Digimon: Order

Chapter 171

"That's not right, how could they invade so quickly?"Staring at the screen for a while, Taiyi couldn't help but wonder,"Among the Four Dark Lords, the strongest forces should be Rollermon and the Iron Empire. How come you were beaten so badly in your own territory?"

"Because Infinitedramon was seriously injured and needed to be repaired, a lot of the energy of the Iron Empire was transported to the repair workshop, and the defense of the city's periphery was weakened. In addition..." Moleculemon's tone was a little more entangled,"The Jungle Cavalry and the Deep Sea Saviors are led by the Ultimate Puppetmon and MetalSeadramon. Among them, MetalSeadramon has been in the Iron Empire before and knows how to target our weaknesses."

"Taichi, the main force of the attack this time by the Deep Sea Savior is the siege force led by Spiromon and Shellmon, and there are also a large number of Perfect Seadramon acting as amphibious landing forces."After Koushiro connected the computer to the network of the main control room, he also obtained information about the enemy's invading forces.

To break through the metal walls of the Mechanical City that have lost their energy filling, it is just a matter of one pincer for the huge Spiromon. The Perfect Seadramon that serves as the landing force is a rare group action Digimon among the Perfect Digimon. Although the attack power of their harpoons is not strong, they have a great advantage over the mechanized mature troops of the Iron Empire.

It can be said that this time, Metal Seadramon is definitely targeting the weaknesses of the Iron Empire and is not holding back at all.

""Molecularmon, how long will it take for Rollermon to complete the repairs?" Taiyi frowned and asked

"About two hours." Molecularmon's tone was somewhat uncertain."This is just the fastest estimate. In the actual battle, because a large amount of energy is required to activate the defense mechanism, the repair time required by Infinite Dragon King may be longer. Moreover, if the fortress's main control room or power room is invaded by Metal Seadramon, the situation may be worse."

"In this situation, should we help Ballmon buy two hours? Moleculemon, which officers can be deployed now?"

"Only Machinedramon and DarkMachinetyrannomon can be dispatched, and BullyBearmon is in charge of logistics, and his actual combat power may not be as good as mine~"

This is not that Moleculemon belittles BullyBearmon, but that guy is just a thin-skinned, big-stuffed, low-defense fake, and usually only bullies the weak. If he really goes to the battlefield, his destructive power may not be as great as that of a mature Guardianmon or MachineArmormon.

"Molecularmon, from now on, shrink your defenses, abandon the outer cities, and instead focus on defending the fortress headquarters!

At the same time, let Machinedramon and DarkMachinetyrannosaurus each lead a team to stop the two Ultimate Forms, MetalSeadramon and Puppetmon!

In addition, Agumon, Garurumon, I also have something to ask of you.

" After Taichi made arrangements, he helped his two strongest partners evolve to Ultimate Forms at the same time,"Neither of you is big in size, and you are not very conspicuous on the battlefield.

After you go out, don't worry about the two Ultimate Forms, MetalSeadramon and Puppetmon, for the time being, and focus on killing the Perfect Form of the opponent who is in charge of commanding the army.

Do you understand? In addition, if you are discovered by the two Ultimate Forms, run if you can.

If you can't run, fight while leading them to where we ambush the army.

Molecularmon will convey instructions to you at any time in the main control room.


"It is indeed a very clever assault tactic to stagger the high-end combat forces of both sides and kill the other side's middle-level leaders with all their strength, causing chaos in the enemy's command system. But Master Taiyi, when you asked me to pass on the message, do you mean that you are going to go to the front line yourself?"Molecular Beast agreed with Taiyi's previous words, but the last sentence made it a little dazed.

Is this guy crazy?

Outside is a battlefield with flying energy. Even a complete body has to worry about dying accidentally, let alone you, a mere human child?

"I'm not going to the front line, I'm going to the repair shop! The ball beast is being repaired, I have to go to the repair shop to guard it!"

"Master Taiichi, that is a wartime repair workshop located on the ground. From a geographical point of view, it is basically the same as the front line.…"

"I said, I want to go to the repair shop! Molecular beast, don't you understand me?"

"This…" After hearing Taichi’s words, Molecular Beast was stunned.

Taichi’s tone was too decisive, so decisive that Molecular Beast was a little scared.

It was afraid because it actually felt pity and guilt for Yagami Taichi!


Was it because it and Infinite Dragonmon had deceived him, but it turned out that Yagami Taichi, who took all this seriously, was ready to sacrifice his life to protect Infinite Dragonmon, so it felt guilty?

Please, this is impossible!

Molecular Beast is a super hacker who is determined to plunge the whole world into chaos and disorder. How could it be possible to feel emotional about the cheap emotions of mere humans!

At the same time, in the dark repair workshop, a certain Ultimate who had been listening to Taichi’s words also had a faint light inexplicably lit up in the visual sensor on its head.

Yagami Taichi and Rolling Ballmon… What kind of bond is it that is worth him taking such risks and even disregarding his life?

"Taiyi, if that's the case, we can go fight too!" Seeing that Taiyi was ready to take the risk, Akong, who knew he couldn't dissuade him, immediately expressed his desire to follow him.

"All of you stay here!

" Taichi shook his head seriously,"You have seen the situation outside, and almost every second, there are large numbers of Digimon dying in the war.

Even the Perfect Digimon may be seriously injured or even die after being attacked.

Among us, except for WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon who can move freely on the battlefield with their own strength and protection, other Digimon can only be living targets for the opponent if they go out, especially Garudamon, Chobimon and Zudomon!

" War is a battle of overall military strength.

Unless you have the strength to scare away thousands of troops like an Ultimate Digimon, your large size will only mean being killed by concentrated fire.

Unfortunately, three of the children's Digimon are big guys. Once on the battlefield, they are the type that look scary, but in fact they will never survive for more than five minutes.

What's more, in this kind of war situation, it is meaningless to have three or five more Perfect Digimon on your side.

"Then let's decide! Battle Greymon, MetalGarurumon, you go first. The others stay here, Sora, you must protect everyone."After Taichi instructed Sora, he turned his head and looked at Moleculemon with a serious face,"Give me a team of Mecha Armormon, and I will go to the repair shop to accompany Rollermon. In addition, if the fortress is lost, help my companions arrange a retreat first."

"Yes!" The molecular beast was frightened by Taiyi's momentum and responded instinctively by standing at attention, as if at that moment it really regarded Taiyi as the commander who was about to go to the battle,"Master Taiyi, I wish you a safe trip!"

"It'll be fine! Rollermon and I, all of us, will be fine!" Taiyi turned around, gave Moleculemon a deep look, and then left in big strides.

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