Digimon: Order

Chapter 163

After a while of spinning, the seven children found that the surrounding scenery had changed again.

"Are we back to the Digimon world?"Akong looked around with a slightly uncertain expression.

The children were now in a dark forest. It did look like they were in the Digimon world, but Akong felt that the environment before should not have been so dilapidated and dark.

"Everyone, look up at the sky!"

"That is…"

"Are the real world and the Digimon world really influencing each other?"

The sky above is reflecting the real world, and it seems that this is also caused by the distortion of the Digimon world.

"Humph, chosen children, we've been waiting for you for a long time!"


A big hole suddenly appeared in the ground ahead, and a huge golden dragon body soared into the sky with splashing water, hovering in the sky to show off its might to the children.

As a result, when it was just about to start attacking, it found that the children had already formed a formation.

The children who had gone through a lot of hardships were already quite experienced in dealing with crises. The moment they felt the ground shaking, Agumon and Garurumon pressed forward and stood at the front of the team at the same time, and the other six formed a hexagon to protect the children in the center, and all members were ready for battle.

Taichi blocked Xiaoguang, Awu and Mimi by himself, Koshiro and Akong stood on both sides of Taichi, and Asuke was in charge of the rear.

"Taichi, the opponent is MetalSeadramon, one of the Four Dark Lords, the ultimate form of the data-type transformation!"


"…"MetalSeadramon's big face clearly showed a confused expression. Did these kids go to military school in the human world?

He just showed up, and before he could shake his dragon body and launch a special attack, the opponent completed a series of processes including running, forming a formation, investigating information, and evolving all members in just a few seconds.

In short, looking at the two Ultimate Forms, five Perfect Forms, and a mature but angelic lineup in front of him, MetalSeadramon inexplicably felt a little weak... especially for WarGreymon.

Even if it is a new Ultimate Form, its strength is no different from a weak chicken compared to himself, a veteran strongman, but the threat of the Dragon Beast Nemesis on WarGreymon's claws is real... If he is entangled with the seven opponents and is poked by WarGreymon, it will be a bit unsightly.

"The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, this title now seems to have a sense of antiquity."Taiyi then remembered that it seemed that in this era, the title of 'Four Heavenly Kings' was indeed very popular. For Taiyi, who had lived two lives, it was almost just a childhood memory.

"Hey, that loyal beast flying in the sky, are you feeling weak now?"

"What did you say?"Steel Seadramon didn't quite understand Taichi's words, but he knew that he was definitely mocking him. What's more, he just said 'hollow'!

What a joke! How could it be possible for one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness to...…

"You are afraid of War Greymon's Dragon Beast, right?" Taichi seemed to be able to see through the heart of MetalSeadramon. As soon as the other party moved his mind, Taichi's verbal attack followed.

"Damn it! Look at me…"

"Perfect form, concentrate your energy attacks!"

Just as SteelSeadramon was about to speak, he found that a group of Perfect forms were attacking him, and he was immediately furious.

Although the outer layer of his body was covered with the Time Digizoid, SteelSeadramon claimed that he didn't care about the Perfect form's attack, but as an Ultimate form, especially one of the Four Dark Lords, his own status was also very important.

So, in order to let the children see the difference in strength, SteelSeadramon fired a powerful Ultimate Wave Cannon directly in front of him!


The sound of glass shattering suddenly rang out, and SteelSeadramon was shocked.

He was surprised to find that several layers of transparent data barriers had appeared in front of his attack route.

Although those data barriers could be easily penetrated by the Ultimate Wave Cannon, it did reduce some of the power of the trick.

The result of the weakened power of the trick was that the Ultimate Wave Cannon was at a disadvantage when it came to the long-range attack of the five perfect bodies plus Seraphimon on the child's side!


When the energy of the Ultimate Wave Cannon was completely offset, the inexhaustible mixed attack continued to move forward and accurately hit the head of MetalSeadramon.


"This is my special ability, Data Control. Although I can only create a data barrier at the Perfect Level, if I place a few more layers, I can still weaken the power of your ultimate move~" Taichi said with a smug tone,"Tsk tsk, as an Ultimate, you were hit in the face by a group of Perfect Level ultimate moves in the battle. No wonder people say you are the shame of the Four Dark Lords.""

"Taichi... I understand!" Taichi's behavior of actively exposing his personal abilities puzzled Kong, but she soon realized that Taichi was deliberately showing weakness to the enemy, wanting the other party to get the wrong false information.

Complete form?

If Taichi's current data barrier is fully released, it can completely block the attack of the general Ultimate form!

The only reason he can show weakness like this is to take advantage of the information asymmetry obtained by the Four Dark Lords.

In the final battle with the resentful vampire beast in the real world, the entire sky was shrouded in thick fog. People inside could not see outside, and people outside certainly could not see inside. Therefore, the Joker King could not know the battle at all using his broken telescope. What is the specific process? Only after the fog has dispersed can we see a few pictures.

Moreover, one second in the real world corresponds to 24 minutes in the Digimon world. Taichi doesn't believe that the Four Dark Kings are so leisurely and elegant that they keep staring at the freeze-frame PPT of the real world for an eternity.

They don't know the existence of Victory Greymon, nor do they know what level of data Taichi can grasp now. The only information they have is what Molecularmon saw in the pyramid of Gorillamon's lair.

The data barrier that Taichi constructed at that time could barely withstand the attack of the Perfect Form, so... Taichi is now deliberately acting a little stronger than before.’


"It's not over yet~ Target locked, Graceful Cross Freezer!"


A series of freezing missiles exploded all over the body of Steel Seadramon, and thin layers of ice stubbornly crawled all over its huge body, freezing it and making it temporarily unable to move.

Among them, two missiles with smaller size but excellent freezing effect flew directly towards the mouth of Steel Seadramon, which was opened because of the curse, and accurately hit the left and right corners of its mouth.

"Uh…" MetalSeadramon felt a chill in his mouth, and found that he couldn’t shut up for a short time!

Oh, by the way, the reason why Taichi kept attacking MetalSeadramon with words was to provoke it to rage and curse, and then let MetalSeadramon take the opportunity to attack the opponent’s mouth.

BattleGreymon, MetalGarurumon and VictoryGreymon all have synchronous data receivers adapted to the telepathic synchronization system. When Taichi is commanding on the spot in battle, he doesn’t even need to speak, and can completely catch the opponent off guard.

"It's over!"

At this time, the Battle Greymon, who had been on high alert, had already completed the maximum charge of Dragonmon's nemesis. After taking off at full speed, it fiercely stabbed at the wide-open mouth of MetalSeadramon!

The last and most deadly killing move!

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