is always clamoring for food

You mean that big beetle? Taiyi turned around and pointed casually,Look for yourself, can it get through now?


Astamon looked up, only to find that a data barrier had risen up behind Taiyi at some point, firmly blocking the Venomous Vampire Beast from the periphery. At the same time, several data chains as tough as venomous snakes stretched out from the ground and wrapped around the limbs and neck of the Venomous Vampire Beast, trying to block its movements. The

Venomous Vampire Beast's body twisted wildly, waving its arms around, and using its sharp claws to tear back and forth on the data barrier in front of it, causing data fragments to fly continuously, and even directly corroded the data barrier constructed by Taiyi with a powerful poisonous flow trick, trying every means to move forward. However, these broken or corroded data continued to build chains and barriers again at a very fast speed, delaying the pace of the Venomous Vampire Beast.

Astamon, did you see that? Taichi smiled kindly,Before my mental power and the data fragments of this area are both exhausted, the Vampire Beast will not be able to break through my blockade. And even if it breaks through by chance, I still have three Ultimate Forms waiting in the wings. In the meantime, I have plenty of time to deal with you.

Is that so? Taichi-san is really fearless.Astamon shook his head contemptuously,I just didn't expect that Taichi-san would actually want to attack his companions who had been through life and death with him in this situation.

Oh, companions who have been through thick and thin together? Are you worthy of that? Taichi raised his eyebrows, his tone suddenly turned cold,Weren't you the first one to attack these companions? Do you dare to say that it wasn't you who almost burned Barumon to death with the hellfire? Do you dare to say that it wasn't you who forced Koshiro to abandon the sacred plan at the base of the Cosmic Brain Demon and finally fell into the God-given Lake? Astamon, I tell you, in my eyes, you are definitely a bigger threat than Venomous Vampiremon!

Because that guy is just an irrational beast, and you...

are a sinister and cunning demon!

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